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近年来,顶岗实习学生权益受损事件频频见诸媒体,其根本原因是我国法律规范及学界通说片面的将顶岗实习学生的法律身份界定为学生,忽视其与实习单位之间的关系。顶岗实习虽是学生学习活动的组成部分,但实习学生在此过程与实习单位所雇用员工几乎没有差异,因此,若赋予他们准劳动者的法律身份,并基于此构建相应的保障机制,将有效的提高他们的权益保障。 相似文献
通过回顾中国学术期刊网络出版总库收录的顶岗实习的文献,文章对顶岗实习的内涵及意义、顶岗实习的模式、顶岗实习存在的问题及其对策和顶岗实习如何管理四个方面的研究进行了系统述评,在此基础上分析了现有研究的不足,并展望了未来的研究方向,最后在综合现有研究成果基础上,得出了“政企校生”四方联动的顶岗实习研究新视角和校企组成利益共... 相似文献
提高学生的专业素养是社会工作实习的理想目标,但这种理想目标的实现是需要有一定的专业环境支持,当前中国并不具备这种环境。为了实现社会工作实习教育的理想目标,社会工作实习教育应该区分理想目标与手段目标的关系,在构建实习教育体系时,树立提高学生专业素养的理想目标和促进实习环境改善的手段目标。激发实习各方动力,满足各方需求,寻求多方共赢,是可以尝试的基本策略,而项目运作则是实现目标、落实策略的较好形式与载体。 相似文献
史礼正 《广州城市职业学院学报》2017,11(3)
文章调查了广州城市职业学院近四学年学生顶岗实习情况,发现高职院校实施顶岗实习,有利于工学结合、校企合作的开展以及高职人才培养目标的实现.但在顶岗实习实施过程中也存在学生顶岗实习单位分散、难以实施有效管理,顶岗实习与专业不对口、难以提高专业技能,顶岗实习岗位档次低、难以学到核心技术等问题.文章对此提出应对措施,以期充分发挥顶岗实习在高职人才培养中的作用,提高高职人才培养质量. 相似文献
"2+1"顶岗实习的长效机制研究——以物流管理专业为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
"2+1"顶岗实习有利于培养学生的职业技能和职业素养,为今后的工作打下良好的基础.文章从运行机制、保障机制和评价机制三个方面探讨顶岗实习长效机制的建立,解决实施过程中存在的问题. 相似文献
周会祥 《创新创业理论研究与实践》2022,(20):4-6
OBE是工程教育专业认证的核心理念,强调以学生的学习成果为导向,要求反向设计教学活动和评价标准。顶岗实习是学生在完成基本教学后,到专业对口企业参与生产过程的一种实践教学形式。传统质量评价模式缺乏多元化的评价指标和过程性考核,很难客观反映学生的顶岗实习效果。该文以OBE理念为核心,探索构建多元化评价主体与评价指标的顶岗实习质量评价体系,达到对顶岗实习效果进行客观真实评价的目的,有助于顶岗实习各阶段的优化完善,为高校开展顶岗实习质量评价提供可借鉴的思路和方法。 相似文献
陈菲 《广州城市职业学院学报》2012,(1):73-77
顶岗实习是高职院校实践教学改革、创新人才培养模式的一个重要环节,但目前的管理类专业顶岗实习运作过程中存在着一些问题,影响学生顶岗实习的效果。广州城市职业学院旅游管理专业课题组依据顶岗实习校企合作、工学结合的本质要求和运作规律,结合三年来顶岗实习的运作实践,构建五方联动,二元一体,全方位评价的顶岗实习三阶段运作模式。 相似文献
Ramesh Raghavan Peichang Shi Sigrid James Gregory A. Aarons Scott C. Roesch Laurel K. Leslie 《Journal of social service research》2013,39(4):352-363
ABSTRACT Children in the child welfare system have entitlements to health insurance coverage—critical because of their considerable physical and mental health needs—based largely on their placement status. This study conducted path and transitions analyses on data from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (3,801 children followed-up for 3 years) to examine the interplay between placement changes and insurance stability. Children maintained in-home at Wave 1 had significantly lower odds of being insured (OR = 0.7); children transitioning from out-of-home placement to in-home care had significantly lower odds of maintaining insurance coverage (OR = 0.6). Child welfare workers working with children maintained in-home and those being reunified should safeguard the children's insurance status. Policy makers should consider extension of categorical eligibility to all children presenting to child welfare agencies in order to assure access to needed services for these vulnerable children. 相似文献
《Social Sciences in China》2012,33(4):85-105
In recent years, many studies have begun to explore the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in promoting clean government, pointing out that it will make government more honest. However, existing research pays more attention to the correlation between the two factors, and few studies analyze in depth and in detail what the key ICT mechanism is that promotes the construction of clean government. Our case study of two innovative local clean government reforms in China has found that the key mechanism is improving the availability of information. Specifically, the reforms included two interrelated mechanisms: reducing the information asymmetry between vertical levels of government and bridging information barriers between government departments at the horizontal level. 相似文献
社会工作诞生于西方的社会环境中,其理念、理论、原则、实务模式和技巧都体现了西方的宗教理念、福利国家思想等,这种具有西方色彩的助人模式被引入中国后,要经历全方面和漫长的本土化过程。学界对于社会工作的本土化问题也作过不少的探索。本文对前者有关社会工作本土化的研究进行文献综述,通过这种方式对于以往研究社会工作的视角进行一定的整合,进而寻求一种更为新颖的视角去探索社会工作在中国的本土化问题。 相似文献
社会工作诞生于西方的社会环境中,其理念、理论、原则、实务模式和技巧都体现了西方的宗教理念、福利国家思想等,这种具有西方色彩的助人模式被引入中国后,要经历全方面和漫长的本土化过程。学界对于社会工作的本土化问题也作过不少的探索。本文对前者有关社会工作本土化的研究进行文献综述,通过这种方式对于以往研究社会工作的视角进行一定的整合,进而寻求一种更为新颖的视角去探索社会工作在中国的本土化问题。 相似文献
《Social Policy & Administration》2018,52(1):178-196
The past two decades have brought significant shifts in Norwegian activation policy towards a joined‐up and employability‐enhancing approach to labour market inclusion in order to promote return‐to‐work despite health problems or disabilities. Utilizing a concept from health promotion, we term this approach an ‘asset model’ of activation. The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (NAV) and its local offices are the main agents implementing the new policy. This article aims to investigate the strategies that the frontline workers of NAV engage in, in order to externalize an ‘asset model’ in the adjacent medical field and to the general practitioners (GPs) in particular. We analyze these strategies as forms of creative institutional work – the purposive actions undertaken to change existing presumptions and opinions among relevant actors. We argue that although the new activation policy is not theirs to develop, in order to bring about changes in practice, ‘creating’ institutional work by the frontline workers is required. Our findings show that the frontline workers develop strategies in order to externalize an asset model to the GPs, as part of operationalizing an ‘activation’ reform into practice. We identify four forms of ‘creating’ institutional work undertaken by the frontline workers: ‘defining’ – enacting legislation and regulation in relation to GPs; ‘constructing normative networks’ – creating a more collaborative relationship with the GPs; ‘educating’ – teaching the GPs about the rules and regulations, and the opportunities and assistive measures they can offer to the injured; and thereby also ‘changing normative associations’ of GPs towards the activation policy. 相似文献
城市快速公交系统的发展及我国的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
城市快速公交系统作为一种新型的城市公共交通系统以其独有特征在世界范围内得到广泛推广。介绍BRT系统的产生背景及在国内外的发展现状;在探究BRT系统的特点及其技术特征的基础上研究我国城市BRT系统规划应该遵循的原则及发展BRT系统的模式选择。 相似文献
在社会科学的历史中,定量和定性研究的争论持续了差不多半个世纪。随着研究者对实证主义的质疑,质性研究的数目逐渐增加。根据布瑞曼(Bryman,1988)的看法,质性研究有以下特点:(1)透过被访者的眼睛看世界;(2)描述日常生活情境的细节;(3)了解在不同社会范畴的背景中的行为及意义;(4)强调过程;(5)倾向采用文字及结构灵活的研究设计;(6)尽量避免在研究初期确立理论和观念。邓泽和林肯(Denzin & Lincoln,1998)也指出,质性研究有以下元素:(1)采用多元的研究手法;(2)涉及自然和诠译的角度;(3)在自然的情况下作出研究;(4)尝试理解和分析不同现象的… 相似文献
Suo Deng 《China Journal of Social Work》2020,13(1):55-69
ABSTRACT China’s dramatic socioeconomic transformation after the reform and opening up, coincided with changes in state-family relationship, has resulted in a large number of children at risk of care. In the past three decades, child welfare has been highly concerned by the government and society, and the child welfare system has substantially developed in the direction of establishing a moderately universal system. In this process, the development of child welfare and social work has shown a mutually reinforcing trend. This includes the professionalisation of child welfare services, the professional training of child welfare workers and the advancement of child welfare policies. The governance of child welfare is an essential component of national social governance. Its future development should be oriented towards a developmental and holistic approach of governance, and social work as an important institutional actor plays a critical role in promoting good governance of child welfare and beyond. 相似文献
Tina Maschi Kelly Sullivan Dennis Sandy Gibson Thalia MacMillan Susan Sternberg Maryann Hom 《Journal of gerontological social work》2013,56(4):390-424
The purpose of this article was to review the empirical literature that investigated trauma and stress among older adults in the criminal justice system. Nineteen journal articles published between 1988 and 2010 were identified and extracted via research databases and included mixed age samples of adjudicated older and younger adults (n = 11) or older adult only samples (n = 8). Findings revealed past and current trauma and stress, consequences and/or correlates, and internal and external coping resources among aging offenders. The implications and future directions for gerontological social work, research, and policy with older adults in the criminal justice system are advanced. 相似文献