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It is known that due to the existence of the nonparametric component, the usual estimators for the parametric component or its function in partially linear regression models are biased. Sometimes this bias is severe. To reduce the bias, we propose two jackknife estimators and compare them with the naive estimator. All three estimators are shown to be asymptotically equivalent and asymptotically normally distributed under some regularity conditions. However, through simulation we demonstrate that the jackknife estimators perform better than the naive estimator in terms of bias when the sample size is small to moderate. To make our results more useful, we also construct consistent estimators of the asymptotic variance, which are robust against heterogeneity of the error variances.  相似文献   

Ranked set sampling is applicable whenever ranking of a set of sampling units can be done easily by a judgement method or based on the measurement of an auxiliary variable on the units selected. In this work, we derive different estimators of a parameter associated with the distribution of the study variate Y, based on a ranked-set sample obtained by using an auxiliary variable X correlated with Y for ranking the sample units, when (X, Y) follows a bivariate Pareto distribution. Efficiency comparisons among these estimators are also made. Real-life data have been used to illustrate the application of the results obtained.  相似文献   

Suppose two independent observations are drawn from Pareto distributions with known shape parameters and an order restriction on the unknown location parameters. An isotonic regression estimator of the smaller location parameter dominates a preferred marginal estimator under squared error loss, but fails to dominate under stochastic domination. The results expressed herein advance the theory of order restricted inference.  相似文献   


In finance, economics, statistical physics, signal processing, telecommunications, etc., we frequently meet data sets with outliers that transport important information. α-stable distributions are found more suitable in modeling these kind of data. But the lack of simple and effective methods of estimating their parameters limited their applications to wider variety of fields. In this article we develop an unbiased estimator for the stable index α. With the structure of U-statistic, it inherits all the good statistical properties from U-statistics. A consistent estimator of its asymptotic variance is provided. The asymptotic normality of the given estimator holds when using the estimated variance for standardization. Simulation studies are performed. The results support our theory.  相似文献   


Estimation of scale parameter under the squared log error loss function is considered with restriction to the principle of invariance and risk unbiasedness. An explicit form of minimum risk scale-equivariant estimator under this loss is obtained. The admissibility and inadmissibility of a class of linear estimators of the form (cT + d) are considered, where T follows a gamma distribution with an unknown scale parameter η and a known shape parameter ν. This includes the admissibility of the minimum risk equivariant estimator on η (MRE).  相似文献   

In this article, a partially linear errors-in-variables model is considered, and empirical log-likelihood ratio statistic for the unknown parameter in the model is suggested. It is proved that the proposed statistic is asymptotically standard chi-square distribution under some suitable conditions, and hence it can be used to construct the confidence region of the parameter. A simulation study indicates that, in terms of coverage probabilities and average lengths of the confidence intervals, the proposed method performs better than the least-squares method.  相似文献   

Abstract. Estimating higher‐order moments, particularly fourth‐order moments in linear mixed models is an important, but difficult issue. In this article, an orthogonality‐based estimation of moments is proposed. Under only moment conditions, this method can easily be used to estimate the model parameters and moments, particularly those of higher order than the second order, and in the estimators the random effects and errors do not affect each other. The asymptotic normality of all the estimators is provided. Moreover, the method is readily extended to handle non‐linear, semiparametric and non‐linear models. A simulation study is carried out to examine the performance of the new method.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a generalized linear model and estimate the unknown parameters using robust M-estimator. Under suitable conditions and by the strong law of large numbers and central limits theorem, the proposed M-estimators are proved to be consistent and asymptotically normal. We also evaluate the finite sample performance of our estimator through a Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   

Linear estimation and prediction based on several samples of generalized order statistics from generalized Pareto distributions is considered. Representations of best linear unbiased estimators (BLUEs) and best linear equivariant estimators in location-scale families are derived, as well as corresponding optimal linear predictors. Moreover, we study positivity of the linear estimators of the scale parameter. An example illustrates that the BLUE may attain negative values with positive probability in certain situations.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a new method for the volatility function estimation of continuous-time diffusion process dX t  = μ(X t )dt + σ(X t )dW t , which is based on combining the idea of local linear smoother and variable bandwidth. We give the expressions for the conditional MSE and MISE of the estimator and obtain the optimal variable bandwidth. An explicit formula for the optimal variable bandwidth is presented by minimizing the MISE, which extends the related results in Fan and Gijbels (1992 Fan , J. Q. , Gijbels , I. ( 1992 ). Variable bandwidth and local linear regression smoother . Ann. Statist. 20 ( 4 ): 20082036 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), etc. Finally, some simulations show that the performance of the proposed estimator with optimal variable bandwidth is often much better than that of the local linear estimator with invariable bandwidth.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a new estimator for the generalized Pareto distribution, which is based on the maximum likelihood estimation and the goodness of fit. The asymptotic normality of the new estimator is shown and a small simulation. From the simulation, the performance of the new estimator is roughly comparable with maximum likelihood for positive values of the shape parameter and often much better than maximum likelihood for negative values.  相似文献   

非线性回归模型参数估计方法研究——以C-D生产函数为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过理论分析和蒙特卡罗模拟,对C-D生产函数模型参数的估计方法进行比较研究的结果表明:当误差项满足经典假设时,非线性最小二乘估计量具有与线性最小二乘估计类似的、近似BLUE的特性,且当误差项存在异方差时,用加权非线性最小二乘法也能大大改善估计量的性质。  相似文献   

In this article, a new method to estimate the Jackknifed generalized ridge tuning parameter, based on the Jackknifed Ridge-trace and an analytical method borrowed from generalized maximum entropy, is presented. The ideas in the article are illustrated and evaluated using to the well-known Portland cement data set and simulations.  相似文献   

It is shown how the usual two-step estimator for the standard sample selection model can be seen as a method of moments estimator. Standard GMM theory can be brought to bear on this model, greatly simplifying the derivation of the asymptotic properties of this model. Using this setup, the asymptotic variance is derived in detail and a consistent estimator of it is obtained that is guaranteed to be positive definite, in contrast with the estimator given in the literature. It is demonstrated how the MM approach easily accommodates variations on the estimator, like the two-step IV estimator that handles endogenous regressors, and a two-step GLS estimator. Furthermore, it is shown that from the MM formulation, it is straightforward to derive various specification tests, in particular tests for selection bias, equivalence with the censored regression model, normality, homoskedasticity, and exogeneity.  相似文献   

In the presence of covariates information, assuming the linear relationship between a transformation of survival time and covariates, we propose a new estimator of survival function and show its consistency. In addition, a comparison of the proposed estimator with the product-limit estimator introduced by Kaplan and Meier (1958) is performed through Monte Carlo simulation studies. We illustrate the proposed estimator with the updated Stanford heart transplant data.  相似文献   

本文在货币效用模型(MIU)框架下研究我国通货膨胀福利成本问题,理性经济人的动态最优化选择行为产生了一组随机非线性欧拉方程.利用这些方程,在稳定状态下推导出估计通货膨胀福利成本的方法.实证分析以欧拉方程为基础,利用广义矩方法(GMM)估计模型参数,进而估计出我国1995-2012年的通货膨胀福利成本.我们发现名义利率比通货膨胀率对通货膨胀福利成本的影响更大,在低通货膨胀水平,通货膨胀率对福利成本的影响更大.本文阐述的估计通货膨胀福利成本的方法的优势在于能够同时考虑通货膨胀率和名义利率两个变量的影响,而传统估计方法只能利用名义利率作为持有货币的机会成本变量来估计通货膨胀福利成本.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of estimation of the length distribution of marine populations in the Gaussian-multinomial model is considered. For the purpose of the mean and covariance parameter estimation, the method of moments estimators are developed. That is, minimum variance linear unbiased estimator for the mean frequency vector is derived and a consistent estimator for the covariance matrix of the length observations is presented. The usefulness of the proposed estimators is illustrated with an analysis of real cod length measurement data.  相似文献   

In this article, the preliminary test estimator is considered under the BLINEX loss function. The problem under consideration is the estimation of the location parameter from a normal distribution. The risk under the null hypothesis for the preliminary test estimator, the exact risk function for restricted maximum likelihood and approximated risk function for the unrestricted maximum likelihood estimator, are derived under BLINEX loss and the different risk structures are compared to one another both analytically and computationally. As a motivation on the use of BLINEX rather than LINEX, the risk for the preliminary test estimator under BLINEX loss is compared to the risk of the preliminary test estimator under LINEX loss and it is shown that the LINEX expected loss is higher than BLINEX expected loss. Furthermore, two feasible Bayes estimators are derived under BLINEX loss, and a feasible Bayes preliminary test estimator is defined and compared to the classical preliminary test estimator.  相似文献   

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