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为促进基础教育的发展,高效课堂是课堂教学追求的终极目标。高效课堂是指在课堂内达到更高的教育教学效率、教学效果的课堂。具体而言是指在有效课堂的基础上,完成教学任务,达到教学目标并且取得教育教学的较高影响力和社会效益的课堂。高效课堂的主要目标是培养学生的终身发展能力。本文将从以下几个方面对提高中学英语教学质量进行讨论:(1)中学英语教学现状及存在的问题。(2)构建高效英语课堂的对策。(3)高效课堂意义和前景。  相似文献   

近段时间,我校进行了一系列新课程改革,其中影响很大的当数如何提高课堂的高效性。那么,什么是课堂的高效性?特别是如何提高初中思想政治课课堂的高效性提出我个人的建议。一、如何理解高效课堂高效课堂就是教师教得高效、学生学得高效的课堂。有人这样评价:是学生主动学习积极思维的课堂,是学生充分自主学习的课堂,是师生互动、生生互动的课堂,是学生对所学内容主动实现意义构建的课堂。  相似文献   

周建 《现代妇女》2014,(5):211-211,214
数学新课程教学改革理念下的素质教育目标的实现在于高效课堂的成功构建。高效课堂就是要求教师在有限的课堂时间里尽可能获得最大教学效果的教学活动。本文从教与学两个方面分析高效课堂如何构建。  相似文献   

新课标要求我们的课堂是高效课堂,是卓越课堂.什么样的课堂才是高效课堂和卓越课堂呢?那就是能调动学生的学习积极性,调动学生学习的主观性,能挖掘教材闪光点,能开展丰富多彩的活动,教学手段的多样化等;从而创建高中英语学习的高效课堂.  相似文献   

所谓生态高效课堂,是指在课堂教学中,教师为学生创设和谐的学习环境,让学生富有个性地自主学习、开放地合作学习与探究学习,最终实现高效率、可持续发展的课堂模式。要想打造英语高效课堂,提高教学和课堂效率,笔者认为,打造英语生态与高效课堂尤为关键。  相似文献   

盘亮星 《职业》2014,(33):21-22
本文在分析我国中等职业学校课堂现状的基础上,结合笔者在德国专业学习和高效课堂体验的经历,就如何构建高效课堂提出了思路。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,科学的进步,我国的教育理论界对中学新课程改革也在进行广泛深入的研究,高效课堂已经成为广大教师的新追求。本文通过对中学课堂现状的阐述以及对创办中学高效课堂的方法的研究,从而成就老师和学生们心中理想的高效课堂。  相似文献   

张建国 《职业》2011,(3):59-59
高效课堂充分体现了新课改教学理念。从学生角度来讲,高效课堂应具备以下两个条件:一是学生对三维教学目标的达成度要高。二是在实现这种目标达成度的过程中,学生应主动参与并积极思考。从这个角度来说,高效课堂就是学生主动学习、积极思考的课堂,  相似文献   

高效的课堂构建是新课程标准改革要求中的一个重要方面,高质量和高效率的课堂教学应从小学抓起,尊重学生主体地位,全面调动学生的积极性,尤其是逻辑性比较强的数学学科,更需要加强课堂教学设计和思考,对于牧区小学生来说,他们牧区的生活环境相对闭塞,教育资源和教学条件有限,教师的课堂主导作用更强烈,这不利于构建高效课堂。本文提出牧区小学高效课堂构建的作用,并提出小学数学高效课堂构建的策略。  相似文献   

课堂是教学活动中最重要的场所,要想提高教学效率,必须从课堂抓起。所谓高效课堂,简言之就是让学生在时间有限的课堂上能够尽快尽可能多地获取知识并能够有效利用。本文提出,建构高效课堂,首先要做的就是激发和调动学生的学习兴趣,培养学生主动参与、乐于探究的积极性,为高效课堂的顺利进行奠定基础;第二,对教师的能力提出了更高的要求,教师的能力是高效课堂有序进行的保障;第三,学习知识要及时配合实践来完成,实践是检验学习成果的最佳方式,并且可以反馈给课堂,从而提高课堂效率。  相似文献   

There are substantial numbers of high school dropouts among middle class, high achieving and majority youth. Yet, little research has been undertaken to identify the psychosocial and family characteristics, educational needs, and program requirements of middle class dropout youth. This paper reports the educational history, individual psychosocial characteristics and family backgrounds of 102 middle class dropout youth who participated in an educational treatment program within a university. Data from a questionnaire and a family assessment instrument indicate that middle class dropout youth have a variety of family, social, emotional and learning disorders. Implications for clinical interventions are presented along with a case history and treatment plan of one of the youth in the study.  相似文献   

This study examined socioeconomic status (SES) and perceived social class as predictors of educational and occupational aspirations and expectations in a sample of 100 high school students from 2 midwestern high schools. SES was measured using caregivers' occupation and education, and subjective social status was assessed using the MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status–Youth Version (Goodman et al., 2001 SES and perceived social class made independent contributions to educational aspirations, whereas SES made an independent contribution to occupational aspirations and expectations. The authors discuss the importance of SES and social class in career development theory and research and provide practical implications based on the present findings. Overall, this study highlights the importance of measuring SES and social class as distinct constructs and the need for future work to identify the unique impacts of these variables.  相似文献   

  • African American girls are disproportionately represented in juvenile detention, yet less is known about their distinctive and heterogeneous needs, especially regarding their psychosocial contexts. Latent class analysis determined four subgroups based on the adolescent ecology (neighborhood, family, peers) among detained African American girls ages 13–17 (N = 188). The Shielded class (32%) displayed the lowest levels of risk and highest levels of protective factors. The Typical class (24%) was close to the sample average on all indicators, with elevated histories of family incarceration. The Family Distress class (16%) reported the lowest neighborhood risk but was marked by high family risk levels and abuse history. The Highest Risk class (28%) had elevated risk on most indicators but particularly high neighborhood and peer risk. These classes significantly varied by youth social context and mental health. Findings bolster the need to consider the diverse, multidimensional contextual experiences of detained and at-risk African American girls.

This study examines whether there are multiple joint trajectories of depression and problem gambling co-development in a sample of emerging adults. Data were from the Manitoba Longitudinal Study of Young Adults (n = 679), which was collected in 4 waves across 5 years (age 18–20 at baseline). Parallel process latent class growth modeling was used to identified 5 joint trajectory classes: low decreasing gambling, low increasing depression (81%); low stable gambling, moderate decreasing depression (9%); low stable gambling, high decreasing depression (5%); low stable gambling, moderate stable depression (3%); moderate stable problem gambling, no depression (2%). There was no evidence of reciprocal growth in problem gambling and depression in any of the joint classes. Multinomial logistic regression analyses of baseline risk and protective factors found that only neuroticism, escape-avoidance coping, and perceived level of family social support were significant predictors of joint trajectory class membership. Consistent with the pathways model framework, we observed that individuals in the problem gambling only class were more likely using gambling as a stable way to cope with negative emotions. Similarly, high levels of neuroticism and low levels of family support were associated with increased odds of being in a class with moderate to high levels of depressive symptoms (but low gambling problems). The results suggest that interventions for problem gambling and/or depression need to focus on promoting more adaptive coping skills among more “at-risk” young adults, and such interventions should be tailored in relation to specific subtypes of comorbid mental illness.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of class load and other factors on teacher turnover. Unlike previous studies, class load characteristics–class size, number of classes taught, and percentage of class time spent in areas outside a teacher's certification area–are included along with salary, personal characteristics, and district characteristics in a discrete time hazard model to simulate the effects of changing classroom characteristics on high school teacher turnover. The results indicate that class load characteristics are important correlates of job turnover. Policy implications for school districts, given a growing school-age population, are discussed.  相似文献   

Economic disparity in Japan has been increasing since approximately 1980. This change has been particularly significant in one of its global cities, the Tokyo metropolitan area, resulting in a dramatic transformation of its socio‐spatial structure. Until the 1980s, economic disparity in Tokyo was not as large as that in the whole of Japan. Moreover, the concentration of high‐income households in the center of Tokyo was not significant. However, the old middle class, which consist of self‐employed individuals, and small capitalist class began to dissolve in the 1980s and 1990s, respectively, resulting in a decline in the population in the center of the city and its surrounding areas. In the 2000s the new middle class began to move into these areas. This was gentrification; however, because of the time difference between the dissolution of the old middle class and small capitalists and the influx of the new middle class, it was not violent but proceeded in a relatively peaceful manner. Until 1990, in areas 20‐40 km from the center of Tokyo, income levels and the proportion of the new middle class were high, however by 2010 the proportion of the working class had increased, and income levels had fallen significantly. Thus, in the Tokyo metropolitan area, the old middle class and the small capitalists in and around the center of Tokyo were replaced by the new middle class, and a hierarchical socio‐spatial structure culminationg in the center of Tokyo developed.  相似文献   

Conclusion Social structure and economic development largely influence the nature of social conflicts and political transformation. A combination of low political and economic integration and a high level of consolidation results in reformist conflicts. Low state intervention in the allocation and accumulation of capital reduces the probability that class conflict will be directed against the state. When state intervention is low, depoliticized, abstract market forces determine capital allocation and accumulation. In addition, low political and economic integration may give the state the appearance of serving societal interests rather than the interests of the upper class. This appearance of autonomy is reinforced by the institutions of formal democracy. As a consequence, class conflict is contained within civil society and deflected from the state. When consolidation is high, reformist conflicts against holders of capital may emerge. The United States experienced such movements in the 1930s. During the Great Depression, the state was drawn into some conflicts, but was not attacked by the working class. Today, the United States, like other advanced industrial societies, is less receptive to consolidation because of moderate levels of economic polarization, greater economic resilience, and high social differentiation. When state intervention and consolidation are low, organized groups with resources may gain economic benefits through segmented class conflict, whereas collectivities with weak solidarity and few resources remain inactive. Such is the case in the United States today.The combination of a high level of state intervention in capital allocation and accumulation with a high level of consolidation increases the likelihood of revolutionary conflict. High state intervention in capital allocation and accumulation has crucial social consequences. First, it politicizes other-wise abstract market relations. Second, it clearly reveals the state to be allied with a small circle of upper-class entrepreneurs, thereby discrediting the state's claim to serve societal interest. As a consequence, class conflict can readily assume a political character, expanding its target to include the state. A high level of consolidation enhances the capacity of challenging groups to act collectively to resist repression and seize power. Consolidation is more likely in societies with a high level of economic polarization, highly dependent economies, and low social differentiation. Russia in 1917 and Iran and Nicaragua in 1979 are revealing examples. The Russian and Nicaraguan revolutions were carried out primarily by workers and peasants, which helps explain the socialist orientation of the new leadership. In contrast, in Iran, the revolution was largely based on the conflicts and struggles of the traditional middle class, which eventually led to the formation of the theocratic state. A combination of high state intervention and low consolidation generates segmented conflict directed against the state. Many Third World societies are experiencing such a conflict today.To conclude, Marx's analysis focused primarily on social classes underemphasizing the significance of the state and its relation to society and economy. Skocpol's analysis, on the other hand, primarily focused on the state and the upper class, and failed to specify the proper, determining variables. If the analysis presented here is useful in specifying the conditions and forms of social conflicts, we must pay greater attention to social structural analysis, the nature of the relationship between the state, economy, social classes, and solidarity structures.  相似文献   

Research has shown that a positive school climate plays a protective role in the social, emotional, and academic development of adolescent youth. Researchers have utilized variable centered measures to assess school climate, which is limited in capturing heterogeneous patterns of school climate. In addition, few studies have systematically explored the role of race and gender in perceived school climate. This study utilizes a latent class approach to assess whether there are discrete classes of school climate in a diverse statewide sample of middle and high school youth. Drawing from the 2009–2011 California Healthy Kids Survey, this study identified four latent classes of school climate: Some caring, connectedness, and safe; negative climate; high caring, participation, and safe; and positive climate. The findings indicated that race and grade level significantly predicted school climate class membership. Black students were three times more likely to be members of the negative school climate class, when compared to White students. Gender did not significantly predict school climate class membership. The results of this study provide school climate researchers and educators with a nuanced picture of school climate patterns among middle and high school students.  相似文献   

Taking a unified approach to studying nonprofit financial health, this research tackles a key question that has remained unexplored in the literature: “What lies at the intersection of the two key dimensions of financial health–financial stability and financial growth?” Specifically, we identify and compare nonprofits that exhibit high levels of financial stability and growth (high financially performing) to those that exhibit low levels (low financially performing)? Overall, we find that high financial performers (HFPs) tend to be older and larger organizations (in terms of unrestricted net assets and total revenue). HFPs are also more likely to report capital assets, and report high levels of compensation. Finally, HFPs tend to contain their overhead spending by exercising efficiency by investing in talented officers (paying more than the rest), but limiting the share of officer compensation, administrative, and fundraising expenses, as a percentage of total expenses. The results of the study should be informative to stakeholders attempting to understand the profile of an organization that is successfully able to achieve both capacity growth and financial stability.  相似文献   

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