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余超  阳雪 《社会工作》2011,(8):70-72
本文以四川省内江市新空巢家庭为例,在研究中年空巢夫妻情感支持状况的数量和质量层面的基础上,认为子女的离开对中年空巢夫妻的生活产生了重大影响。子女离开后,中年空巢夫妻的适应状况良好,情感支持内容丰富,同时情感支持提供者与情感支持接受者之间的互动频率与情感支持的作用密切相关,并提出精神自养应成为中年空巢家庭"养老"的有效途径。  相似文献   

谢桂华 《社会》2009,29(5):149-167
本文使用2006年全国社会综合调查的抽样数据,分析了老年人的居住模式、与子女的居住距离和儿女数量对子女赡养行为的影响。研究发现,老人的居住模式和居住距离并不明显影响子女给予的经济支持,但会影响子女在日常照料和情感慰藉方面给予的支持。有同住子女的父母可以得到子女更频繁的关心和照顾,而空巢家庭的父母从子女处获得的日常照料和经济支持则较少;子女居住得离父母越近,则越经常给予父母日常照料和情感慰藉。研究也发现,子女给予父母各方面照料的频繁程度不受兄弟姐妹数量的影响,独生子女并不比非独生子女更频繁地照顾父母。  相似文献   

潘明信 《社会工作》2009,(21):60-61
“空巢家庭”是指在最后一个子女离开后,老年人单独居住或老年夫妇生活在一起的家庭。据最新统计,近年来,我国空巢家庭一直呈上升之势。在全国有65岁以上老年人的家庭户中,空巢家庭户占22.83%,其中,单身老人户占11.46%,只有一对老夫妇户占11.38%。有65岁及以上老年人家庭户中空巢家庭户的比例,山东省最高,达到36.05%,其次是浙江省,  相似文献   

“空巢家庭”成主流 “空巢家庭”是指无子女共处,只剩下老年人独自生活的家庭。据了解,在发达国家,“空巢家庭”也十分普遍,老年人与子女同住的只占10%至30%,大多数老年人均与子女分居。美国在二战前,52%的老年人与子女同住,到了20世纪80年代,与子女同住的只有百分之十几。在比利时、丹麦、法国和英国,上个世纪80年代初,全部家庭户中65岁以上独居者占11%。瑞典独居老年人达到40%。  相似文献   

人口的老龄化趋势与家庭结构的演变使城市空巢家庭大量增加。以徐州市为个案的调查和研究显示,部分空巢老人面临着经济困难、缺乏照料、精神孤独等生存危机。空巢老人的社会支持体系应以老年人自助互助为原则,以家庭支助为基础,以社区服务为依托,以国家和政府的法规、政策为保障。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代初,随着我国现代化进程的不断加快,人口城镇化步伐逐步加快。农村的剩余劳动力开始大规模地向城市转移。这种现象的出现,不仅是农民工理性选择的结果,也是我国工业化、城市化和现代化发展的必然结果。有关数据显示,我国现有近1.5亿的农民在外务工,打工者数量还在以每年超过500万人的速度增长,其中70%以上是男性一方外出。农村年轻人离开了自己的家乡和土地,跨省流动越来越多,并且,他们离开父母的时间也越来越长。时空距离的增大,使得子女外迁的农村老人成为空巢老人。第五次全国人口普查结果显示,我国有65岁及以上老年空巢家庭1561.64万户,占65岁及以上有老年人家庭户的22.83%;生活在空巢家庭中的老年人2339.73万人,  相似文献   

许加明  蒋晓玲 《社会工作》2015,(2):35-40,59,126
随着我国空巢家庭的比例越来越高,空巢老人的养老问题引起了越来越多的关注。居家养老是当前我国城市空巢老人理想化的养老模式,但仍存在资金短缺、人员不足等困境。为提高城市社区空巢老人居家养老的服务效率和服务水平,一方面可以组织空巢老人开展多种形式的互助养老服务,另一方面可以通过搭建智能养老平台为空巢老人提供多种类型的智能养老服务。  相似文献   

基于网络媒体报道的内容分析发现,空巢老人“孤独死”现象本质上是中国空巢养老问题的突出反映,更是空巢家庭老无所养、老无所依的极端结果.随着中国社会的“少子老龄化”、高龄化和家庭的小型化、核心化、空巢化发展,在“未富先老”“未备而老”的双重压力下,空巢老人“孤独死”个案将会持续增多.空巢老人“孤独死”拷问着社会道德良心,呼唤着家庭亲情伦理.日本社会高龄者“孤独死”问题是中国的一面镜子.中国政府、社会、家庭和个人等责任主体必须未雨绸缪,进行养老资源和养老支持的充分准备,做到防患于未然.  相似文献   

本文利用北京地区子女移居国外的老年人家庭生活状况调查数据,分析了子女移居国外而其老年父母留守国内居住的新移民家庭代际情感支持的影响因素。这些老年父母认为女儿、已婚且育有孩子、提供日常照料、收入越高、越孝顺的子女,与自己的关系越亲近。同时,自身身体健康状况越好、非独自居住的老人,越趋向认为其与子女的情感更亲密。移居国外的子女与国内居住的子女在对父母情感支持方面没有显著差异,老年父母与移居海外的成年子女之间的情感联系并没有由于空间距离拉大而疏远。  相似文献   

本文运用对烟台市230位城市老人的问卷调查数据,研究“空巢”与城市老人孤独感之间的关系及影响老人孤独感的因素。研究结果表明,“空巢”与老人的孤独感没有统计意义上的相关关系;大多数的老人自愿选择与子女分住;代际间的交往受居住距离的影响;影响老人孤独感的主要因素有婚姻状况、子女是否孝顺及对自己赡养现状和子女照顾的满意度等。通过分析我们可以得出这样的结论:在烟台市,“空巢”对老人的孤独感没有显著的影响,而婚姻状况和子女是否孝顺是影响老年孤独感最为重要的因素。  相似文献   

通过对河北省保定市郊区农村的深入访谈和问卷调查,本文研究了有两个以上已婚儿子的老年夫妻去世前的生活状况。研究发现,儿子成年之后的独立门户,是这类老年夫妇“宁巢”的前提,而“空巢”又是“轮养”契约得以建立的条件。市场化、社会结构转型、儿媳妇在家庭决策中作用的增强等,使老年人失去了家庭决策权。故“轮养”在生命过程中,实际是被安排的结果,而不是老年父母自己的选择。  相似文献   

随着现代化进程的推进,越来越多的农村青壮年进城务工,从而造成大量的"空巢"老人。农村"空巢老人"具有少子老龄化、身体多病且精神空虚化、收入水平低且劳动强度大等特点。与城市"空巢"老人相比,农村"空巢"老人面临着更为严峻的养老困境。为此,加强孝德文化教育,营造关爱"空巢"老人的良好氛围;扩大招商引资规模并加大农民自主创业的政策扶持力度,实现劳动力就地转移就业,为家庭养老创造人力条件;鼓励"空巢"老人将土地使用权返还村集体,由村集体对土地进行适度规模经营,将土地收益进行分红;建立健全农村社区养老新模式;加大社会养老机构建设力度等,是应对这一困境的主要策略。  相似文献   

空巢老人在养老过程中出现哪些问题,如何解决?国内学者对此进行了深入研究。这些研究对农村空巢老人的关注较少、忽视了家庭的关怀是空巢老人产生精神慰藉的主要来源。  相似文献   

This article reports on one aspect of a large multi-method survey of grandparents raising grandchildren, carried out in 2016. The research report [Gordon L. (2016). The empty nest is refilled: the joys and tribulations of grandparents raising grandchildren in New Zealand. Auckland: Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust (NZ)] notes that the most commonly cited reason for children coming into care was parental drug addiction. This article reports on the circumstances and well-being of families where parental drug addiction was cited as a reason for the children living with grandparents. Common causes of grandparents struggling to care for their grandchildren were personal health issues, housing, financial problems and dealing with traumatised or unwell children. Contact with parents was often random, with non-contact caused by parental death, imprisonment, parents moving away or re-forming families, children not wanting to see the parent or parents not turning up for scheduled visits. As noted in another article [Gordon L. (2017). Experiences of grandparents raising grandchildren in getting income support from Work and Income offices in New Zealand. Kotuitui. 12(2):134–145], many of the families had difficulty getting income support from Work and Income. Many of the children suffer from a range of emotional and behavioural problems, leading to concerns about their future. The conclusion considers the policy and service implications of these findings, in the context of the growing ‘epidemic’ of methamphetamines and other drug use in Aotearoa.  相似文献   

This paper reports on changes in the social-emotional well-being of 6- to 12-year-old children tested before the COVID-19 pandemic and during 2020 and 2021. Well-being was assessed using a video game that empowers children to report their own well-being, including school attachment, social and emotional well-being, behavioural conformity and family support. We compared well-being over time for two groups of children in government schools in Queensland, Western Australia and Tasmania. The treatment group of 580 children were tested in 2019 (Time 1) and a second time in mid-late 2020 and early 2021 (Time 2). The comparison group of 841 children were tested twice before the pandemic. Results showed that children in the treatment group reported significantly lower family support at Time 2 than those in the comparison group. This reduction in perceived family support was stronger for girls. In addition, children in the treatment group who reported lower levels of family support at Time 1 reported a steeper decline in family support by Time 2. Finally, boys in the treatment group reported significantly better behavioural conformity and emotional well-being relative to girls over time. Results highlight the varied impacts of the pandemic lockdowns and the need to provide continued support to vulnerable families.  相似文献   

在自闭症儿童康复中,家庭承担着重要的功能。家庭是儿童异常的最早发现者,同时也是寻求早期干预的核心力量。而调查表明,当前自闭症儿童家庭社会支持存在总体水平偏低,家庭内部支持严重不足,支持结构不均衡等问题。因此,应当通过早期家庭干预、家庭公共政策倡导、社区人文关怀开发、亲朋网络建设等措施构建一个由家庭内部支持网、家庭亲朋支持网、家庭社区支持网、家庭社会支持网构成的自闭症家庭支持网的"理想模型"。  相似文献   

This paper compares the family situation of children living with de facto couples with that of children living with legally married couples and examines the attitudes of de facto couples toward having children. De facto couples with ex-nuptial children were in a less favourable socio-economic situation than either de facto couples with step children or married couples with children. Differences were also observed among de facto couples with and without ex-nuptial children and married couples in their attitudes toward having children ex-nuptially. However, de facto partners with children and married partners with children did not differ in their attitudes toward children.  相似文献   

The family in late modernity faces demographic change. However, it is still apparent that intergenerational relationships and exchanges of resources are valued. There is a growing literature on the important role that grandparents play in their children’s families. In contrast, there is limited research exploring the support grandparents provide to families with disabled children. This is an important gap in our knowledge, as families with disabled children frequently face additional caring responsibilities and emotional demands. From the studies that do exist, it is clear that grandparents’ support to families with disabled children is generally valued. However, the literature remains partial: past studies are small‐scale, focused upon parents’ perceptions of support (especially mother’s), and frequently based upon North American data. Recognizing these limitations and the fact that grandparents themselves have support needs which require consideration, this paper identifies key areas where important issues remain unanswered and further research is required. It argues that research is needed to begin untangling the different support needs of parents, grandparents and other family members, and the different effects of grandparent support that different family members’ experience. Exploration of grandparents’ own support needs also indicates the need for wider policy and service consideration.  相似文献   

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