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In this paper the author will make an empirical analysis of theinteraction between the migration of rural labor and income distributionduring the current process of economic growth in China, focusing on theeffect of the rural labor flow on income distribution.I. Size of the Rural Labor MigrationThe effect of rural labor migration on income distribution in ruralareas is related to the size of the rural migrant population. However, it isregrettable that we do not have accurate figures for the …  相似文献   

The relatively low rate of return to education has played an important role in explaining the urban-rural income disparity. However, rural residents have a high demand for education, and one significant reason is that education can help them break the restrictions of the household registration(hukou) system and obtain a higher income. Using data from the 2017 China Household Finance Survey(CHFS 2017), this study employs unconditional quantile regression to find that after reclassifying individua...  相似文献   

The term "nongmin gong" (migrant workers, or literally, peasant/farmer-workers) was non- existent in any Chinese dictionary before the 1970s, and no equivalent may be found in an English dictionary even today. The seemingly contradictory combination of "peasant" and "worker" most accurately expresses the nature and social status of a large group in today's Chinese society. Members of this group are industrial workers in term of occupation, yet remain peasants in terms of status: they do not share the same rights as urban residents in the state redistributive system, even though they have "washed the mud off their feet," and left their farmland to find employment in cities.  相似文献   

What historical stage has Chinese economic development reached and what are the outstanding features of this stage? In terms of both quantitative and qualitative economic indicators, China's economic development is now in a stage of transition from a developing country with a below-av- erage per capita income to one with an average per capita income.  相似文献   

Wang Shoubin is board chairman of the Yingkou Qinghua Group. In a national non-iron-and-steel enterprises contest, Qinghua emerged first in terms of industrial economic index, labor productivity and sales income. Qinghua is also the No.1 tax payer of Liaoning.  相似文献   

Introduction Growing up in Canada, it's hard to get a good impression of what the rest of the world is like, especially a country that is as far away as China. The news media rarely provides much coverage about Asia, and very few people have had the opportunity to visit this part of the world. So, unfortunately, most of what we know about Chinese people stems from Hollywood Kung Fu movies that almost always take place in ancient times (and never bother much with realism or fact-checking).  相似文献   

Under the influence of globalization, economic liberalization and integration have rendered the labor market more flexible and short-term, with more people holding more than one job. Women hold a major part of these informal jobs, which are generally not protected by standard labor legislation. Changes in the nature of employment reduce the application of this legislation. Since the government does not put into effect relevant rules and regulations or enterprises manage to overstep or bypass them, the trade union movement that serves women workers in their call for equality is also weakened. Globalization has led to the mobility of labor. A  相似文献   

The relationships between state and society underwent tremendous changes dur- ing state building from the late nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century in China. The gradual establishment of the so- cialist planned economic system from the 1950s to the 1990s and of market economic system after the 1990s had a great impact on state-society relationships. Overall, in the interactions between state and society the government as a proxy of the state is always active and in a dominant positi…  相似文献   

Chinese Culture and Cultural China Zou Guangwen Abstract: Cultural construction has become a national strategy in contemporary China. It is exactly at the right time to propose the blueprint of "cultural China" under this context. The goal of building a cultural China should be "down to earth"; namely, the premise is the conscious identity of Chinese traditional culture. On this basis, efforts need to be made in building a cultural China, such as arousing Chinese spirit, stimulating the creativity of national culture, cohering social morality and building national belief. Key words: culture; Chinese culture; cultural China; neutral wisdom  相似文献   

As early as the 1940s, Fei Xiaotong in his Fertility Institutionsexplained the features and changes of family structure by means of atriangle. He designated the three points of the triangle as the father,mother and children, and suggested that the formation of new householdsfrom the old was a "break in the triangle. "2 In this article, I will discussChina's institutions of family division along these lines.I. House Division: The Formingof New HouseholdsI have conducted investigations on t…  相似文献   

In this special issue, we recommend to our readers five articles which focus on the same topic: income distribution - an issue of focal concern in contemporary Chineses ociety.Equity and justice are commonly under-stood as the most essential value pursuit of socialism. Equitable and just distribution of  相似文献   

Different groups of people have differ-ent views on the difficulties university gradu-ates face in finding jobs. One mainstreamview holds that the graduates’ failure to getjobs is due mainly to their too high expecta-tions of employment, that theirs is a selec-tive unemployment: it is not difficult for themto get jobs, only difficult to get better jobs.People holding this view base their argumenton the gap between the income of workingemployees and the graduates’ expected pay.However, this a…  相似文献   

Labor relations in China are now undergoing an institutionaltransition from a planned economy to a market economy. This transitionis based on the fact that a market economy can coordinate the interests ofthe subjects of labor relations and realize the optimal allocation of humanresources more efficiently and with lower transactional costs and bettereconomic results. By means of an analysis of labor relations, this paperwill explore methods of achieving institutional innovations in laborrelatio…  相似文献   

The science of marriage and family law (i. e., the science of the lawof domestic relations) is a science that focuses on marriage and familylaw and the legal phenomena related to marriage and families. Thescience of marriage and family law in modern China came into being atthe beginning of this century as a result of the legislation of the late Qingdynasty. At this time, the systems and theories of kindred law in thecontinental legal system were introduced into China from Japan andGermany. A…  相似文献   

Discussions on globalization have been lively since the middle of 1990s. They have replaced, to a certain degree, past contentions on modernity and post-modernity to emerge as a hot topic in the mainstream world of learning. What then is the relationship between globalization and modernity? There are now three different viewpoints on this question in academic circles:  相似文献   

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) ruled China for 22 years and influenced the development of Chinese history in the 20th century. It is only natural for historians to attach much importance and attention to the study of its history. Study of this field has a long history, but it is only recently that it has unfolded on the Chinese mainland in ever more dimensions and with ever more findings, as a result of the declassification of domestic and overseas archives, changes in researchers’ id…  相似文献   

The Productive Service Industry and Modern Economic Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Productive services refers to market-ized non-ultimate consumption services, i.e., services as intermediate inputs of other products or service production, taking place continuously in various stages of production. The productive service industry is knowledge- and technology-intensive and changes the contents and nature of service products and their position and role in the national economy. Serving as an economic "bonding agent," the productive service industry becomes a driver of modern economic growth and boosts economic competitiveness. Services are increasingly entering the productive field as a soft means of production and play an important role in raising economic efficiency and competitiveness.  相似文献   

<正>Both the CPC and its leaders have attached much importance to history.This was an especially distinctive trait in Mao Zedong. President Xi Jinping carries on this tradition, and develops it in the new historical period.The 22nd International Congress of Historical Science was opened in Jinan in August 2015,to which President Xi Jinping wrote a congratulatory letter. It was a very unusual event in the history of the CPC. By referring to the inseparable connection between history and real...  相似文献   

The post-Marxist context covers twoaspects: changes in the capitalist society andchanges in socialism. Focusing on one as-pect to the neglect of the other may lead to abiased view of post-Marxism due to the in-completeness of the context. For example,the idea that post-Marxism is only a topicfor theoretical deliberation for some intellec-tuals in advanced Western countries is amisjudgment. As a matter of fact, in the late1950s, before the post-Marxism representedby Emesto Laclau and Chantal…  相似文献   

It has been two decades since the Third Plenary Session of theEleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Twosignificant events occurred during this period: a shift in emphasis from"class struggle" to economic development; and a shift in the economicsystem from a planned to a market economy. These events have had aprofound influence on China's socio-economic development, and led tospeculation on the relationship between the state and society, public lawsand private laws.The…  相似文献   

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