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灾害救助中中国政府与非营利组织互动模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国救灾领域的社会资源控制主体日益多元化,特别是在汶川地震以后以非营利组织为主体的社会力量在灾害救助全过程中呈现出持续性深度参与的态势。但是,由于我国政府应急管理体系对于非营利组织参与灾害救助缺乏系统的制度规定,自发无序、救灾效果不明显等问题逐渐显现。因此,以汶川地震以后芦山地震、岷漳地震、鲁甸地震三次重大自然灾害中政府与非营利组织互动为典型案例,根据当地社会组织的发育情况和政府部门的协调能力,探讨和总结出群团组织协调模式、半官方NGO协调模式、民政部门协调模式三种互动模式。在此基础上,逐步探索出针对灾害救助中各阶段的不同特点,使政府与非营利组织之间形成深度良性互动,进而能够充分激发社会资本活力的差异化立体灾害救助模式。  相似文献   

何宁  丁伟国 《学术交流》2012,(12):101-103
市场经济国家为满足社会经济活动与公共需求平衡而出现的非营利组织,发挥了巨大的社会作用。基于中国非盈利组织难以存在于政府之外的制度困境,中国非营利性组织更适于与企业合并生长,并得以独立发展。中国非营利组织迅速与国际接轨,对比欧美企业与非营利组织投资组合案例,研究其异同点、相关性,探索中国非营利组织与企业的竞争合作并行的现实模式。而提出充分发挥二者应有效应,实现非营利组织在经济体制转轨、政府职能转变、社会体制改革和法制环境变化之中的自组织演进的理论路径。  相似文献   

胡澎 《日本学刊》2015,(3):140-158
近年来日本社会治理出现了一个新特征,即非营利组织作为一支重要的力量参与进来,通过与政府、企业之间的相互支持、承担与合作,在社会发展和社会治理进程中发挥了积极作用。非营利组织在参与法律和制度建设、满足社会需求、维护和增进公共利益、协调和理顺社会利益关系、化解社会矛盾、激发社会活力、促进社会良性运行等方面均有良好表现,有效地弥补了政府服务和市场的不足。日本非营利组织介入社会治理并在其中承担重要职责,预示着一个单纯依靠政府解决社会问题的时代的终结,以及一个多重主体参与社会发展和社会治理时代的到来。  相似文献   

社区社会组织是社会细胞和社会建设的重要力量,在繁荣社会事业,创新基层社会治理方面发挥着重要作用。我国社区社会组织自产生以来经历了萌芽与主导性发展、壮大与引导性发展、繁荣与规范性发展等不同阶段并呈现出良好发展势头,也面临认识不足、定位不准、管理不规范、人力和经费保障欠缺等困境。对此,提升理念、科学定位、规范管理,加大人力、物力和财力投入是我国社区社会组织走出困境的重要举措。  相似文献   

申亚民  吴润 《唐都学刊》2015,(1):113-117
西安市在创新社会管理体制机制上,应着重构建多元协作治理的社会管理体制机制,社会管理主体从政府单一化向政府、社会组织、社区组织、公众等多元化转变;在管理运作机制上,开辟多种平等对话渠道与协商机制;政府应用市场的手段调动企业、非营利组织以及社会公众参与社会管理的积极性;构建新的基层管理模式;建立多元化沟通平台,构建收入分配调节机制,推进基本公共服务均等化;建立弱势群体权益保障机制;改善流动人口服务管理。  相似文献   

民办社会工作组织经多年发展已进入新阶段,重新审视、定义其与政府间的关系,对我国社会治理创新、现代社会工作制度建构、社会组织健康发展均具有重要意义。通过文献梳理发现,当前研究范式有以下弊端:其一,在解释中国政府与非营利组织的关系中,存在着缺少基础和立场、宏观界定难以解释具体现实、静态分析忽视了非营利组织能动作用的结构性倾向研究的困境;其二,非营利组织的行动研究明显呈现积极和消极两类对立观点。由此,提出以结构化理论为分析框架,以资源依赖理论为具体分析方法的新框架。分析发现:民办社工机构的诞生、发展无不依附于政府的资源与政策,但机构亦有能动性,通过主动介入重塑环境以适应其成长;民办社工组织与政府之间的关系呈现结构性引导的特征。  相似文献   

略论社区社会管理创新之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋巨盛 《社会工作》2011,(20):43-45
社区社会管理事关居民切身利益,更关乎更大地域性社会乃至整个社会稳定和繁荣,其意义绝不可小觑。社区社会管理的关键在于是否能坚持走群众路线,是否能坚持做到从群众中来到群众去,是否能善于组织和发动社区居民,重点在于推动居民的民主参与、民主自治,充分发挥各类非营利组织的力量,真正从改善民生角度,从管理理念、管理方法与手段、管理内容和管理队伍方面不断加强创新,惟其如此,方能真正实现社会管理创新的根本目标。  相似文献   

杨滟 《社科纵横》2012,(5):37-39
社会环境的变化和社会管理体制的滞后,迫切要求进行社会管理模式的创新。社会管理模式的创新要以"党委领导、政府负责、公众参与、社会协同"为指导,通过加快政府社会管理职能和方式的转型,增强政府管理和服务社会的责任和能力,协调政府、社会组织、公众各方力量,加强政法机关在社会管理中的作用,努力完善社会管理的公共调控机制和社会协调机制,构建力量多元、合作互动、基础扎实、主动高效、利益一致的社会管理网络。  相似文献   

论政府与非营利组织合作模式构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马力 《学术交流》2007,(4):86-90
伴随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立与日趋完善,政治体制改革和社会改革也相继进行政府与市场、政府与社会的关系面临深刻的变化和调整,正确处理政府与市场、政府与社会、政府与公民的关系就成为政治体制改革成败的关键。政府职能转变为我国非营利组织带来良好的发展机遇;同时,非营利组织的发展也必将极大地促进我国经济体制改革。在新的历史条件下,探讨我国政府与非营利组织发展的问题具有重要而深远的意义。  相似文献   

齐海丽 《创新》2009,3(12):41-44
随着行政管理体制改革的深入,政府与非营利组织的关系也成为了关注焦点。在全球治理理论的指引下,构建政府与非营利组织之间的参与式合作,实现两者的良性互动成为行政管理体制改革的一个新方向。作为一种新选择,参与式合作面临着现实困境,需要在实践中选择正确的路径,破解这些难题。  相似文献   

全能政府向有限政府的转化和市场经济的发展,使社会组织获得了生长的契机,在社会建设中发挥着不可替代的作用。社会转型带来的全面变革使传统社会组织管理中的问题日益凸显。北京市以"枢纽型"社会组织建设为契机,对传统社会组织管理体制进行了分类负责模式的探索。  相似文献   

This paper examines recent changes in the relationship between the Canadian state, at both federal and provincial levels, and those non-profit organizations concerned with social welfare. The 1995 federal budget marked a turning point for Canadian non-profit organizations as the federal transfer payments to the provinces were simultaneously restructured and reduced. This, in turn, meant that provincial funds flowing to non-profit organizations would also be cut, or terminated, and restructured as service contracts continued to replace grants. This followed a review of government funding to non-profit agencies initiated the previous year and came on top of a growing critique of non-profits as unaccountable, unrepresentative, professionalized, "special-interest" groups, who used public funds largely to sustain themselves, and pursued causes that should not be subsidized by government. At the same time non-profit organizations were increasingly expected to provide core social welfare services not only on the basis of "more for less" but also through charging for their services and increased corporate and individual fund-raising. All of these events took place in the context of the election to government, in 1993, of the Liberal Party, that had previously been strongly identified with the advance of a Canadian social agenda but now chose to adopt its conservative predecessor’s deficit reduction strategy through public expenditure cuts. For many Canadian commentators, such events have thrown non-profit organizations into crisis and during the past two years there have been attempts to bring together the diverse interests within the sector and build a stronger sense of identity and voice. However, there is also a strong argument to suggest that the vulnerability of such non-profit organizations has resulted, in part, from their over-dependence on government during the previous twenty-five years and the absence of a strong popular base. This paper explores the changing relationships between the Canadian state and non-profit organizations, and highlights what could be very similar dilemmas for their UK counterparts as government increasingly looks to non-profits to fulfil what has during the postwar period been its service-providing role.  相似文献   

时立荣 《创新》2010,4(3):107-110
交易成本理论有其合理性也有局限性,但是利他主义仍然始终是经济学的一个棘手问题,对于‘社团等非营利组织有那么多的优势可以降低交易成本,但为什么企业不采取这种形式’这样的问题,交易成本不能给出圆满的解释。社会交往行为是有成本的,但这不是交易成本而是交往成本。所以,应当用交往成本对社团等非营利组织与成员之间的交往行动进行解释。  相似文献   

朱虹 《创新》2011,(6):117-120,128
建立完善的社会中介组织监管体系是建设和谐社会的重大课题。随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立以及社会结构的日趋分化,我国社会中介组织的快速发展。然而我国现行的社会中介监管体制及手段由于受多种因素的共同制约,已明显落后于发展的需要,出现监管盲区点多面广、监管效率不高、力度不够等现实困境。为了更好地提高我国社会中介组织的监管能力,必须从监管理念、监管体制、监管模式等多个方面进行创新,发挥社会中介组织监管的积极作用。  相似文献   

在社会转型期,由政府出资并负责日常管理的官办非营利组织成为我国福利体系中普遍存在的组织类型,它的成长受到了多元化利益群体的普遍关注。文章运用利益相关者的理论视角分析了武汉市青少年空间的首要利益相关者和次要利益相关者;并探讨了不同利益相关者对组织的不同期望及其在组织使命、组织目标、组织行动三个层面的影响。文章指出,基于利益相关者、期望及影响的分析可以看出官办非营利组织多元化的组织生态和互动博弈关系。  相似文献   

随着政府职能的转移及民生建设工程的不断推进,尤其是"5.12"汶川地震以来,社会组织作为"第三方"力量在社会管理及社会服务中的重要性日益凸显。在促进就业、整合行业发展、加速民生建设进程等方面做出了突出贡献,在社会控制和社会管理、社会服务上,成为继市场和政府之外又一强有力方面。必将迎来快速发展春天。但由于我国特殊国情,社会组织发展及其人才建设方面仍存在许多问题和不足,需要各方努力,共同推进社会组织及其人才建设的健康、有序、快速发展。  相似文献   

This study aims to experientially verify which factors of non‐profit human service organizations affect market sharing activities in the public social service market. Due to market‐oriented government policies, non‐profit human service organizations, which used to enjoy stable financial resources, are now placed in a competitive position to provide their services. It is necessary to find out which organizational factors give a competitive advantage to various service providers in competition, including profit organizations, and apply them to the management and operation of non‐profit human service organizations. This is how this study started. Independent variables were organizational characteristics (organization age, total budget, number of employees), externally oriented culture (development culture, rational culture), and organizational structure (centralization, formalization), while dependent variables were the number of vouchers and total profits. Data was collected from 35 community welfare centers, rehabilitation centers, and senior centers (163 respondents) in Busan, Korea. Multiple regression analysis was conducted for data analysis. As a result of the analysis, the number of vouchers was found to be affected by development culture (+) and formalization (?), and total profit from voucher business was determined by organization age (?), total budget (+), and number of employees (+). Based on the results, this study suggests that non‐profit human service organizations should have an externally oriented culture and a flexible organization system to hold more market share in the public social service market.  相似文献   

There is little disagreement that tax laws and regulations relating to non-profit organizations in China need to be changed. In this paper, we recommend comprehensive, not marginal, changes to China's tax laws for non-profit organizations (NPOs). The fundamentals of the sector and market economics suggest that the government should regulate the sector according to these principles: allowing people to make choices; using information conveyed by people's choices to identify NPOs worthy of government support; and providing incentives to organizations that help to achieve fairness in resource distribution.  相似文献   

The current economic climate has been particularly hard on non-profit and public human services organizations, frequently resulting in managing organizational decline. The authors believe that the dominant concern should be with fostering organizational growth. To this end, they suggest that nonprofit board members and executives, as well as public sector leaders, need to concern themselves with the concurrent management of two agendas: Running the Shop and Meeting the Change Challenge. This can be done effectively through the use of strategic issue management, which is a set of techniques that represents a blend of traditional strategic management and change management approaches.  相似文献   

Given the non-profit management imperative of formulating optimally broad mission statements, this paper explores the meaning and the determinants of non-profit mission breadth. By adopting a constitutional economics perspective, the paper argues that mission breadth is ultimately determined by the trade-off between costs of collective decision-making in non-profit organizations and transaction costs of creating and maintaining these organizations. Developing optimally broad missions is shown to result in minimizing the sum of these costs, thus leading to an expansion of the non-profit sector and to an improvement of its problem-solving potential.  相似文献   

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