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张素蓉 《社科纵横》2011,(11):53-55
"第三条道路",是在后冷战时代和全球化时代出现的,这个时代发生的诸多变化与"第三条道路"的提出和发展有着密切的联系。"第三条道路"实施十多年来在社会实践中取得了令人注目的成效,但它的理论仍存在着一些致命的缺陷,在不断变化的形势下,我们需对之加以客观分析,以求对中国特色社会主义有所借鉴。  相似文献   

朱林  李华丽 《社科纵横》2012,(2):144-147
传统思想政治教育作为社会政治系统中的有机组成部分,所面对的思想政治教育的对象是处于"社会政治生态"中的人,即"政治人"的价值身份。在后工业社会,生态环境的转换使得现代思想政治教育中的"人"不是被置于意识形态迷雾下的"政治人",而应走向以自然、社会和个体生命的生态性及互为生态性存在为主要内容的"生态人"。"生态人"的提出与实现,推动了思想政治教育中人学范式的转换。  相似文献   

长期以来,由于受西方知识界对印欧文化百年研究积累的影响,"雅利安人入侵理论"始终位居学界主流,并进入印度与世界各国的教科书中,成为我们诠释印度古代历史的重要基础;时至今日,在后殖民学术批判风潮与印度教民族主义的推波助澜之下,此一理论却俨然成为具有高度政治争议性的论题。影响所及,不光是在印度国内的学界,更波及全世界的印度学研究社群。究竟对于"雅利安人入侵理论"的争论如何影响当代印度政治发展?此一理论为什么又能引起如此惊人的政治效应?各方对于此一理论的基本立场差异又是如何?透过本文的讨论,我们希望能针对这些问题提出回答。  相似文献   

陈安然 《浙江学刊》2023,(2):113-121
《民法典》第768条建立了登记优先、通知优先、登记通知均无时按比例清偿的多重保理三层次清偿规范,不同于债权转让、债权质押的相关规范,从而导致三者竞存时的顺位确定问题。登记、通知应为多重保理中的对抗要件。债权让与和保理无法适用不同清偿顺位确定规范,否则将产生逻辑混乱,违反法律预测性和确定性的后果,且登记制度的引入,实质上产生保理顺位规范延伸至债权让与交易的效果。债权多重让与应参照适用第768条。当保理与应收账款质押竞存时,若保理成立在前、质押设立在后,仅可参照适用第768条第2分句,按登记先后取得应收账款;若质押设立在前、保理成立在后,应适用《民法典》第445条第2款,保理人无法取得债权。  相似文献   

以问题为主线构建民办高校思政课教学新模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘国辉 《社科纵横》2011,26(3):139-142
"以问题为主线"教学模式,由设置问题、分解问题、归纳问题等一系列教学环节组成;这种教学模式,不但符合马克思主义的方法论,也符合"三贴近"原则和民办高校思政课教学环境;在民办高校思政课中实现"以问题为主线"的教学模式,对民办高校思政课教师教学观念的转变、素质能力的提高等方面提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

在这里,我首先要说明在此所说的"味"的内容;其次是我所认为的"上海味"和"北京味"的实质;第三,则是"上海味"和"北京味"在作家各自的表达中成功或不甚成功的原因。目的是想辟清一些以往的误会。第一个问题,只需三言两语便可解决,那便是,我所要说的"味",绝不仅仅是指将"太阳"说成"老阳儿";  相似文献   

黄佟佟 《东西南北》2014,(14):28-29
三年没有电影上映的张艺谋,2014年5月的一场"归来",在电影上映前的一周,又开始迎来舆论的暴风骤雨。仅仅在上映的半个月之前,这部电影还被万众期待着"载誉归来","回归文艺片"、"重拾80年代情怀"。电影上映前舆论逆转,  相似文献   

论一战至“九·一八”前日本对中国的经济侵略及其特征吉林大学日本研究所陈景彦前苏联学者斯拉德科夫斯基曾认为:"第一次世界大战为日本帝国主义提供了短时期在中国经济中奠定统治地位的可能性"①。毫无疑问,从一战开始至"九·一八"日本武装侵略东北,这是日本经济...  相似文献   

科学发展观总结了我国改革开放和现代化建设的成功经验,吸取了世界其他国家在发展进程中的经验教训,揭示了经济社会发展的客观规律,是指导又好又快发展的哲学;它第一次比较全面系统地回答了当代中国"为什么发展"、"为谁发展"、"靠谁发展"、"发展什么"、"怎么发展"等重大问题;用科学发展观认识和改造世界,是理论武装的重大的任务。  相似文献   

王力先生在《汉语史稿》(修订本)第498页说:“说文:‘颈,头茎也’;广韵清韵:‘颈在前,项在后’。可见‘颈’字在最初大约是指脖子的前百的部分。‘颈’字在战国时代就已经出现了。”“不过, ‘颈’字普遍用来表示脖子的意义是在汉代以后。” 我认为,《广韵》对于“颈”字的解释  相似文献   

The tobacco industry has a long history of denying any harmful effects produced by its products. This strategy was first developed to deny any health risks associated with smoking, and has recently been extended to the denial of the risks of environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), the addictive nature of nicotine, and the targeting of adolescents by tobacco advertisements. This has served to divert discussion of how society should address the risks of tobacco use to whether society should address tobacco use at all. If we move past these diversions and consider how society should address tobacco risks, the social sciences in general and psychology in particular have a number of insights regarding how to answer the question. The purpose of this issue of JSI is to examine some of these perspectives in an attempt to suggest how we should approach the important question of how to deal with tobacco use in our society.  相似文献   

Objective. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts that climate change will intensify during the 21st century. The exact distribution of impacts will likely be complex in nature. Although some areas may exhibit benefits, many areas will likely experience environmental decline. The objective of this article is to answer the following question: What are the potential implications of deteriorating environmental conditions for human migration? This is not an easy question to answer because the full effects of climate change are not yet completely evident. Yet by studying the impact of environmental forces on migration in recent decades, we can offer some insight to this question. Methods. In implementing this approach, we employ theoretical and empirical methods. Our theoretical model suggests that environmental degradation should promote out‐migration from affected areas, all other things being equal. To test this prediction empirically, we conduct a large‐N statistical analysis focusing on the role of several environmental factors in emigration to developed countries. Our empirical sample covers the late 1980s and the 1990s. Results. The empirical results suggest that environmental decline plays a statistically significant role in out‐migration, pushing people to leave their homes and move to other countries. Conclusions. In the conclusions section of this article, we evaluate the policy implications of these findings for developed countries in the context of climate change and national security.  相似文献   

What criteria should we use in deciding whether to accept any empirical statement as being true? A popular theory suggests that we should assign subjective probabilities to all possible statements representing alternative answers to any given question; and should assign cognitive utilities to acceptance and to nonacceptance of each statement in case it is true, and also in case it is false. Then, as to acceptance or nonacceptance of all these statements we should adopt that particular policy that would maximize our expected utility. This paper will propose an alternative Bayesian theory of acceptance for empirical statements, which will make no use of special cognitive utilities. It will be argued that the new theory will avoid the paradoxes created by some other theories of acceptance and will help us in resolving some important philosophical problems.  相似文献   

张春泥  卢云峰 《社会》2018,38(5):126-157
由于西方社会排他性强的聚会性宗教占主导地位,而中国排他性弱的混合宗教更为兴盛,故中国的社会调查运用宗派本位的西方宗教测量工具会遇到遗漏或错分信仰群体等问题。对此,本文从信仰归属、宗教实践、宗教组织成员资格三个维度及这三个维度之间的逻辑关系上提出中西宗教之差别对问卷调查的影响。通过在2014年中国家庭追踪调查中尝试神灵本位的信仰测量方案,以及将其分别与该调查前后两轮追踪调查的问卷设计和数据相比较,本文检验及展现了既有测量工具在采集中国人宗教信仰数据时存在的问题,并提出改进宗教信仰社会测量的建议。  相似文献   

During the ISSA General Assembly in Vienna in September 1989, a number of members from European Community countries expressed the wish that the ISSA should, as part of its programme, look into the social security consequences of the institution of the Single European Market after 1992. The ISSA General Secretariat consequently decided to carry out a survey of its member organizations in Community countries in order to draw up a directory of the studies carried out by these institutions, the aim being to identify problems related to the constitution of the so-called European social area, particularly the free movement of persons and goods, and review the measures that had been or were being implemented and the experience of institutions at the Community level. As a rule, in the countries in question, the heads of social security organizations are excluded from the bodies in which recommendations and rules are drawn up; on the other hand, the implementation and management of social security schemes do form part of their field of competence.
Some 40 member organizations replied to the survey questionnaire, and the ISSA General Secretariat requested Mr. Voirin, a specialist on European questions, to write the present article analysing the results.  相似文献   

知识产权是激励创新的机制,应得到保护;知识产权在市场竞争中又是重要乃至关键的因素,因此会受到反垄断法的制约。各国反垄断法一般不把与知识产权相关的限制竞争看成一个黑白分明的问题,仅当它们成为市场势力的决定性因素,且不合理地严重妨碍市场竞争的时候,才会受到禁止。考察与知识产权相关的限制竞争需进行综合分析:界定相关市场、认定当事人关系、确定当事人市场份额、评估限制竞争条款等等。中国的现行法规还不足以解决与知识产权相关的限制竞争问题,不过中国立法进程已经表明,滥用知识产权排除或严重限制竞争的行为不能从反垄断法得到豁免。  相似文献   

我国目前建立的狭义的“医疗保险”面临诸多困境“,看病难、看病贵”成为一种社会问题。然而从现实出发,我国处于社会主义初级阶段的国情决定了我们必须探索一条投入产出比高的医疗保险模式实现保障人民身体健康的目标。对于目前已有的制度而言,公共卫生事业是否应与医疗保险制度相结合,是值得反思的问题。  相似文献   

How off‐farm employment can enhance welfare in terms of food consumption and poverty alleviation is a critical question facing many developing countries. This study addressed that question by pursuing two objectives: (i) to quantify the impact of off‐farm employment on rural households’ welfare, food security and poverty; and (ii) to examine the factors that affect their decision to work off‐farm. Using panel data, we estimated a difference‐in‐difference combined with a propensity score matching model. The findings show that off‐farm employment improves income, ensures food security and contributes to poverty alleviation. The results also show that age, marital status, education, labour, financial capital, land, location, market access and losses from natural disasters are significant contributing factors to the decision to participate in off‐farm employment. The findings suggest that to improve the welfare of rural households, the Vietnamese government should proceed with policies that enhance their opportunities for participation in off‐farm employment.  相似文献   

刘晓英 《求是学刊》2004,31(3):31-36
传统哲学将其形上追寻设问为"世界的本原是什么",这种设问使哲学陷入必然性之域,从而注定了哲学走向科学理性的命运。"世界的本原是什么"之所以是哲学问题,是因为它旨在追寻生活的本根,所以它应该转换为"生活的本根是什么"。形上追问的转换蕴涵着哲学的深层革命———跳出必然指向自由。哲学理性正是面对人的生存自由得以确立的。如果说作为世界本原的必然性赋予了科学理性某种"必然性"的话,那么哲学理性则从人的生存自由中获得了相应的"自由"。  相似文献   

王荣珍 《社会工作》2012,(11):83-85
类单亲家庭教育问题因其隐性存在结果可能更为严重。家庭社会学校应该加强合作减少类单亲家庭的不良影响。针对比较常见的教育问题,可以从举办家长学校、净化社会文化、教会孩子交往等方面入手,培养身心健康的孩子,尽量不让家长的职业因素和生活状态影响到孩子的发展。  相似文献   

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