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赵明  王晓军 《统计研究》2015,32(12):76-83
本文梳理了几种重要的动态死亡率预测模型,给出了长寿风险度量的三种方法,选取了保险公司及国家统计局公布的人口死亡率数据,度量了保险公司的两类长寿风险,对不同方法下长寿风险的度量结果进行比较,并分析了极限年龄与折现率变动对长寿风险影响的敏感性。研究发现:基于保险公司经营稳健性的视角,第一类长寿风险的度量应采用随机模拟法,第二类长寿风险的度量应采用标准公式法;极限年龄的变动对长寿风险的影响较小,保险公司无上调经验生命表极限年龄的必要;长寿风险对折现率的变动较为敏感,提高折现率,保险公司长寿风险显著降低。  相似文献   

中国保险公司经济资本估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何确定经济资本以弥补潜在的损失是保险公司风险管理中核心的问题之一。文章应用风险度量一致性原则及TailVaR函数定量估算了中国保险公司应具备的经济资本数量。  相似文献   

基于ES模型的供应链系统风险度量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了在应对供应链风险的过程中,及时做出正确的决策,文章将期望损失方法引入,建立了供应链风险度量模型;提出供应链收益最大同时风险损失最小的双目标函数,建立双层规划模型,并运用遗传算法进行求解。可以看到,这种基于期望损失方法的双层规划模型,对供应链风险应对决策的确定是切实有效的。  相似文献   

为加强保险集团监管,完善中国正在建设的第二代偿付能力管理体系,利用国际上应用广泛的CTE与VaR两种风险度量方法构建监管资本套利模型,对不同条件下保险集团套利策略进行理论研究。根据中国人民财产保险股份有限公司历史数据,运用R软件,首次对保险集团监管资本套利策略进行直观展示和实证检验。研究表明:监管资本套利可以为保险集团节约大量资本,但蕴含一定风险;若监管资本中考虑尾部极端风险,有利于降低监管资本套利风险。  相似文献   

传统的风险度量方法比较粗略,不具备唯一性和全面性,因此只能做大概估计.文章介绍了一种实用的三维熵式度量模型,并将其引入到风险型投资决策中,通过实例给予了论证.该模型可如实评价开发中的利润和风险,可为决策者进行投资决策提供良好可靠的建议.  相似文献   

随着中国利率市场化改革的加速,利率市场的风险管理问题引发了广泛的关注,作为筹集短期流动性资金的主要工具,同业拆借利率(Shibor)逐渐成为各金融机构决策参考的基准利率。在传统的ARMA-GARCH模型的基础上,引入Hurst指数捕捉Shibor的分形特征,使用扩展后的ARFIMA-FIGARCH模型对Shibor的隔夜和7日利率收益率的VaR进行度量和回测检验。结果显示:隔夜和7日利率收益率都具有反持续性,即收益率过去是上升趋势,则未来倾向于下降;考虑分形特征的ARFIMA-FIGARCH模型,比原模型对Shibor的度量更准确;在同业拆借市场中,Ged分布是解释多头VaR的理想选择,而正态分布是解释空头VaR的理想选择。  相似文献   

混业经营是一种趋势,金融控股公司的风险度量已是一个难题。本文运用VaR和Copulas函数等方法构建计算混业经营金融控股公司的风险度量模型Copula-VaR,对金融控股公司混业经营风险进行度量;并对几种风险度量VaR方法进行了比较,得出多样化经营的优势。  相似文献   

传统未分组的藤Copula模型可用于刻画金融资产间的相依性,但其存在将所有不同行业资产视为一个整体的问题。本文在充分考虑金融市场中各机构所属行业不同的基础上,提出了藤Copula分组模型,给出了该模型算法的具体步骤,并证明了算法的收敛性。最后通过返回检验方法,对比研究了藤Copula分组模型和未分组的藤Copula模型对银行业、证券业和保险业间VAR估计的精度差异,结果表明藤Copula分组模型的预测效果更准确且更有效。  相似文献   

目前,商业银行操作风险的度量大都是在操作风险损失数据的分布假定下、根据VaR风险度量方法给出资本需求(风险准备金),这一理论方法的基础是假定分布。然而商业银行操作风险的准备金往往又是一个基本确定的数值或需求区间,这就给风险准备金提出了比较严格的要求,否则将为商业银行操作带来一定的风险隐患。故根据分区多目标风险方法度量操作风险,并在此基础上根据信息熵的理论给出最优的资本需求(风险准备金)及其模型,其方法的优点是灵活简单,但要求初始密度函数的极值分布收敛于耿贝尔类型。为此给出实证分析,以说明两者之间的关系,这一理论方法可以为监管部门的管理提供一定程度的参考。  相似文献   

Expected Shortfall风险度量的一致性估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要讨论了ES(Expected Shortfall)风险度量的估计的一致性问题,发现有些估计为一致性估计,有些估计不满足一致性公理中的次可加性。由于风险度量方法是证券组合选择模型的重要部分,因此本文结果对风险管理和投资组合分析有一定的指导意义,同时也启发我们在对风险度量进行估计时,有必要对估计的一致性问题进行相应的分析。  相似文献   

We propose a bootstrap-based test of the null hypothesis of equality of two firms’ conditional risk measures (RMs) at a single point in time. The test can be applied to a wide class of conditional risk measures issued from parametric or semiparametric models. Our iterative testing procedure produces a grouped ranking of the RMs, which has direct application for systemic risk analysis. Firms within a group are statistically indistinguishable from each other, but significantly more risky than the firms belonging to lower ranked groups. A Monte Carlo simulation demonstrates that our test has good size and power properties. We apply the procedure to a sample of 94 U.S. financial institutions using ΔCoVaR, MES, and %SRISK. We find that for some periods and RMs, we cannot statistically distinguish the 40 most risky firms due to estimation uncertainty.  相似文献   

The tail distortion risk measure at level p was first introduced in Zhu and Li (2012 Zhu, L., Li, H. (2012). Tail distortion risk and its asymptotic analysis. Insur. Math. Econ. 51(1):115121.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), where the parameter p ∈ (0, 1) indicates the confidence level. They established first-order asymptotics for this risk measure, as p↑1, for the Fréchet case. In this article, we extend their work by establishing both first-order and second-order asymptotics for the Fréchet, Weibull, and Gumbel cases. Numerical studies are also carried out to examine the accuracy of both asymptotics.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a general downside risk measure based on high-frequency downward moves below minimum acceptable target in asset prices. We derive the central limit theorem of this measure, and Monte Carlo simulation experiments support our theoretical results. We also investigate the distributional properties of this measure in China’s stock market. The theoretical and empirical works on realized downside risk measure shed light on the potential of this measure in measuring and modeling financial risk.  相似文献   


For monitoring systemic risk from regulators’ point of view, this article proposes a relative risk measure, which is sensitive to the market comovement. The asymptotic normality of a nonparametric estimator and its smoothed version is established when the observations are independent. To effectively construct an interval without complicated asymptotic variance estimation, a jackknife empirical likelihood inference procedure based on the smoothed nonparametric estimation is provided with a Wilks type of result in case of independent observations. When data follow from AR-GARCH models, the relative risk measure with respect to the errors becomes useful and so we propose a corresponding nonparametric estimator. A simulation study and real-life data analysis show that the proposed relative risk measure is useful in monitoring systemic risk.  相似文献   

The classical confidence interval approach has failed to find exact intervals, or even a consensus on the best approximate intervals, for the ratio of two binomial probabilities, the so-called risk ratio. The problem is reexamined from a Bayesian viewpoint, and a simple graphical presentation of the risk ratio assessment is given in such a way that sensitivity to the selected prior distribution can be readily examined.  相似文献   

操作风险损失事件的数据一般较为匮乏,这会影响到模型参数估计的准确性,进而导致经济资本配置的偏差和风险控制能力的降低。在损失分布法的框架下,运用基于MCMC模拟的贝叶斯方法,借助WinBUGS软件包通过Gibbs抽样构造出负二项分布和帕累托分布的稳态马尔可夫链,以分别动态模拟操作风险损失频率和强度的后验分布,计算出操作风险所要求的经济资本。对比极大似然估计法,实证结果表明,在小样本条件下此方法可以取得较好的结果。  相似文献   

Regression Analysis (RA) is one of the frequently used tool for forecasting. The Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Technique is the basic instrument of RA and there are many regression techniques based on OLS. This paper includes a new regression approach, called Least Squares Ratio (LSR), and comparison of OLS and LSR according to mean square errors of estimation of theoretical regression parameters (mse ß) and dependent value (mse y).  相似文献   

A New Measure of Kurtosis Adjusted for Skewness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Studies of kurtosis often concentrate on only symmetric distributions. This paper identifies a process through which the standardized measure of kurtosis based on the fourth moment about the mean can be written in terms of two parts: (i) an irreducible component, about L4, which can be seen to occur naturally in the analysis of fourth moments; (ii) terms that depend only on moments of lower order, in particular including the effects of asymmetry attached to the third moment about the mean. This separation of the effect of skewness allows definition of an improved measure of kurtosis. This paper calculates and discusses examples of the new measure of kurtosis for a range of standard distributions.  相似文献   

金融风险度量VaR与CVaR方法的比较研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风险价值(VaR)是近年来受到国际金融界的广泛支持和认可的一种度量金融风险的工具。文章指出了风险价值(VaR)模型两个重大的缺陷,并对它和条件风险价值(CVaR)金融风险度量模型进行了详细的介绍和对比分析,给出了它们的共同点和CVaR在投资组合应用中的优势,结合中国金融市场的实际情况,指出CvaR在中国金融市场中应用应注意的问题,对其应用前景提出了新的思路。  相似文献   

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