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食品安全责任强制保险对分担食品生产经营者食品安全风险,及时为消费者损失提供救济具有重要作用,对食品安全的有效治理具有重要意义.分析我国食品生产经营企业结构特征,可以发现阻碍我国食品安全责任强制保险法律构建的两个主要原因:一是占据食品安全生产经营主体结构中80%以上数量的小微经营者,基于成本与收益的考虑,根本不愿意投保食品安全责任强制保险;二是承保机构基于食品安全事故中巨额赔付的风险,也对食品安全责任强制保险持消极态度.食品生产经营中的政府监管失灵和市场自我调整失灵是造成食品安全责任强制保险制度建设的主要障碍.为了有效发挥食品安全责任保险的功能,必须推进实施食品安全责任强制保险,以法律制度的形式来约束不同主体,从市场和政府两个方面来完善相关制度.  相似文献   

王丽 《浙江学刊》2023,(6):129-135
我国《食品安全法》与相关司法解释在不安全食品惩罚性赔偿责任的构成与认定上存在立法上的模糊性,司法实践中裁判结论迥异。不安全食品惩罚性赔偿责任具有公法赋予私人执行惩罚性制裁的属性,其适用的核心问题是不安全食品的界定。不安全食品的解释应当结合食品安全标准,采用功能主义解释方法,区分实质标准与非实质标准。违反实质标准的,构成不安全食品,应当承担惩罚性赔偿责任;违反非实质标准是否适用惩罚性赔偿,应赋予法官自由裁量权,遵循功能主义解释方法与特定解释原则综合认定。遵循该解释与适用方法既有助于立法目的实现,亦能保障个案公平。  相似文献   

食品是人类赖以生存和发展的最基本的物质条件,承载着人的生命价值,食品安全是关乎民生的重大问题,是人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题。近年来,随着我国经济水平的不断提高,食品种类越来越丰富、数量供给充足有余,与此同时,食品安全问题也越来越突出。中国食品安全法律法规体系不断出台,但仍未有效制止食品安全事件的发生发展。道德约束成为弥补法律缺陷的不二之选。德法并举成为解决食品安全问题的必要手段和根本途径。  相似文献   

食品安全关系着每个公民的身体健康与生命安全,关系着经济发展和社会稳定;食品安全问题已成为社会关注的热点问题和急需解决的民生问题.虽然食品生产经营者是食品安全的第一责任主体,但各级政府对解决食品安全问题负有不可推卸的责任.面对食品安全的严峻形势,加强食品安全监督管理,落实监管责任,是解决食品安全问题的重要途径之一.  相似文献   

制定食品安全法是对国家尊重和保障人权的宪法精神和宪法原则的具体落实.目前我国的食品不安全问题已经相当严重,而<食品卫生法>,<产品质量法>等已经不足以应对食品安全的需要,现行法律体系亟需完善.制定食品安全法符合国际立法的发展趋势.我国食品安全法的立法起点应该站得高一些,其立法定位应是食品安全的基本法;其立法路径应与现行的<食品卫生法>、<产品质量法>共存;其安全标准应以联合国和国际通行标准为依托;其立法的重点应强调和突出食品安全监管的组织建设,强调监督机制,保障责任落实,建立完善的权利救济机制,从而保证人民获取安全充足健康的食品,保障人类社会的健康发展.  相似文献   

上海"染色馒头"事件暴露出我国食品安全监管存在着诸多问题,监管主体的失职是其中重要一项。监管主体责任如果能够明晰并有效、常态化地落实,将促使监管主体更好地履行监管职责。由于现行监管责任体系不完善,切实地追究监管主体责任还须在权责一致的要求下划清各监管部门职权,丰富责任方式、健全责任追究渠道,在法治化的轨道上推进监管责任的落实。  相似文献   

保障食品安全需要食品伦理的介入.食品的本性在于维持生命、增进健康和幸福,它承载了生命价值,对待食品的态度就是对待生命的态度,这决定了其安全第一的伦理取向.食品的生产经营内含着道德契约,企业应当承担为消费者提供安全产品的社会责任.食品的保障与规制蕴含了政治良心,国家对公民获取安全食物负有尊重、保护和促进的义务.食品伦理的要旨在于:履行责任,保障安全.  相似文献   

目前,食品安全问题已成为世界各国关注的焦点之一,发达国家以食品安全为名利用技术性贸易壁垒对我国出口食品设置障碍,给食品行业造成了严重的经济和信誉损失。食品安全问题的根源在于食品供应链,食品供应链风险管理是国际上公认的食品安全管理理念之一,研究出口食品供应链风险预控机制可以有效地规避食品安全问题,促进我国食品出口。通过对我国出口食品供应链在组织结构、质量标准、供应链风险和供应链升级方面的特点进行分析,揭示其风险产生机理,进而提出以供应链再造增强其系统集成能力和抵御食品安全风险的能力。在再造出口食品供应链中,应从以核心企业为主导的供应链升级及政府标准化监管两个主要层面实施食品安全风险预控。  相似文献   

肖平容  程舫 《学术交流》2012,(8):131-135
当前,我国食品消费安全保障措施缺失,除了经营者不法经营与监管者监管不力外,未充分发挥消费者对经营者的制衡也是其重要原因。我国传统消费文化所蕴涵的某些消费审美、消费心理等消极因素极易诱发不安全食品的生产和供给,公民社会的消费文化的缺失是食品安全隐患产生的重要诱因。食品安全保障体系的构建,应加强公民社会的消费文化的培育,消费者应树立为自己的食品消费安全承担责任的意识,培养强烈的主体意识和良好的参与意识,增强防范不安全食品的忧患意识,营造公民社会的消费文化氛围,筑牢消费者自身安全防线,推动食品消费安全。  相似文献   

欧盟食品安全风险评估的科学顾问是欧盟食品安全管理局内部的科学委员会和科学小组.欧盟通过《统一食品安全法》以及欧盟食品安全管理局发布的各类指引,专门建立了确保科学委员会和科学小组成员能够提供卓越的食品风险评估科学建议的遴选制度、确保科学委员会和科学小组成员能够独立作出食品风险评估科学建议的制度以及确保其活动体现公开和透明的制度.借助于这些法律制度,欧盟食品安全风险评估科学顾问做出的科学建议以及欧盟食品安全管理局的科学绩效获得了欧盟社会公众、欧盟委员会以及欧盟成员国等主体的信任.欧盟的这些法律制度能够为我国食品安全风险评估科学顾问法律制度的完善提供知识养料.  相似文献   

The impact of globalisation on local agriculture and food systems has brought issues such as food security and rural sustainability to the forefront of policy‐making in developing countries. In China, the restructuring of domestic agriculture and liberalisation of trade following accession to the World Trade Organization have led to the growing reliance on imported food and raised concerns for food self‐sufficiency and safety. Inspired by the concept of social economy, social workers in China have explored alternative pathways towards sustainable food production and consumption through local initiatives. Based on participatory action research in a Chinese village, this study examines the potential contribution of social work intervention in responding to China’s agrarian challenges. It is shown that by linking rural cooperatives with the local food system and allowing farmers to sell directly to urban consumers at fairer prices, social economy initiatives provide a viable pathway for sustainable transformation by empowering rural producers while giving urban consumers access to sustainably produced food.  相似文献   

Food security is one of the dimensions in reducing poverty. Food bank governance is a key system for increasing food security. Even if thousands of food banks operate around the world by importing the standard US model, a universal standard of governance cannot always be applied to all countries, because actors, networks, and institutions embedded in unique social, economic, cultural, and political contexts retain endogenous properties. Hence, the governance model must reflect the endogeneity each society has. This article aims to theoretically suggest the endogenous governance model and to empirically demonstrate the validity of this model by comparing the governance of food banks in the USA and Korea. Although Korea introduced the US food bank model, the Korean model has been adapted and changed, evolving its own system. To find the difference in endogenous food bank governance between the two countries, we compared the variety of governance models, the institutional context, mode of network, actors' attributes, and time perspective.  相似文献   

When refugees arrive in their new resettlement country, they are designated to work with a caseworker employed with a resettlement agency who helps them acclimate to their new environment and break down new challenges. Food insecurity is one such challenge that resettled refugees face. This study looked at the role that caseworkers play in helping clients navigate food security. Eight caseworkers from three resettlement agencies participated in semistructured qualitative interviews. Data analysis revealed four categories: the caseworker’s role, linking clients to benefits, concerns about food, and caseworkers’ perspectives. The main concerns revolved around federal food assistance benefits, reflecting past study findings, and warrants further investigation into the efficacy of such programs. Moreover, the caseworkers’ perceived role in terms of food security was vague and inexplicit from the Cooperative Agreement protocols. Food security focused training could improve caseworker’s capacity to help clients adapt to their new food environment.  相似文献   


This research examines the awareness of social service professionals of the food security of low-income families in a community-based savings program. Based on survey data of 65 community agencies in seven states that offer the Individual Development Account (IDA) program, the study investigates program providers’ awareness of the food security of IDA program participants. Second, this study presents IDA program provider activities to alleviate food insecurity and summarizes their opinions about how food insecurity could be prevented among their program families. Results show that providers were aware that families did not have enough of the kinds of food they want to eat. This perception was most strongly related to IDA programs with longer durations. Program families’ reports of their children’s food insecurity aligned well with the extent of food hardship reported by the program providers. Access to food and nutritional wellness services was considered most relevant for alleviating food insecurity. Financial security, access to community resources, and direct access to food and family support networks were considered important factors for protecting families from the threat of hunger. Research is needed to identify the role of community organizations that do not provide nutrition assistance for helping low-income families overcome food hardship.  相似文献   

赵砚 《学术交流》2002,(5):94-97
绿色食品产业已经成为黑龙江的一个新的经济增长点 ,抓住黑龙江“二次创业 ,富民强省”的机遇 ,搞好黑龙江绿色食品市场组织及保障体系的建立 ,对推动黑龙江绿色食品产业的发展 ,使黑龙江由农业大省向农业强省转变至关重要  相似文献   

田媛 《社会工作》2012,(2):62-64
近十年来,我国面临的国际国内形势出现了新的变化,社会保障改革在此背景下也进行了新的道路选择并取得一系列成就。2011年开展城镇居民社会养老保险试点工作,这与2009年建立的新农保制度初步构成了我国养老保障制度的基本框架,标志着我国覆盖城乡居民社会保障体系的主要制度都建立起来,是我国社会保障改革和全面建设小康社会的重大进步。总结近十年来我国社会保障改革的基本经验,有益于我们更明确的认识改革的历史与现状,为继续推进社会保障改革、发展社会保障事业奠定重要基础。  相似文献   

Sustainable food consumption is an important issue globally, that will intensify if current projections of population growth, urbanisation and the growing ‘middle-classes’ in developing countries continues. Reducing meat consumption is one approach that can help with food sustainability and security, while helping to address the problematic environmental outcomes associated with agricultural production – assuming that a reduction in meat consumption will at some point be reflected in production practices. Currently, sensory perception, health, convenience and price are more immediately influential than environmental concerns in determining meat consumption practices. Moreover, consumer culture under neoliberalism and the context of New Zealand as an agricultural nation are significant underpinning factors in lifestyle practices including food choice. In this paper, I share the perspectives of New Zealanders on meat (and meat-like) consumption and production practices in order to find out (a) what factors are prominent influences in meat consumption and (b) how these factors might be utilised to reduce meat consumption by applying them to meat-less/reduced foods. I argue that these environmental factors need to be promoted alongside known influential determinants of purchase decisions in order to make the idea of reduced-meat consumption a more attractive option for consumers.  相似文献   


In food science and technology, understanding off-flavors has a significance with both technical and commercial implications. In the food industry in the United States, it is a widely held truism that consumers will not buy a product if they do not like the way it tastes or if it contains unpleasant flavors. But how can science determine when food is off putting, and how do scientists learn to address bad tastes in their experimental and technical practice? Based on ethnographic work with food scientists in the United States, this paper is a reflexive account of learning to taste off-flavors, a form of sensory learning that utilizes the scientist’s own body as a kind of instrument. The paper argues that a particular understanding of the consumer sensorium emerges through food scientists’ approach to off-flavors. This is an image of the consumer as a chemically receptive sensory system that is highly sensitive to compounds at trace levels. By utilizing the sensitivity of their own senses, food scientists exploit the relationship between distaste, memory and sensory perception as a form of training to produce future aesthetic memories of off-flavors that can be deployed in a technical context.  相似文献   

Recent increases in prices of dairy products in Israel led to consumer unrest and boycotts against dairy producers during the summer of 2011. The Israeli dairy industry is highly distorted with production quotas and administered prices for raw milk, tariff rate quotas and an oligopoly in dairy processing. Since the issue of self-sufficiency and food security is at the top of Israel's national priorities, the future of the dairy industry is generating heated debate. Thus, we use a general equilibrium model to estimate the effects associated with particular alternative policies actually discussed to liberalize the Israeli dairy industry.  相似文献   

How off‐farm employment can enhance welfare in terms of food consumption and poverty alleviation is a critical question facing many developing countries. This study addressed that question by pursuing two objectives: (i) to quantify the impact of off‐farm employment on rural households’ welfare, food security and poverty; and (ii) to examine the factors that affect their decision to work off‐farm. Using panel data, we estimated a difference‐in‐difference combined with a propensity score matching model. The findings show that off‐farm employment improves income, ensures food security and contributes to poverty alleviation. The results also show that age, marital status, education, labour, financial capital, land, location, market access and losses from natural disasters are significant contributing factors to the decision to participate in off‐farm employment. The findings suggest that to improve the welfare of rural households, the Vietnamese government should proceed with policies that enhance their opportunities for participation in off‐farm employment.  相似文献   

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