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丛梅 《社会工作》2011,(6):76-78
随着社会变革日益深化,犯罪数量不断上升,其中暴力犯罪有加剧的趋势.尤其在2009年,我国暴力犯罪总量经过了几年下降后,突然有所上升,广大公众的社会安全感受到严重威胁.特别是一些重新犯罪人员在暴力犯罪中起到领头羊的作用.针对这一社会现象,本文对当前暴力重新犯罪行为特点及形成原因进行了实证研究.  相似文献   

刑满释放人员重新犯罪的问题,正在引起社会的关注。你是从事犯罪与罪犯改造研究的,能不能就此谈点看法?好的。从上海的情况来看,刑释人员回归社会后三年内的重新犯罪率,1986年为4.1%,1987年为4.4%,1988年为6.1%,1989年为9.4%,1990年为7.2%。与初偶犯相比较,重新犯罪的刑释人员作案手段往往更加狡诈、疯狂和残忍,对社会的危害性更大。有效地预防与控制重新犯罪,日益成为一个不空忽视的课题。重新犯罪的原因与犯罪的原因是什么关系?进了大门才能找到小门。犯罪是重新犯罪的前提,有了犯罪才有重新犯罪。重新犯罪率的曲…  相似文献   

丛梅 《社会工作》2011,(24):91-93
我国尽管1997年刑法将累犯的构成期限从3年延长至5年,但刑满释放人员的重新犯罪率不仅没有下降,反而呈现持续升高的走势。从不同地域之间的比较看,重新犯罪作为社会犯罪的一个重要组成部分,随着社会犯罪的增长而增长,只是增涨的幅度要小于社会犯罪。预计我国刑释人员重新犯罪将在今后一个相当长的历史时期内,呈现总量波动上升,高位持续振荡的发展态势。  相似文献   

日本少年持刀伤人的事件时有发生。据我们的研究 ,近 1 0年来日本恶性犯罪一直在减少 ,青少年的恶性犯罪也在减少。例如 ,1 96 1年不满 2 0岁男青年的凶杀案为十万分之七 ,1 993年为十万分之一。其他暴力伤害罪、强奸罪等也在大幅度减少。女性犯罪发生率虽然也同男性一样在减少 ,但不同的是 ,不满 2 0岁的女性暴力犯罪从万分之二上升到万分之十 ,伤害罪从万分之五上升到万分之二十。除杀人案件外 ,男女暴力犯罪率大幅度接近 ,呈“中性化倾向”。这是日本的独特现象。从社会病理上看 ,日本青少年暴力犯罪攻击的对象是弱者 ,如团伙攻击离家出…  相似文献   

暴力犯罪(其中包括谋杀、强奸、抢劫和严重打架斗殴)是美国长期存在的重大社会问题和政治问题。四十年代和五十年代,美国暴力犯罪率相对稳定,六十年代初开始上升。1965—1970年,暴力犯罪率上升得最快,每年增加16%以上。1975—1978年,增长速度大大放慢。但1978年又重新回升。1979年上半年的统计表明,严重犯罪事件比1978年  相似文献   

江伟人 《社会》2004,(8):57-60
预防和减少刑释人员重新犯罪是一个 世界性的社会难题,也一直是我国社会治 安综合治理的重点之一。随着我国从传统的计划经济体制向市场经济体制转型,社会环境和人们的思想观念、生活方式等都发生了深刻的变化,社会犯罪包括重新犯罪的构成、特点、原因等亦出现了许多新变化。社会治安综合治理工作如何与时俱进,  相似文献   

据有关统计资料表明,近年来重新犯罪率有所上升。其中刑满释放人员重新犯罪的约占10%左右,解除劳教人员重新违法犯罪的约占15%左右。这两个数字分别为“文革”前的4~5倍。在公安机关抓获的案犯中重新犯罪率由1980年的18%上升到1983年的31%。在重大案件,特别是恶性案件中,很多是重新犯罪分子所为。在团伙作案的犯罪成员中,重新犯罪分子约占70%左右。另据笔者  相似文献   

当代中国社会阶层分化日益加剧,其实质是社会利益结构的转型,即从建国初建立并维系了几十年的整体性社会利益结构向多样化利益结构的变迁。阶层分化态势下,社会资源占有的新格局必然会带来各阶层的经济落差,引起阶层间利益冲突,利益相对受损阶层会产生心态失衡的现象,滋生犯罪。同时阶层分化加剧社会不公和贫富分化,激化犯罪。分析近年来发生的一系列恶性暴力犯罪的原因,我们能够清晰感受到社会阶层对立与暴力犯罪的关系,阶层分化是现阶段引起犯罪的重要原因。  相似文献   

未成年人犯罪是一个全球化 的问题。据悉,美国有75%的中学生遭遇过暴力或暴力威胁, 81%的教师因处理无组织无纪律的学生占去了他们大部分时间,而每天死于枪杀的20岁以下的青年人就达十几个。为此,不久前,美国总统克林顿就校园日益恶化的持枪暴力犯罪,专门发表讲话:校园暴力不仅威胁到了正常的教学秩序,还威胁到了美国的“实力和活力”。 我国也不例外。未成年人犯罪呈逐年上升趋势。以天津市某区为例,97年该区检察机关批捕未成年人犯罪62人,98年批捕80人,同比上升29%。值得提出的是,14岁至16岁的少年占…  相似文献   

据美国联邦调查局报告,1977年美国平均每3秒钟发生一起严重的犯罪事件,每31秒钟发生一起暴力犯罪事件,而这只不过是一种保守的估计.犯罪造成了巨大的损失,其中包括经济上的损失、暴力犯罪的受害者肉体上的损失和感情上的损失,还有巨大的社会损失.因此,犯罪问题引起人们的普遍关注.  相似文献   

Socially, the most damaging of all the effects of violent crime was said to be its indirect ‘terrorising’ effect, generating public fear and disrupting the functioning of the community. The blame for aggravation of this effect is often placed on over-reporting and sensationalization by the mass media. The study aimed to determine if there is an objective basis for a growing public concern about increases in crimes of violence in New South Wales, or if this concern is a product of certain forms of publicity given to violence, and to identify targets for social intervention. A formal analysis of a decade's trends in violent crimes against the person and property crimes showed the following: among adults more males commit murder and major assault, and more females major assault; among juveniles, more males commit assault, serious robbery, and malicious damage, and more females assault and malicious damage; more offences of major assault, robbery, and arson are reported to the police, but there is no increase in reported rapes and known homicides; there is no increase in the vandalization of school property; the only judicial reflection of public concern about violent crime is a slight increase in the length of sentence given for robbery. In a critical discussion of the findings, increases in violent crime reported to the police were singled out as justifying public concern. The most serious concern, however, is warranted by the increasing juvenile violence which is consistent with trends observed in most Western countries. The difficulty was pointed out of translating this concern into social action, in the absence of any coherent theoretical or empirical framework within which to identify priority targets. There is a need for a multifactorial approach to provide a rational basis for dealing with the problem of violent crime.  相似文献   

文化是一个民族最核心最牢固的特质,它反映了社会大多数成员的价值观和行为方式。文化以各种方式渗透到社会生活的各个领域,对个体的生活及整个社会的运行产生着极大的影响。暴力文化背离了主文化方向成为违法犯罪的诱因。它对人们行为的影响特别是它与暴力型犯罪的相关性引起的社会危害受到了人们的关注。我们要正确认识暴力文化的社会危害性,提高广大群众认识和利用媒体的能力。加强优秀传统文化教育,加强文化市场管理。  相似文献   

Little attention has been paid to the simultaneous impacts of urban economic change, in particular the effects of industrial restructuring from manufacturing to service industries in central cities and the suburbanization of employment, on both central-city social disorganizations and crime rates in central cities. This study first assumes that urban economic decline aggravates central-city social disorganizations (family disruption, and population mobility). Second, this study proposes that urban economic decline increases central-city crime rates (seven index crime rates). This study used four predictors of economic transformations in an intrametropolitan area between 1980 and 1990 to measure urban economic change. Three of these measures were indicators of central-city economic change (changes in central-city employment ratio of service to manufacturing sectors, unemployment rate, and poverty rate), and one was an indicator of suburban economic change (suburban employment rate). Results from a sample of 153 central cities confirmed that a rise in the central-city employment ratio accelerated suburban population mobility. After including two measures of social disorganizations, urban economic change had a significant effect on central-city crime rates, in which a decline in manufacturing employment, relative to service employment, increased three central-city crime rates: aggravated assault, larceny, and burglary rates. Two central-city crime rates, rape and larceny, increased with a rise in central-city poverty rate, as well. In contrast, suburban employment growth was related to a decrease in central-city violent crime rates.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the association between social disorganization and youth violence rates in rural communities. Method: We employed rural Missouri counties (N = 106) as units of analysis, measured serious violent victimization data via hospital records, and the same measures of social disorganization as Osgood and Chambers (2000). Controlling for spatial autocorrelation, the negative binomial estimator was used to estimate the effects of social disorganization on youth violence rates. Results: Unlike Osgood and Chambers, we found only one of five social disorganization measures, the proportion of female-headed households, to be associated with rural youth violent victimization rates. Conclusion: Although most research on social disorganization theory has been undertaken on urban areas, a highly cited Osgood and Chambers (2000) study appeared to extend the generalize ability of social disorganization as an explanation of the distribution of youth violence to rural areas. Our results suggest otherwise. We provide several methodological and theoretical reasons why it may be too early to draw strong conclusions about the generalize ability of social disorganization to crime rates in rural communities.  相似文献   

Spencer's Phenomenological Variant of Ecological Systems Theory (PVEST) is presented as a theoretical framework to analyze potential effects of being a victim or co-victim of a violent crime. Data are presented from a sample of African American adolescents residing in a Southeastern metropolitan area. Victims (n = 20) and non-victims (n = 332) are compared on their self-reporting of clinical symptoms normally associated with violent or traumatic experience during middle childhood and early adolescence. Results suggest that observed symptomatology may not be solely attributable to actual victimization. Discussion includes possible mechanisms by which factors such as cognitive developmental status, physical and social context, and previous victimization of the adolescent or a family member of the adolescent can influence symptomatology.  相似文献   

The emergence of community-based service organizations for victims of violent crime, rape, domestic violence, child abuse and murder have become a part of the organizational underpinnings of the crime victim movement. Prominent figures in this movement are the victim-activists who speak for victims because they have the experiential expertise that comes from being a victim (survivor). This study examines the organizational positions of two types of victims, the individually harmed victim and the family member of a crime victim. The findings show that although both types of victim-activists can speak as victims, family victims tends to hold unpaid authoritative positions such as board member or president, whereas individual victims hold a variety of positions. Victim status serves as a credential for decision-making positions in the case of family victims, and as a career credential for individual victims.  相似文献   

金江  施养劲  朱立博 《社会》2005,40(4):191-216
本文以2014年中国劳动力动态调查(CLDS)数据为基础,构建了一个人口多样性指数,并将其与288个城市的数据相匹配,检验了人口多样性与犯罪率之间的关系。实证结果表明,人口多样性是导致城市犯罪率上升的原因之一,且这一发现是稳健的。作用机制检验结果表明,社会信任是一个重要的中介变量,即人口多样性通过削弱社会信任水平导致犯罪率的上升。进一步,从地区制度环境和民生支出水平两个角度展开的实证检验发现,产权保护越完善、民众对法庭越有信心,政府在公共教育和社会保障上的财政支出越高,人口多样性对犯罪率的影响越弱,说明良好的制度和较高的社会福利支出具有显著的犯罪治理效应。本文的发现为城市化进程中我国各级政府的犯罪治理政策选择提供了经验证据,有助于科学把握犯罪治理的着力点。  相似文献   

Objective. Many studies find that females benefit from their gender in sentencing decisions. Few researchers, however, address whether the gender‐sentencing association might be stronger for some crimes, such as minor nonviolent offending, and weaker for other offenses, such as serious violent crime. Method. Using a large random sample of convicted offenders in Texas drawn from a statewide project on sentencing practices mandated by the 73rd Texas Legislature, logistic regression and OLS regression analyses of likelihood of imprisonment and prison length illustrate the importance of looking at sentencing outcomes not only in terms of gender but also in terms of crime type. Results. Specifically, we find that the effect of gender on sentencing does vary by crime type, but not in a consistent or predicted fashion. For both property and drug offending, females are less likely to be sentenced to prison and also receive shorter sentences if they are sentenced to prison. For violent offending, however, females are no less likely than males to receive prison time, but for those who do, females receive substantially shorter sentences than males. Conclusions. We conclude that such variation in the gender‐sentencing association across crime type is largely due to features of Texas' legal code that channel the level of discretion available to judges depending on crime type and whether incarceration likelihood or sentence length is examined.  相似文献   

As federal, state and local governments continue to allocate a significant share of their resources to law enforcement and correctional spending, concerns have risen that spending in education and welfare is declining. With fiscal pressure in the United States mounting, it is important to determine the effectiveness of public spending in deterring crime. This paper compares the effectiveness of the impact of government spending on welfare and education with that of law enforcement and correction on crime. Using panel data from 50 U.S. states over a time period of 1994–2014, results of linear regression with panel corrected standard errors as well as GMM estimation reveals that public welfare and education spending can potentially lower violent and property crime rates but law enforcement spending can only deter property crime. However, correctional spending can exacerbate both types of crimes. There is little to no evidence of the presence of crowding out of one category of spending by another. This results in the policy implication that more resources be allocated towards welfare and education programs.  相似文献   

女性犯罪是影响家庭和谐及社会稳定的重要因素。近年来,女性犯罪呈现逐渐上升趋势,且超过同期的男性犯罪增长率。为有效预防具有增长势头的女性犯罪,应全面加强法制教育和道德教育,提高女性就业率和经济地位,发挥社区保障功能,努力营造健康的社会文化环境、和谐的家庭氛围。  相似文献   

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