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任何企业在其经营发展过程中都要制定各种战略,如营销战略、新产品战略、新技术战略、信息化战略等等,战略是企业经营发展的指南针。中小企业更需要重视经营战略,因为中小企业无论在人力、物力还是财力上都无法与大企业相比,不重视经营战略或战略失误对于中小企业来讲可能是致命的灾难。为中小企业探索行之有效的经营战略是一个十分重要的课题。在网络经济时代的今天,实施企业上网策略推进中小企业信息化战略很值得借鉴和参考。本文以福建省中小企业的信息化发展战略为背景,探索和论述了企业上网策略的可行性和实施过程。福建中小企业发展现…  相似文献   

在信贷市场中,信息不对称严重地制约着中小企业的融资供给,信贷成本高企和信贷额度偏低引起的风险管理机制与激励机制不相容降低了银行对中小企业信贷的积极性。随着大数据时代的到来和互联网金融的蓬勃发展,能够真实反映企业经营状况的包括信息流、物流、资金流等在内的一系列信息应得到有效利用。构建中小企业虚拟融资平台模式,能够突破传统信贷对企业经营结果的审查定性,而转移到对企业经营过程的监督定性上,有利于彻底解决中小企业融资难问题。在一定程度上,通过对企业历史经营数据和现时经营信息的搜集与量化定性,不仅能够扭转资金供求双方间的信息不对称,也能通过企业沉淀信息降低银行间信息搜集成本。  相似文献   

武建 《职业时空》2003,(4):46-47
一个企业能否在竞争中不断发展壮大,很大程度上取决于能否对各种经营管理信息的及时获取、迅速处理以及有效利用。一个企业的信息系统由各种物理设备和相应的使用人员共同构成,很显然,信息化人才队伍的结构和素质构成将直接决定设备的利用效果,从而直接决定企业信息系统的最终效益。本文将讨论中小企业在实行信息化经营过程中的人才策略。  相似文献   

随着信息时代的到来,企业的生存和竞争环境发生了根本变化,对信息的运用能力将直接影响到企业的整体运营,企业的信息化水平将直接影响企业的竞争力。尤其是加入WTO以后,我国的中小企业将不得不在国际通行的商业规则下运作,相比国外发达国家的企业信息化程度以及网络应用水平,我国中小企业的信息化建设还处于起步阶段,水平还  相似文献   

自上世纪九十年代初期,关于虚拟企业三部经典文献发表至今,许多学者投入到虚拟企业的研究中来,得出大量理论研究成果,为企业的经营实践提供了有价值的理论指导。虚拟经营的出现,为中小企业通过整合技术、资金和市场等,与大型企业进行竞争提供了理论支撑。我国中小企业虚拟经营的关键在于三个重要因素,即组织间的充分信任、核心竞争能力和便利的信息通信技术。  相似文献   

在中国加入WTO后,对企业的信息化提出了更高要求,企业也加大了IT投入,期望藉此提高企业的核心竞争力和拓展新业务。企业信息主管(CIO)作为企业信息化战略的核心,应该适应这种发展,找好自己的角色定位,作一个管理型的CIO。  相似文献   

人力资源管理信息化有助于中小企业的人力资源管理效率和质量,促进企业人力资源信息和数据的利用,实现企业人力资源管理的流程化和自动化,对企业的未来发展有着重要的作用。本文阐述了中小企业建设人力资源管理信息化的意义,分析目前人力资源管理信息化应用中存在的问题,并提出了针对性的应用措施。  相似文献   

信息时代的到来为我国社会经济各方面的发展提供了源源不断的动力。对于企业来说,信息化的管理手段也是日常管理工作中必不可少的应用。企业档案管理对提高企业的整体经营水平,整合利用各项资源具有重要作用,信息技术推动了企业档案管理走向现代化和信息化。在这个背景下,企业档案管理不仅能够利用多项信息技术来实现信息的传输和共享,还能够形成统一的档案体系,促进企业信息资源的有效流通,大大推动了企业的发展。当然,企业档案的信息化虽然具有不可忽视的积极影响,也存在一定的消极影响。因此,企业在档案管理的工作中需要利用信息技术的优势来为企业的发展提供动力,同时也要与时俱进,努力提高企业档案管理的水平。  相似文献   

王凯  王岚 《职业时空》2004,(4):52-53
企业信息化是企业为了适应快速变化的环境,为了提高效益和发展能力,应用信息技术,再造企业的变革过程,是从传统管理向现代管理转变的过程。中小企业通过信息化可以提升其在产业组织结构中的地位,增强其竞争优势,对中小企业实现跨越式发展有着特殊意义。我国中小企业信息化现状与存在问题1.企业对信息化建设的认识不足我国多数中小企业普遍采取“家族式”管理,在管理上多为经验型管理为主,缺乏科学管理理念,这是阻碍中小企业信息化进程的主要因素。一些企业业主认为在企业内购置几台微机就是信息化;有的中小企业认为在办公区内建立一个局域网…  相似文献   

浅谈会计电算化在企业信息管理中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘正平 《职业》2012,(21):85
我国目前许多大型企业基本上实现了管理系统信息化,而中小企业也有部分实现管理系统信息化,经济效益明显提高。会计电算化改变了会计数据处理方式和财务处理方式及内部控制制度,注重会计信息分析。所以应该强化会计电算化,增强会计信息的安全性和档案管理工作,使会计电算化向更深层次发展。如何将会计电算化融入现今的企业信息管理系统之中,是现代化管理和会计自身改革与发展的需要,是现代科技发展的必然。一、会计电算化与企业信息管理的关系会计工作是经济管理的重要组成部分。一个企业的会计信息约占企业全部信息的70%,会计电算化系统在企业信息管理系统中占有十分重要的位置。如果把管理信息系统比作大脑,那么会计电算化系统就好比神经中枢系统,控制着整个系统的运行,会计电算化是整个企业信息化的重  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the recognition of facial expressions of six emotions as a function of sex and level of education (high school, college, university) of the subjects. Three hundred French-speaking citizens of Quebec had to judge which emotion was expressed in various facial stimuli presented on slides. Results show that overall, the recognition of emotions was very good. However, there were significant and strong differences between emotions and sex and levels of education did not have strong effects on the results.This research was supported by grant EQ-1717 from Fonds FCAC (Gouvernment du Quebec).  相似文献   

分析了公用事业由国有独资经营向公有制多种实现形式转化必须把握好的几个方面。同时,政府应加强对公用事业的宏观控制力。  相似文献   

The idea of a community of learners is based on the premise that learning occurs as people participate in shared endeavors with others, with all playing active but often asymmetrical roles in sociocultural activity. This contrasts with models of learning that are based on one‐sided notions of learning— either that it occurs through transmission of knowledge from experts or acquisition of knowledge by novices, with the learner or the others (respectively) in a passive role. In this paper, I develop the distinction between the community of learners and one‐sided approaches from the perspective of a theory of learning as participation, and use two lines of research to illustrate the transitions in perspective necessary to understand the idea of communities of learners. One line of research examines differing models of teaching and learning employed by caregivers and toddlers from Guatemalan Mayan and middle‐class European‐American families; the other line of research involves a study of how middle‐class parents make a transition from their own schooling background to participate in instruction in a public US elementary school.  相似文献   

主要从思想建设、产业结构调整、城乡一体化方面探讨廊坊市抓住发展机遇,加快科学发展的思路。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the frequency of sexual abuse and depression among street children who live in a deprived district of Tehran. The researchers used the K-SADS questionnaire and a clinical interview were used to evaluate depression and sexual abuse in 87 street children in Tehran. Eighteen (20.9%) of the children had been sexually abused. Depressed children were 3.2 times more likely to be sexually abused than non-depressed children. Furthermore, 26 girls (86.7%) and 27 boys (48.2%) suffered from depression. The frequency of depression demonstrated a significant association with the father's or breadwinner's history of imprisonment or unemployment. Interventional programs providing education and support should be implemented for street children.  相似文献   

中国经济崛起和城市化进程过程中农民工的贡献有目共睹,城市让生活更美好的诱惑使得中国的新老两代农民工从农村流入城市,2008年1月1日的《劳动合同法》和《劳动争议调解仲裁法》让社会看到了改善农民工权利状况的希望,然而新生代农民工的权利保护尤其是作为一名劳动者的权利保护的现状依然不如人意,没有救济的权利不是真正的权利、迟来的正义是非正义,每年岁末对于农民工权益的突击性保障并不能从根本上解决问题,把包括农民工权益保障的社会问题纳入法治框架内、通过探析新生代农民工权利阙如问题及原因进而发现从制度层面进行解决才是解决农民工权益保障问题的根本途径。  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - The increasing availability of remote sensing materials of varying spatial resolution inclines to look for methods enabling their use, both at planning the spatial structure of...  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine whether the technique used to control the semantic content of emotional communications might influence the results of research on the effects of gender, age, and particular affects on accuracy of decoding tone of voice. Male and female college and elementary school students decoded a 48-item audio tape-recording of emotional expressions encoded by two children and two college students. Six emotions — anger, fear, happiness, jealousy, pride and sadness — were expressed in two types of content-standard messages, namely letters of the alphabet and an affectively neutral sentence. The results of the study indicate that different methods for controlling content can indeed influence the results of studies of determinants of decoding performance. Overall, subjects demonstrated greater accuracy when decoding emotions expressed in the standard sentence than when decoding emotions embedded in letters of the alphabet. A technique by emotion interaction, however, revealed that this was especially true for the purer emotions of anger, fear, happiness and sadness. Subjects identified the less pure emotions of jealousy and pride relatively more accurately when these emotions were embedded in the alphabet technique. The implications of these results for research concerning the vocal communication of affect are briefly discussed.Preparation of this article was supported in part by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   


This short-term longitudinal study examined psycho-social influences on substance use and mental health among children of divorced parents. The sample consisted of ethnically diverse fifth and sixth grade students, and compared children of divorced parents (CODPs; N = 176), who were an average of four years post-divorce, with children of married parents (COMPs; N = 213) who had never divorced. CODPs reported more life stress, less problem-focused coping, and more substance-using friends and family members than COMPs. Further, these variables were significantly related to CODPs' greater reported substance use, aggressive behavior, and depression than COMPs cross-sectionally, and longitudinally, four months later. The results suggest the importance of including both substance use and mental health outcomes in preventive interventions for CODPs.  相似文献   

2011年7月2日,摩洛哥通过新宪法修改草案,确定柏柏尔语同阿拉伯语并列为摩洛哥的官方语言。自1956年独立后,摩洛哥官方语言政策经历了阿拉伯语独尊的"一元化"以及阿拉伯语和柏柏尔语并重的"二元化"两大阶段的发展和变迁。本文结合摩洛哥柏柏尔文化运动的发展状况,对摩洛哥政府放弃单一化、采取多元化官方语言政策的政治和文化背景进行分析,揭示官方语言政策与语言权利、话语权和国民身份认同等要素之间的互动关系,并从国内、地区和国际局势等层面分析摩洛哥官方语言政策变迁的影响。  相似文献   

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