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城市扶贫:从制度创新到组织创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
洪大用 《社会》2002,(3):4-5
20世纪80年代中期以来 ,随着我国城市改革的不断深化 ,单位之间与单位内部都在出现分化 ,单位体制受到巨大冲击。大批职工下岗、失业 ,流入社会 ,原来隐藏于脆弱的单位体制下的剩余劳动人员问题 ,终于急速地突现出来 ,成为城市“新贫困层”的主要组成部分。在此情况下 ,单靠原有的社会救济制度已经不能解决问题 ,因此 ,应对城市新贫困的制度创新迫在眉睫。一、制度创新与城市扶贫在制度创新的实践中 ,上海市走在了前面。1992年 ,上海市就召开了专门会议 ,研究对各种收入较低、生活困难的在职职工、退休职工、社会闲散人员实施生活保…  相似文献   

张秀见 《唐都学刊》2009,25(3):106-110
关于二战爆发前夕前苏联与纳粹德国签订的《苏德互不侵犯条约》,长期以来史学界褒贬不一。争论焦点在于该条约与二战的爆发是否有直接关系上。事实证明,二战的爆发与德国的野心及英法的绥靖政策间有着直接的关系,而苏德条约客观上虽促使二战提前爆发,但它同时也具有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   

第二次世界大战中欧洲战场上的苏德战线和亚洲太平洋战场上的中日战线是最重要的和决定性的。为了确保两条战线的胜利,苏联和中国的外交活动起到了重要的作用。由于日本的扩张行动日益猖獗,苏联感到自身安全受到威胁。在日本的逼攻之下,苏联和中国的战略利益逐渐趋于一致。于是,苏联决定向中国提供有效援助和支持,但美、英等西方国家并不支持苏联的动议。面对日本的侵略,中国向西方寻求保护的外交努力严重受挫,迫使蒋介石政府积极寻求苏联的支持,最后两国缔结互不侵犯条约。条约奠定了苏中友好关系的国际法基础,苏联据此为中国抗日战争提供了必要援助和支持。1941年日本袭击珍珠港之后,第二次世界大战的亚洲战场增加了太平洋战线,战争扩展到了整个亚洲太平洋地区。从此以后,西方各国才开始援助中国,对华战略才发生转变。  相似文献   

随着我国政府职能的转换以及市场经济的发展,许多民间福利性组织纷纷发展壮大,民间福利组织由于经营方式灵活,自治能力较强,所以在很大程度上迎合了社会的需求。而创建于早期的中小型官办福利组织(养老院、儿童福利院等),由于管理的滞后,经营理念的单一,在很大程度上已经不能满足日益膨胀的社会需求。本文先对现阶段中小型儿童福利院所存在的一系列问题及其原因进行了分析,然后从结构功能主义的角度提出了改革构想。  相似文献   

Objectives. Although employment among welfare mothers increased substantially following the 1996 welfare reform, some former welfare recipients failed to find stable employment. We review the extent to which low‐income mothers are without work and cash welfare for long periods of time and seek to understand the correlates of becoming chronically disconnected. Methods. We analyze data from a 1997–2003 panel study of single mothers who received cash welfare in an urban county in Michigan in February 1997. We develop a new measure of the extent to which former recipients are “chronically disconnected” from both employment and cash welfare and estimate regression models of the correlates of this economic outcome. Results. About 9 percent of respondents became chronically disconnected, defined as being without employment and cash welfare during at least one‐quarter of the months during the 79‐month study period. Important correlates of becoming chronically disconnected include having a physical limitation, having a learning disability, using illegal drugs or meeting the diagnostic screening criteria for alcohol dependence, and having no car or driver license. The chronically disconnected are more likely to have lost a job than to have lost welfare benefits and are more economically disadvantaged than those with regular sources of economic support. Conclusions. To reduce the number of women who fail to make a successful transition from welfare to work, more attention should be given to programs and policies that attempt to reconnect disconnected women to regular sources of economic support.  相似文献   

北平贫民救济会的救助活动(1928-1937)在近代北京社会救助史上占有比较重要的地位,其完善的组织机构及制度化建设、官民合作强大力量感召下民众的积极捐助以及占北京半数以上人口得以受助等成效,不仅推动了北京近代社会救助事业的发展与转型,而且为当今中国社会救助事业留下了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

杨晓杰 《探求》2009,(3):25-31
1931年的“9·18”事变,是日本向美英的亚洲霸权进行全面较量的起点,它揭开了第二次世界大战的序幕,同时也标志着远东战争策源地的形成。面对着日本的侵略和咄咄逼人的争霸行动,在当时已经具有强大国际影响力和综合国力的美英等国缘何对日本实行绥靖政策?研究并弄清这一问题,对于我们在冷战后的今天新的世界形势下,深入探讨战争与和平问题不无裨益。  相似文献   

1928年至1937年间,乞丐问题成为北京市政府亟待解决的主要社会问题之一。在北京官方力量的推动下,北京乞丐救助机构及制度化建设步入了一个急速的变革与发展期,加之"教养结合"现代施救理念的实践与应用,北京乞丐救助事业的发展取得了一定成效。但救助经费经的严重短缺又制约了北京乞丐救助事业的健康发展,所以这一时期北京乞丐救助事业呈现出一种救助体制及救助理念的先进性与救助实践滞后相矛盾的格局。  相似文献   

Conditional cash transfers (CCTs) are often being promoted for their simultaneous advantages of short‐term income protection and long‐term human capital investments. Yet, existing evaluations have largely failed to test the underlying programme theory, and few empirical case studies have explored inherent contradictions and ambiguous consequences of this hybrid approach. To further understand the programmes' social policy implications, this study identifies and analyzes such ambiguities and paradoxical consequences in the case of Uruguay's CCT‐programme, Asignaciones Familiares (AFAM). Drawing on qualitative data from interviews with beneficiaries and members of the commission who designed the programme, this study reveals major paradoxes in AFAM's design and implementation caused by various endogenous factors. Relevant to social policy in general, and CCT‐evaluations in particular, findings also indicate that the hybrid social assistance approach may have perverse effects on the programme's twin objectives.  相似文献   

Despite a rapid increase in economic growth accompanied by the rise of living standards over the last two decades in Vietnam, there is still a considerable proportion of the population that lives in poor and vulnerable conditions. Children in particular are disproportionately affected by poverty. The country employs a broad range of social protection programs that tend to be regressive in effect rather than supportive of the poor. The present paper evaluates the social welfare scheme in Vietnam in terms of child poverty. We use the Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey (VHLSS) 2006 and identify and quantify child poverty in monetary as well as multidimensional terms. We consider the link between social welfare receipt and poverty and evaluate coverage, exclusion, and inclusion errors. Furthermore, we use benefit incidence analysis to evaluate the impact of social welfare on monetary child poverty. Findings suggest that coverage of the social welfare scheme is limited and that the scheme suffers from considerable exclusion and inclusion errors. Furthermore, we find that social welfare only slightly reduces the incidence and depth of monetary poverty.  相似文献   

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