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许光 《决策导刊》2001,(6):30-32
目前,生态问题举世关注,生态经济一词也应运而生。  相似文献   

随着市场化改革的不断深化,在我国私人部门经济不断壮大的同时,旨在提供公共产品的公共经济活动也开始受到人们的关注。本文就当前公共经济学的发展动态进行分析和阐述,以期能和同仁们能够相互沟通和探讨。  相似文献   

非均衡的动态分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
探讨非瓦尔拉斯均衡的动态实现过程,给出K均衡解的一个算法,证明该算法的收敛性,从几何上对算法作了分析,并通过具体的例子验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

复杂大系统综合动态分析与模型体系   总被引:38,自引:1,他引:37  
论述了“复杂大系统综合动态分析与模型体系”及其应用, 这是一种定性与定量结合, 以系统动力学、系统思考理论为指导, 以系统动力学的动态模型为主框架, 汲取其它定量理论与方法的精髓, 建立起来的综合动态分析方法和模型体系. 它可用来研究社会、经济、生态复杂大系统的问题.  相似文献   

双重价格机制下经济系统的运行研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究双重价格机制下经济系统的运行,建立了混合经济的价值理论,证明了竞争均衡的存在性,这一研究对于理解混合经济系统的运行有重要的意义。  相似文献   

硒文探讨非均衡经济的价格调节过程,以两种商品交换为背景,给出不同于瓦尔拉斯均衡摸索过程的一个价格调节算法,证明算法的收敛性,从几何上说明算法的动态过程,并用例子验证算法的有效性。  相似文献   

生态位,是生态学中较为抽象的概念。以生态位理论构建高职法律课堂,需要分析目前大学法律课堂非生态的现象,进而从活力、组织结构和恢复力三个层面逐一探讨教师、学生、师生关系与环境这四大课堂生态因子,并概括出法律课堂生态构建的策略。  相似文献   

牛志伟  邹昭唏 《管理世界》2019,35(11):133-143
农业生态补偿有两类涵义:一类是"对农业生态的补偿",即对农业生态系统的补偿;另一类是"对农业的生态补偿",即对农业生态价值的补偿。与此相对应,国内外关于农业生态补偿标准的研究也有两类:从生态保护成本和从生态服务价值两个不同角度测算生态补偿标准。成本与价值是投入产出有机整体的两个方面,然而遗憾的是,现行的两类补偿标准研究大多是相互独立的,甚至是割裂的。本文吸取和借鉴两类补偿标准研究的合理内涵,克服其各自的片面性,构建一个"生态系统与生态价值一致性补偿标准模型",将两类补偿标准研究的思路统一在一个分析框架中。对该模型的应用与分析,验证了其对于修正两类补偿标准研究的片面性、为实际工作部门提供正确的决策依据所具有的理论与实践价值。构建模型的原理和方法可以进一步延展至不同条件下的农业生态补偿标准研究。为了解决某些情况下出现的相对冗余的资源创造生态价值的能力被忽略的问题,本文借助线性规划敏感性分析工具,对模型初始最优解进行修正,得到能够满足生态系统与生态价值一致性的补偿标准,进一步完善了本文所构建的农业生态补偿标准研究的理论与方法体系。  相似文献   

建设生态建筑是未来我国建筑事业发展的重要方向。目前我国建筑事业的改革也正是基于这一方向而进行的一系列改革。本文通过对生态经济理论的概述,分别从建筑生命周期经济观、以及生态经济理论和建筑经济的有机结合等方面分析了新时期背景下的建筑经济观念。旨在与同行之间进行业务的交流,以不断促进我国建筑经济观念的转变,从而建造出更多低碳、环保、生态的建筑,一道助推我国建筑事业走向可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(6):102182
The impact of business model innovation (BMI) on business ecosystems, society, and planet is of growing theoretical and practical importance for strategic management. Increasing sustainability pressures warrant a better understanding of the impact of companies’ BMI through a more comprehensive analysis of innovation and its consequences. We discuss four foci of innovation (BMI, sustainable BMI, ecosystem innovation, and sustainable ecosystem innovation) to broaden the conceptualization of innovation and its economic, societal, and natural environmental impacts. We call for scholarship examining the impact of BMI to advance knowledge through research on value destruction and the dynamics of BMI over time.  相似文献   

This paper enhances cost efficiency measurement methods to account for situations where the input prices can depend on negotiation or tend to qualitatively differentiate the resources available at each decision making unit. In these circumstances, there are some shortcomings in the cost efficiency measure described in the data envelopment analysis (DEA) literature. This paper proposes new models and measures for cost efficiency evaluation that overcome the limitations of the existing DEA models. The applicability of the measures developed is illustrated in the context of the analysis of bank branch performance.  相似文献   

基于核主成分分析的生态评价模型及其应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用"驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应(DPSIR)"框架构建了生态评价指标体系。建立了基于核主成分分析的生态评价模型,并对中国10个副省级城市的生态状况进行了分析。创新与特色一是将人的需求、经济发展和社会进步等要素纳入DPSIR概念框架构建指标体系,克服了现有生态评价片面关注环境与资源状况或只关注环境保护与治理状况的不足。二是通过比较各备选核函数对应的核矩阵与最优核矩阵的相似度确定了最优核函数和最优核参数,改变了现有研究的核函数和核参数随意选取的问题。三是通过对评价指标和评价系数进行属性聚类确定影响生态评价的关键因素,改变了核主成分分析无法判断关键影响因素的问题。四是研究结果表明,影响中国副省级城市生态状况最重要的指标分别是人均绿色GDP、人均绿地面积、空气质量和万元GDP SO2排放强度;而人均居民生活用电量、人口密度和人口自然增长率对其影响很小;影响中国副省级城市生态状况的最重要的评价准则依次是驱动力、状态、压力和响应。  相似文献   

基于对应分析的生态评价模型及典型省份的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用"驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应(DPSIR)"五因素模型构建了生态系统综合评价指标体系的框架,应用离差最大化的方法确定指标权重,应用灰色关联的方法为指标打分,应用对应分析方法建立差别生态改进模型,建立了基于对应分析的综合评价模型。本文的创新与特色一是通过采用DPSIR概念框架构建指标体系,将人的需求、经济发展和社会进步等要素纳入到生态系统评价中,克服了现有生态评价只片面关注环境与资源状况或者只关注环境保护与治理状况的不足。二是通过对应分析同时对典型省和生态指标进行R型和Q型因子分析,在损失最小的情况下,利用最少的维度表示样本和指标的信息。三是通过对应分析图,得出差别生态改进具体方案,以达到有针对性且投资少见效快的生态改观的目的。四是通过在压力准则层中加入自然灾害指数反映自然灾害对生态的影响,改进了DPSIR模型只考虑到人类的活动对于自然环境和资源的压力的片面性。  相似文献   

韩进  李平  周海波 《管理学报》2022,19(1):139-149
鉴于目前尚缺乏具有广泛影响力的“生态系统”理论基础,包括缺乏具有广泛影响力的概念定义及内在因果逻辑的机理解释,基于复杂系统理论和生命周期视角,研究认为,企业管理情境下的生态系统具备自组织、相互依赖、基础设施和竞合过程四大核心特征,而这些特征构成生态系统理论框架的四大维度,其间的“统一性”揭示了生态系统的复杂性和动态性本质。进一步地,高绩效、高韧性的生态系统得益于:①由于缺乏核心控制者,众多异质性成员之间充分频繁互动,不断产生多元系统价值主张;②系统成员间具备“半结构化”的相互依赖,使生态系统能更具弹性,更有效地面对多变、不确定、复杂和模糊的情境;③多样化的赋能设施产生于并最终赋能异质性生态系统成员;④成员间通过竞合机制共创和共取价值,促使生态系统持续演进。  相似文献   


We develop management innovation theory, providing insights into the role of time in the implementation phase. The management innovation literature has sought to empirically identify factors that facilitate or hinder management innovation implementation from a static perspective. To address the evolution of these factors’ resistance, a temporal perspective is appropriate, but an analysis of these factors’ evolution over time is lacking. We identify the inhibiting factors that influence the management innovation implementation phase over time and address ways in which they evolve.We conduct a comparative longitudinal and dynamic analysis based on two intermediate-sized enterprises and address the obstacles that emerge during the implementation phase of a specific management innovation: lean manufacturing. Our results highlight different categories of inhibiting factors: some inhibiting factors appear at the beginning of the implementation phase with high intensity and then fade over time; conversely, other inhibiting factors appear later and then increase in intensity.  相似文献   

基于AHM-关联分析的生态评价模型及辽宁14个城市的实证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据坚持以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的发展观的科学发展观的内涵构建了生态综合评价指标体系。用组合赋权确定最优权重,用灰色关联理论进行指标评分,建立了基于组合赋权的生态评价模型,并对辽宁省14个城市的生态进行实证分析。本文的创新与特色一是通过把绿色GDP、自然保护区覆盖率等指标纳入驱动力-压力-状态-影响-响应(DPSIR)框架模型构建了具体的生态评价体系。探索了把DPSIR框架模型这一生态评价准则具体化的问题。二是通过对指标数值规范化结果的等距离缩小与平移,避免了在评价中不可避免的特定规范化结果为0而导致灰色关联度无穷大而无法赋权的问题。三是实证研究表明,影响辽宁省生态发展最主要的指标是城市园林绿地覆盖率、人均公园绿地面积和万元GDP工业废水排放总量。  相似文献   

In this article, we attempt to extend and nuance the debate on intellectual property (IP) strategy, appropriation, and open innovation in dynamic and systemic innovation contexts. We present the case of four generations of mobile telecommunications systems (covering the period 1980–2015), and describe and analyze the co-evolution of strategic IP management and innovation ecosystems. Throughout this development, technologies and technological relationships were governed with different and shifting degrees of formality. Simultaneously, firms differentiated technology accessibility across actors and technologies to benefit from openness and appropriation of innovation. Our analysis shows that the discussion of competitiveness and appropriability needs to be expanded from the focal appropriability regime and complementary assets to the larger context of the innovation ecosystem and its cooperative and competitive actor relations, with dispersed complementary and substitute assets and technologies. Consequently, the shaping of complementary and substitute appropriability regimes is central when strategizing in dynamic and systemic innovation contexts. This holds important implications for the management of open innovation, innovation ecosystems, platforms, and coopetition.  相似文献   

In this paper we extend the taxonomy on inner and outer approximations to a technology by assuming that price data are not available. Mimicking Varian [Varian H., Econometrica 1984;52(3):579], we introduce a Weak Axiom of Shadow Profit Maximization (WASPM) to test if observed production plans are compatible with technically efficient behavior. If the test fails for an observed sample, we then characterize the maximal subset of observed production plans that meets WASPM and we derive lower and upper bounds on technical efficiency for production plans that are observed but not in this subset. We also derive linear programs to implement these bounds.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a decision model of consumer inertia. Consumers exhibit inertia when they have an inherent bias to delay purchases. Inertia may induce consumers to wait even when it is optimal to buy immediately. We embed our decision model within a dynamic pricing context. There is a firm that sells a fixed capacity over two time periods to an uncertain number of both rational and inertial consumers. We find that consumer inertia has both positive and negative effects on profits: it decreases demand (in period one) but intensifies competition among consumers for the product (in period two). We show that our model of inertia is consistent with well‐established behavioral regularities, such as loss aversion and probability weighting in the sense of prospect theory, and hyperbolic time preferences. We offer practical recommendations for firms to influence the level of consumer inertia. These include offering returns policies (to mitigate potential consumer losses), providing decision aids (to avoid perception errors), and offering flexible payment options (to lower transaction costs).  相似文献   

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