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专业是高职院校培养人才的基本单位,是决定高职院校核心竞争力的关键因素.培育专业核心竞争力是提升高职院校核心竞争力的必然路径.人才、技术和机制是构成专业核心竞争力的三个关键要素.提升专业核心竞争力,技术是基础,人才是关键,机制是保障.这也是高职院校办学核心竞争力的必由之路.  相似文献   

夏礼斌 《社科纵横》2007,22(3):82-83
核心竞争力是企业获取和维持竞争优势的关键因素。核心竞争力的周期性特点要求企业不仅要具备核心竞争力,而且不能满足于既有的核心竞争力,还必须不断地更新完善现有的核心竞争力,培育和发展新的核心竞争力,竞争力组合与识别矩阵、核心竞争力——产品组合矩阵则是企业识别与管理核心竞争力有效战略管理工具。  相似文献   

目前社会工作专业的学生,尤其是那些面临着求职压力的毕业生总在感慨,学了这个专业我们的核心竞争力到底在哪里,在求职的过程中我们靠什么获得成功?社会工作既是一门科学也是一门艺术。社会工作目  相似文献   

高等学校核心竞争力研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈克 《学术交流》2004,(7):167-169
核心竞争力是高等学校竞争优势之源,高等学校只有对其核心竞争力进行准确识别,通过构建科学的评价指标体系进行评价,才能发现核心竞争的战略环节,并对其进行培育,使其形成竞争优势。要从准确进行目标市场定位和加强学科建设等方面,采取对策,培育和提升高等学校的核心竞争力,使之在市场竞争中获得优势,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

邹家明  刘彦  于涛 《学术交流》2007,(5):118-121
东北经济区的县域经济发展应紧紧抓住振兴东北老工业基地的战略机遇,从深层次上寻找加快调整改造的内在动力和潜能,全面培育和提升县域经济核心竞争力。通过培育和提升县域经济核心竞争力,进行资源要素整合,以市场机制为主导,优化投资环境,科学有效配置自然资源、整体资源、人力资源、信息资源、技术资源等生产要素资源,增强相互之间的关联程度,从而达到优化配置状态,产生整体能动效应,从县域层面上缩小差距,振兴东北经济区。  相似文献   

论构造我国投资银行核心竞争力的策略和途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
解植春 《求是学刊》2004,31(3):59-63
我国投资银行如何塑造自身的核心竞争力,从而形成竞争优势,获得更大的发展,是摆在每一家投资银行面前的课题。文章首先总结和介绍了国际、国内理论界对投资银行核心竞争力内涵的诠释,分析了核心竞争力的影响要素,然后根据不同的投资银行的内外优势及其匹配程度,探讨了投资银行核心竞争力培育的内部管理型战略和外部交易型战略。在此基础上,结合我国投资银行的体制结构、治理结构、内部控制、风险管理等特点,从完善法人治理结构、培育诚信企业文化、风险评估和风险管理、业务创新和管理创新、实施差异化战略等方面提出了培育我国投资银行核心竞争力的途径和策略选择。  相似文献   

培育和提升我国企业核心竞争力的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨蓓 《学术交流》2003,(2):82-84
直面WTO ,我国企业要想抓住机遇、赢得挑战 ,培育和提升企业核心竞争力是关键。企业核心竞争力 ,集中表现为组织资源和能力的独特性 ,这种独特性可概括为 :难以模仿性、整合价值性、知识互补性和持久创新性。企业要善于发现和挖掘核心竞争力 :有效保持和运用核心竞争力 ;不断深化和发展核心竞争力。  相似文献   

零售企业核心竞争力的整体模型构建及战略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵峰 《学术交流》2006,(6):89-92
核心竞争力是一组技术和技能的组合体,企业核心竞争力是由企业文化力、学习力、创新力三者有机结合形成的竞争优势的能量源。零售业核心竞争力的内涵特征及内在逻辑结构上有其特殊性。服务创新对于企业核心竞争力的作用机理,体现在延长基于资源和能力的竞争优势的持续时间与活化企业价值链的基本活动和支持活动的两方面。零售企业为了实现经营目标,在价值链活动之间的内在联系上进行了优化选择。在零售企业核心竞争力整体模型的构建中,给出了关键性的目标及措施。  相似文献   

基于国际核心竞争力的中小民营企业自主创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中小民营企业是市场经济的重要组成部分,是我国经济中富有活力的新的增长点,入世后,中小民营经济将成为中国市场竞争中的主体经济,竞争更加惨烈。在这种情况下,中小民营企业只有培育和提升自己的核心竞争力,才能获得持续的竞争优势。然而,许多中小民营企业也遇到了企业生命周期的挑战,中小民企短命甚至速死现象十分普遍。如何提升中小民企核心竞争力是一个十分紧迫的战略性课题。本文对我国中小民营企业核心竞争力现状分析和研究为我国中小民营企业提升核心竞争力,健康快速成长提出科学管理创新的相应对策。  相似文献   

刘光富  刘文驰 《创新》2009,3(9):61-65
从核心竞争力、创新的涵义,以及二者的相互关系入手,分析宝钢集团成功构建与提升核心竞争力的理论与实践,提出创新能力就是宝钢集团的核心竞争力。最后,结合宝钢集团的经验,提出在技术创新、管理创新和文化创新方面构建与提升企业创新能力的一些建议。  相似文献   

国内社会工作教育正处于发展初期阶段,对社会工作教育的核心能力及核心课程体系建设的实证探索尚未有深入研究。通过对某高校341名社工学生的课程成绩进行因子分析,得到五项核心能力因子:问题建构、资源链接、伦理反思、建立关系、嵌入服务,并据此提出对现行社会工作核心主干课程体系的调整建议。  相似文献   

Social work education in China has undergone rapid development during last two decades. However, methods to define, measure, and evaluate social work students' competency remain largely unexplored. In this study, we evaluated competency in graduate social work students in China and examined factors that impacted competency, based on learning theory. Findings indicated that knowledge and skills learned in class, field placement, and social context all have effects on competency. How students think about individual development and the social work profession has the most significant effect. These findings carry implications for social work education in the Chinese context. The rapid development of social work education in China requires the effective measurement and evaluation of students' core competencies.  相似文献   

The study explicates a competency-based model of contemporary social work management practice and compares this model with frameworks derived from earlier studies. Using a purposive sample of 184 social work managers throughout the country, an exploratory factor analysis yielded twelve sets of competencies required of today's social work manager. A comparison of the present model to earlier management frameworks reveals that substantive changes in the nature, scope, complexity, and priorities assigned to management competencies and skills have transformed the role of the social work manager over the last decade. Implications for social work manager education are reviewed and future research directions are proposed.  相似文献   

社会工作教育的需求结构十分复杂,保障教育对象的核心素质是平衡各方需求的关键。但目前专业教育水平与社会工作者的素质要求尚不相匹配。高等学校要抓住发展机遇,发挥教育协会的指导作用,完善区域合作机制,强化自身主体地位,通过开展教育教学改革,不断提高社会工作者的核心素质。  相似文献   

Research finds gender differences in the size, quality, and consequences of social networks in the workplace. Building on these studies, we focus on one type of social network: task advice networks, which we define as the networks that act as conduits for information and knowledge directly related to work task completion. Using data on over 1300 employees, we test the relationships between task advice network size and two variables – organizational tenure and core self-evaluations, examining differences by gender. We find a larger positive association between core self-evaluations and task advice network size for men than for women. Additionally, we find that men, but not women, have larger networks when lower in tenure.  相似文献   

Preparing social workers to effectively practice with the growing older population requires the identification of geriatric competencies for the profession. The John A. Hartford Geriatric Social Work Initiative provided the impetus and direction for a national strategy to improve the quality of preparation of geriatric social workers. The Geriatric Social Work Practicum Partnership Program (PPP) is the project with the Hartford Initiative that emphasizes field education. The Geriatric Social Work Education Consortium (GSWEC), one of the PPP programs, initiated the development of competencies for work with older adults. GSWEC utilized Geriatric Social Work White Papers and the pioneering work of the Council on Social Work Education's (CSWE) Strengthening Aging and Gerontology Education for Social Work's (SAGE-SW) comprehensive competency list as well as conducted focus groups locally to delineate key competencies for field education. The Coordinating Center for the PPP, located at the New York Academy of Medicine, led in collaboratively developing knowledge based skill competencies for geriatric social work across all 6 demonstration sites (11 universities). The competencies adopted across sites include skills in the following five major domains: values and ethics; assessment (individuals and families, aging services, programs and policies); practice and interventions (theory and knowledge in practice, individual and family, aging services, programs and practice) interdisciplinary collaboration; and evaluation and research. The identified competencies have proven effective in evaluating students (n = 190) pre- and post PPP field education. The implications for further development of competency driven education for geriatric social work are discussed.  相似文献   

Social workers in diverse service systems throughout the United States encounter many opportunities for improving quality of life for people with dementia and their families. Yet practice with this population is unclearly defined and a core set of competencies for such practice does not yet exist. Instead, it is shaped by roles within aging and health systems. These roles are informed by a biomedical disease model of dementia. This article examines social work practice and its connection to evolving views on aging and senility throughout the 20th century. New directions for practice are recommended to improve services for individuals with dementia.  相似文献   

Case management is a vital service in gerontological social work-perhaps the most essential service. Extreme variation in the definition and implementation has detracted from the core functions of case management. When these functions are placed in a clinical context, case management becomes the treatment of choice for many frail elderly and their families. There have been many forces operating against the development of professional case management, yet gerontological social work must take the lead in clinical case management practice. Social work educators must play a key role in preparing social workers for case management and promoting this treatment model as the hallmark of gerontological social work.  相似文献   

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