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We consider a k-GARMA generalization of the long-memory stochastic volatility model, discuss the properties of the model and propose a wavelet-based Whittle estimator for its parameters. Its consistency is shown. Monte Carlo experiments show that the small sample properties are essentially indistinguishable from those of the Whittle estimator, but are favorable with respect to a wavelet-based approximate maximum likelihood estimator. An application is given for the Microsoft Corporation stock, modeling the intraday seasonal patterns of its realized volatility.  相似文献   

The likelihood function of a general nonlinear, non-Gaussian state space model is a high-dimensional integral with no closed-form solution. In this article, I show how to calculate the likelihood function exactly for a large class of non-Gaussian state space models that include stochastic intensity, stochastic volatility, and stochastic duration models among others. The state variables in this class follow a nonnegative stochastic process that is popular in econometrics for modeling volatility and intensities. In addition to calculating the likelihood, I also show how to perform filtering and smoothing to estimate the latent variables in the model. The procedures in this article can be used for either Bayesian or frequentist estimation of the model’s unknown parameters as well as the latent state variables. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

We consider the Whittle likelihood estimation of seasonal autoregressive fractionally integrated moving‐average models in the presence of an additional measurement error and show that the spectral maximum Whittle likelihood estimator is asymptotically normal. We illustrate by simulation that ignoring measurement errors may result in incorrect inference. Hence, it is pertinent to test for the presence of measurement errors, which we do by developing a likelihood ratio (LR) test within the framework of Whittle likelihood. We derive the non‐standard asymptotic null distribution of this LR test and the limiting distribution of LR test under a sequence of local alternatives. Because in practice, we do not know the order of the seasonal autoregressive fractionally integrated moving‐average model, we consider three modifications of the LR test that takes model uncertainty into account. We study the finite sample properties of the size and the power of the LR test and its modifications. The efficacy of the proposed approach is illustrated by a real‐life example.  相似文献   

Various nonparametric approaches for Bayesian spectral density estimation of stationary time series have been suggested in the literature, mostly based on the Whittle likelihood approximation. A generalization of this approximation involving a nonparametric correction of a parametric likelihood has been proposed in the literature with a proof of posterior consistency for spectral density estimation in combination with the Bernstein–Dirichlet process prior for Gaussian time series. In this article, we will extend the posterior consistency result to non-Gaussian time series by employing a general consistency theorem for dependent data and misspecified models. As a special case, posterior consistency for the spectral density under the Whittle likelihood is also extended to non-Gaussian time series. Small sample properties of this approach are illustrated with several examples of non-Gaussian time series.  相似文献   

There has recently been growing interest in modeling and estimating alternative continuous time multivariate stochastic volatility models. We propose a continuous time fractionally integrated Wishart stochastic volatility (FIWSV) process, and derive the conditional Laplace transform of the FIWSV model in order to obtain a closed form expression of moments. A two-step procedure is used, namely estimating the parameter of fractional integration via the local Whittle estimator in the first step, and estimating the remaining parameters via the generalized method of moments in the second step. Monte Carlo results for the procedure show a reasonable performance in finite samples. The empirical results for the S&P 500 and FTSE 100 indexes show that the data favor the new FIWSV process rather than the one-factor and two-factor models of the Wishart autoregressive process for the covariance structure.  相似文献   

We develop the empirical likelihood approach for a class of vector‐valued, not necessarily Gaussian, stationary processes with unknown parameters. In time series analysis, it is known that the Whittle likelihood is one of the most fundamental tools with which to obtain a good estimator of unknown parameters, and that the score functions are asymptotically normal. Motivated by the Whittle likelihood, we apply the empirical likelihood approach to its derivative with respect to unknown parameters. We also consider the empirical likelihood approach to minimum contrast estimation based on a spectral disparity measure, and apply the approach to the derivative of the spectral disparity. This paper provides rigorous proofs on the convergence of our two empirical likelihood ratio statistics to sums of gamma distributions. Because the fitted spectral model may be different from the true spectral structure, the results enable us to construct confidence regions for various important time series parameters without assuming specified spectral structures and the Gaussianity of the process.  相似文献   

There are many approaches in the estimation of spectral density. With regard to parametric approaches, different divergences are proposed in fitting a certain parametric family of spectral densities. Moreover, nonparametric approaches are also quite common considering the situation when we cannot specify the model of process. In this paper, we develop a local Whittle likelihood approach based on a general score function, with some special cases of which, the approach applies to more applications. This paper highlights the effective asymptotics of our general local Whittle estimator, and presents a comparison with other estimators. Additionally, for a special case, we construct the one-step ahead predictor based on the form of the score function. Subsequently, we show that it has a smaller prediction error than the classical exponentially weighted linear predictor. The provided numerical studies show some interesting features of our local Whittle estimator.  相似文献   

Automatic Local Smoothing for Spectral Density Estimation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article uses local polynomial techniques to fit Whittle's likelihood for spectral density estimation. Asymptotic sampling properties of the proposed estimators are derived, and adaptation of the proposed estimator to the boundary effect is demonstrated. We show that the Whittle likelihood-based estimator has advantages over the least-squares based log-periodogram. The bandwidth for the Whittle likelihood-based method is chosen by a simple adjustment of a bandwidth selector proposed in Fan & Gijbels (1995). The effectiveness of the proposed procedure is demonstrated by a few simulated and real numerical examples. Our simulation results support the asymptotic theory that the likelihood based spectral density and log-spectral density estimators are the most appealing among their peers  相似文献   

This article empirically compares the Markov-switching and stochastic volatility diffusion models of the short rate. The evidence supports the Markov-switching diffusion model. Estimates of the elasticity of volatility parameter for single-regime models unanimously indicate an explosive volatility process, whereas the Markov-switching models estimates are reasonable. Itis found that either Markov switching or stochastic volatility, but not both, is needed to adequately fit the data. A robust conclusion is that volatility depends on the level of the short rate. Finally, the Markov-switching model is the best for forecasting. A technical contribution of this article is a presentation of quasi-maximum likelihood estimation techniques for the Markov-switching stochastic-volatility model.  相似文献   

An exact maximum likelihood method is developed for the estimation of parameters in a non-Gaussian nonlinear density function that depends on a latent Gaussian dynamic process with long-memory properties. Our method relies on the method of importance sampling and on a linear Gaussian approximating model from which the latent process can be simulated. Given the presence of a latent long-memory process, we require a modification of the importance sampling technique. In particular, the long-memory process needs to be approximated by a finite dynamic linear process. Two possible approximations are discussed and are compared with each other. We show that an autoregression obtained from minimizing mean squared prediction errors leads to an effective and feasible method. In our empirical study, we analyze ten daily log-return series from the S&P 500 stock index by univariate and multivariate long-memory stochastic volatility models. We compare the in-sample and out-of-sample performance of a number of models within the class of long-memory stochastic volatility models.  相似文献   

The approximate likelihood function introduced by Whittle has been used to estimate the spectral density and certain parameters of a variety of time series models. In this note we attempt to empirically quantify the loss of efficiency of Whittle's method in nonstandard settings. A recently developed representation of some first-order non-Gaussian stationary autoregressive process allows a direct comparison of the true likelihood function with that of Whittle. The conclusion is that Whittle's likelihood can produce unreliable estimates in the non-Gaussian case, even for moderate sample sizes. Moreover, for small samples, and if the autocorrelation of the process is high, Whittle's approximation is not efficient even in the Gaussian case. While these facts are known to some extent, the present study sheds more light on the degree of efficiency loss incurred by using Whittle's likelihood, in both Gaussian and non-Gaussian cases.  相似文献   

This article deals with the estimation of continuous-time stochastic volatility models of option pricing. We argue that option prices are much more informative about the parameters than are asset prices. This is confirmed in a Monte Carlo experiment that compares two very simple strategies based on the different information sets. Both approaches are based on indirect inference and avoid any discretization bias by simulating the continuous-time model. We assume an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process for the log of the volatility, a zero-volatility risk premium, and no leverage effect. We do not pursue asymptotic efficiency or specification issues; rather, we stick to a framework with no overidentifying restrictions and show that, given our option-pricing model, estimation based on option prices is much more precise in samples of typical size, without increasing the computational burden.  相似文献   

We study the persistence of intertrade durations, counts (number of transactions in equally spaced intervals of clock time), squared returns and realized volatility in 10 stocks trading on the New York Stock Exchange. A semiparametric analysis reveals the presence of long memory in all of these series, with potentially the same memory parameter. We introduce a parametric latent-variable long-memory stochastic duration (LMSD) model which is shown to better fit the data than the autoregressive conditional duration model (ACD) in a variety of ways. The empirical evidence we present here is in agreement with theoretical results on the propagation of memory from durations to counts and realized volatility presented in Deo et al. (2009).  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a class of logarithmic autoregressive conditional duration (ACD)-type models that accommodates overdispersion, intermittent dynamics, multiple regimes, and asymmetries in financial durations. In particular, our functional coefficient logarithmic autoregressive conditional duration (FC-LACD) model relies on a smooth-transition autoregressive specification. The motivation lies on the fact that the latter yields a universal approximation if one lets the number of regimes grows without bound. After establishing sufficient conditions for strict stationarity, we address model identifiability as well as the asymptotic properties of the quasi-maximum likelihood (QML) estimator for the FC-LACD model with a fixed number of regimes. In addition, we also discuss how to consistently estimate a semiparametric variant of the FC-LACD model that takes the number of regimes to infinity. An empirical illustration indicates that our functional coefficient model is flexible enough to model IBM price durations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  This paper develops a new contrast process for parametric inference of general hidden Markov models, when the hidden chain has a non-compact state space. This contrast is based on the conditional likelihood approach, often used for ARCH-type models. We prove the strong consistency of the conditional likelihood estimators under appropriate conditions. The method is applied to the Kalman filter (for which this contrast and the exact likelihood lead to asymptotically equivalent estimators) and to the discretely observed stochastic volatility models.  相似文献   

This paper considers a semiparametric estimation of the memory parameter in a cyclical long-memory time series, which exhibits a strong dependence on cyclical behaviour, using the Whittle likelihood based on generalised exponential (GEXP) models. The proposed estimation is included in the so-called broadband or global method and uses information from the spectral density at all frequencies. We establish the consistency and the asymptotic normality of the estimated memory parameter for a linear process and thus do not require Gaussianity. A simulation study conducted using Monte Carlo experiments shows that the proposed estimation works well compared to other existing semiparametric estimations. Moreover, we provide an empirical application of the proposed estimation, applying it to the growth rate of Japan's industrial production index and detecting its cyclical persistence.  相似文献   

In this article we discuss the estimation of stochastic volatility (SV) using generalized empirical likelihood/minimum contrast methods based on moment conditionsmodels. We show via Monte Carlo simulations that the proposed methods have superior or equivalent performance to the other alternative methods, and, additionally, they offer robustness properties in the presence of heavy-tailed distributions and outliers.  相似文献   

Recent advances in financial econometrics have allowed for the construction of efficient ex post measures of daily volatility. This paper investigates the importance of instability in models of realised volatility and their corresponding forecasts. Testing for model instability is conducted with a subsampling method. We show that removing structurally unstable data of a short duration has a negligible impact on the accuracy of conditional mean forecasts of volatility. In contrast, it does provide a substantial improvement in a model's forecast density of volatility. In addition, the forecasting performance improves, often dramatically, when we evaluate models on structurally stable data.  相似文献   

The literature on multivariate stochastic volatility (MSV) models has developed significantly over the last few years. This paper reviews the substantial literature on specification, estimation, and evaluation of MSV models. A wide range of MSV models is presented according to various categories, namely, (i) asymmetric models, (ii) factor models, (iii) time-varying correlation models, and (iv) alternative MSV specifications, including models based on the matrix exponential transformation, the Cholesky decomposition, and the Wishart autoregressive process. Alternative methods of estimation, including quasi-maximum likelihood, simulated maximum likelihood, and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, are discussed and compared. Various methods of diagnostic checking and model comparison are also reviewed.  相似文献   


Considering alternative models for exchange rates has always been a central issue in applied research. Despite this fact, formal likelihood-based comparisons of competing models are extremely rare. In this paper, we apply the Bayesian marginal likelihood concept to compare GARCH, stable, stable GARCH, stochastic volatility, and a new stable Paretian stochastic volatility model for seven major currencies. Inference is based on combining Monte Carlo methods with Laplace integration. The empirical results show that neither GARCH nor stable models are clear winners, and a GARCH model with stable innovations is the model best supported by the data.  相似文献   

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