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中国太平洋国际学会简史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>太平洋国际学会(Institute of Pacific Relations)成立于1925年,是一个由关心太平洋地区政治、经济、文化、外交等问题的知识界和商界人士组成的非政府的民间学术组织。总部最初设在檀香山,后来迁到纽约。最多的时候在美国、加拿大、日本、中国、菲律宾、苏联、澳大利亚、新西兰、英国、法国、荷兰、印度、巴基斯坦、  相似文献   

Social policy is just about the last social science subject to take the postmodern challenge, though we have seen a rash of contributions in recent months. These have proved catalytic but may have been presented in a manner that is careless as to the nature of welfare as a boundaried academic realm. These offerings have also illustrated the difficulties involved in splicing poststructural analysis with a historically structural subject. Equally, definitions of social policy generated within the welfare community may also act as a de facto barrier to the postmodern. Consequently we seem to have the makings of a non-debate of incompatible analyses, making even the possibility of a third position a remote one. However, a sideways glance at the chronologically more advanced postmodernism–feminism debate offers some hope that a welfare-adapted postmodernity may emerge in the future.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to contribute to the sociology of nations, a literature that is only starting to carve out its place in the social sciences. The paper offers a reconceptualization of “nations” as “national cultures”, employing an evolutionary perspective and a systemic framework in which “nations” are understood as cultural systems of a special kind. National cultures are intimately tied to natural languages, and the acquisition of a national culture occurs as part and parcel of the acquisition of a natural language. Acquiring a natural language is a prerequisite for learning other cultural systems (artefactual languages as well as other natural languages). National cultures function as metacultures. They are also the reference cultures for modern states and their citizens, a political dimension of nations that is of paramount importance, though it will only be touched on in this paper. National cultures should be considered as the most fundamental type of cultural system today.  相似文献   

We invite social psychologists in the United States to join with psychologists in other countries and with researchers in other disciplines to include qualitative approaches in their research repertory. Several classic studies in social psychology used field-based qualitative approaches, yet in recent decades, these ways of working have been on the margins of American social psychology. We explore what a qualitative stance offers and entails, giving examples from our own and others' research. The relentless attention that qualitative workers have given to issues of bias, subjectivity, and research ethics prompts us to consider how such issues are always present in research, regardless of its methods.  相似文献   

In the 30 or so years since the publication of Gosta Esping-Andersenapos;s Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism a number of rival welfare state typologies have emerged. This article has two broad aims. First, we review the reviews of welfare state typologies, pointing to issues of often unclear case selection and a wide range of concepts, variables, and methods, resulting in a variety of worlds of welfare and their constituent nations. We show that there is a great variety in the welfare modelling business at two different levels. Reviews vary significantly in terms of the number and composition of included studies, which has made it difficult to sum up the “state of the art.” Individual studies included in the reviews also vary significantly in terms of issues such as aims, concepts, variables, and methods. Second, we produce a new review, which adds value as it is based on a clearer search strategy, and includes more recent material that was not available in earlier reviews. This finds that there is a great variety in terms of process (concepts, variables, methods, and number of countries) and findings (the number and composition of “worlds”). We argue that the country classification seems to show less consensus that previous reviews, with fewer “pure” nations (i.e., agreement between studies). We suggest that in order to provide a clear point of engagement, future reviews need to pay more attention to a clear and explicit search strategy, including issues such as inclusion criteria.  相似文献   

Anthony Fletcher, Reform in the Provinces. The Government of Stuart England (1986), 386 (Yale University Press, London, £22.00).

Joan R. Kent, The English Village Constable, 1580–1642. A Social and Administrative Study (1986), 325 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £27.50).

David W. Howell, Patriarchs and Parasites: The Gentry of South‐West Wales in the Eighteenth Century (1986), xii + 310 (University of Wales Press, Cardiff, £27.00).

Gary B. Nash, Race, Class, and Politics: Essays on American Colonial and Revolutionary Society, with a Foreword by Richard S. Dunn (1986), xxii + 370 (University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, $37.50, paperback $15.95).

Joan M. Jensen, Loosening the Bonds: Mid‐Atlantic Farm Women, 1750–1850 (1986), xv + 271 (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, £25.00).

Toby L. Ditz, Property and Kinship: Inheritance in Early Connecticut, 1750–1820 (1986), xvi + 213 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, £21.80).

Steven Laurence Kaplan and Cynthia J. Koepp (eds), Work in France. Representations, Meaning, Organization, and Practice (1986), 576 (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, $47.50).

Catharina Lis, Social Change and the Labouring Poor: Antwerp, 1770–1860, trans. by James Coonan (1986), 1 + 237 (Yale University Press, £16.50).

Roger Davidson, Whitehall and the Labour Problem in Late‐Victorian and Edwardian Britain (1985), ix + 293 (Groom Helm, £18.95).

Rodney Lowe, Adjusting to Democracy. The Role of the Ministry of Labour in British Politics 1916–1939 (1986), viii + 284 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £27.50).

Alan Knight, The Mexican Revolution (1986), vol. 1, xxiv + 619; vol. 2, xxiv + 679 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £37.50 per volume).

Emily Honig, Sisters and Strangers, Women in the Shanghai Cotton Mills, 1919–1949 (1986), ix + 299 (Stanford University Press, Stanford, $37.50).

John F. Sweets, Choices in Vichy France: the French under Nazi Occupation (1986), x + 240 (Oxford University Press, New York, £22.50).

Robert A. Slayton, Back of the Yards: The Making of a Local Democracy (1986), xiv + 278 (University of Chicago Press, £18.75).

Paul Kleppner, Chicago Divided: The Making of a Black Mayor (1985), xviii + 313 (Northern Illinois University Press, DeKalb, 111., $26.00, paperback $9.50).

Bernard Elbaum and William Lazonick (eds), The Decline of the British Economy (1986), vii + 310 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £25.00).

Tony Judt, Marxism and the French Left: Studies on Labour and Politics in France 1830–1981 (1986), ix + 338 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £25.00).  相似文献   

A recent thread of debate in social policy research has been the ‘discovery’ of welfare services. Previous comparative studies in this field have been largely erratic and have led to different results. This ambiguity is mainly due to flaws inherent in the data sets. In order to overcome these problems, this article uses an alternative approach of operationalizing welfare services. Employment patterns in the welfare sector provide a holistic picture of welfare services regarding quantity, kind, and organization. Cluster analysis leads to a four‐cluster structure that bears high resemblance to the conventional welfare regime typology by Esping‐Andersen and its subsequent advancements. These findings are set in the context of the welfare regimes literature in order to enhance our understanding of the functioning of welfare regimes. The study suggests that the ideological orientation of the welfare state is a good starting point for a holistic framework of welfare regimes combining the transfer and the service component.  相似文献   

马克思之前的历史观,或者是遵循历史之外的某种尺度来理解历史,把历史被他们归之于历史之外或历史之上的某种东西,或者用理性来解释历史的发展,将历史的规律视为理性的必然性规律,主张一种抽象的历史理性理论,从总体上说,都无法对历史做出正确的诠释。马克思在历史观上变革表现在把历史纳入到对人的整体性基点上来理解,揭示人与历史的生成性关系,并由此展开了对历史的全面认识和理解,进而实现了在历史领域中的历史观念上的总体性变革。  相似文献   


Robert S. Gottfried, Epidemic Disease in Fifteenth‐Century England. The Medical Response and the Demographic Consequences (1978), xiii+262 (Leicester University Press, £10.00).

Phyllis Mack Crew, Calvinist Preaching and Iconoclasm in the Netherlands 1544–1569 (1978), 221 (Cambridge University Press, £9.50).

F. Furet and J. Ozouf, Lire et Ecrire: l'alphabétisation des français de Calvin à Jules Ferry, (1977), 2 vols. 370+379 (Editions de Minuit, Paris, 45 F and 55 F). [Reading and Writing. The development of literacy amongst the French from Calvin to Jules Ferry]

S. Åkerman, H. Chr. Johansen and D. Gaunt (eds) with J. Pedersen (co. ed.), Chance and Change: Social and Economic Studies in Historical Demography in the Baltic Area (1978), 296 (Odense University Press, D.kr. 100.00).

Angus McLaren, Birth Control in Nineteenth‐century England (1978), 263 (Croom Helm, £8.95).

Edward J. Bristow, Vice and Vigilance: Purity Movements in Britain Since 1700 (1977), xii+274 (Gill and Macmillan, Dublin, £12).

Timothy Tackett, Priest and Parish in Eighteenth‐century France: a social and political study of the curés in a diocese of the Dauphine, 1750–1791 (Princeton, 1977). xiii+350 (Princeton University Press, £14.60).

Jerome Blum, The End of the Old Order in Rural Europe (1978), xiii+505 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, £18.40).

David Spring (ed.), European Landed Elites in the Nineteenth Century (1977), vii+147 (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, £8.75).

Peter R. Decker, Fortunes and Failures: White‐collar Mobility in Nineteenth‐century San Francisco (1978), xvi+336 (Harvard University Press, £14.00).

Geoffrey Crossick, An Artisan Elite in Victorian Society, Kentish London 1840–1880 (1978), 306 (Croom Helm, £9.95).

John Bodnar, Immigrants and Industrialization: Ethnicity in an American Mill Town, 1870–1940 (1977), xix+213 (University of Pittsburgh Press, $11.95).

John W. Briggs, An Italian Passage: Immigrants to Three American Cities, 1890–1930 (1978), xxii+348 (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, £14.40).

Pat Thane (ed.), The Origins of British Social Policy (1978), 209 (Croom Helm, £7.95).

J. R. Hay, The Development of the British Welfare State 1880–1975 (1978), 116 (Edward Arnold, £7.00, paperback £2.25).  相似文献   

Shulamith Shahar, Childhood in the Middle Ages (1990), xi + 342 (Routledge, London and New York, £35.00).

François Billacois, The Duel: Its Rise and Fall in Early Modern France, edited and translated by Trista Selous (1990), 252 (Yale University Press, £22.50).

Ann Kussmaul, A General View of the Rural Economy of England, 1538–1840 (1990), xiv + 216 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £30.00).

Donna T. Andrew, Philanthropy and Police. London Charity in the Eighteenth Century (1990). xi + 220 (Princeton University Press. Princeton, N.T., $32.50).

Dick Kooiman, Conversion and Social Equality in India. The London Missionary Society in South Travancore in the 19th Century (1989), vii + 236 (Free University Press, Amsterdam, n.p.).

Judith Rowbotham, Good Girls Make Good Wives: Guidance lor Girls in Victorian Fiction (1989), x + 301 (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, £30.00, paperback £9.95).  相似文献   

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