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中国人口迁移的空间形态变化分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文章根据2000年中国人口普查资料和历次人口调查资料,对过去50年间的人口分布及各地区人口迁移的空间形态变化进行综合分析。作者采用RobertoBachi的迁移人口偏好指数研究省际人口迁移及西部和其他地区人口迁移的形态变化,并根据一些选择因素,如迁移距离、本地人口、本地经济发展水平、地区投资、工业结构、就业率及失业率、政府政策、自然资源与环境、教育和其他一些地区性社会经济要素,建立Narayana人口迁移的修正模型,并简要讨论了与中国西部大开发和入口迁移相关的一些政策措施。  相似文献   

西部大开发与人口健康之间的双向关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文分析了东西部人口健康水平的差异及造成这种差异的因素 ,探讨了西部大开发与提高人口健康水平之间的双向关系。主要结果如下 :( 1)东西部人口健康水平存在显著的差异 ;( 2 )西部大开发对增进西部人口健康将产生巨大的影响 ;( 3)提高人口健康水平可以提高“生存资本”和人力资本存量 ;( 4 )应充分发挥人口健康在西部大开发中的作用 ,打破西部地区贫困和疾病之间的恶性循环 ,不断培育西部地区可持续发展的能力  相似文献   

西部大开发与中国人口发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加快西部大开发是党和国家在世纪之交做出的一项重大战略决策 ,将对中国的人口发展产生深远的影响。这些影响主要包括 :一、西部开发为建立“利益导向型人口控制机制”提供了契机。二、可以加快西部地区人口转变的进程 ,促进人口政策的实施。三、有利于缓解西部地区严重的劳动就业问题。四、为加快西部地区人口城镇化进程提供了条件。五、加快人口的迁移与流动。六、对促进西部地区乃至全国人口素质的提高具有重要的意义。七、有利于减少贫困人口数量 ,协调人口、资源与环境之间的关系 ,实施可持续发展战略  相似文献   

李鹏 《西北人口》2014,(4):22-27
文章以我国1995年至2008年的省际面板数据对能源消费与二氧化硫之间的数量关系进行了实证检验,同时文章也研究了人口规模及技术进步对二氧化硫排放的影响。研究表明:(1)我国能源消费增加1%,二氧化硫排放量将增加0.8777219%,但二氧化硫排放量与能源消费的关系在我国东部地区、中部地区和西部地区表现出不同的特征;(2)随着人口规模的扩大,二氧化硫排放量不断增加;(3)在中部地区和西部地区,随着技术的进步,二氧化硫排放量减少,但在东部地区,随着技术的进步,二氧化硫排放量却不断增加。  相似文献   

成卓  陈艳 《西北人口》2008,29(1):108-110,114
西部少数民族人口的发展状况,直接关系到西部地区经济、社会的全面协调和可持续发展。本文就其人口政策的稳定、调整与法制化的战略途径,进行一定的可行性探讨。  相似文献   

西部少数民族人口与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西部是我国少数民族的聚居地 ,绝大部分是民族地区。把握西部少数民族人口的现状和趋势 ,正确认识人口控制与民族繁荣的关系 ,做好计划生育工作 ,控制人口数量、提高人口素质 ,促进少数民族发展 ,对西部开发至关重要  相似文献   

中国人口年龄结构与消费关系的区域研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1989~2008年间各省市的面板数据,分析了中国各区域居民消费率与人口年龄结构之间的关系,研究表明:中国少儿抚养比与消费率呈同向变动关系;老年抚养比与消费率呈反向变动关系,拒绝了生命周期假说。少儿抚养比降低对西部地区消费的影响高于中东部地区;老龄化对东部地区消费的抑制作用高于中西部地区。  相似文献   

我国人口与经济—资源承载力关系区域模式初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 一、问题的提出在一定的经济发展水平和资源环境条件下,一国一地区的人口承载能力客观上是有一定的合理限度或适度范围的。目前,国内关于人口承载量或承载力的研究正在从定性与定量的结合上逐步引向深化。这方面最值得重视的是国家农业区划委员会委托中国科学院自然资源综合考察委员会承担完成的《中国土地资源生产能力与人口承载量研究》。该项研究认为,从现状近期和中期人口需求与当地资源及粮食生产能力的关系看,全国可分为三类地区:即富余地区、临界地区和超载地区。然而,仅从资源角度研究人口承载力及其与人口的关系不免有其一定的局限性。因为,资源承载力相对富余的地区其经济承载力未必富余,而资源承载力相对不足地区经济承载力却有可能是相对富余的。事实上,仅从经济或资源角度出发研究问题都会有一定的局限性,如果综合考  相似文献   

梁宏 《南方人口》2002,17(3):34-37
利用1969-1998全国分省人口的统计资料,描述了西部人口转变的过程,比较了西部与东部和全国人口转变的差异,以及西部内部人口转变的差异,总结出西部人口转变的三个特点,指出西部人口转变的彻底完成还有待于西部地区的全面发展。  相似文献   

基于对中西部地区15个省市农业转移人口就近城镇化意愿的问卷调查数据,以社会认同度为研究视角,构建多群组结构方程模型分析中西部地区人口就近城镇化意愿的地区差异及其影响因素.研究结果表明:个人特征差异性对中西部不同地区人口就近城镇化意愿影响显著;中西部不同地区农业转移人口的社会认同度与其就近城镇化意愿显著正相关,且西部地区农业转移人口受到的影响作用更明显.东部地区农业转移人口更注重职业升迁机会、职业技能水平、子女教育状况、工资待遇水平、工作环境、工作时长的满意度.西部地区农业转移人口则更关注其与市民的关系、城市社会关系网络、户籍状况、基本公共服务、城市物价水平及居住条件的改善程度.  相似文献   

人口增长与集聚为超大城市的发展提供动力,也给其自然资源系统带来极大扰动,使之呈现脆弱性特征;为实现超大城市人口—自然资源可持续发展,近年来政府实施了大量调控政策,但因对城市人口—自然资源系统的复杂互动难以精确量化,导致超大城市人口与自然资源关系治理困难重重。基于此,以北京市为例构建人口—自然资源系统可持续性评价框架,从政策干预视角,分析不同类型调控政策(如人口调控、技术改进、资源管制等)与人口、自然资源的因果关系,并利用Laplace准则结合决策者风险喜好,模拟混合政策干预对人口—自然资源系统可持续性带来的影响。结果显示:政策干预是保证北京市人口—自然资源系统可持续发展的重要手段,其中,人口调控政策是北京市人口—自然资源系统可持续性变动的主要影响因素,资源管制和技术改进是次要影响因素;随着政策干预强度的增加,由于人口系统安全性和自然资源系统脆弱性的互动博弈,北京市人口—自然资源可持续性逐渐趋于稳定;在Laplace情景下,人口安全性减弱了1.82%,损失不大;而自然资源脆弱性减弱了12.13%,收益较高;最终使得人口—自然资源系统可持续性增强了6.23%。因此,对于超大城市的政策干预需...  相似文献   

D Xu 《人口研究》1983,(2):2-6
People are producers as well as consumers. If we look at only one side and ignore the other, we will be unable to reach impartial conclusions concerning the population problem. An obvious and close relationship exists between population growth and national economic development. If the two do not match each other, there will be numerous contradictory problems. For example, if the population grows too fast, serious social and economic problems will be created, such as a rise in the demand for living resources, an oversupply of the labor force, unemployment, and an insufficient availability of arable land, a shortage of public housing, more demand for health care and public transportation, and cultural and educational enterprises. In addition, a rapid population growth may cause more problems for the natural environment. As a result of overpopulation, the pressure on natural resources will be intensified and may therefore cause damage to the environment and create an ecological imbalance. All the above may bring very serious difficulties and obstacles to the advancement of socialism and modernized constructions. To avoid this, we must try to solve the population problem thoroughly and maintain a balanced relationship between the population growth and economic development.  相似文献   

X Wang 《人口研究》1983,(4):6-10
Strategies on population growth are the guiding principles for population reproduction and activity. A strategy for economic development is the fundamental policy directing all the economic activities of the nation. These 2 strategies are closely related and support each other. They share some common grounds: 1) with a large population and a high percentage of the population being peasant, the labor productivity remains rather low, and population pressure on the economy is intense; 2) when a country has large territory and rich natural resources, the average arable land for each individual is still not much, and some available resources for each individual are also limited; and 3) the distribution of the population is out of balance. The areas with a higher population density receive more pressure on their economy. This situation explains the need to improve the population distribution. Labor resources should match reasonable with natural resources in order to reduce the pressure on areas with a high population density. Because of the labor's low level professional skill and poor management, modernized constructions have met with serious troubles. Moreover, the traditional view on population and population growth also needs correction. In order to integrate and coordinate these 2 strategies, one needs to understand correctly the connection between the two, and also understand the effects of the economy on the population. In the 2nd step, we need to pay attention to how to control the size of population and improve quality in order to match modernized production patterns. The balance between the two should be achieved with constant efforts. In population growth strategy, efforts are needed to limit quantity, improve quality, adjust the population structure, and redesign the geographical distribution of the population. In the economic development strategy, efforts are needed to promote economic effectiveness, a balanced development and a sustained growth for the national economy, in order to increase industrial and agricultural production and provide more income for each individual.  相似文献   

中国人口生态态势的系统分析和空间发展格局探讨   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
王如松  陈亮 《人口研究》2007,31(2):1-14
区域人口分布态势是由地区资源、环境生态条件、社会经济发展水平以及历史文化渊源决定的。本文在对人口、资源、环境和社会经济发展的数据信息的挖掘和对已有研究资料分析的基础之上对人口变动的生态学机制进行研究,探讨人口、资源、环境耦合与调控的人口生态学方法,为国家和区域社会经济发展、自然环境保育以及人口生态安全的宏观调控提供科学方法和决策依据。  相似文献   

Since 1960 a debate has taken place between demographers and natural scientists over projections of world population into the future and the methods appropriate for making projections. Underlying this debate is a disagreement over the factors which influence human population growth. To the usual factors of fertility and mortality the natural scientists emphasize the human population's ability to communicate and thereby to enlarge available resources. Also at issue are different philosophies concerning the manipulation of data. The debate between demographers and natural scientists bears many of the features of a scientific revolution as described by Thomas Kuhn. The new theory also meets the criterion of scientific growth contained in the correspondence principle. The theories used by demographers and natural scientists have political implications, since the demographers assume stability whereas the natural scientists observe instability.  相似文献   

党的十六届四中全会,把构建社会主义和谐社会作为我国的根本任务。我国人口、人力资源和自然环境问题影响着构建和谐社会。只有坚定不移地实行计划生育基本国策,控制人口数量,提高人口素质,充分开发利用人力资源,实现人类与自然的和谐发展,才能构建和谐社会并长久地生存下去。因此,促进人口、人力资源和自然环境的协调发展,这既是构建社会主义和谐社会的基础,也是重要保障。  相似文献   

W Yu 《人口研究》1981,(2):4-10
The relationship between population and economy is regarded seriously by China and other countries. This problem can be analyzed and studied under 2 aspects: 1) the influence of economic development on changes in population, and 2) the influence of population increases on economic development. Under the 1st aspect, improved living conditions, hygiene, and health care generally result in lowered mortality rates. Improved economic conditions in China also increased the birthrate and at the same time increased birth control among the people; the increased birthrate was due to more marriages after liberation. In economically advanced countries, due to high expenses in raising children, people tend to limit family sizes to 2 children/family. Under the 2nd aspect, population increases place strains on the food supply and nutritional requirements, especially when increases are too rapid. They also demand more educational resources and influence quality of education. As there are currently 210 million students in China, the quality of education suffers, particularly at the college level, since most of Chinese manpower, physical and financial resources are spent on primary and secondary education. In terms of housing, transportation, health care, and natural resources, they are all intimately related to and influenced by increases in population. Consequently, the living standard would be difficult to raise if population increases are too rapid. Since 1971, population increases have been incorporated into 5-yearly and later yearly national economic plans in China. The large Chinese population is a major obstacle in raising the Chinese economic level, hence a well-planned population control program is essential.  相似文献   

21世纪中国人口问题透析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
江泽民总书记在全国人口、资源、环境座谈会上提出应该重视和研究人口问题 ,面对 2 1世纪经济全球化、信息化等社会和自然科学的发展 ,结合其对人口科学和人口管理带来革命性的影响 ,本文分析了人口总量控制与低生育水平下的生育政策、劳动人口数量的增长与就业等八方面的问题 ,从一种不同的视角来看待 2 1世纪中国人口问题 ,提出了自身独到的见解。  相似文献   

本文根据国内外评价人口发展的运动历程和变化趋势,以及国家人口发展战略的指导思想,从人自身发展、人口与经济社会和人口与资源环境三个大方面构建了我国人口发展的综合指标评价体系。综合指标体系包括一级指标体系3项、二级指标体系8项、三级指标体系22项、四级指标体系42项。并在常用综合评价方法的基础上,利用组合评价分析法对我国2008年人口发展做了综合评价,有效地克服了客观评价法和主观评价法的不足之处,得出了较为可信的综合评价值。  相似文献   

R S Li 《人口研究》1982,(1):53-56
Population law is basically a kind of social law and it has a system of very rich content. Population law is subject to the influence of both nature and society. Nature has a certain influence and function on the population, including its natural restricting force on the population, such as the life and death cycle, metabolism, and continuation of life. In addition, the natural environment also has a restricting force on the population; people have to live on water, air, sunshine, earth, and other natural resources. People whould have to follow fixed natural laws in order to live, or the continuation of life would be in jeapordy. Society also has some influence on population law and its restriction on the population is mainly through the means of production. On the one hand, it is the function upon the population from the nature, characteristics and condition of productivity. On the other hand, it is the function upon population from production relations. Socialist population law is a major branch of the entire population law. In this particular branch, the main contents include shared individual production and material need and a population development plan which deals with employment, population distribution, and other fundamental problems.  相似文献   

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