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The article analyses various developments that took place within the context of a Technical Cooperation project, financed by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, and implemented by GTZ (the German Technical Cooperation Agency) together with Bolivian Educational Ministry during 1997 and 1998. The project focused on teacher education, especially initial teacher education, in the course of national educational reform in Bolivia and concentrated on intercultural bilingual education in the Bolivian highlands.  相似文献   

In this interpretive case study the researchers examined the beliefs of 13 self-identifying race-conscious secondary social studies teachers from diverse racial or ethnic, gender, and school-context backgrounds. The researchers found that the teachers' beliefs and views of practice were generally aligned with the main assertions of critical race theory. The teachers described their personal and professional experiences as a major influence on their race-conscious beliefs and views of practice. Moreover, teachers in diverse contexts described having to learn how to navigate the different racial experiences of the students in their classrooms, while teachers in racially segregated contexts (predominately White, Black, or Latino) emphasized the importance of teaching their students about others. Finally, despite the teachers' regular integration of race-related issues into their required and elective courses, they expressed a desire to have more opportunities to teach about race.  相似文献   

Elderly Americans residing in nonmetropolitan (nonmetro) areas have higher poverty prevalence than their metropolitan (metro) counterparts. Data from both the response and nonresponse files of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (1988 wave) are analyzed to establish the extent to which this disadvantage also occurs in the length of poverty spells and the risk of becoming poor at older ages. Specifically, for individuals aged 55 and older Kaplan-Meier survival functions and multivariate discrete-time hazards models are estimated to document residential differences in the poverty risks of metro and nonmetro men and women. Nonpoor nonmetro elders are much more likely to become poor than metro elders. These results hold when controlling for race, education, marital status, age, change in work effort, becoming widowed, and types of income received.  相似文献   

The chronic dilemma in social work education — between high standards of academic excellence and the demands of breadth and relevance — has been thrown into sharp focus by two major developments in the past decade One is an academic revolution, a vigorous drive toward a sound scientific base of professional knowledge; the other is a social revolution, which has challenged the field's claims of relevance to the urgent concerns of the urban crisis. The author proposes a synthesis of these two dynamic elements rather than a rejection of one or the other. He sees language as both complicating the problem and offering a possible solution.  相似文献   

Literature from multiple disciplines suggests that women who are obese during early adulthood may accumulate social and physiological impediments to childbearing across their reproductive lives. This led the authors to investigate whether obese young women have different lifetime childbearing experiences than leaner peers by analyzing data from 1,658 female participants in the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. Study sample members were nulliparous women ages 20–25 in 1982. The authors examined their childbearing experiences between 1982 and 2006 and found that young women who were obese at baseline had higher odds of remaining childless and increased odds of underachieving fertility intentions than young women who were normal weight at baseline. These results suggest that obesity has long‐term ramifications for women's childbearing experiences with respect to whether and how many children women have in general and relative to the number of children they want.  相似文献   

Questionnaires concerning attitudes toward alcohol and drug testing in the workplace, personal experiences with these substances, professional experiences in treating abuses, religious and political ideology and other personal and professional characteristics were completed by 303 internists, family physicians, gastroenterologists and psychiatrists. Drug testing was most favored by those who more strongly believed in the efficacy of treatment for abusers, the seriousness of the drug problem, the illegality of drug abuse and that marijuana use should not be permissible. Many other personal but almost no professional characteristics were correlated with attitudes toward drug testing. Physicians' opinions about drug testing strongly reflected personal ideologies rather than medical training or clinical experience.  相似文献   

While the causes of organizational adoption of new practices often vary across social contexts, organizational theories seldom recognize this fact. One of the few contextual theories on adoption views the causes of adoption as varying according to the timing of adoption: Economic causes should govern early adoption and institutional causes should govern later adoption. Tests of this theory generally have focused on gradual adoption among noneconomic organizations. Recognizing the need to expand our understanding of the timing of organizational adoption, I examine rapid adoption among economic organizations. More specifically, I focus on the adoption of downsizing programs among Fortune 100 firms and report that economic and institutional factors have affected downsizing throughout the downsizing era. Interpretation of these findings sheds light on the genesis and continuation of the downsizing era and on the impact that the rise of investor capitalism has had on shifts in the specific causes of early and later downsizings. I conclude by stressing the theoretical and practical utility of investigating how new practices spread across organizations in different contexts.  相似文献   

Of Disciplined Minds and Disciplined Bodies: On Becoming an Ecologist   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phenomenologically speaking, the body is the hinge between the sociomaterial world and individual knowing. To illustrate the importance of this hinge in the making of ecologists, we draw on a two-year ethnographic project among field ecologists. Our study shows that becoming an ecologist involves not just the acquisition of skills and conceptual knowledge or just enculturation to a set of practices, such as occurs in university schooling, but also a disciplining of both mind and body, deriving from the physicality of engaging in the fieldwork itself. Becoming an ecologist therefore involves a disciplining that mingles the mental and the physical.  相似文献   

The study of young people has become a mainstay of social science. Education, employment, leisure, criminality, family life are all spheres within which the different experiences of young people have been examined. The principal tool for many of these studies has been a focus on transitions, looking at origins, journeys and destinations. The transition from school to work has been given the most attention, but increasingly there is interest in other life transitions such as (i) family development through relationships, marriage and children; and (ii) setting up a home outside that in which one was brought up. The focus on youth transitions has been found to be of use in both theoretical and policy developments. This paper reviews debates in the contemporary field of youth research and argues that only through taking a context-specific transitional approach, focusing primarily on education and employment, can one fully understand and theorise the position of young people in society.  相似文献   

This article examines the approach to the study of women and politics in the People's Republic of China and assesses the impact of gender studies (or lack of it) on women and the larger part of society in China. The author argues that most materials for studying women and politics in China emanate from the office of the All-China Women's Federation, an appendage of the Chinese Communist Party, and not from political science textbooks. This approach, however, falls short of addressing major political and economic problems facing women of China.  相似文献   

Using motivational theories of engagement and adopting a multidimensional perspective of academic engagement, the authors investigate the associations among teacher and parent support, students’ academic self‐efficacy, and academic engagement among a sample of reconnected youth who have returned to academic pursuit after dropping out (N = 938, mean age = 16.50, SD = 1.78). In addition, they examine how youth's adverse life experiences moderate the pathways in this model, an analysis notably missing from much of the academic engagement literature. They find that students’ academic self‐efficacy mediates parent and teacher support and youth academic engagement. Moreover, participants’ adverse life experiences moderate the connections among perceived support from parents, academic self‐efficacy, and academic engagement. Implications for practice and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This is an analysis of the process of leaving a high commitment status. Data on former priests identify two conditions under which predisposing factors became translated into resignation from the priesthood: forming new primary relationships and constructing legitimations of these relationships to support moving out of the status. These conditions underpin a resocialization process which helps establish a new reality for the individual.  相似文献   

作为伊斯兰教的重要外化象征之一,清真寺具有的诸多功能在推动伊斯兰社会与文化的历史进程中,发挥着不可或缺的作用。它在相当长时期内所承载的学术研究功能,又使其成为伊斯兰文化形成、发展继而体系化的核心场所之一。其中,伊斯兰教黎明时期(公元610-750年)的再传弟子在麦加、麦地那、伊拉克创建的《古兰经》注释学校及其培养的杰出注释学家,就是清真寺学术功能的具体显现。  相似文献   


In the present context of “get tough on crime” and “back to criminal justice” campaigns that continue to dominate political agendas throughout Australia, critics point to the inadequacy of “welfarist” or reformist criminological and sociological theories that have informed interventions in the past and reinforce the need for “retributive justice” models of penal policy. The present paper examines historical evidence on the role of the human sciences in juvenile justice administration during the 1940s, a formative time when psychiatric, psychological, and social work expertise came together in the form of the Children's Court Clinic in Victoria. It suggests that contemporary critiques about the failure of the welfare model of juvenile justice inadequately capture the historical functioning of expertise in justice administration and the real extent to which the welfare model as “actual rehabilitative intervention” was ever implemented.  相似文献   

This article describes my experience of graduate training in sociology at an elite American university. As an African, I faced cultural and intellectual pressures to adopt white middle class cultural norms and a Eurocentric worldview. The article critiques American sociology, including symbolic interactionism, the sociology of the Third World and the study of race and ethnic relations. I describe my personal encounter with American racism and the process that led me to conduct research on black immigrants. I argue that my exposure to American sociology and experience of American society transformed me into a black marginal sociologist, specializing in teaching and research on the African-American experience in the New World. His forthcoming book,Becoming Black American, is being published by AMS Press.  相似文献   

This paper examines the implications for European music culture of the European Union’s (EU) Digital Single Market strategy. It focuses on the regulatory framework being created for the management of copyright policy, and in particular the role played by collective management organisations (CMOs or collecting societies). One of the many new opportunities created by digitalisation has been the music streaming services. These depend on consumers being able to access music wherever they are, but such a system runs counter to the management of rights on a national basis and through collecting organisations which act as monopolies within their own territories. The result has been ‘geo-blocking’. The EU has attempted to resolve this problem in a variety of ways, most recently in a Directive designed to reform the CMOs. In this paper, we document these various efforts, showing them to be motivated by a deep-seated and persisting belief in the capacity of ‘competition’ to resolve problems that, we argue, actually lie elsewhere – in copyright policy itself. The result is that the EU’s intervention fails to address its core concern and threatens the diversity of European music culture by rewarding those who are already commercially successful.  相似文献   

The impact of school factors on academic achievement has become an important focus for identifying, preventing, and intervening with youth at-risk for academic failure. This study was designed to develop and test a more comprehensive school factor risk index. Specifically, the relationship between cumulative grade point average (GPA) and an additive risk index (ARI) were tested and an analysis of the index is presented. School factors that been shown in previous research to impact academic achievement were tested. Those factors were included in the final risk index if they met the criteria of (1) having a correlation with GPA, (2) containing a difference in outcomes between the risk and non-risk groups, and (3) making a unique contribution to the overall index. The risk and protective factors included in the creation of the ARI were attendance, academic self-efficacy, academic expectations, grade retention, music instruction, and school behaviors. The interplay between risk and protective factors was shown to have a significant relationship with GPA.  相似文献   

Understanding how young adolescents make decisions to engage in early sexual activities is vital for intervention efforts aimed at fostering positive youth development and reducing the negative outcomes of adolescent sexual behavior. In‐depth interviews with 42 suburban, mostly White, ninth‐grade adolescents (52% females, mean age=14.1, SD=.45) elicited accounts of their early sexual decisions. We adapted grounded theory methodology to build a model of sexual decision making from the adolescents' narratives. Six dominant categories emerged: contextual factors (relationship and personal characteristics), consideration of risks and benefits, boundary setting, boundary communication, the sexual experience, and evaluation. Our model of early sexual decision‐making processes, developed from the perspectives of young adolescents, highlights active consideration of health and social risks and benefits, as well as the generation of options regarding sexual activity. The model also shows that young adolescents set clear boundaries of sexual limits and evaluate sexual experiences, suggesting a dynamic process of decision making.  相似文献   

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