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《Sociological inquiry》1996,66(4):509-539
Book reviews in this article.
The Long Twentieth Century , by Giovanni Arrghi
The Colonizer's Model of the World: Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History , by J. M. Blaut
Civilizations and World-Systems: Two Approaches to the Study of World-Historical Change , edited by Stephen K. Sanderson
East Asia and the World Economy , by Alvin Y. So and Stephen W. K. Chiu
State and Party in America's New Deal , by Kenneth Finegold and Theda Skocpol
Theologies and Liberation in Peru: The Role of Ideas in Social Movements , by Milagros Péna
Utopia in Zion: The Israeli Experience with Worker Cooperatives , by Raymond Russell
The Emerging Network: A Sociology of the New Age and Neo-Pagan Movements , by Michael York
Feminist Generations: The Persistence of the Radical Women's Movement , by Nancy Whittier
School Talk: Gender and Adolescent Culture , by Donna Eder with Catherine Colleen Evans and Stephen Parker
State and Status: The Rise of the State and Aristocratic Power in Western Europe , by Samuel Clark
Alcohol and Homicide: A Deadly Combination of Two American Traditions , by Robert Nash Parker, with Linda-Anne Rebhun
Black Wealt/White Wealth: A New Perspective on Racial Inequality , by Melvin L. Oliver and Thomas M. Shapiro
Degrees of Control: A Sociology of Educational Expansion and Occupational Credentialism , by David K. Brown  相似文献   

《Sociological inquiry》1998,68(2):280-291
Book reviewed in this article: Antonio Candido: On Literature and Society, translated, edited, and introduced by Howard S. Becker. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995,198 pages. Paper, $17.95; cloth, $49.50. [A]uthors use the material of social observation and analysis as the basis of the structure of a work more than its content. The most successful works, artistically, are those in which the form exemplifies the nature of the social phenomenon that furnishes the matter of the fiction, (p. xiii) Teaching Sociology with Fiction: An Annotated Bibliography, compiled by Su Epstein. Washington DC: ASA Teaching Resources, 1996, 80 pages. Paper, $10.50 members /$14.50 nonmembers. Who Will Care for Us?: Aging and Long-Term Care in Multicultural America, by Ronald J. Angel and Jacqueline L. Angel. New York: New York University Press, 304 pages. Cloth, $29.95. Black elderly report generally poorer health than non-Hispanic Whites, but Mexican Americans rate their health as far worse than either of the other two groups. We suspect that this is, to at least some degree, the result of semantic differences between the English and Spanish versions of the question, (pp. 40, 42) The Golden Age Illusion: Rethinking Postwar Capitalism, by Michael J. Webber and David L. Rigby. New York: Guilford Press, 501 pages. Cloth, $45.00. Modernity and the State: East, West, by Claus Offe. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996, 270 pages. Paper, $18.00.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Family Structure in Jamaica: The Social Context of Reproduction. By J udith B lake .
The Politics of Urban Renewal. The Chicago Findings. By P eter H. R ossi and R obert A. D entler .
Anatomy of a Metropolis: The Changing Distribution of People and Jobs within the New York Metropolitan Region. By E dgar M. H oover and R aymond V ernon .
Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City. By R obert A. D ahl .
Criminal Law: Problems for Decision in the Promulgation, Invocation, and Administration of a Law of Crimes. Edited by R ichard C. D onnelly , J oseph G oldstein , and R ichard D. S chwartz .
Collective Dynamics. By K urt L ang and G ladys E ngel L ang .
Occupations and Social Status. By A lbert J. R eiss , J r . With the collaboration of O tis D udley D uncan , P aul K. H att , and C ecil C. N orth .
Religion in Chinese Society: A Study of Contemporary Social Functions of Religion and Some of Their Historical Factors. By C. K. Y ang .
German Catholics and Hitler's Wars. By G ordon Z ahn .
Aging and Personality: A Study of Eighty-Seven Older Men. By S uzanne R eichard , F lorine , L ivson , and P aul G. P etersen .
The American Funeral: A Study in Guilt, Extravagance, and Sublimity. By L e R oy B owman , with an Introduction by H arry A. O verstreet .
The Church and the Older Person. By R obert M. G ray and D avid O. M oberg , with a Foreword by E rnest W. B urgess .
Handbook of Small Group Research. By A. P aul H are .
The Effects of Federal Programs on Higher Education: A Study of Thirty-six Universities and Colleges. By H arold O rlans .
Field Studies in the Mental Disorders. Edited by J oseph Z ubin .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Social Research to Test Ideas. Selected Writings of S amuel A. S touffer , with an Introduction by P aul F. L azarsfeld .
The Birth of the Gods. The Origin of Primitive Beliefs. By G uy E. S wanson .
Variations in Value Orientation. By F lorence R ockwood K luckhohn and F red L. S trodtbeck , with the assistance of J ohn M. R oberts , A. K imball R omney , C lyde K luckhohn , and H arry A. S carr .
Fights, Games, and Debates. By A natol R apoport .
Persuasion and Healing: A Comparative Study of Psychotherapy. By J erome D. F rank , with a Foreword by J ohn C. W hithorn .
Formal Organizations: A Comparative Approach. By P eter M. B lau and W. R ichard S ott .
Organizational Measurement and Its Bearing on the Study of College Environments. By A llen H. B arton , with an Introduction by P aul F. L azarsfeld .
Urban Research Methods. Edited by J ack P. G ibbs .
A General Pattern for American Public Higher Education. By T. R. McC onnell .
Social Disorganization in America. By R eece M c G ee .
The Planning of Change: Readings in the Applied Behavioral Sciences. Edited by W arren G. B ennis , K enneth D. B enne , and R obert C hin .
Reconstruction in Religion: A Symposium. Edited by A lfred E. K uenzli .
The Churches and Rapid Social Change. By P aul A brecht .
U.S. Senators and Their World. By D onald R. M atthews .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
the religious factor: a sociological study of religion's impact on politics, economics, and family life . By Gerhard Lenski.
religion in contemporary culture: a study of religion through social science . By Purnell Handy Benson.
the population explosion and christian responsibility . By Richard M. Fagley.
negro and white in connecticut town . By Frank F. Lee.
studies in human ecology . Edited by George A. Theodorson.
labor commitment and social change in developing areas . Edited by Wilbert E. Moore and Arnold S. Feldman.
sociology of crime . Edited by Joseph S. Roucek.
television in the lives of our children . By Wilbur Schramm, Jack Lyle, and Edwin B. Parker.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
scandinavian students on an american campus . By William H. Sewell and Oluf M. Davidsen.
the two-way mirror: national status in foreign students' adjustment . By Richard T. Morris, with the assistance of Oluf M. Davidsen.
the servants of power: a history of the use of social science in american industry . By Loren Baritz.
passive resistance in south africa . By Leo Kuper.
becoming more civilized: a psychological exploration . By Leonard W. Doob.
w. e. b. dubois. negro leader in a time of crisis . By Francis L. Broderick.
little rock, u.s.a . Edited by Wilson Record and Jane Cassels Record.
studies on the population of china , 1368–1953 . By Ping-ti Ho.
community political systems . Edited by Morris Janowitz.
studying personality cross-culturally . Edited by Bert Kaplan.
the sociology of social problems . By Paul B. Horton and Gerald R. Leslie.
archaeology and society . By Grahame Clark.
working with groups . By Walter M. Lifton.
a comparative study of delinquents and non-delinquents . By Clara Chassell Cooper.
education in the forming of american society . By Bernard Bailyn.
the crime problem . By Walter C. Reckless.  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article:
Everstine, Diana S. & Everstine, Louis E. People in crisis: Strategic therapeutic interventions.
Malcolm, Janet Psychoanalysis: The impossible profession.
Liddle, Howard A. Clinical implications of the family life cycle.
Boskind-White, Marlene & White, William C. Bulimarexia: The binge/purge cycle.
Christensen, Oscar C. & Schramski, Thomas G. Adlerian family counseling.
Haynes, John M. Divorce mediation: A practical guide for therapists and counselors.
Thorman, George. Incestuous families.
Bienenfeld, Florence. Child-custody mediation: Techniques for counselors, attorneys and parents.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1972,20(3):441-472
Book reviewed in this article: Social Conflict and Educational Change in England and France, 1789- 1848 by M. Vaughan and M. S. Archer. British Parliamentary Election Results, 1950–1970 by F. W. S. Craig. Readings in Race and Ethnic Relations edited by A. H. Richmond. East Indians in Trinidad: A Study in Minority Politics by Yogendra K. Malik. The Sociology of Family edited by M. A. Kanwar. Family Structure in Nineteenth Century Lancashire by Michael Anderson. Sociology and Industrial Life by J. E. T. Eldridge. Henry Home, Lord Kames, and the Scottish Enlightenment: A Study in National Character and in the History of Ideas by W. C. Lehmann. White Society in Black Africa: The French of Senegal by Rita Cruise O'Brien. Patterns of Residential Care: Sociological Studies in Institutions for Handicapped Children by Roy D. King, Norma V. Raynes and Jack Tizard. Urban Residential Patterns by R. J. Johnston. Knowledge and Control: New Directions for the Sociology of Education edited by Michael F. D. Young. Capitalism and Modern Social Theory: An Analysis of the Writings of Marx, Durkheim and Max Weber by Anthony Giddens. Alienation: Marx's Conception of Man in Capitalist Society by Bertell Oilman. The Sociology of Planning: A Study of Social Activity on New Housing Estates by Lynnette Carey and Roy Mapes. Rôles and Values: An Introduction to Social Ethics by R. S. Downie. Residence and Student Life: A Sociological Inquiry into Residence in Higher Education by Joan Brothers and Stephen Hatch. Health and Sickness: The Choice of Treatment by M. E. J. Wadsworth, W. J. H. Butterfield and R. Blaney. Population: Facts and Methods of Demography by Nathan Keyfitz and Wilhelm Flieger. Toward a Sociology of Irreligion by Colin Campbell.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1970,18(2):283-311
Book reviewed in this article: Structralism: a Reader edited by Michael Lane. Ethics, Politics, and Social Research edited by Gideon Sioberg. Remara: A Community in Eastern Ruanda by Pierre Bettez Gravel. Planning Local Authority Services for the Elderly by Greta Summer and Randall Smith. Paterns of Urban Life by R. E. Pahl. Florian Znaniecki on Humanistic Sociology edited by R. Bierstedt. Reflections on the Problem of Relevance by A. Schutz. Theodor Geiger on Social Order and Mass Society edited by R. mayntz. Men, Money and Medicine by Eli Ginzber with Miriam Ostow. Politics and the Social Sciences edited by S. M. Lipset. Objectivity in Social Research by Gunnar Myrdal. I Freud: Political and Social Through by Paul Roazen. II The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx by Shlomo Avineri. Mr. Martins' review of Avineri's book has been delayed by pressure of work, Ed.) The Sociology of Protestantism by Roger Mehl (tr. James H. Farley). Immigration and Integration: A Study of the Settlement of Coloured Minorities in Britain by Clifford Hill. The Sociology of Grass Roots Politics by David Berry. The Growth of White-Collar Unionism by George Sayers Bain.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1971,19(2):253-278
Book reviewed in this article: Robert Maclver on Community, Society and Power, selected writings edited and with an introdution by Leon Bramson. Longitudinal Studies and the Social Sciences by W. D. Wall and H. L. Williams. Crime, Police, and Race Relations: A Study in Birmingham by John R. Lambert. Family, Class and Education: A Reader edited by Maurice Craft. Family, Class and Education: A Reader edited by maurice Craft. Social Mobility and Political Change by Ioan Davies. Social Stress edited by Sol Levine and Norman A. Scotch. Sociology in Britain: A Suvey of Research by Ernest Krausz. Polls, Television, and the New Politics by Harold Mendelsohn and Irving Crespi. Social Work and the Sociology of Organizations by Gilbert Smith. The Sociology of Progress by Leslie Sklair. The Legacy of Max Weber by L. M. Lachmann. The Moral Development of Children by N. Williams and S. Williams. Rationality edited by Bryan R. Wilson. Adolescent Needs and the Transition from School to Work by Joan Maizels. Sociology in its Place and Other Essays by W. G. Runciman. Sociology and Social Work: Perspectives and Problems by Brian J. Heraud.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1981,29(4):775-775
Book reviewed in this articles: The Readable Maths and Statistics Book, by Barry Edwards. An Introduction too Data Analysis, by Bruce D. Bowen & Herbert F. Weisberg The Sociology of Youth Culture and Youth Subcultures by Mike Brake. Law and Society: Readings in the Sociology of Law by Colin Campbell and Paul Wiles (eds.). The State, the Family and Education by Miriam E. David. The Sociology of Women: an introduction by Sara Delamont. Attitudes to Class in the English Novel, from Walter Scott to David Storey by Mary Eagleton and David Pierce. Classifications in Their Social Context by Roy F. Ellen and David Reason (eds.). Symbolic Classification by Rodney Needham. Sociology: Its Nature, Scope and Elements by Ronald Fletcher Sociology: The Study of Social Systems by Ronald Fletcher. The Making of Post-Christian Britain: A history of the secularization of modern society by Alan D. Gilbert. The Literacy Myth. Literacy and Social Structure in the Nineteenth-Century City by Harvey J. Graff. Gender and Class Consciousness by Pauline Hunt. Historical Research on Social Mobility: Western Europe and the USA in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, by Hartmut Kaelble. The Village and the State: Administration, Ethnicity and Politics in an Israeli Co-operative Village by Leonard Mars. The Breaking of the Image by David Martin A Christian Social Perspective by Alan Storkey Theories of Trade Unionism. A sociology of industrial relations by Michael Poole. The Ceremonial Order of the Clinic. Parents, Doctors and Medical Bureaucracies by P. M. Strong. The Social Production of Art by Janet Wolff. Culture by Raymond Williams.  相似文献   

《The Sociological review》1981,29(1):155-199
Book reviewed in this article: A Place on the Corner by Elijah Anderson Violent Criminal Acts and Actors by Lonnie H. Athens Radical Social Work and Practice by Mike Brake and Roy Bailey (eds.) Sociology and History by Peter Burke. Organisation, Class and Control by S. Clegg and D. Dunkerley. The World of Goods by Mary Douglas and Baron Middle-Class Couples: A Study of Segregation, Domination and Inequality in Marriage by Stephen Edgell A Society in the Making: Hungarian Social and Societal Policy 1945–75 by Zsuzsa Ferge More Bad News by Glasgow University Media Group The Celebration of Heroes by W. J. Goode The Hidden Economy: The Context and Control of Borderline Crime by Stuart Henry Contrology: Beyond the New Criminology by Jason Ditton Company Organisation and Worker Participation: A Survey of Attitudes and Practices in Industrial Democracy with Special Emphasis on the Prospects for Employee Directors by Ian B. Knight Boards of Directors in British Industry by Christopher Brookes Sociological Economics by Louis Lévy-Garboua (ed.) Change in Public Bureaucracies by Marshall W. Meyer School and the Social Order by Frank Musgrove Green and Pleasant Land? Social Change in Rural England by Howard Newby Capital and Land: Landownership by Capital in Great Britain by Doreen Massey and Alejandrina Catalano The Deviance Process by Edwin, H. Pfuhl, Jr. Interpreting Deviance by E. M. Schur. H. B. Paternalism in Early Victorian England by David Roberts. Servants of Post-Industrial Power? ‘Sociologie du travail’ in Modern France by Michael Rose Wealth and the Wealthy in the Modern World by W. D. Rubinstein (ed.) Bäuerlicher Widerstand und feudale Herrschaft in der frühen Neuzeit by Winifried Schulze A Critique of Sociological Reasoning by Charles W. Smith The City and Social Theory by Michael Smith Bureaucratic Opposition: Challenging Abuses at the Workplace by Deena Weinstein  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: “ THE FAMILY IN AUSTRALIA : Social, Demographic and Psychological Aspects”, Jerzy Krupinski and Alan Stoller (Eds.); “ PSYCHOSOMATIC FAMILIES — ANOREXIA NERVOSA IN CONTEXT ” by Salvador Minuchin, Bernice L. Rosman, Lester Baker. “ PARADOX AND COUNTERPARADOX : A New Model in the Therapy of the Family in Schizophrenic Transaction” by Mara Selvini Palazzoli, Gianfranco Cecchin, Giuiana Prata, Luigi Boscolo and Jason Aronson “ THE FAMILY CRUCIBLE ” The Intense Experience of Family Therapy by Augustus Napier and Carl Whitaker.  相似文献   

《Sociological inquiry》1989,59(4):490-503
Book reviewed in this article:
Women of Academe: Outsiders in the Sacred Grove . Nadya Aisenberg and Mona Harrington. Amherst, MA: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1988, 207 pages, $30.00 hardback, $10.95 paper.
Analyzing Field Reality . Jaber Gubrium. Newbury Park: Sage Publications, 1988, 79 pages.
Natural Women, Cultured Men: A Feminist Perspective on Sociological Theory . R. A. Sydie. New York: New York University Press, 1987, 268 pages.
Critical Theory Since 1965 . Edited by Hazard Adams and Leroy Searle. Tallahassee, FL: Florida State University Press, 1986, 891 pages, $29.95 paper.
The Age of Science . David Knight. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1988, $14.95 paper
Psychology and the Critical Revolution . Aton G. Hardy. Guilderland, NY: James Publications, 1988, 145 pages.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Boscolo, L., Cecchin, G., Hoffman, L. and Penn, P. Milan systemic family therapy. Conversations in theory and practice.
Burbatti, G. and Formenti, L. The Milan approach to family therapy.
Ahrons, C.R. and Rogers, R.H. Divorced families; A multi-disciplinary view.
Pittman, Frank. Private lies, infidelity and the betrayal of intimacy.
Weeks, Gerald. Treating couples; The intersystem model of the Marriage Council of Philadelphia.
Crosby, John F. When one wants out and the other doesn't: Doing therapy with polarized couples.  相似文献   

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