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ABSTRACTWe consider multiple regression (MR) model averaging using the focused information criterion (FIC). Our approach is motivated by the problem of implementing a mean-variance portfolio choice rule. The usual approach is to estimate parameters ignoring the intention to use them in portfolio choice. We develop an estimation method that focuses on the trading rule of interest. Asymptotic distributions of submodel estimators in the MR case are derived using a localization framework. The localization is of both regression coefficients and error covariances. Distributions of submodel estimators are used for model selection with the FIC. This allows comparison of submodels using the risk of portfolio rule estimators. FIC model averaging estimators are then characterized. This extension further improves risk properties. We show in simulations that applying these methods in the portfolio choice case results in improved estimates compared with several competitors. An application to futures data shows superior performance as well. 相似文献
We consider modeling the real exchange rate by a stationary three-regime self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR) model with possibly a unit root in the middle regime. This representation is consistent with purchasing power parity in the presence of trading costs. Our main contribution is to provide statistical tools for testing unit root versus a SETAR. First, we show that a SETAR with a unit root in the middle regime is stationary and mixing under reasonable assumptions. Second, we derive analytically the asymptotic distribution of our unit-root test under the null. Using monthly real exchange rate data, our test rejects the null of unit-root against a threshold process for five European series. 相似文献
Herman J. Bierens 《商业与经济统计学杂志》2013,31(3):323-337
Given the assumption that the components of a vector time series are stationary around nonlinear deterministic time trends, nonlinear cotrending is the phenomenon that one or more linear combinations of the time series are stationary around a linear trend or a constant; hence, the series have common nonlinear deterministic time trends. In this article, I develop nonparametric tests for nonlinear cotrending, and I derive nonparametric estimators of the cotrending vectors. I apply this approach to the federal funds rate and the consumer price index inflation rate in the United States, using monthly data, to analyze the price puzzle. 相似文献
The local polynomial methods and martingale estimating equations are used to develop closed form estimators of the intensity function and its derivatives for multiplicative counting process models. The consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators are established. The estimator generalizes that proposed by Ramlau-Hansen (1983) with a smaller bias than the Ramlau-Hansen intensity estimator. The derivative estimators give smoother estimates than the Ramlau-Hansen derivative estimators. The proposed estimators are applied to analyze the infection rate and its derivatives of the 2003 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic in Beijing, China. 相似文献
We consider the local linear generalized method of moment (GMM) estimation of functional coefficient models with a mix of discrete and continuous data and in the presence of endogenous regressors. We establish the asymptotic normality of the estimator and derive the optimal instrumental variable that minimizes the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix among the class of all local linear GMM estimators. Data-dependent bandwidth sequences are also allowed for. We propose a nonparametric test for the constancy of the functional coefficients, study its asymptotic properties under the null hypothesis as well as a sequence of local alternatives and global alternatives, and propose a bootstrap version for it. Simulations are conducted to evaluate both the estimator and test. Applications to the 1985 Australian Longitudinal Survey data indicate a clear rejection of the null hypothesis of the constant rate of return to education, and that the returns to education obtained in earlier studies tend to be overestimated for all the work experience. 相似文献
AbstractWe propose a difference-in-differences approach for disentangling a total treatment effect within specific subpopulations into a direct effect and an indirect effect operating through a binary mediating variable. Random treatment assignment along with specific common trend and effect homogeneity assumptions identify the direct effects on the always and never takers, whose mediator is not affected by the treatment, as well as the direct and indirect effects on the compliers, whose mediator reacts to the treatment. In our empirical application, we analyze the impact of the Vietnam draft lottery on political preferences. The results suggest that a high draft risk due to the draft lottery outcome leads to an increase in mild preferences for the Republican Party, but has no effect on strong preferences for either party or on specific political attitudes. The increase in Republican support is mostly driven by the direct effect not operating through the mediator that is military service. 相似文献
Efthymios G. Tsionas 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2013,42(10):1689-1706
This article considers explicit and detailed theoretical and empirical Bayesian analysis of the well-known Poisson regression model for count data with unobserved individual effects based on the lognormal, rather than the popular negative binomial distribution. Although the negative binomial distribution leads to analytical expressions for the likelihood function, a Poisson-lognormal model is closer to the concept of regression with normally distributed innovations, and accounts for excess zeros as well. Such models have been considered widely in the literature (Winkelmann, 2008). The article also provides the necessary theoretical results regarding the posterior distribution of the model. Given that the likelihood function involves integrals with respect to the latent variables, numerical methods organized around Gibbs sampling with data augmentation are proposed for likelihood analysis of the model. The methods are applied to the patent-R&D relationship of 70 US pharmaceutical and biomedical companies, and it is found that it performs better than Poisson regression or negative binomial regression models. 相似文献