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史学理论研究与新时期中国史学的复兴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于沛 《学习与探索》2001,(1):116-121
加强史学理论的学科建设和研究以促进新时期中国史学的复兴,成为"文革"后广大史学工作者的共识.自80年代中期开始,先后召开了11次全国史学理论研讨会,出版了全国性的史学理论研究专业期刊,培养了一批史学理论研究方面的硕士、博士研究生,引入和研究外国史学理论,涌现了一批研究成果.面对21世纪,中国史学理论研究尤其需要求实创新的科学精神.追踪国内外史学理论研究中的前沿问题,理论联系实际将是新世纪我国史学理论研究的主要特点和趋势.  相似文献   

This paper studies two processes of civil service reform in Slovakia during the period of 2014–2015 in order to reflect on the involvement of an ‘outsider-academic’ and her strategies to achieve policy impact. The context of such involvement are multi-level processes permeated by political interests and poor on evidence, which favour strategic interests, bargaining and political pressure and contestation (the mode of ‘powering’) and a mode of legal-based ‘puzzling’ as opposed to a conceptual, intellectual search for solutions friendly towards outside academics—and achieving only incremental results. We theorise on the success of these strategies (including helping serendipity, throwing ideas to see what sticks, mobilising allies, anchoring a non-binding concept, and finding and developing long-term connections) and sketch analogies and differences between the position of an outsider-academic and a policy entrepreneur. We rely on auto-ethnographic data and documentation of the work of the committees involved and their outputs.  相似文献   


This article uses an exceptionally well-documented law case from the 1650s to offer a fresh perspective on the English experience of Atlantic settlement during its early years. It argues for the centrality of the Essex county quarter sessions court in the building of neighbourhood on the geographic and cultural margins of the Massachusetts Bay colony. By focusing on the north-eastern margin at Cape Ann, the analysis reveals aspects of state building through a common law judicial process which was just as important, but less readily apparent, in other settings. The article addresses three major historiographic areas, engaging with the historical literature on English neighbourhoods and English adaptation to the American environment, on the significance of witchcraft or maleficium in English societies, and on the nature and meanings of law, law courts and judicial process in the building of communities. Case documents also enable the use of some concepts and techniques of literary analysis related to the study of narrative, arguing that judicial verdicts selected and suppressed aspects of local stories elicited during the course of the investigation in order to craft an account of local neighbourhood that suited a broader cultural narrative of Massachusetts Bay’s political consolidation during the 1650s.  相似文献   

Home is a key aspect of place attachment literature and research. However, research on place attachment and home often becomes problematic due to the complexities of home as a concept and, particularly, the conflation of home ownership and home. This paper attempts to disentangle the relationship between home ownership and place attachment drawing on a unique data set. Qualitative data are drawn from in-depth interviews with participants from communes in Southern Colorado. The results highlight how place attachment, particularly feelings of at-homeness, is not synonymous with home ownership. Therefore researchers should be cautious of equating home, home ownership, and place attachment.  相似文献   

This article reports on the views of non-medical interest groups about sterilization and intellectually disabled people in New Zealand. The rationale for undertaking a study in this sensitive area is presented. Notes about survey distribution method are included and participants’ responses outlined. The study found that a majority of participants agreed that intellectually disabled people should make their own decisions about reproductive capacity. Yet a clear tension between an overall endorsement of individual choice and a majority who also considered that sterilization could be warranted in at least some cases emerged from the data. Reasons for sterilization included: the best interests of intellectually disabled people and carers; concerns about sexual health/well-being; lack of sexual control; and concerns about sexual abuse. The extent of agreement with sterilization as a desirable practice for intellectually disabled boys/men was an unexpected finding. The article concludes with questions posed to promote further discussion.  相似文献   

The terms “audit”; and “data audit”; have previously appeared in the science literature (see for example, Glide, 1975, p. 207, 1976, pp. 187–190; Noel, 1979, p. 73). Attempts have been made in that literature to discuss the nature of these terms. However, we are not aware of any discussions that have evaluated the nature of “data auditing”; in terms of the existing auditing literature. In this paper we briefly review the history of traditional auditing; briefly review the various types of auditing and auditors that exist in the United States; consider the generic nature of auditing; consider definitions of data audits that appear in existing science literature; consider the nature of data auditing; and consider where data auditing can be placed within auditing.  相似文献   

历史学界的保守意识和历史研究的封闭、半封闭状态,是造成目前史学研究困境的根本原因.走出自我,关注现实,靠近群众,尊重科学,开阔视野,加强全球化意识,与其他学科取长补短,是史学界的当务之急.  相似文献   

This article surveys recent developments in academic approaches to the history of the working classes in the modern Middle East and argues that the decline of scholarly interest in Middle Eastern labour history is a product of the confluence of political, cultural and disciplinary transformations. Labour history thrived among historians of the Middle East in the late 1970s and 1980s but produced only a small handful of important texts in the following two decades. The marginalization of organized labour by post-populist authoritarian regimes in the Middle East, the sudden rise of political Islam as the dominant paradigm of political opposition to the state, and the general abandonment of class analysis by historians in the wake of the ‘cultural turn’ have all contributed to this decline of academic interest in the lives of Middle Eastern workers. These problems have been exacerbated by the political instability of the region and the corresponding difficulty of accessing state archives. The political spark provided by labour activism and agitation in the years preceding and following the ‘Arab Spring’, however, is once again bringing questions of labour and class to the attention of historians.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的史学研究取得了前所未有的成就,研究的规模和成果的数量都是空前的.但如果仔细审视这种发展现状,不免有"只见树木,不见森林"之虞,原因在于史学的研究质量还有改进的余地.因此,在知识经济时代,史学若想与时代同步,必须改变研究现状,在提高自己的研究质量上下功夫,以学术研究质量的最优化来获得社会效益的最大化.  相似文献   

For almost two decades between the close of the Second World War and Nigerian independence in 1960, the British colonial state which faced a crisis of legitimacy in Lagos upheld city ordinances that made itinerant trading by young children in Lagos a punishable status offense. Although anti-trading regulations were gender-neutral in their language, girls were disproportionately sanctioned for engaging in street trading and related activities. In defending their concentration on girl sellers over boy sellers, colonial welfare officials painted a picture of the urban context as an inherently dangerous context and of girls as being particularly at risk of violent assault in the city, making them particularly in need of protection from town life. Sources which show that parents generally resisted or ignored the street trading regulations and continued permitting their daughters to sell despite entreaties, warnings, or fines from colonial officials, suggest that African parents and British colonial officials may have had conflicting views on the inherent danger of the city, on what constituted child endangerment, and on the gendered nature of childhood. This article argues that the girl saving campaigns of development era Lagos were as much about the legitimization of a colonial state facing a crisis of legitimacy as they were about debates between African parents and colonial welfare officials in Lagos concerning ideas of children and childhood and the dangers of street trading by African girls.  相似文献   

20世纪 5 0年代以来 ,西方现代化研究的兴起、鼎盛及其转向全球化 ,在研究范式与学理建构上很有学术创新意义。 5 0年代 ,现代化研究的方法论主要是结构功能主义的 ,研究取向以欧美为参照系来研究发展中国家的现代化发展问题。 80年代 ,现代化研究被现代性研究所取代 ,研究取向由发展转向发达即西方社会自身。 90年代以来 ,以全球化为载体 ,把西方世界作为普世模式要求发展中国家向其看齐的全球化研究成为西方后现代主义的主流话语 ,全球化研究遂成西方现代化研究的后续整合形态  相似文献   

Two years ago, the School of Social Work embarked upon a new and challenging initiative to create sustainable structural changes that enrich gerontological learning experiences for all our BSW and MSW students, faculty, fieldwork instructors and community practitioners. We envisioned that participation in this initiative would enable us to expand and embed geriatric content in the undergraduate and graduate curriculum, to increase our geriatric fieldwork placement opportunities, to evaluate and enhance our teaching and learning resources on aging, and to develop two new aging specific courses. Having reached our third year of operation, we find ourselves reflecting on what have been our successes, what could we have done differently, and where do we go in the future. This article will describe our process of developing a model of curriculum change that will guarantee a place for aging in both our undergraduate and graduate curricula.  相似文献   

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