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This paper presents a critical review of the most frequently cited resurgence of ethnicity studies. Many of the sources cited in recently published ethnic relations books are found to lack an empirical base. They are essentially polemical, impressionistic and anecdotal works. Empirical studies that support the resurgence of ethnicity theme are also examined. Their shortcomings are noted. Nevertheless, these empirical studies provide convincing evidence that ethnic differences persist into the later generations. Overall, however, the empirical studies overwhelmingly document increasing assimilation. Virtually no evidence is found for the notion of a third generation resurgence.  相似文献   

Systematic study of the sociology of organizations is almost absent in both the classical and modern Marxist traditions. Although some recent studies in the Marxist tradition show considerable promise, the field has been dominated by the Weberian perspective. The development of new theory should be informed by the Marxian concepts of (a) labor theory of value, (b) the forces and relations of production, (c) historical development of capitalism, and (d) class structure and class struggle. Bourgeois organizational theory has some serious deficiencies, but there is much of value that can be subsumed under the broader rubric of Marxist political economy. The potential for a Marxist theory of bureaucracy is explored in an examination of managerial strategies to minimize external uncertainties in a monopoly capitalist system, and internal uncertainties arising from the work force. Strategies for controlling the work force include the division of labor, organizational hierarchy, rules and procedures, the uses of secrecy and hoarding of knowledge, and the maintenance of ethnic and sexual divisions in the work force. Further research is needed on (a) differentiating capital accumulation and social control strategies, (b) comparisons between workers in the state and corporate sectors, (c) comparisons between work organization under full range of socialist economies and those in capitalist economies in both manufacturing and government and (d) alternatives for the future.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of an analysis of all racial and ethnic relations articles published in the American Journal of Sociology, the American Sociological Review, Social Forces, and Social Problems, from January 1969 through December 1995. The analysis identifies by journal: 1) major methodological orientation(s); 2) how the concepts of “race,” “ethnicity,” and racial and ethnic relations are operationalized, which is useful for examining tendencies toward, or against, reification; 3) substantive content—that is, what a sociology of racial and ethnic relations is; and 4) primary context—that is, are racial and ethnic relations treated as a substantive subdiscipline in their own right, or are they merely a topic of interest for other subdisciplines such as social psychology? In brief, although some differences exist between the journals, all four journals publish disproportionately racial and ethnic relations research that: 1) is highly quantitative as opposed to theoretical, conceptual, or sociohistorical; 2) reifies U.S. Census definitions of race and ethnicity as opposed to critically evaluating such definitions; 3) social psychologizes racial and ethnic relations, or subsumes such relations under stratification processes; and 4) subsumes the racial and ethnic relations problematic under subdiscipline rubrics other than a sociology of racial and ethnic relations. The conclusion discusses the implications of these findings; for example, by virtue of what they publish, these journals construct a paradigmatic frame that gives precedence to, or legitimizes, some views and excludes, or de-legitimizes others.  相似文献   


Using examples from Malaysia, this paper emphasizes the importance of relating ethnicity to the power of the state and political processes involving different ethnic groups. Ethnic group formation involves processes that make people identify as an imagined community in a nation‐state. Indeed, the processes that create ethnic and national identities are part and parcel of the same historical processes. It is also necessary to relate national identity to ethnicity, as national identity is imagined differently by different ethnic groups in a nation‐state. The paper describes Malay and Chinese ethnicity as well as the complex ethnic identification and ethnogenesis of the indigenous peoples of Sarawak.  相似文献   


The authors argue that promoting gender equality without simultaneously promoting changes in capitalist workplace organization and capitalist cultural values systems will likely result in the unintended consequence of less meaningful leisure for mature women of the future. The current problem of declining leisure for both men and women, but especially women, is described, analyzed, and projected to the future. Certain assumptions are made about societal forces: liberal reform feminists continue to alter the system of gender stratification, male advantage continues to decrease, and capitalism continues to develop. The authors use a Marxist‐feminist interpretation to help explain the structure and dynamics of the leisure problem.  相似文献   


Much of present theory and research concerning class and ethnicity overlooks or discounts the overlapping effects of these two social dimensions upon individual behavior and group structure. Gordon's ethclass is discussed as the most proximate attempt at a conceptual model which integrates the two. Hypotheses suggested by this scheme as it relates to multi-ethnic, highly stratified societies are discussed. It is suggested that the three variables of the ethclass—cultural behavior, primary group interaction, and group identification—be augmented by a status variable which will account for the effects of socially assigned ethnic and class identities.  相似文献   


This article addresses the ways in which new media and technology contest how Greek ethnic communities in Canada are organized and structured. New technologies allow Greeks to go beyond their physical community and interface, via computer, television, or periodicals with Greeks on a global scale. I argue that current uses in media and technology signal the creation of new dimensions to Greek diasporic identity and imply stronger ties with the homeland and other diasporic communities, thus contesting traditional assimilation paradigms indicating that European ethnic groups are in the twilight of their existence. These findings suggest an increase in the application of new technologies among the first and second generations with interesting implications for our understanding of ethnic identity. I propose that the advent of high-tech forms of media in the last fifteen years has created new outlets for expressing ethnicity among those who already have some Greek ethnic consciousness. The means of acquiring social and cultural capital within diasporic communities is expanded to include these new forms of media, with implications for habitus and daily practices.  相似文献   


This article argues that social science representations of post-1965 Black immigrants in the United States employ the concept of "ethnicity" in ways that reinforce the racialist myth of Black (American) cultural inferiority. Specifically, the discursive use of Black immigrant "ethnic" and "cultural distinctiveness," while admittedly reflecting an important recognition of the heterogeneity of the United States Black populations, is in fact predicated upon a repackaged "culture of poverty" discourse that serves to reaffirm the overarching racial order. In a discussion of the theoretical and historical development of the concept, I show how the current discourse of "ethnic distinctiveness" perpetuates a form of racism under a theory that denies the relevance of race while it continuously recodes the biological notions of race as "culture." Thus, Black immigrant distinctiveness, when presented through the prism of the cultural narratives of ethnicity, allows for the perpetuation of a "cultural racism" that adversely affects all Blacks in this country. I therefore call for a rejection of ethnicity theory as it is currently conceptualized and suggest the need to ground theories of Black distinctiveness within analyses of power relations and ongoing practices of racial subjugation.  相似文献   


This paper explores contemporary approaches to identity within modernity with reference to the influential recent work of Anthony Giddens (1991, 1994) and recent debates on hybridity and diaspora developed within what may be termed a postmodern framework. Unlike Giddens’ focus on the unitary self of high modernity, whose political project is self‐actualization, and unlike the focus on cultural social forms found in debates on diaspora and hybridity, I argue that social divisions lie at the heart of modern societies. The social divisions of gender, ethnicity, “race,” and class must therefore be prime concerns in sociology because they lie at the very heart of the modern social order. They are central in terms of constructions of identity and otherness and in terms of producing differentiated and complex social outcomes for individuals and groups (Anthias 1998a).  相似文献   


We examine marketing strategies used by Brazilian and white American male sex workers in their online advertisements and the degree to which ethnicity is emphasized as an aspect of personal branding. The results show that both groups emphasize similar aspects that are important in the sex trade, particularly their physical attributes, although emphasis and details vary. The results also suggest that male sex workers are cognizant of ethnic and racial preferences or fetishes and use them to enhance marketability in their online advertisements.  相似文献   


As the populations of immigrant and migrant groups swell in Atlanta, Georgia, the nature of race and ethnic relations in the metropolis, one historically dominated by a black-white dichotomy, is changing. In the 2000 census nearly 40% of the Atlanta metropolitan area's working-age population was an immigrant, a return migrant, or a northern-born migrant. We use the 5% Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) from the 2000 census to examine over- and under-occupational representation in the metropolitan area among migrant and nonmigrant groups. The results indicate that there remains a racial and ethnic hierarchy that is related to occupational queues and segmented labor markets. By comparing different types of migrant groups, and by taking into account race, ethnicity, and nativity, we more clearly delineate economic stratification in the metropolitan region.  相似文献   


Although researchers have begun to examine the issue of ethnic and cultural factors in childhood sexual abuse (CSA), relatively little has been done to look at possible ethnic and cultural differences in psychological symptoms related to CSA. This study investigated the relationship between ethnicity and symptom presentation among Hispanic, African American, and Caucasian sexually abused girls. The study examined the relationship between ethnicity and depression, ethnicity and post-trauma intrusive symptoms, and ethnicity and post-trauma avoidance symptoms. Results indicated that African American girls had significantly higher levels of post-trauma avoidance symptoms than Hispanic girls, but not Caucasian girls. No significant differences were found between ethnic groups for depression or intrusive symptoms.  相似文献   


Ethnic Monitoring in higher education has been limited and piecemeal. It often fails to explore the relationships between ethnicity and student progress and achievement, and to account for any ethnic inequalities revealed. In this paper an approach to ethnic monitoring that utilizes quantitative and qualitative methods is discussed. We argue that such an approach gives a clear statistical picture of group progress and achievement, identifies social, economic and institutional factors that might account for ethnic inequalities, and highlights the processes of racism and discrimination in higher education. All of these aspects are vital to a thorough understanding of ethnic inequalities in the higher education sector in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   


By focusing on East European Jewish and Lithuanian ethnic groups in the United States, this paper offers a three stage model for understanding the process by which assimilating groups create their ethnicity: Stage One, ethnic community and participatory organizations; Stage Two, individual perpetuation and representational organizations; Stage Three, informal behavior and residual symbols. The model considers the impact of both cultural and structural variables, instead of treating them as rival claimants to primacy. In applying the model to data gathered in the groups' Chicago communities, we found that despite particular divergencies, both groups presented a similar response to the United States, enabling their members to maintain a dual ethnic identity beyond the tightly-knit ghetto and urban village.  相似文献   


This paper will attempt to rethink Samir Amin's concept of delinking in terms of selective delinking and selective engagement. The notion of delinking is perhaps Samir Amin's most distinctive contribution to alternative development, as well as to a vision of a new kind of politics. Inspired by the ideas of Abdullah Ocalan, this talk will focus on stateless (con)federalism seen as an active dialectical engagement with the modern capitalist world-system, an active process of (dis)engagement capable of modifying the conditions of capitalist world-economy.  相似文献   


This article addresses the persistent relationship between race/ethnicity, SES, health-related lifestyle behaviors, and self-reported health using data from the 1995 National Health Interview Survey and its topical supplements. Through a series of models, we found that both SES (education, income, home ownership, and house and business monetary value) and health-related lifestyle behaviors (physical activity, nutrition awareness, and smoking) contribute to racial/ethnic disparities in self-reported health. Further, the impact of education on smoking behavior and self-reported health differs by race/ethnicity, with non-Hispanic whites receiving greater health benefits from education than African Americans and Hispanics. Although SES and lifestyle behaviors are indirect paths through which race/ethnicity affects health, the relationship between SES and health also is shaped by racial/ethnic status.  相似文献   


Although researchers often incorporate various measures of ethnicity and ethnic identity (EI) into research about substance use, the relationships among ethnicity, EI, and substance use remain unclear (Marsiglia, Kulis, & Hecht, 2001; Phinney, 1996). This paper explores whether ethnicity and three EI instruments are useful in predicting substance use outcomes among three samples of ethnically diverse middle school youth. Findings include that age, gender, and/or racial or ethnic group membership influenced the strength of EI and that age, sex, and strength of EI influence substance use norms and behaviors. In each case where significant effects were obtained, a stronger sense of EI as measured by two of the instruments predicted more negative attitudes toward, and less use of, alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana. Implications for preventing substance use among middle school youth by building on and strengthening ethnic identity are provided.  相似文献   


The Aripae o are maroon descendants living in the Lower Caura region of Bol var state, Venezuela. A product of an earlier process of globalization that gave rise to the Atlantic slave trade, present-day Aripae o continue to resist any outside influence, intervention, or penetration that could spur sociocultural relations of inequality and (in)difference. Although they are consciously aware of the sociocultural disparities inherent in the modern world capitalist system, this does not imply that they are necessarily against the globalizing tendencies of modernity. Rather, their desire is to have direct participation and control over the resources that they consider important for their cultural production, representation, and reproduction. Through the utilization of the concept of "landscape" as an integrated and yet polysemic cultural repertoire, the aim of this article is to demonstrate that the Aripae o's commitment to their traditional way of life still incorporates their appreciation of modernity and globalization.  相似文献   


There is a series of common assumptions about prehistoric sex, associated with the prejudice that it must have been more natural because it happened closer to our evolutionary origins. The development of primate studies reveals a high degree of social variation between and within primate species, along with evidence for the practice of non-reproductive sex both recreationally and for expressing dominance relations. Yet, hypotheses about the behavior of human ancestors and early modern humans have been hampered by a lack of an integrated methodology. Although there is no single trajectory for either the elaboration or restriction of sexual behaviors after the emergence of culture, I argue here that it is possible to identify key turning points with more or less universal validity. These points include the reasons for and implications of brain size increase at the time of the emergence of genus Homo, the crystallization of impersonal gender by mid-Upper Paleolithic Ice Age societies, the early development of systems of control over both fertility and the projection and alteration of sexual identity, and the inferred emergence of homonegativity in early, reproduction-oriented farming societies. Further, archaeological data allows naturalist assumptions to be effectively refuted.  相似文献   

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