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齿轮动态啮合理论的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨了考虑齿轮弹性及误差因素下渐开线齿轮的啮合特征及运动分析,研究包括直齿、斜齿以及齿轮系统的运动分析,从而对齿轮的真实啮合运动情况有了更深入的了解,并为强度计算提供了基础。  相似文献   

轮椅悠悠荡漾着一支爱国拥军之歌,独腿颤颤丈量着人生壮丽诗篇。在保靖县城迁陵镇的大街小巷,人们常常可以看到一位青年人摇着轮椅艰难的行进其间,他在干什么?不知内情的人以为他在为自己的事情到处奔波。其实不然,他在干大事,他在干保卫祖国巩固国防的大事。这就是为保靖县民政局依照《兵役法》收取义务兵家属优待金的义务收款。他,就是保靖县在乡一等革命伤残军人彭顺富。 1956年10月,彭顺富出生在保靖县马王乡土家族山村,1976年12月光荣入伍,1982年在国防施工中致残,左腿高位截肢,1983年11月评为一等…  相似文献   

商人运动,也称之为商民运动,是20世纪20年代,我国共产党和国民党带领的民众运动,目的是使国民革命顺利展开。在对我国近代史的研究中,商人运动一直以来都是薄弱的一环,而商人运动的研究被忽视的原因是多方面的。本文分析了商人运动研究不被重视带来的弊端,了解到如今学术界对商人运动研究的现状,最后探讨了商人运动研究还需要往更深处的方向发展,以期为广大研究中国近代史的学者提供参考。  相似文献   

1996年,在亚特兰大奥运会的开幕式上,当年在世界上三次荣获重量级拳击冠军的穆罕默德·阿里坐着轮椅,在一个粗壮女子的搀扶下,他用颤抖的手点燃了奥林匹克运动会的圣火。  相似文献   

想起霍金,眼前就浮现出这位杰出科学大师那永远深邃的目光和宁静的笑容。世人推崇霍金,不仅仅因为他是智慧的英雄,更因为他还是一位人生的斗士。有一次,在学术报告结束之际,一位年轻的女记者捷足跃上讲坛,面对这位已在轮椅里生活了三十余年的科学巨匠,深深景仰之余,又不无悲悯地问:“霍金先生,卢伽雷病已将你永远固定在轮椅上,你不认为命运让你失去太多了吗?”这个问题显然有些突兀和尖锐,报告厅内顿时鸦雀无声,一片肃谧。霍金的脸庞却依然充满恬静的微笑,他用还能活动的手指,艰难地叩击键盘,于是,随着合成器发出的标准伦敦音,宽大的投影屏…  相似文献   

在分析测定中设计新方法或对旧方法的改进,必须预先进行理论计算,对方法的系统误差进行可行性判断。利用锐度指数ηmax和缓冲指数βmin估算酸碱滴定在等量点附近PH突跃范围是较适宜的理论计算法。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法与数理统计法对中国龙狮运动市场特征及其影响因素进行研究,探讨了中国龙狮运动的市场现状,分析了中国龙狮运动市场发展的主要影响因素,并在此基础上提出中国龙狮运动市场改革与发展的对策和措施.  相似文献   

回族作为中华民族的一员,在其形成与发展的过程中,始终受到中国历史发展总趋势的影响。近代回族文化运动的兴起也不例外。本文在把握近代中国与回族历史实际的基础上,并将二者结合起来,从近代中国兴教育的思想、留学生教育的兴起与发展及辛亥革命的推动三个方面进行分析,指出该运动是回族历史发展与中国历史发展互相辉映的结果,是回族知识分子在特定历史条件下的觉醒。  相似文献   

跆拳道是一项对身体协调能力要求相当高的运动项目,协调能力在跆拳道训练和比赛中有着重要作用,协调能力在比赛和训练中具有多方面作用。注重协调能力的培养对于技能训练效果中有不可低估的优化作用,有利于改正错误动作,促进动作技能之间的正迁移,减少运动损伤,延长运动寿命。文章通过对运动员协调能力相关知识介绍,结合竞技跆拳道运动项目的特点与需要,探讨跆拳道运动员在技能训练当中进行协调性训练的重要意义。  相似文献   

柯云 《民族论坛》2001,(1):16-18
在湘西北的慈利县,有一个体重只有80多斤、身患多种慢性疾病的土家女人,当丈夫婚前的承诺化为泡影的时候,她用瘦弱的身体支撑着更加沉重的承诺。她31年如一日,含辛茹苦,将爱的内涵无限的充实,将情的意义诠释的淋漓尽致。悠悠的轮椅可以作证,是它陪伴着他们走过一程又一程的坎坷人生路。 因公受伤 丈夫成为高位截瘫的残疾人  1965年初春的一天,山茶花刚绽开花蕾之时,汉族青年朱周文与土家姑娘覃文元幸福地结合了。特殊的时代赋予了他们婚姻豪迈的时代气息。婚后第三天夫妻俩就各奔东西,投入到各自的工作中。覃文元是县邮电局的话…  相似文献   

Most migration research is focused on migrant experiences after mobility and settlement. We argue that empirical researchers would benefit from studying how cognitive migration, the narrative imagining of oneself inhabiting a foreign destination prior to the actual physical move, influences migration behaviour. This article notes a gap in our current understanding of the process by which individuals decide to cross international borders and offers an agenda for remedying this. The interdisciplinarity of migration research has not fully extended to social psychology or cognitive social sciences, where a dynamic research agenda has examined human decision-making processes, including prospection and the connections between culture and cognition. The study of socio-cognitive processes in migration decision-making has been largely overlooked because of the after-the-fact nature of data collection and analysis rather than an aversion to these approaches per se. We highlight a number of strategic findings from this diverse field, provide examples of migration scholarship that has benefited from these insights, and raise questions about the sides of migration process that have received insufficient attention. A more nuanced understanding of prospective thinking—imagining potential futures—can shed light on the classic puzzle of why some people move while others in comparable situations do not.  相似文献   

It may be argued that the emerging discourses focusing on the social, emotional, educational, and economic disadvantages identified for Australia’s First Peoples (when compared to their non-Indigenous counterparts) are becoming increasingly dissociated with an understanding of the interplay between historical and current trends in racism. Additionally, and if not somewhat related to this critique, it can be suggested that the very construction of research from a Western perspective of Indigenous identity (as opposed to identities) and ways of being are deeply entwined within the undertones of epistemological racism still prevalent today. It is the purpose of this article to move beyond the overreliance of outside-based understanding Western epistemologies, and to explore not only the complex nature of both racism and identity from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, but to also explore the role of education and research in perpetuating varying levels of racism and resistance to Indigenous identity(ies) from a contemporary insider-based standpoint. It is hoped this article will shed some light on the pervasive nature of racism directed at Indigenous Australians, and highlight the need for the continual acceptance, respect, and promotion of Indigenous voices and identities within the educational environment and beyond.  相似文献   

夏尔巴人在我国境内尚属于未识别民族。在以往的研究中,夏尔巴人的族群单一化,其迁徙路线也具有模糊性。吐蕃政权征服木雅,击退党项拓跋部,以"木雅"(弥药)命名党项故地,后又以"木雅"指代西夏王朝和康藏地区。结合相关藏族史料可知,在与綠厮政权、蒙古军队发生战争期间,处于不利地位的西夏党项部族渐次南下康藏地区,与吐蕃政权时期便居住于此的藏族董氏相融合,形成一个新族群"董弥药"。13世纪,该族群进行南迁,于16世纪中叶进入尼泊尔,随后又以索卢昆布为中心向东、西迁徙,形成夏尔巴人如今分散居住在我国境内及尼泊尔、印度等地的格局。  相似文献   

In this article, we explore ways of understanding the interactions between migrant integration and transnationalism, based on a review of quantitative and qualitative literature. Integration is taken as the starting point, and the assumption that integration and transnationalism are at odds with one another is questioned. When considered as constituents of a social process, we argue that there are many similarities between integration and transnationalism. A typology for understanding these interactions is developed, based on an acknowledgment of migrants' agency in straddling two societies—as a balancing act. This typology is presented as a tool to enable migration scholars to move beyond simply acknowledging the co-existence of transnationalism and integration and towards an analysis of the nature of interactions between the two—understood in relation both to particular places and contexts and to the human beings involved and their functional, emotional and pragmatic considerations.  相似文献   

甲午战争中,作为当时清廷中一股重要政治力量,后清流积极鼓动对日作战,并提出了一系列御敌方略,其中包括:进攻和防御策略、军队建设策略、后勤与保障策略及马关签约时期的迁都与日进行持久战的主张.通过分析后清流提出的具体战略战术,将有助于我们对其进行合理的评价.  相似文献   

‘Truth’ and ideology (as error or falsity), like any other oppositional terms, take up the same productive powers and necessarily track each other very closely. Not much is necessary for any statement to move from the former into the latter field. My review of the main twentieth‐century lines of Brazilian racial studies, in this introduction, traces how they have moved miscegenation and racial democracy back and forth across the border between social scientific ‘truth’ and racial ideology. Because the papers included in this issue, rather than repeating this move, address how these socio‐historical signifiers inform the contemporary Brazilian social configuration, they move beyond the predicament shared by both narratives of the nation and social scientific accounts of racial subjection in Brazil.  相似文献   

"Population migrations in Israel simultaneously move in two opposite directions: while the initial distribution of new immigrants is primarily focused on big cities of the country's central core, the existing population of these centres tends to move outward, to small settlements where housing is more readily available. The effect of housing construction on population migrations appears to be delayed and tends to become visible with the passage of time. The initial low attractiveness of urban settlements in peripheral districts of the country to the new immigrants is mainly caused by [the] small size of the population in the settlements and an inferior state of urban development rather than by a lack of new housing or the harsh climatic conditions of these areas."  相似文献   

“和而不同”与文明对话   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马平 《回族研究》2002,(4):31-33
从本质而言,人类社会是一个“和而不同”的社会。当今世界存有许多种文明,每一种文明都有其独特的一面、不同的一面。然而,在不同的文明之间,其实还有许多共同、共通之处。文明之间的“不同”,其实无非是“大同小异”,至多是“大同大异”罢了,前提却依然有很多的“相同”。除此之外,不同文明之间还必定有许多关联之处、互相借鉴之处,所以文明的“求同存异”与人类的“和平共处”便有了基础。 严格地讲,真正的文明本来不会发生冲突。因此,从根本上说文明之间是可以对话、并存和融合的,而文明之间的冲突必定是细枝末节之事。 20世纪90年代,美国哈佛大学著名政治学家塞缪尔·亨廷顿教授提出的“文明冲突论”非常引人瞩目,并引起广泛的论争。亨廷顿教授指出:“文明间的冲突是根本性的;文明冲突的最根本因素是宗教因素和与宗教联系的种族因素;冷战后的今天,文明的冲突就将发生在不同文明之间的断层上。”他过分看重现象,过分强调不同文明之间冲突的一面,  相似文献   

This study examines one response of migrants to the challenging economic conditions caused by the 2008 financial crisis in Spain: onward migration. Focusing on Colombians and Ecuadorians who mobilise their newly acquired Spanish citizenship to migrate to London, I argue that their new migration is part of their migratory careers and that this process is different from that of Spain-born emigrants because it is marked by the first socioeconomic incorporation. Acknowledging that the crisis is the main driver of this new move, I draw a typology based on life-course junctures to show the differences in how onward migrants understand this new move and what their expectations are. There are three broad types of onward migrants: (1) mature, reluctant migrants, (2) mid-life, career advancement migrants and (3) young, independence-seeking migrants. What they do have in common is that, through their first migration, they have acquired a certain migratory knowledge of the process that shapes their paths and expectations.  相似文献   

文章从历史发展的角度论述了西藏历史上各个时期双语发展的轨迹,认为西藏双语的发展是其政治、经济、文化发展的必然选择,是西藏社会谋求强盛、走向世界的重要途径。  相似文献   

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