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Immigrant Environmental Behaviors in New York City 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Objective. This article compares environmental behaviors of immigrants and the native-born to answer questions about potential impacts of immigration on the U.S. environment. Methods. We consider immigrant/native-born differences in the likelihood of engaging in environmentally friendly behavior. With data from a survey of New York City residents, we test two hypotheses regarding environmental behavior: (1) controlling for environmental orientation, environmental knowledge, acculturation, community attachment, and economic status will reduce immigrant/native-born differences, and (2) controlling for race will increase immigrant/native-born differences. Results. Our analysis provided no support for the second hypothesis, but there were varied results for the first hypothesis depending on the type of environmental behavior considered. Conclusions. Our findings for New York City show that fears of immigrants being less likely to engage in environmentally friendly behaviors are unfounded. Of greater significance to environmental organizations is the lower level of immigrant involvement in environmentally oriented political behaviors, suggesting that continued immigration will present challenges both in making the environmental movement more ethnically diverse and in maintaining its vitality. 相似文献
美国的许多大城市在经过了二战以来长期的衰落以后,于20世纪60年代出现了复兴的趋势,其表现之一就是绅士化运动。自20世纪80年代以来,纽约衰败的黑人居民区哈莱姆区也出现了绅士化现象,并且具有一定的典型性。优越的地理位置、政府政策的推动、旅游业的发展、克林顿办公室的设立等,都推动了哈莱姆绅士化运动的出现与发展。哈莱姆的绅士化产生了一系列积极影响,比如增加了该区居民的生活便利,创造了大量的就业机会,减少了犯罪,推动了经济的发展等。但哈莱姆的绅士化也导致了一些消极影响,比如贫困居民的被迫迁居、小商业的破产等。 相似文献
邻里相处难免也有个磕磕碰碰的时候,有些是当事人无意识的行为,有些却是当事人的有意作为。一般来说,如果是小的冒犯,邻里之间打个招呼,犯事一方主动认个错、及时纠正,那么问题也就迎刃而解了。但总有一些蛮横无理之徒“不依不饶”,那么受害一方就不得不依据相应的法律与之对簿公堂。 在美国,无论是无意伤害、或是有意妨碍,只要给他人的人身安全和财产带来“伤害、损害、骚扰”的邻里纠纷,都被称之为“nuisance”,但是如若处理不当,也会酿成大祸。因此,这类小麻烦也有相应的法律管辖,纽约人称此类法律为“皮毛法”(nuisance law)。 相似文献
武继江 《创新创业理论研究与实践》2022,5(3):151-153
TRIZ是一种著名的创新方法,揭示了发明创新的内在规律和原理.TRIZ理论中最核心的内容是40个发明原理.作为一门理工科大学生的必修课,在当前创新创业的大背景下,在大学物理课程教学中融入创新创业思想具有重要意义,这为培养学生的创新能力提供了一个新的思路.通过把TRIZ的40个发明原理与大学物理课程教学内容相结合,为学生... 相似文献
《The Social Science Journal》1998,35(2):265-273
Some research has been carried out on the contours of school-based AIDS education programming. Some statistical analysis has explored basic correlates of schools' choices. However, a comparative school district study with a full multivariate analysis has yet to be done. This paper reports on a pilot study, based upon New York state data, designed to ascertain the relative impact of a variety of socio-political variables on schools' AIDS curricular choices. Implications for policymakers are discussed. 相似文献
Prevailing theory holds that lobbyists primarily lobby their legislative allies, yet the literatures on advocacy and legislative organization suggest that we should not always expect this to be true. Institution design gives some legislators disproportionately greater power, and jurisdictional requirements often create a contentious environment forcing lobbyists to lobby their ideological opponents. Drawing on these literatures, I revise the basic lobbying model to predict conditions where we might expect to see advocates lobby their foes. I test my hypotheses with data on campaign contributions made in New York on the contentious issue of American Indian gambling casinos. I find that while advocates often lobbied their allies, they were more likely to contribute heavily to legislative leaders regardless of position, and often even contributed to rank-and-file opponents as the environment became more competitive. I also find some evidence that this was different for Indian nations, who may have employed a more naïve advocacy strategy than more traditional interest groups. 相似文献
北京市与纽约市文化创意产业集聚区比较研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文展示了北京市文化创意产业集聚区的布局;分析了北京市文化创意产业集聚区发展的四种模式:文化趋同型集聚、区位因素型集聚、垂直关联型集聚和水平关联型集聚;介绍和探讨了纽约市文化创意产业集聚区的SOHU模式与百老汇模式、特点及对北京市的启示。 相似文献