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针对教育收益率测算中可能存在的弱工具变量问题,本文利用2006年中国健康与营养调查数据,结合工具变量估计框架下的各种模型设定检验,对我国正规就业者的教育收益率进行测算。检验和测算结果表明:受教育程度的变量存在内生性,个体配偶的受教育年限是内生变量受教育程度的强工具变量,而个体的出生季度是弱工具变量。广义矩估计结果显示我国正规就业者的教育收益率为10.1%。  相似文献   

郭光远等 《统计研究》2018,35(4):117-128
本文研究了空间自回归模型的一种非线性形式:平滑转移空间自回归模型。该模型空间项系数与转移函数的形式相关,随转移变量变化而变化,既能刻画个体间的关联性,又能描述空间关联性随某些因素变化而发生的改变。本文在工具变量框架下主要讨论了Logistic平滑转移函数空间自回归模型的一些性质,对Exponential转移函数模型也作了相应比较分析,并给出了一系列的设定、检验、估计等过程的详细步骤。在较宽泛的假设条件下,我们证明了模型参数估计值的一致性,并对其进行了Monte Carlo模拟验证,模拟结果很好的支持了一致性结论。  相似文献   

文章研究了半参数变系数EV模型在线性约束条件下的估计和检验问题,当响应变量缺失、非参数部分协变量带有测量误差时,利用局部纠偏的Profile最小二乘估计、Lagrange乘子方法和借补技术构造了回归模型参数分量两类纠偏约束估计量。此外,为了检验线性约束条件,构造了借补的Profile Lagrange乘子检验统计量,并通过蒙特卡洛数值模拟验证估计量和检验统计量的有效性。  相似文献   

 在解释变量内生条件下,Choi,Saikkonen(2004)使用动态最小二乘法估计协整平滑转移回归模型,并基于动态最小二乘的估计结果构造 统计量检验协整向量的非线性。本文系统解析了 的构造并指出其不足,针对这一不足,本文将动态最小二乘法扩展为完全修正的最小二乘法,并进而基于完全修正的最小二乘法估计结果构造 统计量检验协整向量的非线性。本文的仿真试验表明,在有限样本下, 与 的检验势没有显著差异,但 的水平扭曲小于 。  相似文献   

两阶段估计方法是解决计量模型变量内生性问题的重要方法,而现代社会科学领域的研究文献在选择两阶段估计方法时存在较多误区,缺乏比较系统的研究。基于多项分布内生回归元的计数模型,采用蒙特卡洛模拟比较2SLS、2SPS、2SRI三种两阶段估计方法的优劣,并从检验水平和功效角度评价Wald、LR、LM三种内生性检验方法的有效性,结果发现:当忽略模型非线性、内生性或错误设定计数数据分布时,2SLS和2SPS均会存在较大的估计偏差,但2SRI估计量具有良好的有限样本特征;基于2SRI的三种内生性检验方法,在计数数据分布设定正确时都有合理的实际检验水平和功效,但在忽略计数数据过度分散特征时,Wald和LR检验统计量会发生严重的水平扭曲,而LM检验则更有效。  相似文献   

汪卢俊 《统计研究》2014,31(7):85-91
LSTAR模型的单位根检验往往易忽视其条件方差的时变性,实际上,对许多经济变量尤其是金融变量建立LSTAR模型后,经常发现其条件方差存在GARCH效应。针对LSTAR-GARCH模型的平稳性检验,本文构建了检验统计量tNG,之后在极大似然估计的基础上,推导出tNG的渐近分布,通过蒙特卡洛模拟方法得到该统计量的渐近临界值,并在此基础上研究了tNG检验的检验功效。在与刘雪燕和张晓峒(2009)提出的tNL检验、Ling等(2003)提出的tLG检验以及DF单位根检验进行比较后,发现tNG检验具备明显优势。  相似文献   

含方程误差的重复测量误差模型解决了协变量真值与响应变量真值之间存在的不完全匹配问题.为使中小型样本量下的假设检验结果更为准确,文章基于多元正态分布推导改进形式的Skovgaard似然比检验统计量,提高其在原假设下收敛到卡方分布的渐近速度,并应用该检验统计量对重复测量误差模型中回归参数的显著性进行假设检验.模拟研究的结果表明改进的似然比检验统计量在有限样本检验下的优越性;实例分析中通过检验气温与气压之间回归参数的显著性来说明该方法的实用性.  相似文献   

张凌翔  张晓峒 《统计研究》2011,28(5):105-110
 内容提要:在已有研究的基础上,本文更为深入的研究含有结构突变的趋势平稳变量与随机趋势变量间的虚假回归问题。本文推导出OLS估计下DW统计量、F统计量以及R2的极限分布,并且将回归模型扩展到动态情形下,推导出用于Granger因果检验的F统计量的极限分布;采用Monte Carlo模拟方法分析了数据生成过程的各项参数对各统计量有限样本分布的影响;最后,本文分析了在有限样本下,数据生成过程的各项参数对虚假回归及虚假Granger因果关系发生概率的影响。  相似文献   

动态面板模型参数估计方法的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张志强 《统计研究》2017,(9):108-119
本文借助于蒙特卡洛模拟方法,在综合比较了主流动态面板模型参数估计方法优劣的同时,分析了动态面板模型参数估计有效性检验统计量的检验功效.结论表明:广泛应用的差分和系统GMM的参数估计方法,在小样本情况下,存在明显的参数估计偏差,相应的参数检验功效也存在扭曲,固定效应方差比越大这一偏差越明显,偏差修正和极大似然的动态面板模型参数估计方法参数估计的有效性越高.当动态面板模型的被解释变量为截断变量时,差分和系统GMM的参数估计偏差更为明显,而转换的Tobit模型则能够提供稳健的参数估计.固定效应方差比越大,弱工具变量检验的LM和CLR功效越稳健.本文最后将不同的动态面板模型估计方法,应用于劳动力迁移引致的区域工资差距问题的研究,进一步验证了蒙特卡洛模拟研究结论的稳健性.  相似文献   

林谦  黄浩  黎实 《统计研究》2010,27(9):103-108
 面板数据的非平稳分析是近年来迅速发展的方向,其中考虑截面相关情形下面板数据的协整分析的发展备受关注。Bai &; Kao(2006)得出了截面相关条件下面板协整估计的因子模型,但该模型只考虑了被解释变量截面相关情形,未考虑解释变量的截面相关,且假定各截面间长期协方差矩阵相同。本文在Bai(2006)考虑截面相关条件下面板数据协整回归模型估计的基础上将其结论推广至被解释变量和解释变量均截面相关及截面长期协方差矩阵不相同即异质性时的情形,并试图通过Monte Carlo 模拟讨论其小样本性质。并且由于截面间长期协方差矩阵异质性的存在,本文还针对两变量的协整系统提出了系数检验的组间均值t统计量。  相似文献   

The composed error of a stochastic frontier (SF) model consists of two random variables, and the identification of the model relies heavily on the distribution assumptions for each of these variables. While the literature has put much effort into applying various SF models to a wide range of empirical problems, little has been done to test the distribution assumptions of these two variables. In this article, by exploiting the specification structures of the SF model, we propose a centered-residuals-based method of moments which can be easily and flexibly applied to testing the distribution assumptions on both of the random variables and to estimating the model parameters. A Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to assess the performance of the proposed method. We also provide two empirical examples to demonstrate the use of the proposed estimator and test using real data.  相似文献   

For testing the adequacy of a parametric model in regression, various test statistics can be constructed on the basis of a marked empirical process of residuals. By using a discretized version of the decomposition of the corresponding Gaussian limiting process into its principal components, we obtain a test statistic with an asymptotic chi-squared distribution under the null hypothesis. We investigate the consistency of this test statistic and of the estimators needed to compute it. Numerical experiments indicate that the distributional approximations already work for small to moderate sample sizes and reveal that the test has good power properties against a variety of alternatives. The test has a simple implementation. We present an application to a real-data example for testing the adequacy of a possible heteroscedastic exponential model.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider nonparametric test procedures based on a group of quantile test statistics. We consider the quadratic form for the two-sided test and the maximal and summing types of statistics for the one-sided alternatives. Then we derive the null limiting distributions of the proposed test statistics using the large sample approximation theory. Also, we consider applying the permutation principle to obtain the null distribution. In this vein, we may consider the supremum type, which should use the permutation principle for obtaining the null distribution. Then we illustrate our procedure with an example and compare the proposed tests with other existing tests including the individual quantile tests by obtaining empirical powers through simulation study. Also, we comment on the related discussions to this testing procedure as concluding remarks. Finally we prove the lemmas and theorems in the appendices.  相似文献   

Covariate adjustment for the estimation of treatment effect for randomized controlled trials (RCT) is a simple approach with a long history, hence, its pros and cons have been well‐investigated and published in the literature. It is worthwhile to revisit this topic since recently there has been significant investigation and development on model assumptions, robustness to model mis‐specification, in particular, regarding the Neyman‐Rubin model and the average treatment effect estimand. This paper discusses key results of the investigation and development and their practical implication on pharmaceutical statistics. Accordingly, we recommend that appropriate covariate adjustment should be more widely used for RCTs for both hypothesis testing and estimation.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a formal goodness-of-fit testing procedure for one-shot device testing data, in which each observation in the sample is either left censored or right censored. Such data are also called current status data. We provide an algorithm for calculating the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimate (NPMLE) of the unknown lifetime distribution based on such data. Then, we consider four different test statistics that can be used for testing the goodness-of-fit of accelerated failure time (AFT) model by the use of samples of residuals: a chi-square-type statistic based on the difference between the empirical and expected numbers of failures at each inspection time; two other statistics based on the difference between the NPMLE of the lifetime distribution obtained from one-shot device testing data and the distribution specified under the null hypothesis; as a final statistic, we use White's idea of comparing two estimators of the Fisher Information (FI) to propose a test statistic. We then compare these tests in terms of power, and draw some conclusions. Finally, we present an example to illustrate the proposed tests.  相似文献   

The detection of (structural) breaks or the so called change point problem has drawn increasing attention from the theoretical, applied economic and financial fields. Much of the existing research concentrates on the detection of change points and asymptotic properties of their estimators in panels when N, the number of panels, as well as T, the number of observations in each panel are large. In this paper we pursue a different approach, i.e., we consider the asymptotic properties when N→∞ while keeping T fixed. This situation is typically related to large (firm-level) data containing financial information about an immense number of firms/stocks across a limited number of years/quarters/months. We propose a general approach for testing for break(s) in this setup. In particular, we obtain the asymptotic behavior of test statistics. We also propose a wild bootstrap procedure that could be used to generate the critical values of the test statistics. The theoretical approach is supplemented by numerous simulations and by an empirical illustration. We demonstrate that the testing procedure works well in the framework of the four factors CAPM model. In particular, we estimate the breaks in the monthly returns of US mutual funds during the period January 2006 to February 2010 which covers the subprime crises.  相似文献   

空间回归模型选择的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间计量经济学存在两种最基本的模型:空间滞后模型和空间误差模型,这里旨在重新思考和探讨这两种空间回归模型的选择,结论为:Moran’s I指数可以用来判断回归模型后的残差是否存在空间依赖性;在实证分析中,采用拉格朗日乘子检验判断两种模型优劣是最常见的做法。然而,该检验仅仅是基于统计推断而忽略了理论基础,因此,可能导致选择错误的模型;在实证分析中,空间误差模型经常被选择性遗忘,而该模型的适用性较空间滞后模型更为广泛;实证分析大多缺乏空间回归模型设定的探讨,Anselin提出三个统计量,并且,如果模型设定正确,应该遵从Wald统计量>Log likelihood统计量>LM统计量的排列顺序。  相似文献   

While randomization inference is well developed for continuous and binary outcomes, there has been comparatively little work for outcomes with nonnegative support and clumping at zero. Typically, outcomes of this type have been modeled using parametric models that impose strong distributional assumptions. This article proposes new randomization inference procedures for nonnegative outcomes with clumping at zero. Instead of making distributional assumptions, we propose various assumptions about the nature of the response to treatment and use permutation inference for both testing and estimation. This approach allows for some natural goodness-of-fit tests for model assessment, as well as flexibility in selecting test statistics sensitive to different potential alternatives. We illustrate our approach using two randomized trials, where job training interventions were designed to increase earnings of participants.  相似文献   

This article proposes a class of weighted differences of averages (WDA) statistics to test and estimate possible change-points in variance for time series with weakly dependent blocks and dependent panel data without specific distributional assumptions. We derive the asymptotic distributions of the test statistics for testing the existence of a single variance change-point under the null and local alternatives. We also study the consistency of the change-point estimator. Within the proposed class of the WDA test statistics, a standardized WDA test is shown to have the best consistency rate and is recommended for practical use. An iterative binary searching procedure is suggested for estimating the locations of possible multiple change-points in variance, whose consistency is also established. Simulation studies are conducted to compare detection power and number of wrong rejections of the proposed procedure to that of a cumulative sum (CUSUM) based test and a likelihood ratio-based test. Finally, we apply the proposed method to a stock index dataset and an unemployment rate dataset. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

It is well known that the testing of zero variance components is a non-standard problem since the null hypothesis is on the boundary of the parameter space. The usual asymptotic chi-square distribution of the likelihood ratio and score statistics under the null does not necessarily hold because of this null hypothesis. To circumvent this difficulty in balanced linear growth curve models, we introduce an appropriate test statistic and suggest a permutation procedure to approximate its finite-sample distribution. The proposed test alleviates the necessity of any distributional assumptions for the random effects and errors and can easily be applied for testing multiple variance components. Our simulation studies show that the proposed test has Type I error rate close to the nominal level. The power of the proposed test is also compared with the likelihood ratio test in the simulations. An application on data from an orthodontic study is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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