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闫海燕 《社科纵横》2011,26(1):73-75
腐败有成本和收益,反腐败同样存在成本和收益,腐败与反腐败的博弈,导致了有腐败可能性的人是否选择腐败,以及反腐败的人是否选择反腐败。如果腐败的收益大于腐败成本,则他们会采取腐败的行为,否则,他们不会选择腐败;同时,反腐败的力度决定腐败的成本和收益的对比。如果反腐败收益大于反腐败成本,则政府会加大反腐败的力度,采取积极措施反腐败。本文首先分析了腐败和反腐败的成本效益,接着针对我国反腐败现状,从教育、制度、监督和查办案件几方面分析促进低成本反腐体系的建立。  相似文献   

如何看待中西方不同国家的腐败现象,是一个见仁见智的论题.本文墓于对中西方不同政治文化传统的比较分析,分别论证了传统中国"官本位"和西方"财富本位"及其相对应的价值体系和社会心理,指出治理当代中国的腐败问题,必须在强化制度反腐的同时,立足自身文化传统和社会心理,重塑反腐的道德文化之基.  相似文献   

尹利民  穆冬梅 《社会工作》2015,(2):87-91,98,127
村务腐败是困扰乡村的治理性难题。基于J省40村研究发现,当前村务腐败比较普遍,类型主要为"巧立名目型"腐败、"政策投机型"腐败等。村务腐败与村级权力过于集中、村务管理制度长期得不到落实有关,深层次地与村委会选举的不规范相连。村务腐败不仅阻碍乡村的良性治理,而且还会引发农民上访,进而动摇乡村社会稳定基础,造成合法性资源的流失。治理村务腐败基础性工作在于规范村委会选举,转变政府职能,理顺乡村关系。  相似文献   

明星负面行为层出不穷,需要研究代言明星违情和违法的负面行为对感知道德评价以及品牌态度的影响,为企业选择明星代言人的决策提供一定的理论指导。通过实验研究发现:第一,相比“违法行为”,代言明星的“违情行为”会导致更低的感知道德评价;第二,社会公众对代言明星负面行为的感知归因会对感知道德评价产生显著影响;第三,对于实用品或享乐品,当对代言明星的感知道德评价下降时,都会危害代言产品的品牌态度。  相似文献   

陈硕 《社会》2022,42(4):161-182
随着市场化改革的深入,中国的腐败现象也呈增长趋势。本文通过对1993—2013年3 843个腐败案件的分析发现,那些具有配置资源权力的官员出现腐败问题的可能性更大,程度也更严重。这一效应在官员的任职领域正处于市场化改革阶段时被放大,但随着改革的完成而大幅度减小。市场化过程中腐败问题的制度性根源在于市场化改革没有完成或不彻底的市场化,而不是市场化本身。因此,只有坚持市场化改革,才能清除权力寻租的土壤,进而遏制腐败问题。  相似文献   

法治是社会治理的基本前提,也是反腐败工作的基本要求和持续推进反腐工作的重要保障。在构建法治方式量化评价模型的基础上对西部地区A、B两市法治方式反对腐败状况进行评价,并提出推进法治思维方式反对腐败的建议。  相似文献   

王刚  宋锴业 《社会》2018,38(4):212-240
在质性研究和已有文献基础上,本文提出了影响公众环境风险感知的“双因素假说”,并对这一假说进行验证。通过“扎根理论”发现了影响公众环境风险感知的四个维度:环境亲和感、系统信任感、信息丰富性和利益趋向性。前两种属于情感因素,后两者属于情境因素。通过结构方程模型进一步证实,情感、情境因素都对公众环境风险感知具有显著影响。同时发现了信息丰富性与环境风险感知的倒“U”型关系,利益趋向性对公众的环境风险感知具有决定性影响等结果。  相似文献   

本文在对中国交通行业的腐败现状进行概括描述的基础上,指出其存在的根本原因在于行业防治腐败制度体系落后于时代的要求,进而指出了进行交通行业防治腐败制度创新的原则,并对制度创新内容与保障措施进行了尝试性探索.  相似文献   

本文采用结构方程模型分析了在日本福岛核电站核泄漏事故的背景下我国居民对核电的认知状况与接受意愿。结果显示,我国居民对核电相关知识了解水平较低,但关注度和兴趣都比较高;公众对核电的感知价值、感知风险和接受意愿也比较高。根据本文的分析,公众对核电的感知价值对其接受意愿有促进作用,提高感知价值的主要途径包括提高公众对核电的卷入程度和信任度;公众对核电的感知风险对其接受意愿具有显著的负向影响,降低感知风险的主要途径在于提高公众对核电的了解程度。  相似文献   

吴强 《社科纵横》2014,(2):54-58
参照全球创业观察(GEM)的研究框架和方法,通过对4000名广州居民进行调查分析,掌握了广州意向创业者在创业意向重要结构特征、创业动机分类以及创业困境感知度上的基本状况,并围绕分析结果,从完善创业政策与创业服务体系、搭建创业宣传平台、构建以服务终身为目的的创业培训教育体系三个方面提出了完善广州创业环境的对策建议。  相似文献   

In the television show Deal or No Deal a contestant is endowed with a sealed box, which potentially contains a large monetary prize. In the course of the show the contestant learns more information about the distribution of possible monetary prizes inside her box. Consider two groups of contestants, who learned that the chances of their boxes containing a large prize are 20% and 80% correspondingly. Contestants in both groups receive qualitatively similar price offers for selling the content of their boxes. If contestants are less risk averse when facing unlikely gains, the price offer is likely to be more frequently rejected in the first group than in the second group. However, the fraction of rejections is virtually identical across two groups. Thus, contestants appear to have identical risk attitudes over (large) gains of low and high probability.   相似文献   

This paper aims at constructing a modern theoretical conception of a harmonious society and testing it in relation to governance and citizenship rights, based on an empirical study of Chinese people’s perceptions in Hong Kong. It is proposed that a harmonious society can be defined as “a society in which the component parts are integrative and cooperative; even if there is conflict, it can be resolved within the established mechanisms and does not interrupt the orderly functioning of society.” This study investigates the social, economic, and political aspects and their related institutions in the renewed conception of harmonious society. Overall, less than two‐fifths of the respondents felt that Hong Kong was a harmonious society. The strength of governance in Hong Kong is its sound and trustworthy institutions; the weaker elements are social and interpersonal relations. This finding is in contrast to the traditional notion, which regards social harmony as harmonious social and interpersonal relationships. It is clear that the greatest challenge for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is the need to rebalance the interests of big business and those of labor and the lower class in order to enhance the perception of a harmonious society among its citizens.  相似文献   

罗忠勇  尉建文 《社会》2009,29(2):179-198
通过对不同产权形式的10家企业的共921个城市工人对(组织外)各社会现象公平与否的认知与判断(即社会不公平感)的调查发现,城市工人的总体社会不公平感较强;挫折经历、人力资本和企业制度都对工人的社会不公平感有一定影响,且对工人的经济性不公平感、社会性不公平感和生理性不公平感分别具有一定的解释力。  相似文献   

This paper presents results of two contingent valuation surveys conducted in Bangkok measuring individuals’ willingness to pay (WTP) to reduce mortality risk arising from two risk contexts: air pollution traffic accidents Results from the risk perception survey disclose that respondents view the two risks differently. WTP to reduce air pollution risk is influenced by degrees of dread, severity, controllability and personal exposure, while WTP to reduce traffic accident risk is influenced by perceived immediate occurrence. Nevertheless, the value of a statistical life (VSL) for both air pollution and traffic accidents are comparable (US$0.74 to $1.32 million and US$0.87 to $1.48 million, respectively). This indicates that the risk perception factor alone has little impact on the VSL, a finding similar to previous studies using program choice indifferences.JEL Classification: I18, D61, J17, J28  相似文献   

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