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<正>素素是便利店的收银员,不施粉黛,清清爽爽,肌肤水水润润,透着光彩,加上随时挂在脸上真诚的笑脸,让人打心底喜欢她。  相似文献   

.NET是一门实践性很强的课程,与传统教学法相比,它更适合采用案例教学法。文章从案例教学的内涵、案例选取、案例教学的实施三个方面对案例教学法在.NET中的应用进行了探讨,重点分析了案例库的建设。  相似文献   

孙陆鹏  楚志刚  赵龙德 《职业》2013,(3):107-109
为提高教学质量,培养更加符合企业需要的高技能应用型人才,各学校在软件技术专业开展了基于工作过程的课程体系建设和教学改革.本文就根据工作实际设置课程内容,按照工作过程进行教学,突出应用性和实践性,着重培养学生的职业能力,时高职软件技术专业的专业课ASP.NET的教学进行了探讨.  相似文献   

本文通过对当今最新的无线电台站管理系统的分析和设计的阐述,找到简单易用的无线电台站管理系统解决方案.本文介绍了系统开发中所用到的主要技术,并对在实际开发过程中运用的一些关键性的技术进行了阐述.  相似文献   

Visual Basic 6.0和Visual Basic.net在众多程序编写工具当中较为流行,使用面也较广,本文围绕两者之间的区别进行了研究。首先,对两者的开发环境以及整体性进行了详细的介绍。其次,从数组、错误处理、函数和程序三个方面对两者在程序实现上的区别进行了比较,以便我们能够清楚地对这两者进行区分、认识、判别。  相似文献   

任欢颜 《金色年华》2007,(11):17-17
他叫吕克·贝松,法国人。那一年父母带他去摩洛哥度假,晚饭后沙漠上开来一辆拖拉机,有一条白色带暗花的床单被横空扯起来,用两根树干状的东西支在了沙漠上。忽然,白色床单上竟然出现了人影与音乐,他顺着一束有很多飞虫在跳舞的光望过去,发现它们来自拖拉机里一台神秘的仪器。  相似文献   

本文简单介绍了基于 asp.net 环境下使用MVC 架构设计一个网站所涉及的技术。并通过一个简单例子展示了设计一个网站涉及的数据库设计、EDM对象生成、控制器创建、视图创建等内容,并对关键代码做了展示盒介绍。  相似文献   

上海应争取在15年内将年均PM2.5浓度从目前的约60微克/立方米降至25微克/立方米。为此,上海应将钢铁、石化企业的高污染设施迁出;加快推动高端服务业发展;制定中长期汽车保有量控制的目标,将汽车保有量的年度增长率降至2%;限制汽车牌照的使用年限和推出道路交通拥堵费制度;将轨道交通总长度提高至1200公里,提高地铁列车节数和改善线路轨道建设规划;通过引入社会资金、独立发行市政债等方式解决公共交通基础设施建设资金短缺的问题;通过税费政策提高常规煤炭消费的成本,大幅提高对清洁能源的补贴;采用新能源凭证交易制度;改善船运货物结构,提高货物中转比例;推行船舶靠港换油政策,建立排放控制区,推广船舶泊岸供电、LNG混合动力船和码头油改气、油改电。  相似文献   

翟彦军 《职业》2012,(12):115
一、引言一个相对完善的计算机网站,不但要能够使传统的传媒形式实现网络化、电子化,而且要实现网络信息的收集、传递以及储存工作,还要对系统进行维护服务工作等等。利用Dreamweaver与Asp.net技术不但能够设计网页,还有能力开发出动态网页。Dreamweaver技术总结了Asp.net的许多典型服务功能,把它们组装成模板,集成到数据库的修改和开发环境中,利用一些技巧将Dreamweaver与Asp.net技术运用得更加成熟与完善。  相似文献   

The financial affairs of twenty-five community dwelling elders with dementia who had lost financial competence were studied by a semi-structured interview with the main carer. Many elders had no access to their own money. Inappropriate management was revealed in twenty-four cases although professionals had been consulted previously in most instances. Legal advice was sought in six cases and resulted in four procedures which were rendered invalid by confusion. In six cases pensions were collected by local authority employees without appropriate authority. Most financial institutions when contacted had no written policy for controlling the resources of those who have lost financial competence.  相似文献   

Director:Xiao Jiang Cast:Fang Zuming (Jayce Chan),Chen Bailin (Wilson Chen).Zhang Bo,Luo Jiaying (Law Kar-Ying),and Niu Mengmeng"PK.COM.CN"is the most recent movie by filmmaker Xiao Jiang.Xiao,who has been described by Variety magazine as"having  相似文献   

今年的五一假期缩短了,那么放弃远途旅程吧,找一个邻近的小海湾,也许你会陡然发觉,那些关于海的童话,在这里,全部找到。  相似文献   

小说《布谷鸟的呼唤》的作者是罗伯特·加尔布雷思。罗伯特·加尔布雷思是英国知名作家J.K.罗琳的化名。小说《布谷鸟的呼唤》中出现了布谷鸟、天使的翅膀等大量象征。这些象征的运用,加深了读者对女主人公卢拉·兰德里这一人物形象的了解。  相似文献   

本文以历史语文学的方法研究敦煌藏文写本P. T. 149,在分析写本的抄写者、年代和内容后,重点探讨该写本反应的叙事元素包括印度叙事、韦·贝强和赤松德赞。作者认为该文本展现出十世纪一个敦煌百姓为了一个将吐蕃置于佛教宇宙论传统与历史传统之中的故事而收集材料,进而展示出P. T. 149对于吐蕃割据时代“失落时期”史学的重要性,表明吐蕃叙事传统从王朝史向宗教史的转变。  相似文献   

介绍了马来西亚首都吉隆坡的第一条轻轨交通线所采取的“建设—拥有—营运”(即B.O.O.)的模式;它的规划依据,筹资手段及获得的政府支持。  相似文献   

The application of information and communications technologies (ICTs) to higher education has recently gained a new impetus, fired by the promise, and also perhaps the threat, of the 'virtual' university. While there has been much empirical research on individual ICT initiatives, most of this has been narrowly evaluative with little attention paid to their cumulative impacts on the university as an institution. Equally, while there has been much writing on the development of virtual higher education, much of this has been speculative, concerned with the advent of still marginal new institutions and little of it has been empirically grounded. This paper is based on in-depth studies of ICT initiatives in four established universities in the North East of England. It argues that one of the consequences, often unintended, of the introduction of these technologies has been to generate demands and pressures for a more corporate institutional form in which goals, roles, identities and procedures are made explicit and standardized across the institution. To the degree that these demands are met, the result appears to be that the closer that institutions move towards the goal of becoming a virtual university, the more corporate, or 'concrete', their institutional form becomes.  相似文献   

Mills' sociological imagination is used to look at relevant issues in the life of a lesbian academic couple in a distance relationship. Analysis includes concerns which are common to both lesbian and heterosexual couples in distance situations such as finding jobs, tenure, productivity, mentoring, managing two households, communication, community, and those items unique to lesbian couples-coming out to students, finding and maintaining a lesbian community, effects of hiring practices in academe. Based on the analysis, recommendations are presented.  相似文献   

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