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亚里士多德、托马斯·阿奎那提出实践理性中的伦理德性、理智德性的德性分型,哈贝马斯在实践理性中区分伦理理性和道德理性,共同揭示了道德自我的个性内在与主体性价值.黑格尔以精神现象学揭示精神世界先后经历"真实的精神,伦理"、"自我异化的精神,教化"、"自我确定性,道德",相应于三个精神世界的主体分别为伦理实体自我、法权个体自我、道德主体自我,确证了道德自我的存在和超越性价值.精神哲学研究的本体思维追求形而上普遍本质和绝对本体、伦理思维注重伦理秩序和规范的建构、道德思维凸显自我理性和自主建构,哲学思维范式转换揭示了道德自我在现代道德哲学中的突显价值.实践理性中的德性分型、精神现象学关于客观精神及其自我三重形态、哲学思维范式转换,从不同角度确证道德自我的存在及其特定价值意蕴.  相似文献   

"市民社会"作为一个政治哲学概念具有错综复杂的理论意旨,把市民社会与政治国家划分成一对相独立的范畴成为学者们逻辑分析的主要线索。作为社会层面的现代性问题,它肇始于黑格尔的需要体系原则,进而演化成伦理精神统一的国家决定伦理精神分化的市民社会;马克思从历史与逻辑统一的立场出发,批判了黑格尔的法哲学,最终从劳动概念搭建其市民社会理论,颠倒了国家与市民社会的错位关系;哈贝马斯通过考察资本主义的后现代转变,从市民社会理论中离析出"公共领域""生活世界"等思想,以交往实践推进市民社会理论的发展。马克思与哈贝马斯以不同的实践规范诠释着同一个主题"市民社会决定国家",从历时态与共时态、经济与文化多视角深化了市民社会与国家的良性互动。  相似文献   

作为一个新兴的研究和实践领域,社会企业已经成为中国学术界关注和讨论的热点。本文梳理了近十年来学者们的相关研究成果,从社会企业的概念厘定与组织定位、类型划分与价值选择、内部治理与外部环境三个方面评述了国内关于社会企业的既有研究和最新进展。  相似文献   

本文从理论角度阐述了"三案一体化"的概念;并以所在学校八年级物理学案为例,从学生学习为主,教师教学引导、学生学习矫正迁移三个阶段探讨了"三案一体化"的教学实践;最后就实践教学中存在的问题提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   

谢晶 《社会》2019,39(5):106-126
“玛纳”这一典型的巫术概念构成了社会人类学的一个经典“案例”。莫斯与列维—斯特劳斯对它的不同诠释体现了从法国社会学派到结构主义人类学的转折及分歧。本文从莫斯的文本出发将“玛纳”定义为“实践观念”,并以“可译性”为切入点,试图证明在“实践观念可译性”问题上的分歧背后隐含着社会本体论、社会科学方法论和行动哲学这三个层面的分歧。最后,本文认为,关于莫斯与列维—斯特劳斯之关系的最常见观点实际上是对这一关系的过度简化。  相似文献   

生产是马克思思想体系中的一个核心概念,它是建构在以总体性为特征的实践概念的基础上的。不从总体性出发,就不能真正理解马克思的生产理论。资本主义政治经济学将生产仅仅理解成物质资料的生产,没有看到生产的总体性、丰富性和全面性。马克思社会基本矛盾运动理论无疑是建立在对生产总体性的理解基础之上的,也只有在人类历史性实践活动的总体中把握生产力、生产关系、经济基础、上层建筑,才能真正理解马克思通过批判政治经济学所得出来的"总体结果"的真实内涵。  相似文献   

陈伟杰 《社科纵横》2012,(3):78-80,98
本文探讨黄宗智教授提出的概念"第三领域"。通过对黄岩诉讼档案一个案例的分析,本文阐明该概念核心内容在于国家与社会之间的互动以及国家身份与社会身份的交叉,进而对与此概念相关的论争作一番梳理,指出这是由对法律概念的不同理解,以及当事双方所依托的不同理论传统和研究旨趣造成的。"第三领域"所针对的是采取"国家-社会"二元分法的市民社会理论传统,而对它的批评所依托的是法律人类学中的法律多元主义传统。从前一种视角看",第三领域"这一概念具有破除二元对立传统,适应中国具体实践的重要意义。  相似文献   

马克思实践本体论面临的主要诘难是:实践作为一经验事实不能成为逻辑在先的初始范畴;自然界对于人的活动具有前提性,对于人的存在具有时间上的优先性。其实,实践不同于一般经验事实的独特性在于它对一切可能的"在者"的开启性,正因如此,实践才有足够的资格成为本体范畴。自然界的前提性和优先性不足以成为物质本体论赖以成立的理由,相反,实践范畴之原初性的凸显,使其在本体论语境中失去意义。实践本体论所昭示的是"第三条道路",即介于思辨哲学和自然科学之间的、与现象学—解释学具有相类似之旨趣的独特进路。它的确立宣告了那些未曾与实践"谋面"从而未能真正回归于实践的哲学的寿终正寝。  相似文献   

正河南郑州儿福举办"社会体验区开放日"日前,郑州市儿童福利院将院内特殊教育学校"社会体验区"进行为期两天的对外开放。郑州市儿童福利院附属特殊教育学校"社会体验区"是模拟社会上的真实街区设计,一比一建造的"校内步行街"。包含超市、服装店、快餐店、银行、咖啡厅、展厅等店面和街心公园、柏油马路、绿化带、斑马线、十字路口等街区设施在内的社会实践主题体验区。"社会体验区"的  相似文献   

丁莉 《社科纵横》2009,24(11):159-160
新闻从业者的实践活动看似各不相同,却有其自身发展的逻辑,对于新闻从业者实践活动的研究不能用理论的逻辑代替实践的逻辑。本文通过对布尔迪厄社会实践理论中“场域”、“资本”、“惯习”三个核心概念的解读,力图搭建新阿从业者实践逻辑的分析框架,以期为观察分析新闻从业者的实践活动提供一种新的研究视角。  相似文献   

Developing theory for understanding social transformation is essential for environmental sustainability, yet mainstream accounts of collective action neglect the dynamics of daily life. Theories of practice have proved generative for the study of sustainable consumption but struggle to accommodate the roles of collective actors, strategic action and purposive collective projects in social change. In response, this paper develops a practice theoretical account of collective action pertinent to processes of large scale social change, with specific focus on transitions towards sustainability. We consider three ideal types of collective—bureaucratic organisations, groupings and latent networks—and, drawing on existing social theoretical resources that are ontologically compatible with a practice account, explore the kinds of practices and arrangements which compose them. Processes concerning strategy, bureaucracy, management, social worlds and collective identity are identified as important combinations of practices and arrangements. We suggest a key contribution of practice theory has been to identify a type of collective action we call dispersed collective activity, and we suggest how this type of activity may give rise to collectives. We conclude by suggesting further development for the realisation of the project's contribution to the analysis of sustainability transitions.  相似文献   

审视中国特色社会主义理论体系大众化的基本经验,改革开放的成功实践给我们提供了最好的答案:要从群众的实践要求出发,而不是从经典文本出发;坚持社会主义初级阶段的国情观;在总结发展经验教训的基础上不断解放思想,用创新的理论引领党和群众一道前进;加强党风政风建设,增强理论体系的亲和力;重视宣传教育,更重视用实践说话;加强党的先进性建设,引领群众前进的方向;运用大众化的语言表达形式,强化人民群众的心理认同;坚持以人为本,坚持人民利益至上的价值目标。深入研究这个问题的出发点和落脚点是探索推动科学发展观深入人心的实践路径。  相似文献   

吕嘉 《学习与探索》2002,1(5):31-37
政治学理论体系的意义不在于系统介绍有关政治现象的各类知识 ,而在于通过探讨、论述政治学研究的目的、对象、方法及基本范畴 ,为研究现实政治提供正确的理论与方法。基于人类政治需要及政治规律的特殊性质 ,政治学的研究目的应是正确认识人民根本利益 ,即具有二重性的社会共同利益 ;政治学的研究对象应是涉及二重性社会共同利益的所有社会生活领域 ;政治学的研究方法 ,既需要自然科学的实证方法 ,也需要哲学的形而上思维 ;同时 ,政治学研究也相应需要新的概念工具 :政治需要、二重性社会共同利益、政治真理、政治规律等  相似文献   

Practice learning is central to the changes in social work educationin the UK but the evidence-base indicating why this should behas not been rigorously examined. Studies of effectiveness conductedto date centre predominantly on the satisfaction of participants,relationships between teachers, supervisors or fieldwork educatorsand students, educational opportunities and developing aspectsof competence. This paper explores the concept of perceivedself-belief or self-efficacy as an indicator of developmentof competence during practice learning, examining whether self-beliefsin student competency do increase during placement and consideringhow this might be harnessed to enhance the experience and effectivenessof it. Findings from the study described indicate that studentperceptions of competence in relation to particular future performancedo increase from pre- to post-test during practice learning,suggesting that practice is effective in this respect and theconcept of self-belief can be utilized to challenge and extendstudent competence or identify areas for further work and development.However, the mechanisms by which these perceptions develop arenot clear and further research into practice learning is warrantedgiven the prominence accorded to it in social work education.  相似文献   

黎小青 《社会工作》2009,(18):18-21
在社会工作中,价值中立是指社会工作者有阶段性地保持价值中立的立场,以客观的态度对待案主的问题和行为,并对案主的价值观不加以评价。在社会工作实务中,保持价值中立对于社会工作者有效地协助案主分析解决问题显得十分重要。如何在实务中保持价值中立,对于社会工作者来说则显得比较困难。结合实习的经验及思考,笔者从个案工作和小组工作两个方面的实例阐述自己对于如何做到价值中立的认识。个案工作不同阶段、小组工作中不同角色要做到价值中立不同的表现是本文的讨论重点。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between professional work and standardization. There has been an increase in the use of standardized programmes in child welfare services (CWS) in Western society. Some researchers have criticized standardized programmes suggesting that they undermine professionals expertise and threaten their position, whereas others argue that such programmes strengthen professional practice. In this paper, we examine how standardized tools, in this case, a standardized parenting programme and a standardized Norwegian assessment tool, influence professional roles as experienced by child welfare workers (CWS professionals) in Norway. Semistructured individual and group interviews were conducted with 31 frontline workers in two CWS agencies. Our findings suggest that standardized tools increase the social workers experienced professional competence but challenge their professional knowledge base, reflective practice, and professional accountability. Professional and practical implications for CWS work are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   

张云英 《社会工作》2008,(12):11-14
社会工作专业的实践性、实务性很强。社会工作专业教育除了课堂理论知识与实务理论技巧外,十分重视实践教学。社会工作专业实践教学体系的构建,是一个复杂的系统工程。我们借鉴国内外高校在社会工作教育方面的经验和成果,确定与选择了湖南农业大学社会工作专业的实践教学模式即课程实习、暑期实习、集中实习相结合、校内实习与校外基地实习相结合,并在实践中付诸实施。  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(1-2):53-76
Various ways of monitoring different levels of experiential learning for social groupwork practice are explored in this pilot study. A systematic means for monitoring and evaluating the learning experience is presented. The responses of one social work class (N=60) show increased comfort in all four aspects of the learning experience except in application to group situations in which students did not have direct experience. Synchronizing the learning in all aspects is therefore important. The concept of "coactive learning" is presented to guide the teaching for social groupwork practice, and the monitoring of the learning. Some limitations and further implications of the approach are discussed.  相似文献   

蔡博方 《社会》2005,40(3):32-57
韦伯的《关于理解社会学的一些范畴》(下文简称《范畴》)对于发展社会行动具有关键作用,却由于诸多因素让位于《社会学的基本概念》。本文从《范畴》内部的论述结构与外部的参照比较出发,进行相关脉络的梳理,以证明该文具有独特的理论内涵,然后指出“合意”在社会行动与社会关系上的双元角色以及通过“合意”所建构的“共同体行动/合意行动/社会体行动”三元行动类型。综观之,《范畴》的理论意涵值得我们反思“从行动到秩序”之间的另一种可能性。  相似文献   

The concept of social exclusion is increasingly important in policy and research but has rarely been addressed from a child-centred perspective. Childhood is a social experience in itself, one that has its own norms and customs, and where the demands of participation and inclusion may be considerable, likewise the costs of exclusion. This paper explores the meaning and experience of social exclusion for children by focusing on a particular group of children and young people, those 'looked after' in the public care system. The sample involved children who had minimal contact with their parents, and who although not currently materially poor were vulnerable to a high future risk of experiencing poverty. They thus provided a valuable opportunity to explore some of the relational aspects of social exclusion. Using in-depth interviews to explore the meaning of friendship in their lives, the study revealed the importance of social relationships for these children, andin particular the impact of the care system on their capacity to make and sustain social networks. The findings suggest that the relational aspects of poverty are not just consequences of material poverty but can have a dynamic of their own, one that may have a particular resonance for children. This has implications not just for children in the care system, but also for children in families, where family poverty and the restricted social and economic integration of parents may also have an impact on children's capacity for developing social relationships and wider social networks.  相似文献   

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