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生物学理论作为科学哲学研究中的一个另类一直受到关注。它与传统科学模式间的差异是造成这种现象的原因之一。解读这种差异的根源,需要对生物学的理论基础以及理论结构给予充分的关注。生物学特有理论结构所表现出的多元语境与语义结构的复杂性,决定了对生物学理论基础的研究应当重视语义分析的方法,尤其是对理论本身进行语义分解并研究其中的语义关联问题,从而解读生物学模式作为一种不同于理化科学的特殊科学解释观的合理性。  相似文献   

马克思主义世界历史观为“全球化”这一术语不被滥用提供了学理依据。“全球化”这一很不规范的普遍流行的术语所涵盖的许多事实,都是对“历史向世界历史的转变”的一种认定,但它并不能引导人们去认识这一转变过程中所出现的世界历史的结构性变化。在“历史向世界历史的转变”过程中,相继形成了“国际社会”和“全球社会”,从而构成了世界历史的“双重结构”。这两者在其主体结构、利益结构、发展目标和原则、发展特点、格局结构等方面是有所不同的,但又是互相联系、相互渗透的。基于对“全球化”的“世界历史”批判,以及对当代世界历史发展的状态和趋势的科学分析,由此提出的世界历史“双重结构”理论,既是把马克思主义世界历史观全面地运用于全球化及其发展研究的重要切入点,也是马克思主义世界历史观在当代发展的重要切入点,同时也将会为我们正确探索当代社会主义中国在全球中的发展路径提供重要的方法论支撑。  相似文献   

孙飞宇 《社会》2013,33(1):38-74
舒茨从对个体行动的意识分析出发,基于胡塞尔的现象学与伯格森的意识哲学,对韦伯所建立的社会科学概念体系作了一个意义基础的建构工作,并进而运用理想类型的方法发展出了自己的社会世界的图景。在这一工作中,对他者问题的处理涉及了一系列深具社会学意涵的问题,而其核心则是主体间性问题。对主体间性之可能性这一问题的探讨,从社会思想史的传统脉络来看,不仅关涉社会学如何可能的问题,在舒茨的努力下,更成为了一项通过以我群群体为基础的、有意义的生活世界这一概念来回答近现代以来社会学的核心方法论问题--社会如何可能--的基本追求。  相似文献   

科学发展观与人类存在方式的改变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
党的十七大报告提出的科学发展观重大战略思想,体现了一种深邃的历史意识和对当代人类生存处境的理性自觉,是在对现代历史发展模式和发展观念认真反思的基础上提出的社会发展战略。它既摒弃了对人类发展虚无主义式的否定,也扬弃了现代以“物的依赖”为基础的发展主义同以“物”为尺度的异化发展道路,在以人为本、推动实现人的全面自由发展过程中探索构建一种新型文明形态,实现人类存在方式的伟大转变。科学发展观的深远意义不仅在于使人们明确当代中国究竟应当如何发展以及发展的未来图景,而且其历史价值更加深刻地蕴涵在人类应当选择何种存在方式这一思想高度之上。  相似文献   

作为存在主义的马克思主义者萨特写下的《辩证理性批判》,其中在方法论上最出名的要算他所提出的"前进—逆溯"方法。该部著作向我们明确指出了前进—逆溯逻辑的辩证人学背景———承认历史唯物主义的宏大社会叙事("积分")的合理性,但更强调以个人生存实践为历史建构原动的微观机制("微分"),这正是他所谓"结构的历史的人学"之内在方法论构架。  相似文献   

生物学理论作为科学哲学研究中的一个另类一直受到关注。它与传统科学模式间 的差异是造成这种现象的原因之一。解读这种差异的根源,需要对生物学的理论基础 以及理论结构给予充分的关注。生物学特有理论结构所表现出的多元语境与语义结构 的复杂性,决定了对生物学理论基础的研究应当重视语义分析的方法,尤其是对理论 本身进行语义分解并研究其中的语义关联问题,从而解读生物学模式作为一种不同于 理化科学的特殊科学解释观的合理性。

关键词: 生物学理论?语义分析?语义结构

As a different type of research in the philosophy of science, biological theory has always attracted scholarly attention. One reason for this phenomenon is that it differs from the traditional scientific paradigm. To explore the root of this difference, we need to examine closely the theoretical foundations and structure of biology. The complexity of the multiple contexts and semantic structures expressed in the theoretical structure specific to biology requires that research on the theoretical foundation of biology incorporate semantic analysis. It is particularly necessary to conduct semantic decomposition of the theories themselves and study their semantic correlations. In doing so, we can discern the rationality of the biological model as a special form of scientific explanation distinct from that of physics and chemistry.  相似文献   

Critical realism has been an important advance in social science methodology because it develops a qualitative theory of causality which avoids some of the pitfalls of empiricist theories of causality. But while there has been ample work exploring the relationship between critical realism and qualitative research methods there has been noticeably less work exploring the relationship between dialectical critical realism and qualitative research methods. This seems strange especially since the founder of the philosophy of critical realism, Roy Bhaskar, employs and develops a range of dialectical concepts in his later work in order to extend the main tenets of critical realism. The aim of this paper is to draw on Bhaskar's later work, as well as Marxism, to reorient a critical realist methodology towards a dialectical approach for qualitative research. In particular, the paper demonstrates how dialectical critical realism can begin to provide answers to three common criticisms made against original critical realist methodology: that the qualitative theory of causal powers and structures developed by critical realists is problematic; that critical realist methodology contains values which prove damaging to empirical research; and that critical realists often have difficulties in researching everyday qualitative dilemmas that people face in their daily lives.  相似文献   

概念的理解和运用,尤其是基本概念或核心概念的理解和运用,在学术研究中具有重要的工具或方法意义。半个多世纪以来,国内学者就“关学”概念的涵义问题先后提出了三种不同观点。由此看来有必要将“关学”视作一个具有内在结构的学术概念,从“时间”、“空间”和“学传”这三重维度进行综合性的说明,从而使“关学”概念结构成为一种新的诠释模式。这一新的诠释模式,可以为北宋至明清关学演化脉络的诠释工作提供一种更完整的参照和更明晰的思路。  相似文献   

系统论因其内在科学内涵和外在方法功用而成为处理、解决复杂系统和现代化大型工程的新思路和科学方法论。特别是系统思想的历史延续性及其实践价值表明:系统理论及其方法是现代管理科学的理论基石,是认识组织运行及其管理活动规律的一把钥匙。从其包含的整体性、综合性、相关性和环境适应性等层面,能够更科学地探究政府职能的系统性特征、结构、运作及规律,从而寻求政府职能转变的包括根本保证、内生结构性动力、内源性自主动力、功能性效用动力和外源性促进动力发动力系统源。  相似文献   

This paper is a realist argument for the existence of "social objects". Social objects, I argue, are the outcome states of a contingent causal process and in turn posses causal properties. This argument has consequences for what we can mean by realism and consequences for the development of a realist methodology. Realism should abandon the notion of natural necessity in favour of a view that the "real" nature of the social world is contingent and necessity is only revealed in outcome states. This, I argue, has both theoretical and methodological implications and I develop my argument through two case studies, of homelessness and ethnicity.  相似文献   

Critical realism is a philosophy of science, which has made significant contributions to epistemic debates within sociology. And yet, its contributions to ethnographic explanation have yet to be fully elaborated. Drawing on ethnographic data on the health‐seeking behavior of HIV‐infected South Africans, the paper compares and contrasts critical realism with grounded theory, extended case method and the pragmatist method of abduction. In so doing, it argues that critical realism makes a significant contribution to causal explanation in ethnographic research in three ways: 1) by linking structure to agency; 2) by accounting for the contingent, conjunctural nature of causality; and 3) by using surprising empirical findings to generate new theory. The paper develops the AART (abduction, abstraction, retroduction, testing) research schema and illustrates its strengths by employing a Bourdieusian field analysis as a model for morphogenetic explanation.  相似文献   

孙亮 《阅江学刊》2011,3(5):20-28
理解阶级概念必须紧紧地抓住其唯物主义的方法论特质,才能够更准确地切入历史唯物主义政治哲学对于西方传统政治哲学的超越。马克思并不在"纯粹哲学"的层面或者"纯粹科学"的层面来制服以资本为基本建制的资本主义社会形态,而是将理论的聚光点打在资本主义的社会关系之上,这将唯物与阶级、阶级关系的存在论、阶级政治"面向事物本身"的政治属性等质性内在地凸现了出来。  相似文献   

伟大的现实主义诗人杜甫一生有近四分之一的时间是在唐朝都城长安度过,在长达十三年的长安生活中,成就了杜甫的现实主义诗人地位,形成了杜甫精神。今天研究杜甫在长安时期唐朝的政治变化与历史背景以及长安生活对杜甫思想与文学创作的影响仍然具有积极意义。  相似文献   

The relationship between science and methodology (philosophy of science) is reciprocal. Methodological concepts can be used to describe, to evaluate, and even to guide scientific activity. In discussing philosophy of science, real-life science can be used to clarify, to illustrate, and even to evaluate competing methodological positions. This paper analyzes the reciprocal relationship between methodology and financial economics.Two different philosophical positions are presented, contrasted, and related to two different branches of financial economics. Capital market theory is tentatively evaluated on the basis of both positions. The evaluation shows that - and why - capital market theory can be considered as a successful research programme. As a methodological case study it also demonstrates that - and why - traditional methodological concepts are largely inappropriate to finance. The alternative methodological position presented in the paper is found to be better suited.These results are then used to investigate whether methodological arguments imply that a behavioral approach to business finance should be preferred rather than an economic approach. The traditional methodological position rejected in this paper does support a behavioural approach, while the position favored in the paper does not.  相似文献   

Up until recently social scientists took it for granted that their task was to account for the social world as objectively as possible: they were realists in practice if not always in their methodological sermons. This situation started to change in the 1960s, when a number of antirealist philosophies made inroads into social studies.This paper examines critically the following kinds of antirealism: subjectivism, conventionalism, fictionism, social constructivism, relativism, and hermeneutics. An attempt is made to show that these philosophies are false and are causing serious damage to social studies.Next the subjective interpretation of probability is analyzed as a case of subjectivism. An approach to the subjective perception of justice is sketched as an example of the objective study of subjective experience.Finally, the three main varieties of realism — naive, critical, and scientific — are outlined. It is argued that the scientific attitude involves scientific realism, which is put in practice even by scholars who, like Weber and Simmel, called themselves antirealists.  相似文献   

高等职业教育同时具有"高等教育"和"职业教育"双重属性,决定了高职教师必须具备"双师型"素质——既懂理论又善实践。职称评审工作对教师队伍建设具有极大的导向作用,但在当前对"双师型"教师内涵理解不尽一致的困境下,高职院校职称评审存在重科研轻教学、重学术轻技术问题,影响了高职"双师型"教师队伍的建设。因此,必须在进一步明确"双师型"教师内涵的基础上,建立具有高等职业教育特色的职称评审机制。  相似文献   

This article provides a modern historical overview of child eyewitness research, as well as an evaluative commentary on the field, with special emphasis on children's eyewitness memory and suggestibility in child sexual abuse cases. Four historical periods are reviewed: the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s (to date). Examples of legal cases that inform scientific research are described, discussion of relevant laws is presented, and a review of selected studies is offered. It is concluded that although we have learned a great deal about children's eyewitness memory and suggestibility over the last few decades, simple answers are evasive and much more research is needed.  相似文献   

刘岸挺 《阅江学刊》2010,(2):107-110
人类创造历史的前提是对于历史的自觉,这种自觉首先表现为科学、进步的时间意识。在李大钊的时间意识里,时间是一维的、向前的,人是时间的主体,人在时间的创造构成了历史和人生;“时间”“历史”“人生”是三位一体的;“今”和“新”是核心价值元素。李大钊时间观的理论创新性主要表现为,率先提供了现代哲学诠释的“大视域”,并将学术研究与民族独立、社会革命结合起来,从而超越了纯学术,为历史变革提供了批判武器。  相似文献   

Environmental psychology has been a topic of great interest for many researchers in the field of aging and dementia. Thus, several orientations can be identified in the contemporary scientific literature concerning environmental design for people with dementia. In this article, we discuss recent research on environmental design models for people with dementia and propose an approach referring to the concept of use of space and human rights.We use a methodology based on observation of special care units to determine an environmental design framework that should be taken into account when designing residential facilities for people with dementia. Content analysis identified 6 primary dimensions and 13 secondary dimensions relevant to the rights of people with dementia. We then discuss the results according to the related literature in environmental psychology and gerontology in terms of well-being and quality of life.  相似文献   

王楠 《社会》2014,34(6):140-164
面对现代社会中理性与非理性、主观与客观、事实与价值之间的紧张,马克斯·韦伯的社会科学方法论力图在对立双方之间搭建起关联并在研究中往复运动,借助包含价值的历史个体和理想类型,通过超越主客观对立的价值阐释,说明历史、文化与社会的各种独特现象,发现各民族和时代中人们的价值理想,理解先辈如何去坚持和实践它们,进而指导现代人在今天继承和实现这些价值。历史和社会科学,既要用理性的方法培养学人清明的理智,也要使人看到超越理性的价值信念,从而帮助人在高度抽象的现代社会中,以理性的态度去守护和坚持各种文明的价值核心,避免走向僵死的理性和狂热的非理性两个极端。  相似文献   

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