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随着人们对物业管理行业认识的加深和法制意识的提高,业主们对维护自己的权益有了更明确的认识,于是,各地住宅小区的业主委员会纷纷建立起来。然而,业委会中能够发挥良好作用的为数极少,多数业委会运作很不规范:有的业委会形同虚设,不能发挥对物业管理公司的监督作用;有的对物业管理公司提出不合理的要求;有的业委会委员假公济私,谋取个人利益。由于业主委员会行为的不规范,造成了业主.业主委员会、物业管理公司三方的矛盾。如何解决这些矛盾已成为物业管理行业面临的课题。  相似文献   

随着我国房地产市场的兴起以及居民置业需求的不断高涨,物业服务也蓬勃发展起来,但由于相关管理制度和规则并未完善,业主与业委会,开发商、物业管理公司甚至房地产主管部门之间的利益冲突时有发生并愈演愈烈。  相似文献   

业委会是搞事的吗?近些年来在调研时见到与社区相关的政府人员时,我经常会劝他们多考虑一下业委会的作用,但总是立马就被拒绝了。"业委会那帮人",他们摆手说,"就是搞事的"。上海的一个区政府人员则告诉我说:"业委会人的与居委会的人不同,都是有私心的。"我想,如果政府部门可以选择的话,是宁肯不要业委会这一组织的。在他们看来,社区由居委会和物业管理可能更有秩序。这其实不只是政府部门的意见,甚至很多业主也这样看。总之,社会上颇有一种观点:业委会就是搞事的。一个小区好像只要一成立业委会麻烦事就接踵而至:换物业、与开发商打官司等等不一而足。这也是业  相似文献   

罗小龙  陈果  殷洁 《城市观察》2011,(1):158-165
在单位制城市社区向物业小区的城市社区转型中,业主、业主委员会、物业服务公司、居委会等利益相关者大量涌现,社区管治也随之出现。但转型期居委会基层组织和房地产行政主管部门“双线”管理的社区管治结构在物业管理纠纷时并非有效。本研究对南京市梅花山庄社区物业管理纠纷进行实证研究,透视转型期社区管治的问题,并对改善社区管治提出一些建议。  相似文献   

随着住房商品化的不断发展,物业管理覆盖的范围也在不断扩大,安置房、老新村、写字楼、工业区甚至农村居民点都逐步引入了物业管理。与此同时,关于物业服务的纠纷也不断增多,原因之一就在于物业服务企业的服务能力和规范还有待提高。而物业管理工作和社会工作特别是社区工作之间关系密切,在物业管理从业人员中普及社会工作的方法和技巧,有利于提升物业管理水平,夯实社会治理的基础。笔者建议从以下几个方面促进两者的融合:  相似文献   

2007年8月,新修订的《物业管理条例》把原“物业管理企业”改为“物业服务企业”,标志着坚持以人为本,强调服务为先的社区物业管理开始迈向新起点。不过在现实中,由于我国的物业管理行业发展还不成熟,加之相关法律仍不完善,物业公司也有一本难念的经。  相似文献   

一、正确认识营业收入的来源 1.物业管理收入 (1)物业管理收入是指物业企业向物业产权人、使用人收取的公共性服务费收入、公众代办性服务费收入和特约服务费收入等.其中公共性服务费收入包括公共卫生清洁、公共设施维修保养、保安、绿化等费用,是物业管理活动的主要内容.  相似文献   

林辉煌 《城市观察》2024,(2):95-111+163
当前城市小区的物业治理普遍采取“协商型自治”,由业主自行组织业委会并聘请物业公司代为管理。该治理模式在实践中出现诸多问题,导致城市小区物业治理的混乱。“引领型自治”强调基层党组织的元治理功能,优化业主团体和业委会的自治能力,同时充分引入法律政策的支持,从而能够有效匹配城市小区物业治理的属性。“引领型自治”有助于我们重新思考城市治理的本质,更好地理解党的领导、人民当家做主和依法治国相结合的中国治理大框架。  相似文献   

老旧住宅社区的特点与介入模式 如果我们将城市社区分类,我国城市社区可以分为这样三种类型:老旧住宅社区、单位型社区、物业管理型社区。由于这些社区有不同类型,其公共管理模式也是不同的,单位型社区是由单位与街道办事处共同管理;老旧住宅社区是以街道办事处管理为主,社区居委会具体负责;物业管理型社区是物业公司与街道办事处共同管理。  相似文献   

薛文静 《职业时空》2008,4(8):21-21
物业管理是伴随着住房制度改革而诞生的新兴行业。常州市物业管理从1992年起步以来,行业规模逐步扩大,管理水平不断提高,为全市180多万业主安居乐业营造着和谐的氛围。截止2007年6月30日,常州市已有物业服务企业172家,全市物业企业从业人员15096人。物业管理行业是劳动密集型服务行业,劳动力成本占企业总成本80%左右,物业服务企业的竞争,关键是人才的竞争,物业服务企业的人力资源管理显得越来越重要。  相似文献   

蓝宇蕴 《城市观察》2011,(6):113-128
社区组织的建构,关键是要打破高度行政化的“街居制”组织格局,培育现代网络型“社区制”组织体系。其中,从可行性策略看,把居委会当作社区建设切入点与重头戏,进行传统居委会改造,以实现居委会向自组织的彻底转型。同时,政府在与社区组织的关系上,建立新型委托代理关系,并营造出既有政府授权、又能提供各种管理服务的,包括居委会、业主委员会、物业公司、多元非赢利民间团体、各机关企事业单位共同形成的社区组织体系。  相似文献   

公房是我国计划经济年代的产物,上海直管公房、售后公房在当前管理运营中存在诸多突出问题。公房管理涉及的内容非常宽泛,包括房屋买卖置换、租金费用收缴、邻里纠纷调解、违章搭建处理以及房屋的维修维护等,是改善居民工作与生活环境、提高居住水平的基础工作,也是城市建设和管理的重要内容。完善上海老旧公房管理与运营机制,应提高物业费收缴率,加强物业管理企业自身建设,健全公房服务收费机制,加强相关政策法规的执行力度,加大政府投入,完善业主大会自治机制等。  相似文献   

Abstract The service sector has replaced manufacturing as the primary employer in the United States. Fastest growing within this sector are producer services, i.e., those businesses that provide service inputs to other businesses and government. Theorists posit that the propensity of producer services to locate in metro areas advantages cities in relation to rural areas. They argue that significant numbers of producer services are unlikely to locate in rural areas due to the economic and cultural benefits offered by central cities and that producer services in rural locations are qualitatively different from metro firms. Perceptions of the environment, management strategies, and community citizenship were analyzed with data from 259 producer service business owners and managers in Iowa rural, urban, and metropolitan communities. The findings point to qualitative differences between the businesses based on community size, but also many similarities were found. Rural producer services reported more community citizenship than other businesses.  相似文献   

There has been a rapid increase in private social services in Finland, where the tradition of social care services has placed the main emphasis on public services. The aim of this article is to compare the situation of Finnish social service enterprises in 2001 and 2005/2006, in the light of two national surveys, in order to increase knowledge about the state and the future of such enterprises as providers of social care. Particular attention is paid to the profiles of men and women as entrepreneurs, as these differed somewhat. The composition of private care enterprises and their management remained fairly similar between 2001 and 2005/2006. Most of the enterprises were owned by middle-aged women with an extensive experience of social and health care. The owners of the older enterprises were more pessimistic about the future than the owners of the more recently-established firms. Social workers have not been active in setting up firms, but the public–private processes should be steered and evaluated from the social work perspective, too, because they are actors who have a relevant part to play in the long-term co-operation and development work of public and private social services.  相似文献   

This case study examines the situated interactions between management and workers during a proposed sale of stock by a U.S. steel manufacturer. Our focus permits a fine‐grained analysis of how varieties of meta‐power both condition and are contested in situated interactions. In our setting, the workers owned the company through an employee stock ownership plan, thereby confounding the traditional hierarchical relation between management and workers. While the contrast between these forms of social organization framed the boundaries for subsequent social interactions, it also served to animate conflicts between workers and management. We found that though the worker‐owned company proclaimed values of “corporate democracy” and “employee participation,” executive management acted as a relay to transmit the disciplining effects of “market forces.” Accordingly, the latter served as an “invisible proxy” reinforcing traditional hierarchical social relations that problematized worker participation. The ironies of corporate democracy abound when worker‐owners find themselves shadow boxing anonymous capital.  相似文献   

Hildy S. Ross 《Infancy》2013,18(2):256-275
This study examined property conflicts in thirty‐two 20‐ and 30‐month‐old peer dyads during eighteen 40‐min play sessions. Ownership influenced conflicts. Both 20‐ and 30‐month‐old owners claimed ownership (“mine”) and instigated and won property conflicts more often than non‐owners. At 30 months, owners also resisted peers’ instigations more often than non‐owners. Mothers’ interventions supported non‐owners more often than owners, in part because owners initiated conflict more frequently. Children who received mothers’ support tended to win disputes. Finally, mothers’ support of owners and children’s adherence to ownership rights led to decreased conflict as relationships developed, supporting predictions based on theories concerning the social utility of ownership rights.  相似文献   


As a liberal institution, private property is based upon a view of the natural order that prioritizes the individual human being over our social existence and over our nonhuman others. Colonial expansion was enabled in part by the misrecognition and denigration of indigenous land management practices. Forms of property were imposed that were incommensurable with the sustainable relationships formed by original owners with land. Given the ubiquity of the Anglosphere’s degraded and abstract understanding of property, is it possible to imagine the decolonization of property? Can property be rethought to close the divide between person and thing, and to better acknowledge the normative values of mutuality and care between people and place? What resources are there within mainstream property theory that might allow for such a reconstruction of property?  相似文献   

The present study aims to explore the case management model by using problem solving skills in assisting workers with injuries in returning to work. A total of five workers with injuries were enrolled and there were four stages during the whole case management process including a medical rehabilitation stage (stage I), a compensation stage (stage II), a return to work stage (stage III) and a follow-up stage (stage IV) respectively. Case managers provided services by using problem solving skills to tackle the problems which workers with injuries may encounter during all four stages. Outcome measurement showed one case return to the same company same job, two returns to different companies and different jobs, the others have self employed work. This study suggested that case management using the problem solving skills of occupational rehabilitation was beneficial to workers with injuries on return to work.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the ownership and control of farmland, presents a conceptual model of landed property, and uses it to examine landlord-tenant relations in Wisconsin. A profile of farmland owners is constructed using survey data from two agricultural counties. Particular attention is paid to who controls farm management decisions on rented land. Results suggest that tenants enjoy much latitude in managing rented land and that relations between landlords and tenants seem satisfactory to both parties.  相似文献   

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