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20世纪90年代末期以来日本银行相继实施了零利率政策和量化宽松货币政策,统称为"非传统货币政策"。量化宽松政策在理论上有"时间轴效果"、"资产再配置效果"等效应,提供了在特殊情况下新的货币政策调控机制。运用向量自回归模型对日本非传统货币政策效果进行分析,结果表明,非传统货币政策冲击对景气复苏和物价上涨存在一定影响,但长期效果并不特别明显。与全时期相比,2009年之后新政策的效果更为明显,也存在较为清晰的政策传导路径。货币政策作为短期宏观调控手段,能否持续实施并达到促进长期经济增长的目标,是非传统货币政策面临的主要问题。  相似文献   

刘瑞 《日本学刊》2007,(1):42-54
20世纪90年代末,为使日本经济摆脱长期萧条,日本银行实施了金融史上前所未有的超宽松货币政策——零利率政策和数量宽松政策。2006年,伴随日本经济复苏,数量宽松政策和零利率政策先后宣布解除。本文以IS-LM模型为理论工具,分析货币政策在日本经济走出长期萧条过程中所发挥的作用以及利率功能复活后货币政策的新动向。  相似文献   

"安倍经济学"的第一支箭即"大胆的货币政策",其核心内容是仿效美国采取量化宽松政策,以达到通过日元贬值刺激出口增长进而带动经济增长的目的。从目前情况看,日元贬值并未带来日本出口的实质性增长,反而由于其进口需求弹性小,使日本的贸易收支条件不断恶化。造成这种现象的原因,除了"J曲线"效应的作用外,还因为受到美国、欧盟、中国等日本几大贸易伙伴的经济增长放缓、进口需求疲软以及中日钓鱼岛争端等因素的影响。随着美、欧、中等经济体的经济复苏,以及"安倍经济学"相关政策特别是第三支箭实施效果的逐步显现,相信通过一年左右的调整期,在国内外因素的合力作用下,"安倍经济学"带动出口增长的效果会逐步显现出来。  相似文献   

自2013年以来,日本银行实施了前所未有的量化质化宽松货币政策和负利率政策,力图实现金融体系的稳定和消除通货紧缩。这种非传统的大力度的货币政策,首先直接对金融市场产生很大的影响,继而扩展到整个经济领域。在上述政策背景下日本金融市场的走势,既有积极的动向,也有与政策目标不相符合的,这期间日本信贷市场、外汇市场、股票债券市场的走势,反映了五年来日本金融的发展概况,同时也为分析这一时期日本货币政策效果及思考货币政策的合理方式提供了基础。  相似文献   

安倍经济学的第一支箭宽松货币政策实施几年来,实际经济数据为我们提供了实证分析的条件,但是分析结果表明政策并没有取得明显的效果,与笔者当初进行的理论预测没有太大的出入。黑田央行货币政策(异维度的量化、质化宽松政策)提出了明确的物价提高目标和实现目标的时间,尽管日本银行大量购买风险资产并大量增加基础货币的供给量,但是其通货膨胀目标基本上是无法实现的。货币政策导致了日元大幅度贬值,但是其所导致的企业绩效改善是不均衡的,大型出口企业受益而中小企业受损,没有明显的增加雇用的效果,反而导致了实际工资的下降。股市行情高涨也有助于企业绩效改善,但是这并不是可持续的,已经受到内外因素的影响出现了重大的波动。总之,就货币政策而言,安倍经济学没有取得成功甚至可以说陷于失败的境地。  相似文献   

近年来 ,美国的宏观经济形势良好 ,突出表现为 :低通货膨胀率、低失业率以及生产率的显著增长。这一现象在很大程度上得益于信息技术 ,特别是因特网的发展。本文从正反两方面检验了以下 4个命题 :1 美国经济的生产率已经加速增长了 ;2 生产率加速的驱动力源自信息技术的进步 ;3 由于生产率增长加快 ,美国经济一方面得以保证更高的增长率 ,另一方面又能够维持目前较低的通货膨胀率 ;4 相对先前经济增长较慢时所采取的宽松的货币政策 ,美联储应该实行更宽松的政策。用一句话来概括 ,即我们是否已经处在“新经济”中了 ?经济学家何以对生产率…  相似文献   

为应对长期通货紧缩困境,日本银行在试错中不断实践金融创新。在自然利率水平低、国债购买接近上限等背景下,2016年1月日本银行实施负利率政策,将商业银行在日本银行经常账户存款分为三个层级,分别适用正利率、零利率和负利率。政策实行后,长期国债收益率转为负值,收益率曲线平坦,金融机构盈利空间收窄,金融体系风险加剧。在对量化、质化宽松政策进行全面评估及检验基础上,同年9月日本银行再次大胆尝试,推出以长、短期利率为操作目标的量化、质化宽松货币政策,在继续维持负利率政策的同时调控长期国债利率,此举使作用于总需求的短期非传统宽松货币政策演变为一场持久战。  相似文献   

张健  魏薇 《社科纵横》2015,(1):60-64
为应对全球金融危机,美联储实施了非常时期的"量化宽松"货币政策。本文对美联储实施该政策的背景、实施过程和实施后效果进行了深入分析,并对整个政策做出了评价。  相似文献   

东日本大地震后日元异常升值,不是由灾后重建引发海外资金回流导致,而是由投资者普遍预期日本海外资金回流而大举做多日元和日元澳元套利交易平仓操作所致。在对日本的经济增长前景、总债务状况、海外资金回流、量化宽松货币政策、日元资产收益率和通货紧缩等因素作系统考察后,可以认为日元汇率在未来两三年内很可能呈小幅升值之势。  相似文献   

自"安倍经济学"实施以来,日本经济经历了短暂的复苏,但仍旧步履维艰。本文回顾2015年以来日本经济在GDP、对外贸易、个人消费支出、CPI变化率和预计的消费税改革等方面的表现,对2016财年及今后日本经济的走势作以展望。今年初,日本银行在量化质化宽松货币政策(QQE)的基础上又推出了负利率政策,配合"安倍经济学"第二阶段的新"三支箭"。在经济低迷、通货紧缩以及社会人口结构失衡的背景下,安倍政府将面临很大的挑战,而日本景气的恢复也前途未卜。只有更好地落实结构性改革的各项措施,日本经济才能根除病灶,面向未来。  相似文献   

The paper formulates the modeling of unconventional monetary policy and critically evaluates its effectiveness to address the Global Financial Crisis. We begin with certain principles guiding general scientific modeling and focus on Milton Friedman's 1968 Presidential Address that delineates the strengths and limitations of monetary policy to pursue certain goals. The modeling of monetary policy with its novelty of quantitative easing to target unusually high unemployment is evaluated by a Markov switching econometric model using monthly data for the period 2002–2015. We conclude by relating the lessons learned from unconventional monetary policy during the Global Financial Crisis to the recent bold initiatives of the Fed to mitigate the economic and financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on U.S. households and businesses.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the lack of timely and decisive policy action to correct domestic and external imbalances contributed crucially to the build-up of financial excesses that led to the financial crisis and the Great Recession. We focus on 2002–2007 and perform a number of counterfactual simulations to investigate two central elements of the story, namely: (a) an over-expansionary US monetary policy and the absence of effective macro-prudential supervision, which permitted a prolonged expansion of debt-financed consumer spending and (b) the choice by China and other emerging countries to pursue an export-led growth strategy supported by pegging their currencies to the US dollar, in conjunction with sluggish domestic demand in major advanced economies characterized by low potential output growth. The results of the simulations lend support to the view that if substantial, globally coordinated demand rebalancing had been undertaken early on, the macroeconomic and financial imbalances would not have accumulated to the extent that they did and the financial turmoil might have had less drastic global consequences.  相似文献   

金融危机下国际货币体系改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冯畅  姜文景 《创新》2009,3(7):78-82
由美国次贷危机演变而来的金融风暴席卷全球,以美元为主导的国际货币体系遭遇挑战,国际货币体系改革又重新提上日程。对国际货币体系进行简单介绍,分析金融危机凸显的国际货币体系存在的问题,提出国际货币体系改革建议及中国的应对措施。  相似文献   

There have been relatively few analyses of the policy context and consequences of a Zero Lower Bound (ZLB) for nominal interest rates. This paper sets out monetary policy alternatives, including negative interest rates, a revision of the inflation target, and rendering unconventional policy instruments such as QE conventional (permanent). Following extensive discussion of policy options, we set out a model that explores the impacts of the real policy rate on economic growth, employment and inflation, with particular attention to the British economy. We use a Time-Varying Structural Vector Auto-regressive (TVSVAR) Model where the sources of time variation are both the coefficients and variance–covariance matrix of the innovations. It was found that real rates have significant implications for real growth, the labour market and price stability even when monetary policy was constrained at the ZLB in nominal terms. The study additionally applies a discrete break in the data to focus on the Post-Global Financial Crisis and ZLB period. This indicates that the effectiveness of real rates did not diminish and this has important implications in terms of a policy approach which seeks to exploit real negative rates.  相似文献   

This study is the first attempt to facilitate the substantial change in post-crisis monetary policy of the Fed to test the validity of Lucas Critique toward exploring implications of such changes for policymaking. Global financial crisis, asking for fundamental regime alterations presented an invaluable opportunity to test the empirical validity of Lucas Critique. We make use of quarterly US data over 1990–2015 to test for superexogeneity, the rejection of which lends support to Lucas Critique. We define the marginal models for wealth, GDP and Treasury Bill rate to construct the conditional model of money demand following Hendry (1988). Our results reject superexogeneity of the policies and report the support for Lucas Critique. We discuss about the details and consequences of the monetary policy followed to suggest arguments to prolonging debates on policy discussions.  相似文献   

This article documents recent developments in emerging markets in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, assesses their prospects and challenges, and discusses appropriate policy settings for the medium term. It argues that EM policymakers’ ability to grapple with an incomplete and uneven recovery will be constrained by high public debt and uncertain inflation prospects as well as external risks surrounding capital flows and exchange rate developments. The paper also discusses potential impact of a tightening in global financial conditions and appreciation of the US dollar that could be triggered by a general increase in risk aversion or a reassessment of the likely path of US monetary policy.  相似文献   

对我国通胀率、农产品价格和M2等三个变量进行相依性周期的检验与分解表明,农产品价格周期波动剧烈,在很大程度上为“圈地”等导致的粮价波动以及诸如猪肉价格暴涨暴跌等因素对农产品价格的冲击效应。阕此,将现行的粮食收购保护价改革为粮食生产保护价与销售保护价,将减弱粮价等因素对农产品价格和通胀的冲击强度。农产品价格与通胀率和M2的周期弱相依,M2与通胀率的周期强相依,它们周期成分的交点形成“梭形”,说明我国货币政策目标在抑制通胀和促进增长之间交替转换。在农产品价格周期处于基本平稳时,可实施适度宽松的货币政策刺激经济增长,但其扩张幅度应以M2的相依周期成分扩大至1.5左右为宜;在农产品价格怏速上涨或者周期成分的上升期,应以抑制农产品价格为先导,刺激经济增长的适度宽松货币政策宜延缓至农产品价格周期处于平稳或者下行期,再予以实施。  相似文献   

A test and decomposition of the codependent cycles of the consumer price index (CPI), agricultural producer price index (APPI) and M2 reveals that the sharp cyclical fluctuations in agricultural producer prices largely stem from the grain price fluctuations induced by factors such as land enclosure and the impact on APP of the abrupt changes in pork prices and other factors. Therefore, changing the current policy of grain purchasing price subsidies to one of subsidies to grain production and sales will reduce the impact of grain prices and other factors on APP and inflation. The weak cyclic codependence among APP, CPI and M2, along with the strong cyclic codependence between M2 and CPI, has given rise to a “shuttle-shaped” intersection of cyclic elements. This indicates that China’s monetary policy goal has been alternating between curbing inflation and stimulating growth. When the APP cycle is basically stable, China can implement a moderately easing monetary policy to stimulate economic growth, but this must be based on a 1.5 or so margin of increase in the codependent cycle components of M2. When APP rises sharply or is in the rising phase of cycle elements, China should emphasize APP control, and should delay the moderately easing monetary policy till the APP cycle becomes stable or is in the downlink phase.  相似文献   

Based on the argument that monetary policy credibility can reduce the fear of floating (FF), we analyze this hypothesis for Brazil. Since expectations play a key role under Inflation Targeting, we also analyze whether credibility can affect the expectations of financial markets about the FF of the Central Bank. The results show credibility can reduce the FF, and financial markets expect less intervention by the Central Bank when credibility is higher. Thus, policymakers must pay attention to the credibility of their policies, otherwise they may be misinterpreted regarding both the goals they pursue and how they conduct monetary policy.  相似文献   

宏观金融博弈分析与我国货币政策实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西方经济学界将博弈分析方法推广到金融领域取得了理论成果,尤其以宏观金融博弈分析在20世纪90年代的最新发展为主要内容.完全信息动态博弈和不完全信息动态博弈两类模型,对货币政策的连贯性与可信度以及中央银行声誉做出了重新解释,货币政策目标、货币政策操作程序、中央银行独立性及政策透明度等热点问题在我国金融体制改革实践中的作用是至关重要的.  相似文献   

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