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袁成 《交通与港航》2005,19(4):41-43
<正>印度,全称印度共和国(theRepublicofIndia),位于南亚次大陆,国土划分为20个邦和9个中央直辖区。全国的大城市中,居民人数超过1000万的,有首都新德里所在地区德里、孟买和加尔各答;居民超过500万的,有马德拉斯、海德拉巴、艾海迈德巴德和班加罗尔。此外,还有35个居民人数超过100万的城市。在上述这些城市的居民中,有23%系贫困人口。这些城市中的交通工具,除古老的黄包车和  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(2-3):59-73

This paper provides a brief overview of anthropological approaches and studies of father involvement with the hopes of providing insights into how father involvement is conceptualized in the United States. The paper reviews four topics: (1) how our culture shapes how we feel about father-child relations; (2) factors cross-cultural studies have identified as being associated with high levels of father involvement; (3) the different roles of fathers during the past 120,000 years of human history; and (4) how biology and male reproductive interest influence father involvement.  相似文献   

Although it has been suggested that parents of sons are less likely than parents of daughters to divorce, few studies have explored this relationship in societies characterized by a strong preference for sons, where such an effect should be most pronounced. Using data from 116,498 once‐married female respondents to the 1992–1993 and 1998–1999 Indian National Family Health Surveys, we found that at lower parities, having at least one son is associated with a significantly lower risk of divorce or separation. Moreover, with few exceptions, the effect of children's sex composition on the risk of divorce holds for subgroups of Indian women across categories of education, religion, location (urban vs. rural), caste, cohort, and region.  相似文献   

This article suggests how the waging of war in an imperial setting may have reshaped military and civilian relations in India from 1939-45. The number of troops stationed in India had repercussions for society and local politics. The article investigates widespread prostitution as one aspect of the gendered wartime economy. Indian prostitution was closely linked to militarization and to the effects of the 1943 Bengal famine. The article also argues this was symptomatic of a more far-reaching renegotiation of the interactions between men and women in the Indian Empire of the 1940s. Other Indian, European, North American and Anglo-Indian women worked as nurses, with the Red Cross and in a variety of roles towards the war effort. Women were subject to new social and sexual demands due to the increased numbers of troops stationed in India in the 1940s.  相似文献   


For many adults, adolescent sexuality is problematic. For adolescents, it may be problematic, powerfully alluring, or simply a part of becoming an adult. Either way, and irrespective of whether they have ever had sex, young persons seeking mental health counseling in an urban mental health clinic express a strong desire to talk about sex and sexuality. Significant gender and age differences are noted in desire to talk about sexuality and mediated by involvement in sexual risk behaviors. Having experienced forced sex is directly related to desire for counseling about sex and sexuality. The findings presented in this article compel clinicians to engage all adolescents in meaningful dialogue about sex and sexuality.  相似文献   


This paper, based on a primary sample survey over 1925 earning individuals in the cities of Kolkata, Cuttack and Bengaluru, examines how the individual and household characteristics influence the acts of giving in urban India. The regression results indicate income, family size and property ownership affecting likelihood and extent of giving. Likelihood to give is more with females, though males tend to donate more. There exists threshold income beyond which likelihood to donate is less. Characteristics like age, education, dependency ratio and marital status influence certain acts of giving. As the opportunity cost of non-cash giving increases with the rise in income, cash donations substitute non-cash giving. There also prevails complementarity in the acts of giving. On behavioral front, in addition to work–life balance and pledging, the notion of rational choice seems to be gaining ground.


Recent developments around the globe – from organization into forums such as the World Social Forum to smaller protests – have necessitated a review of the notion of movements/mobilizations. There is an enhanced focus on ‘mobilizing/organizing’ masses. The character of mobilizations is radically transformed and is in a constant flux leading to explorations of newer ‘experiments’. Central to such a conceptualization, given the state of mobilizations worldwide, is the need to grapple with the causal factors and the dialectics of systemic dynamics and mobilizations. This paper seeks to comprehend the dynamics of mobilizations, their rise and fall in the light of contemporary developments of rampant consumerism and individualization resulting in shrinking collective spaces. It argues that in the transformed setting, when liberalism coexists with mounting coercion of private capital through state as well as non-state institutions, mobilizations of changed character will be ultimate expressions of resistance leading in due course to a macro-assertion. Such a debate has not been taken up seriously in India with the same intensity as in the Latin American context or in Western sociology. The arguments made in the paper are based on interviews with activists, interaction with activists and their experiences in different meetings as well as research based on secondary material.  相似文献   

刘荣 《城市观察》2011,(3):123-128,109
在城市史研究中,"资治"和"通鉴"本该是一对并重的关系,但是很多时候两者反而形成了悖论。在具体的城市史研究中,重视其"资治"作用,忽略其"通鉴"作用的情况时有发生。本文将对城市史的研究进行综合考察,并以失败和成功两方面的案例来说明,在城市史研究中,"资治"和"通鉴"是可以得到有机结合并且达到最佳状态的。  相似文献   

The Komarovsky-Wallin thesis of women's pretending inferiority in dating situations was replicated (287 women) and is challenged. Questions are raised as to the appropriate collapsing of categories of responses and the incidence of pretended inferiority in relation to number of dates. Data from a comparison sample of men (318 men) are also presented. Evidence does not sustain the belief of women's pretensions of inferiority.  相似文献   

Drawing from 2 largely isolated approaches to the study of social stress—stress proliferation and minority stress—the authors theorize about stress and mental health among same‐sex couples. With this integrated stress framework, they hypothesized that couple‐level minority stressors may be experienced by individual partners and jointly by couples as a result of the stigmatized status of their same‐sex relationship—a novel concept. They also consider dyadic minority stress processes, which result from the relational experience of individual‐level minority stressors between partners. Because this framework includes stressors emanating from both status‐based (e.g., sexual minority) and role‐based (e.g., partner) stress domains, it facilitates the study of stress proliferation linking minority stress (e.g., discrimination), more commonly experienced relational stress (e.g., conflict), and mental health. This framework can be applied to the study of stress and health among other marginalized couples, such as interracial/ethnic, interfaith, and age‐discrepant couples.  相似文献   

The study explores from a comparative perspective different strategies for history education reform that European countries have adopted in order to respond to political changes in Europe. Key to an understanding of these reforms are the underlying notions of citizenship reflected in history education. The author presents a set of criteria that could guide curriculum specialists and textbook authors to develop educational material which are based on an active and minority‐inclusive notion of citizenship. More specifically, allowing for multiple perspectives and comparison across and within nations is viewed as crucial for history curricula reform in multiethnic societies. She focuses on six aspects of history curricula that deserve scrutiny when reforming existing history education material and methods: curriculum versus framework, event‐centred versus theme‐centred history education, chronological versus inverse chronological sequence, traditional versus contemporary focus, national versus global scope, knowledge versus skills. The study also highlights three areas in which the hidden curriculum of history education is likely to be manifested: language, polarisations, and visual representations.  相似文献   

Promiscuous Intimacies: Rethinking the History of American Casual Sex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Casual sex has become a cultural commonplace since it was named in the 1960s and later became associated with the US college sex phenomenon of “hooking up”. However, contemporary accounts of this sexual practice are curiously lacking in historical perspective. This article explores this modern history, both before and after uncommitted, non‐romantic, sexual encounters – sex for sex's sake – were named as casual sex. It agues that studies that contrast the increased “sexual possibilities” of hookup sex to the assumed restrictive practices of an earlier era distort both the restrictions of the earlier period and the freedoms of the latter.  相似文献   

Ali  Syed 《Sociological Forum》2002,17(4):593-620
This article explores how the significance of ethnic identity can vary within a stable population, using caste among Muslims in Hyderabad, India as a case study. While some Hyderabadi Muslims are still embedded in ethnic networks, most now experience ethnicity as elective and do not rely on a corporate caste group for their social connections. This reflects a decline in the value of caste identities, which no longer provide economic or political resources. Increasingly, Muslims seek status through education, profession, or income. Thus, most Muslims in Hyderabad experience caste membership, identity, and networks in a weakened or attenuated way.  相似文献   

性别角色差异对大学生婚前性行为的影响分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
如今的大学校园中,婚前性行为已不再是惊世骇俗之举。通过社会化理论与性别社会学中相关理论的结合分析,可以清楚地发现,在大学生的婚前性行为中,由于社会化导致的性别角色差异的存在,男女大学生在同性性行为以及异性性行为的主动性、人际性行为关系、性行为的自我认同和性渲泄方式上存在较大的差异。大学生属高知识人群,博学兼容及追新求异的倾向,使他们更有可能接触并接受更多的新思潮、新观念,从而对性问题抱较为开明的态度,但也极易造成性自由化的倾向。因此,需要学校及时提供科学的双效性教育,提升男女大学生在性问题上的角色扮演能力,从而真正遏制放任性行为的频繁发生。  相似文献   

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