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张彤 《学术交流》2015,(2):31-36
20世纪哲学观下移,现代社会分化不断加剧,生活世界是客观世界、社会世界与主观世界三个世界井然有序分化的背景,同时也为这三个世界重新统合起来提供了新的可能。因此,哈贝马斯提出了"生活世界"这种哲学新范式,生活世界里储存着前人所做的解释的努力及历史遗留下来的文化知识。生活世界是人们以语言为中介进行交往的整体性的知识背景,而且还是人们共享与认可的各种观念和价值预设的基础。当交往行为取得成功时,人们之间达成的共识就会反馈到生活世界的基地之中,并且作为新鲜血液注入到生活世界的库存之中,而一旦人们之间发生分歧、争议和误解,生活世界就成为了防止发生分裂的具有共享意义的防护堤。生活世界从根基上支撑了交往行为,而交往行为则为生活世界提供生机活力与不尽的主题,生活世界的大坝防止了行为冲突的爆发与意义的分裂。而且,生活世界还是从更大范围内建构起批判性的社会理论的丰裕的现实土壤。  相似文献   

哈贝马斯与马尔库塞的晚期资本主义理论比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
哈贝马斯与马尔库塞对于晚期资本主义社会政治与人的发展相关理论的共同点在于,晚期资本主义社会不能从根本上消除社会危机以及由此产生人的发展的异化.哈贝马斯从宏观角度认为晚期资本主义政治危机和意识形态危机集中体现于系统控制了生活世界,生活世界殖民化.马尔库塞则认为人的发展异化在晚期资本主叉社会集中体现为"单向度的人".对于上述危机的消解,哈贝马斯与马尔库塞一致认为,其基本途径在于促成单向度的工具理性社会向全面发展的理性社会的转向.  相似文献   

哈贝马斯对形而上学采用重构而非解构的方法,他在批判中建构新的哲学范式,以图对形而上学的真正的超越。他认为,后形而上学的哲学思维的根本特征就是,消解传统哲学的超验主体及其主体中心理性,克服主客二分式的思维模式。后形而上学在现代社会中要承担"破界"的使命,同时,在后形而上学视域下,哲学还要承担起具有沟通功效的媒介作用。哈贝马斯认为,哲学必须与生活世界紧密结合,促进生活世界的自我反思,推动生活世界中文化、人格的成熟以及人与人之间的沟通等方面的发展。  相似文献   

通过对当代西方发达资本主义国家中新旧政治活动范式的比较,奥菲论证了新社会运动是化解福利国家矛盾、解决后期资本主义社会危机的有效途径,并最终强调抵制和阻止资本主义合理化过程进一步盲目发展的生态社会主义将超越现代传统社会运动而在多元化的社会发展中居于主导地位.从新社会运动所关注的主题、行动者、行动的模式以及价值意识上来讲,奥菲视域中的新社会运动以民主化、交往形式以及集体认同为其政治目标,因而属于认同政治.  相似文献   

随着20世纪60年代西方社会运动的兴起,西方国家的国内政治由此发展出有别于常规制度、正式政治的独特政治形态——抗争政治。诸多的理论认为,这一政治形态对其国内政治的民主和治理都具有积极的促进作用。本文通过对抗争政治历程的研究,指出:一方面,全球化及反全球化运动、全球风险社会都使得全球政治和治理发生大转型,由此引发全球社会运动,抗争从国内走向国际;而另一方面,抗争功能也具有局限性。同时认为,国内和国际层面上的抗争政治,关注全球抗争与民主、治理的关系,呈现出与常规政治不同的性质、特点和功能,具有重大的理论和实践价值。  相似文献   

陈红 《学术交流》2002,2(5):18-21
哈贝马斯的现代性理论认为 ,现代性之所以出现危机 ,主要是因为“生活世界”受到了来自于“系统”的侵蚀 ,而解决该危机的根本途径则在于“生活世界”的复兴。为此 ,需要建立有效的语言使用规范、重新发挥公众社会的理性批判职能 ,并借助于交往理性来规约过分膨胀的工具理性 ,使二者相辅相成、协调发展 ,以最终实现社会的整合。这对当今现代性尚处于生成阶段的中国总体性现代化进程提供一些有益的启示 :弘扬现代性的基本精神 ;建构中国的市民社会  相似文献   

马克思以唯物主义和辩证法的视角与方法,研究人们的社会交往活动,创建了独到的交往理论,为历史唯物主义的构建奠定了扎实的基础;而哈贝马斯则融汇现代西方一些学派的观点与方法,对交往问题进行了深入细致的研究,创建了当代西方最具代表性的交往理论。鉴于哈贝马斯又声言自己的理论是以马克思的历史唯物主义为出发点的,故有必要对二者进行比较研究。作者认为,由于哈贝马斯离开社会的物质生活过程来谈交往、离开生产力来谈交往关系、撇开生产方式来谈交往方式,从而他的交往理论虽在个别点上与马克思的观点相似,但二者在本质上是迥异的。  相似文献   

温雪 《社科纵横》2013,(2):26-27
资本主义世界60年代的政治动乱向古典马克思主义的阶级斗争概念提出了挑战,各种思潮带来了马克思主义的退场进而是阶级的退场。由此催生出了很多新的社会运动,如环境保护运动、女性主义运动、性解放运动等。这些新社会运动的实质以及阶级在社会主义运动中的作用值得我们再次探索。  相似文献   

西方社会运动研究:现状与范式   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文对西方社会运动研究的现状和基本理论范式作了一个概略的介绍。社会运动研究是 2 0世纪 60年代兴起于西方的一个学术领域 ,现在已经发展成为一门横跨社会学、经济学、政治学、历史学、社会心理学、传播学、人类学等多门学科的综合性研究领域。在历史发展过程中 ,美国和欧洲分别形成了“资源动员”和“新社会运动”两种研究范式。这两种范式在理论兴趣、基本假设以及由此而来的问题设定方面均存在着很大的差异。  相似文献   

诉讼是西方社会运动重要的维权策略,在西方社会运动中扮演着重要角色。西方社会运动诉讼维权研究主要沿着两条路径进行:一条是"权利神话";另一条是"象征的或策略的",在这两条不同路径的统摄下,研究者得出了截然相反的结论。本文首先回顾了西方社会运动诉讼维权研究围绕着诉讼本身及其结果与诉讼中律师的角色产生的争论;其次,本文回顾了西方社会运动诉讼维权的法律机会结构研究;最后,本文指出,随着中国抗争政治越来越多地走上法庭,学术界虽然开始关注抗争政治中的诉讼维权,但是目前的研究还缺乏系统的理论支持,而西方社会运动诉讼维权研究能够为我们提供理论资源。  相似文献   

Recent developments in the psychological and social sciences have seen a surge of attention to concepts of embodiment. The burgeoning field of embodied cognition, as well as the long‐standing tradition of phenomenological philosophy, offer valuable insights for theorising how people come to understand the world around them. However, the implications of human embodiment have been largely neglected by one of the key frameworks for conceptualising the development of social knowledge: Social Representations Theory. This article seeks to spark a dialogue between Social Representations Theory and embodiment research. It outlines the position the body occupies in the existing theoretical and empirical social representations literature, and argues that incorporating concepts gleaned from embodiment research may facilitate a more comprehensive account of the aetiology of social representations. The value of analytic attention to embodiment is illustrated with reference to a recent study of social representations of neuroscience, which suggested that embodied experience can shape the extent to which people engage with certain topics, the conditions under which they do so, and the conceptual and affective content of the ensuing representations. The article argues that expanding Social Representations Theory's methodological and conceptual toolkit, in order to illuminate the interplay between embodied experience and social communication in the development of common‐sense knowledge, promises productive directions for empirical and theoretical advancement.  相似文献   


Many social commentators have considered that alongside the fiscal transparency enjoined by contemporary New Zealand governments, there should be a complementary social responsibility reporting. This task is usually assigned to social indicator frameworks. However, at present (as the 2017 election looms) there is a faltering in the provision of social indicators which have been in place in New Zealand for almost two decades, with the exception of the recent 2016 survey data from Statistics New Zealand and Ministry of Social Development that were made available within a month of writing this article. Having commented on the current status of the New Zealand social indicator system, we present data from the General Social Survey and the Quality of Life survey to at least convey recent trends in subjective social well-being and reported behaviours and experiences. References are also made to the accumulating literature on social well-being in New Zealand, followed by suggestions for more systematic indicator development and underpinning research.  相似文献   

Shultziner and Goldberg are is correct to say we need to treat the various stages of social movement origins, protests, and outcomes separately, with detailed analysis of each stage. However, a triparte stage theory may be insufficient, as each stage can have diverse potential trajectories driven by distinct causal mechanisms. Social movement analysis should help us recognize the many points at which complex movement trajectories can be advanced or reversed, and how actions at each stage create reverberations in the wider society.  相似文献   

李磊 《社会工作》2009,(24):25-27
社会问题课程是指以认识和分析当代社会问题为主要教学内容的一门课程,既是高校社会学、社会工作等专业广泛开设的专业课,也是颇受各专业大学生关注的公选课。问题观是指在认识社会问题过程中所形成的较为稳定的价值观,它与世界观和人生观具有密切联系。社会问题的课程特点要求教师在知识传授之外,尤其要注重引导学生确立理性的问题观。  相似文献   

The social security systems of Australia and New Zealand have traditionally rejected social insurance in favour of a means-tested categorical safety net approach that provides considerable scope for targeting. The experience of both countries provides many examples of how targeting can be used to constrain social security spending, and these have attracted interest in other countries keen to contain the growth in their social security budgets. However, although there are many similarities between the two systems, there are also many differences and these have become greater as targeting has gathered momentum over the last two decades. This paper analyses how targeting has been used in each country as a way of illustrating the different approaches adopted. Attention is focused on how the retirement income systems of the two countries illustrate an increasing policy divergence, with the planned Australian transition to a "multi-pillar" approach in contrast to the constant (and continuing) reform of New Zealand superannuation. Household data on the pattern of receipt of transfer incomes and their impact on the distribution of income are then used to explore the impact of targeting since the early 1980s. This analysis suggests that, in practice, targeting has had a far smaller impact on income inequality in both countries than is often claimed.  相似文献   

社会工作作为一项助人活动古今中外皆有之,而专业社会工作是西方社会的产物。在学习和借鉴西方专业社会工作的同时,积极探索中国本土化社会工作理论及其实务,一直是社会工作界的重要任务。其中针对中国本土化牧区社会工作进行深入研究与探索,不仅是本土化社会工作亟需开拓的重要课题,而且对于“三牧”问题的解决具有突出的现实意义。该文对中国本土化牧区社会工作之现实亟需、发展路径等进行初步探究,提出加强政府主导、加快专业人才培养、积极开拓服务领域和介入空间是当前发展本土化牧区社会工作的必要选择。  相似文献   

The New Social Policy in Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper starts from the proposition that approaches to crime and penal policy in contemporary Britain are of a piece with approaches to social policy across a number of fronts. "The New Social Policy" is examined in terms of "the stakeholder idea", its implications for how people are meant to behave, and the distance between this and socio-economic realities. The paper then explores various sectors of stakeholder social policy in their new order of importance—employment and training, education, health care, social care, housing, social security—before commenting on policies in respect of crime and crime prevention, in the light of the foregoing observations and with particular reference to the "lock-'em-up" tendency. The paper concludes that stakeholdership is no recipe for crime prevention.  相似文献   

廖文君 《社会工作》2011,(12):58-60
残疾人是社会中的弱势群体。对残疾人的关爱程度体现着一个社会的文明和发展程度。在党和国家领导人的高度重视下,我国残疾人事业取得了较大的发展。但仍滞后于社会经济发展水平,主要体现在福利水平仍局限在保障残疾人最低限度生活的经济救济上,而对促进残疾人发展的教育和就业扶持不够。笔者从发展型社会政策视角出发对残疾人问题进行较为深入的探讨,提出要建立关爱残疾人的长效机制,鼓励投资于残疾人教育和职业培训的社会支持模式,以试图为残疾人社会问题的解决提供一个崭新的思路和途径。  相似文献   

徐冰 《社会》2017,37(5):24-58
本文围绕查尔斯·泰勒的两篇文章"消极自由有什么错" "自由主义政治与公共领域",以及泰勒与哈贝马斯在2009年的对话,来阐释他对自由主义的修正。这两篇文章相互呼应,前一篇阐释作为道德心理学的个人本真性,后一篇阐释使(个人或群体的)本真性得以充分发挥的多元公共领域。公共领域是市民社会的核心环节,而市民社会是与自由主义联系在一起的自由社会的主要形式。在对自由社会的阐释中,泰勒总结了修正自由主义的中庸观:在个人自由、自治和基于平等权利的规则之间寻求平衡和相互支持。在2009年与哈贝马斯的对话中他进而指出,宗教是多元公共领域中的议题之一。这种历史观基于他对韦伯观点的修正而形成,而此历史观对当前中国的处境有启发价值。  相似文献   

This article focuses on conceptual and methodological problems in the transition from normative conceptions of social rights to more general strategies of social policy. In a discussion of Hartley Dean's article Social Rights and Social Resistance, the author argues that relevant "rights strategies" within social policy in general transcends the traditional dichotomy, assumed by Dean, between structural approaches and more agent-oriented approaches. In line with this, arguments are presented for the view that the denial of strategies concerning social rights, categorised as opportunistic or anarchistic by Dean, necessitates the formulation of realistic and substantial goal for strivings within social policy. Furthermore, the author claims that the conceptual elaboration of "social rights" does not in itself have any definite and direct consequences for the field of social policy, where material and symbolic power is more relevant. To transcend the criticised approaches of anarchism and opportunism, there still remains to be formulated a strategy of action.  相似文献   

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