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近些年来,大学生就业难问题持续严峻,解决这一问题也迫在眉睫。根据社会工作中的增能理论分析大学生就业问题及原因,从个体主动和外部推动两个模式对大学毕业生进行增权充能。  相似文献   

实践与理论之间的“断裂”制约着社会工作站的可持续发展,合理的功能与定位有助于实现社会工作站实践效能最大化。F镇社会工作站的实践表明:乡镇社会工作站的核心功能目标应为推进构建“共建共治共享”参与型治理格局;核心行动策略为“参与式增能”,将传统的社会工作专业关系拓展为社会工作者与服务对象、目标系统和行动系统间的多重关系;实践架构为通过个体、人际、组织和社区参与四个维度实现参与式增能的总量递增,以达致服务与治理的双向融合。“参与式增能”为当前乡镇社会工作站建设提供了一种可行的行动策略,增能的实现程度还有赖于基层社会治理多主体合力助推。  相似文献   

程萍 《社会工作》2016,(5):15-23
阿马蒂亚?森的权力贫困观和能力贫困观,为我国精准扶贫工作提供了基本伦理——赋权增能。社会工作的专业理念和实践经验,与扶贫、赋权增能有着天然的亲和性,在赋权增能的视角下,研究社会工作如何介入农村精准扶贫具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。本文设想了社会工作介入农村精准扶贫的四条路径:第一,从“外力推动模式”,渐次推进到“内力推动模式”;第二,以精准识别主体需求为起点,定制增权计划;第三,以文化教育服务为基点,推升贫困农民综合素养;第四,以自治经济组织为依托,挖掘脱贫的内生动力。然而,社会工作有效介入农村精准扶贫尚面临着一系列的困境,主要包括:在扶贫体系中的定位和分工尚不清晰,农村社会工作队伍的规模化、专业化、职业化严重滞后,实践中易出现专业融合和文化识盲问题。  相似文献   

姚金丹 《社会工作》2012,(10):24-27
增能理论是社会工作研究中一个重要的领域,同时也是服务于弱势群体的一个新视角。失独家庭作为特殊的弱势群体,个人资源与社会资源的缺失致使他们的自我效能感极低,处于一种消权状态。社会工作可以从微观与宏观层面对失独家庭进行增能介入。在微观上,运用个案、小组、社区的工作方法帮助失独家庭摆脱精神困境,增强他们的自我效能感;在宏观上,借鉴国外经验,通过完善社会福利政策、加大社会行政力度提升失独家庭的社会保障水平。利用增能理论介入失独家庭,可以帮助失独家庭恢复基本权能,提高其生存质量,保证其安度晚年。  相似文献   

大学生增负的目的是为了给大学生确定合理的学业任务,并将其转变为促进高质量学习的动力.大学生学业合理增负是高等教育内涵建设和质量提升的需要,是高校更好地服务经济社会发展的需要,是更好发挥高校人才培养功能的需要.大学生学业合理增负要提高大学生思想认识,激发其主动增负的活力,增强其自我学习能力,高校要构建科学的学业评价机制,...  相似文献   

面对实习机构专业性匮乏的困境,现有的社会工作实习模式存在一定的不足。南京N学院社会工作系进行了增能式实习模式探索,也就是向实习机构输入社会工作的理念、方法和技术。其途径是:进入机构前,对机构的专业能力进行评估,找到双方的接入点,制定增能计划;进入机构实习时,对机构进行社会工作专业理念、方法和技能的培训、演示、模拟训练;实习结束时,对增能结果进行评估和跟踪指导。这一模式取得了良好的成效--使机构社会工作专业性得到了成长,实现了学生专业实习的目标。  相似文献   

贯彻习近平总书记关于"发挥社会工作在疫情防控中的专业优势"的重要论述,需要不断总结疫情防控的经验,发挥广大人民群众在公共卫生服务中的作用,拓展增权型公共卫生社会工作的理论、方法与实践.一方面,要不断夯实增权型公共卫生社会工作的理论基础,探讨习近平总书记人民健康观、健康社会决定因素理论、增权理论以及公民权理论在公共卫生社...  相似文献   

当前教学改革的重点旨在促进学生学习方式的变革,使其能够自主学习、合作学习和探究学习,对于研究生阶段更是如此。从根本上讲,要使学生恢复主体性,首先要使教师具有主体性,因此,解放学生的前提是解放教师,使教师拥有专业自主性与地位,能实施专业判断,参与校务决策,借此提升专业素质,实现自我效能和专业发展,发挥教育功能,即实现教师的"赋权增能"。在研究生阶段创建研究型课堂具有可行性和实用价值。通过鼓励师生的共同参与,任务分工,团队协作和个体的自主学习最终将达到师生的个人发展和共同成长,促成新型"学校文化"的形成。  相似文献   

李松有 《学术交流》2024,(3):136-155
对广西8个县市101个行政村公共基础设施管护服务主体的赋权增能关系及其运行机制的调查分析显示,农村公共基础设施管护有村民赋责型民属设施运营模式、理事会代管型村落小微设施运营模式、产业反哺型村级公益设施运营模式和市场导入型专业设施运营模式,多元主体参与管护过程中存在自我赋权、内生赋权、支持赋权和发展赋权。但目前村级公共基础设施管护模式仍存在主体权责界限不清、村社组织能力不强、多元主体评价制度不健全和村集体经济社会效应弱等问题,需要以责任共担、利益联结、产业带动、互惠共赢为机制,通过落实相关主体权责、加大社会组织孵化、健全多方参与评价体系和壮大村庄新型集体经济等途径,强化村民和村社组织权能,促进乡村建设中公共基础设施的可持续运营。  相似文献   

随着中国进入经济、社会的转型期,各种环境问题也日益凸显出来,而且呈现愈加严重的趋势,环境问题已成为影响我国经济、社会发展的重要问题。在环境保护中,环境保护意识是核心的部分。社会工作中的增权理论对于提高环境保护意识有很多值得借鉴和思考的地方。笔者从增权理论的视角出发,分析了我国民众淡薄的环保意识现状成因,并提出了通过为民众增权进而提高环保意识的策略。  相似文献   

智障人士是需要特别关注和帮助弱势群体。本文基于社会工作增权理论,在提出研究假设和诠释核心概念的基础上,通过6例个案分析了智障人士社会生活各方面的无权状况,提出了对智障人士的个体性增权和社会性增权两个层次,经过实践环节努力使智障人士提高生活能力、增加人际交往和促进社会融合,从而达到个人权力的提升。  相似文献   

针对大学生在就业过程中出现的各种失信问题,从现状入手,根据产生问题的根源来找寻相应对策,以求能提出建设性的建议。高校毕业生的就业失信问题,不仅损害了大学生自身的形象,而且扰乱了就业市场的正常运作,必须加以重视和解决。  相似文献   

张翼  马改姣 《社会工作》2011,(16):81-84
在应用社会工作增权理论的基础上,运用社会学的剥夺理论分析“江蚁”被剥夺的现状,并从个体和社会两个层面提出“蚁族”增权的策略,以提升其生存与发展能力。  相似文献   

随着中国进入经济、社会的转型期,各种环境问题也日益凸显出来,而且呈现愈加严重的趋势,环境问题已成为影响我国经济、社会发展的重要问题。在环境保护中,环境保护意识是核心的部分。社会工作中的增权理论对于提高环境保护意识有很多值得借鉴和思考的地方。笔者从增权理论的视角出发,分析了我国民众淡薄的环保意识现状成因,并提出了通过为民众增权进而提高环保意识的策略。  相似文献   

In this article, we present a qualitative analysis of couples’ child care arrangements using an empowerment model. Data are taken from gender-segregated focus group interviews with eight married, co-residential couples parenting young children. We analyze this data using an empowerment model that focuses on individuals’ experiences recognizing and acting on opportunities to exercise control, which in this case we conceptualize as preferences for child care involvement. In addition to this focus on interpersonal negotiation between parents, we build on Bronfenbrenner's (1979, 1986) ecological perspective and understand child care arrangements as emerging within complex social systems, demanding constant negotiation between the person and environment. Thus, our attention to empowerment includes a focus on the notable contexts of work, school, and community. We find that in many ways, both mothers and fathers in our sample felt little control over ecological factors shaping child care arrangements. For mothers, empowerment was a process that involved varying degrees of control over fathers’ involvement in child care within the further confines presented by work and school. Fathers generally felt empowered to engage in child care tasks when they chose to do so. This stands in contrast to mothers’ implicit responsibility for the care of their children and need to request fathers’ involvement unless social contexts demanded it.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between (a) social workers' perceptions of preparedness to perform in their professional roles and perceived social justice behaviors at work and (b) workers' sense of workplace empowerment. A sample of 152 currently licensed social workers responded to web or mailed surveys. Respondents were more likely to perceive having workplace empowerment related to meaning in their work if they reported their social work program training prepared them for their professional roles. Perceived social justice behaviors at work were associated with workers' experiencing empowerment related to the impact they had at work. Social workers' sense of training preparedness and experiencing social justice at work can positively influence workers' perceived empowerment. Enforcing the importance of engaging in social justice with clients in social work education, both in class and in field placements, has the potential for long-lasting effects on empowerment in students' future workplaces. Agency-level management should ensure continuity in social justice activities to enhance feelings of workplace empowerment, which may help social workers connect with clients. Future research should examine elements of social work programs that promote feelings of empowerment in order to understand how the same approach can be used in models of continuing education and organizational management.  相似文献   

How and when does welfare policy contribute to shape public opinion? This article departs from the policy feedback research tradition and seeks to contribute to the understanding of how policy influences public opinion (public responsiveness). The argument here suggests that personal experiences in terms of empowerment condition the dynamics between policy and opinion. The empirical case concerns the implementation of a consumer's choice model in Swedish primary health care, which resulted an intended increase in private health care centres. In this case, empowerment is assumed to be enhanced by increased exit options and freedom of choice. The specific question in the analysis is whether citizens who have empowering experiences, as a consequence of the reform, are more likely to be positive towards further privatization of welfare services. The results show few effects in general, but there seems to be a correlation between the experience of exiting and more positive attitudes towards privatization.  相似文献   

This article suggests it is important to unpack the notion of "empowerment" in community care so that the position of those who provide "hands-on" care is scrutinised alongside the empowerment of "users" of care. The particular case of the forthcoming Direct Payments legislation, whereby disabled people will be able to opt for cash rather than services and become employers of personal assistants, is considered. It is argued that both employers and employees in these care relationships are likely to be on low incomes, that the work is likely to be insecure and possibly unregulated, that there might be a problem of labour supply, and that in the long run, this form of employment might generate hardship for the workers so employed. Other forms of reconciling the interests of both users and "carers" are considered.  相似文献   

随着社区建设的不断深入,促进社区参与,培育社区意识,增强社区社会资本,成为社区人力资源开发的重要内容与目标。当前社区建设面临着居民社区参与不足、社区缺乏组织性、社区活动流于形式以及社区归属感淡薄等问题。开发社区人力资源必须从增权视阈出发,发挥社区居民思维上的主体性及其在实践中的参与性。  相似文献   

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