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Young children differ in their responses to failure, displaying mastery or helpless behavior patterns. We examine the moderating role of child temperament on the association between parent warmth/negativity and children's helpless responses to failure. Regarding temperament, we focus on tendencies to experience interest and sadness because they entail task engagement and withdrawal, respectively. We measured mother (n=150) expressions of positive and negative emotion during a teaching task, assessed temperament using LabTAB‐Preschool episodes, and coded helplessness during an impossible puzzle task. Maternal negative emotion during teaching was positively associated with helplessness, but only for children low in interest. Maternal warmth was negatively associated with helplessness, but only for children high in sadness; sadness did not moderate the relation between maternal negativity and helplessness. Findings provide support for parenting by temperament goodness‐of‐fit models and for a discrete emotions approach to temperament.  相似文献   

Hospitals are commonly regarded as unpleasant places to be. The reason is that, as a total institution, the hospital creates a depersonalizing environment that forces the patient to relinquish control over his or her daily existence. It is suggested that patients cope with depersonalizing loss of control by assuming "good patient" behavior or "bad patient" behavior. Predictions are offered as to who will show which behavior pattern under which circumstances. However, a review of these patterns suggests that some "good patients" may actually be in a state of anxious or depressed helplessness, whereas "bad patients" are exhibiting anger and reactance against the perceived arbitrary removal of freedoms. An analysis of the behavioral, cognitive, affective and physiological correlates of these patterns, as well as the behaviors they elicit in staff, suggests that both the "good patient" and the "bad patient" sustain health risks. It is argued that a more informed and participative role for the hospital patient can eliminate or offset many of these risks and actually improve the level of physical and psychological health in the hospital setting.  相似文献   

This research examined the role of mothers' cognitions about children's self‐control in their responses to children's helplessness. Mothers and their four‐year‐old children (N = 109) were asked to work on a difficult task in the laboratory. Mothers' hostility and warmth as well as children's helpless (vs. mastery) behavior were coded every minute. Mothers also completed a set of questionnaires assessing their cognitions about children's self‐control. Hierarchical linear modeling indicated variability among mothers in their minute‐to‐minute hostility, but not warmth, in response to children's helplessness. Mothers' cognitions contributed to this variability: The more mothers placed importance on, worried about, and believed they could influence their children's self‐control, the more hostility they demonstrated following their children's helplessness.  相似文献   

郭慧玲 《社会》2016,36(2):146-166
本研究应用2010年中国综合社会调查(CGSS2010)数据分析身体健康与社会阶层的关系及其社会心理机制。在区分身体健康和心理健康的基础上,整合社会学和心理学相关理智资源,将在社会科学领域中越来越具有理论意义的身体研究延伸至经验研究层面。研究表明,个体身体的健康程度在某种程度上是社会阶层在个体身上印刻的结果,而这种印刻过程是通过阶层认同、群际伤害、习得性无助和情感支持等心理过程得以达成。  相似文献   

The current study examined associations between mothers’ behavioral profiles during mother‐child conflict interactions and their children's social skills. This person‐centered approach classified 181 mothers according to their levels of emotional responsiveness, intrusiveness, negativity, and engagement facilitation behaviors during an eight‐minute conflict discussion task with their child. Three distinct classes of mothers were identified using latent profile analysis: sensitive/engaged, moderately sensitive/engaged, and insensitive/disengaged. An analysis of covariance indicated that children of mothers in the sensitive/engaged group had significantly higher social skills than children of mothers in the moderately sensitive/engaged and insensitive/disengaged groups. Results suggest that mother‐child conflict interactions may benefit children's social development when mothers facilitate their children's participation in a highly sensitive manner.  相似文献   

The morbidly elevated interest in the unconscious and in its role in the destinies of the individual and of mankind, seen in a number of West European and American countries, is a direct consequence of fear and helplessness in the face of the elemental forces of capitalist society.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine the moderating role of positive affect on the relation between approach behaviors and adjustment outcomes. One hundred eleven toddlers participated in a laboratory assessment of approach and positive affect at 24 months. Behavior problems were reported by a parent in the fall of the child's kindergarten year. Results supported our hypotheses that children who displayed high approach and high positive affect in both non‐threat and low‐threat contexts were rated as higher in externalizing behavior problems. On the other hand, for children showing low positive affect, increases in approach in a moderate‐threat context lowered the risk of developing internalizing behavior problems. Implications for these findings are discussed, including methodological considerations of differences among eliciting contexts and advantages of separating positive affect and approach.  相似文献   

王彩云 《唐都学刊》2010,26(6):90-93
月亮是王昌龄近体诗歌中的重要意象之一,它在语言、意象及蕴含三个方面密切相关。定中式偏正结构是其语言构造方式。非中心意象位于中心意象之前是其意象构造方式;非中心意象从光泽、位置、性状及主观人文体验等方面修饰中心意象。月亮意象主要抒发作者三个方面的情感:愉悦豁达的美好情感、痛苦不满的悲伤情感和感慨时间无情的无奈情感。  相似文献   

20世纪三、四十年代上海文坛除了左翼小说的活跃、繁盛外,还有与其形成鼎足之势的海派小说。这个这文学流派中,40年代涌现出大批优秀的女性作家,在这批"小姐作家"中最有影响力的是张爱玲和施济美。张爱玲的小说更多表现的是人生的无奈,任何诗意的东西在张爱玲这里都是荡然无存的。而施济美的小说却始终保持着对理想、爱情、信念不懈的追求。  相似文献   

Most programs to foster sustainable behavior continue to be based upon modelsof behavior change that psychological research has found to be limited. Although psychology has much to contribute to the design of effective programs to foster sustainable behavior, little attention has been paid to ensuring that psychological knowledge is accessible to those who design environmental programs. This article presents a process, community-based social marketing, that attempts to make psychological knowledge relevant and accessible to theseindividuals. Further, it provides two case studies in which program planners have utilized this approach to deliver their initiatives. Finally, it reflects on the obstacles that exist to incorporating psychological expertise into programs to promote sustainable behavior.  相似文献   

This paper considers the main features of four general psychological approaches to the analysis of environmentally sustainable behavior (rational–economic, social dilemmas, attitude–behavior models, and applied behavioral analysis), and focuses on the problems inherent in applying each approach to this issue. It also details the utility of a holistic Social–Ecological Framework that I believe is useful for analyzing environmentally sustainable behavior. This approach draws on concepts from ecological psychology such as Gibson's (1979) notion of "affordances," and shows how such a method can account for and help us understand the limitations of traditional psychological approaches to environmentally sustainable behavior, and provides a general guiding framework for the formulation of environmental policy decisions and intervention programs.  相似文献   


This article describes the ADHD Treasure Hunt - a groupwork model that integrates the spirit of a social model of disability into therapeutic practice with parents and children. Following a discussion on the discourse and controversy over the nature and treatment of ADHD in Western society, we evaluate our intervention in terms of its usefulness in addressing a family’s sense of helplessness and frustration in the face of social interactions. The model also focuses on helping the families recognize the value of their own experiential knowledge. We examine the contributions of the model to current practice as well as offer future directions for its development.  相似文献   

Since its inception, experimental social psychology has arguably been of two minds about the nature and role of theory. Contemporary social psychology's experimental approach has been strongly informed by the “nomological‐deductive” approach of Carl Hempel in tandem with the “hypothetico‐deducive” approach of Karl Popper. Social psychology's commitment to this hybrid model of science has produced at least two serious obstacles to more fruitful theorizing about human experience: (1) the problem of situational specificity, and (2) the manifest impossibility of formulating meaningful general laws of human social behavior. It is argued that a social psychology based on the search for this kind of lawfulness, under the auspices of either a strict or loose interpretation of the largely Hempelian model, is ultimately unworkable. An alternative approach to social psychology that is attentive both to the need for understanding individual situations and behaviors and to the need for generalized understanding of actual human behaviors is offered. This approach is grounded in the hermeneutic tradition.  相似文献   

王宗杰 《学术交流》2007,(9):163-165
在当代日本小说中,很少有作家像吉本芭娜娜这样集中、多元地在作品中阐释死亡的主题。她的小说以现代城市生活为背景,描写了当代人对高速发展的科学技术的不适应;对就业竞争的无奈;对名牌消费潮流中的物欲愿望的反思,等等。作品阐释了后现代思潮冲击下城市青年在懒散、平凡的表象之下,内心世界的彷徨、孤独、奋争,表述了日常发生在身边的现代社会的多元化的死亡现象和面对死亡向死而生的哲学思考。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Kate Wilson, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD Summary The paper draws on a range of fictional and autobiographicalaccounts of childhood to illustrate different aspects of children'sperceptions and responses and to show how they can enhance theadult's ability to understand what a child is experiencing.Three themes, concerning children's perceptions and suggestibility,their sense of helplessness and difficulty in communicatingwith adults, and their responses to loss and change are illustratedthrough the work of nineteenth- and twentieth-century creativewriters. It is argued that literary accounts can work at a consciousand unconscious level in heightening our understanding, andmay also give us a perspective on how childhood experiencesinfluence the adult personality.  相似文献   

This article entails endeavours to properly conceive the theoretical-methodoÍlogical relations between sociology of the economy or economic sociology and the economic approach to human behaviour or rational action theory. These endeavors are induced by recent proposals for an economic approach to economic sociology and other conflations between the two disciplines. Such proposals exemplify the tendency of rational action theorists to dissolve economic (and all) sociology into their universalist 'theory of everything'. Many economic sociologists display a bona fide attitude toward such extensions of the economic approach albeit these can be essentially incongruous with a sociological perspective on the economy as advanced by their discipline. The article allows for the possibility that the economic approach to economic sociology is unsustainable in epistemological terms. This would imply epistemologically non-rational grounds for the attraction of economic sociologists to the economic approach to human behaviour.  相似文献   


Community-based research (CBR) refers to an applied research methodology that is conducted in community settings in partnership between academic and nonacademic participants in research. This article reports on a series of in-depth interviews conducted with 11 Australian CBR researchers between 2008 and 2009. The interviews were designed to explore whether university-employed CBR researchers experience the particular phenomenon of “moral distress,” or feelings of helplessness to act in accordance with one's moral values due to systemic or institutional constraints. Study results found that the CBR researchers experienced unavoidable moral distress at varying levels of intensity related to blurred boundaries between settings, participants, and stakeholders. Based on the outcomes of this study, further research and enhanced professional development and training practices are recommended.  相似文献   

Although the AIDS pandemic has catastrophic implications for all levels of South African society, it can be viewed as an opportunity to face the inevitability of human mortality with dignity rather than fear and denial and to rebuild shattered communities. This article discusses issues pertaining to counseling HIV-infected persons, the counselors themselves, and families and social groups affected by AIDS-related deaths. Counseling of HIV/AIDS patients is supportive in nature, with a focus on here-and-now issues such as unfinished business, reconciliation with family members, finding meaning in daily activities, and preserving a sense of personal control. This process can be obstructed, however, by distrust of authority figures, anger at experts who fail to cure the disease, and an internalized sense of shame and inferiority. The effectiveness of AIDS counselors depends on their ability to recognize and resolve personal conflicts triggered by HIV-positive clients, including feelings about death, helplessness, overidentification, and discomfort with sexual issues. Most South Africans will face bereavement and have to go through a mourning process for friends and relatives. Complicated and delayed grief reactions triggered by new and continuous losses can be expected. Involvement of community members in the grieving process, whether as helpers, volunteers, professionals, or recipients of service, offers South African society an opportunity for development of a new culture of compassion.  相似文献   

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