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清末兰溪的地权分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用浙江兰溪的清末鱼鳞图册样本,计算出该地区地权分配之吉尼系数,其数值与江苏、安徽地区的吉尼系数同样的低,这反映出江南省份的高人口密度,并与华北地区较高的吉尼系数形成鲜明对照.  相似文献   

重建农地自耕农所有制   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
文章指出农地集体所有制必然要求农地的平均分配 ,这不仅使农户经营规模狭小、地块细碎、劳动生产率低下 ,而且由于产权主体与边界不清 ,难以实现农地有效流转并激励农户投入的热情。而农地国有化会进一步疏远了农民与土地的关系 ,同时 ,运作的交易费用可能过高。因此 ,可供选择的农地制度应该是自耕农所有制。  相似文献   

农民的地权选择与农地制度改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前中国农村土地家庭承包制度得到多数农民的认同。但是,当前农村的土地权属关系仍不明晰、不稳定,农民最担心和反对的是国家或集体剥夺农民的土地承包权。农民不仅要求土地承包权的长期稳定,还有实行土地私有化的愿望。农村土地制度改革和完善的总方向应该是:完善土地二轮延包,改革土地征用制度,建立农地退出机制,实行"农地稳定、公地调整"的政策,建立农村地价评估机制,从而进一步明晰和强化农民的土地财产权,确保"农民对土地的生产经营自主权将长期保持不变,也就是永远不变"。  相似文献   

Four survey experiments provide evidence that children (9–12 years) infer collective land ownership from first arrival. In Experiments 1 and 2, children indicated that a group owns an island relatively more than another group when having been or living on the island first. In the third experiment, it was found that first comers were considered to own the land more independently of whether the second group joined or succeeded them in living on the island. In Experiment 4, the first arrival principle to infer collective ownership was independent of the duration of stay of the first comers before being joined by the second group. Taken together, the findings provide clear evidence of the importance of first arrival for inferring collective place ownership.  相似文献   

胡澎 《日本学刊》2003,2(3):63-75
近年来日本妇女的政治参与取得了较大进展 ,表现在 :国会和地方议会中女议员人数显著增长 ;妇女在行政、司法领域日趋活跃 ;各大政党女党员人数呈增长趋势 ;积极参与国际事务等方面。究其原因主要有国际社会的影响、日本政府和民间的努力、日本妇女参政意识的提高以及各政党为促进妇女参政而积极采取了措施等四个方面。与一些发达国家相比 ,日本妇女在政治参与上还存在较大差距。  相似文献   

刘家峰 《浙江学刊》2007,64(2):97-105
本文以中国和日本两个著名的基督教和平主义者徐宝谦和贺川丰彦为个案,分析、比较了他们战争时期的和平主义立场、理论及其行动与心理困境.和平主义听上去很美,但和当时中日两国占主流思潮的民族主义之间存在着难以调和的矛盾,很难被民众引为同调,即使在基督徒中也只有极少数的支持者,在战争时期更没有施展余地.尽管如此,和平主义在东亚基督教思想史上仍具有重要意义和研究价值.  相似文献   

Christopher Dyer, Standards of Living in the Later Middle Ages: Social Change in England c. 1200–1520 (1989), xvi + 297 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £25.00, paperback £8.95).

Wendy Davies, Small Worlds: The Village Community in Early Medieval Brittany (1988), x + 227 (University of California Press, Berkeley, $30.00).

Steven Rosswurm, Arms, Country, and Class: The Philadelphia Militia and the ‘Lower Sort’ during the American Revolution (1988), xv + 373 (Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, NJ, $40.00).

Steven Watts, The Republic Reborn: War and the Making of Liberal America, 1700–1820 (1987), xxiii + 378 (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, £20.95).

Malcolm Chase, The People's Farm: English Radical Agrarianism 1775–1840 (1988), vi + 221 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £25.00).

Iain McCalman, Radical Underworld: Prophets, Revolutionaries and Pornogra‐phers in London, 1795–1840 (1988), xvi + 338 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £27.50).

Alan Armstrong, Farmworkers: A Social and Economic History, 1770–1980 (1988), 302 (Batsford, London, £29.95).

Bruce Curtis, Building the Educational State: Canada West, 1836–1871 (1988), 450 (Falmer Press, Brighton, no price).

Chad Gaffield, Language, Schooling and Cultural Conñict. The Origins of the French‐Language Controversy in Ontario (1987), 249 (McGill‐Queen's University Press, no price).

Martin J. Sklar, The Corporate Reconstruction of American Capitalism, 1890–1916. The Market, the Law, and Politics (1988), xiv + 484 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £35.00, paperback £12.50).

Dieter Dowe (ed.), Jugendprotest und Generationenkonflikt in Europa im 20. Jahrhundert: Deutschland, England, Frankreich und Italien im Vergleich? (1986), xiv + 473 (Verlag Neue Gesellschaft, Bonn, no price).

? [Youth Protest and Generational Conflict in Twentieth‐Century Europe: Germany, England, France and Italy in Comparison.]

Anthony Carew, Labour under the Marshall Plan: The Politics of Productivity and the Marketing of Managerial Science (1987), x + 293 (Manchester University Press, Manchester, £27.50).

Michael J. Hogan, The Marshall Plan: America, Britain and the Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947–1952 (1987), xiv + 482 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £27.50, $34.50).

Peter Weiler, British Labour and the Cold War (1988), xiv+ 431 (Stanford University Press, Stanford, $42.50).

Charles Webster, The Health Services Since the War. Vol. 1: Problems of Health Care. The National Health Service Before 1957 (1988), x + 479 (Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, £27.50).  相似文献   

金悦 《日本研究》2011,(1):64-67
清朝后期,随着大量官款和赔款的汇兑,晋商的票号业逐渐走向辉煌。其商号遍布全国各地,祁县的合盛元票号甚至将分号开设到邻国日本。至此,合盛元票号开启了我国金融史上的两个第一:第一家进入日本的中国银行,第一家进驻东京的外国银行。当时的日本将其冠以“山西华商”的美名,合盛元也创造了我国封建社会的一个商业奇迹。鉴于目前对于合盛元日本支店的研究成果比较有限,本文试图利用相关史料,对于合盛元票号在日设庄的原因、在日的经营状况等问题进行梳理和论述。不当之处,敬请方家指正。  相似文献   


Alain Boureau, The Lord's First Night: The Myth of the Droit de Cuissage (1998), ix + 300 (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, $55.00/£43.95, paperback $19.00/£15.25).

Rosemary Sweet, The Writing of Urban Histories in Eighteenth Century England (1997), ix + 356 (Oxford University Press, New York, £45.00/$90.00).

Gilbert M. Joseph, Catherine C. LeGrand, and Ricardo D. Salvatore (eds), Close Encounters of Empire: Writing the Cultural History of US‐Latin American Relations (1998), xv + 575 (Duke University Press, Durham, $19.95).  相似文献   

Fifty‐nine healthy infants were filmed with their mothers and with a researcher at two, four, six and nine months in face‐to‐face play, and in toy‐play at six and nine months. During toy‐play at both ages, two indices of joint attention (JA)—infant bids for attention, and percent of time in shared attention—were assessed, along with other behavioural measures. Global ratings were made at all four ages of infants' and mothers' interactive style. The mothers varied in psychiatric history (e.g., half had experienced postpartum depression) and socioeconomic status, so their interactive styles were diverse. Variation in nine‐month infant JA—with mother and with researcher—was predicted by variation in maternal behaviour and global ratings at six months, but not at two or four months. Concurrent adult behaviour also influenced nine‐month JA, independent of infant ratings. Six‐month maternal behaviours that positively predicted later JA (some of which remained important at nine months) included teaching, conjoint action on a toy, and global sensitivity. Other behaviours (e.g., entertaining) negatively predicted later JA. Findings are discussed in terms of social‐learning and neurobiological accounts of JA emergence.  相似文献   

潘世圣 《浙江学刊》2006,1(3):29-36
作为现代文学的经典作品,<呐喊>已经定格在历史性的排行榜的最前列.很多时候,人们在阅读思考这部作品之前,已经深陷于"历史定论"的支配和影响中,而容易失去独立自主的审美判断眼光.成仿吾在<呐喊>出版不久后,提出<呐喊>可以溯源到日本近代自然主义文学,而今人却轻易地一概把它视为是对鲁迅的严重非礼.其实,<呐喊>与日本自然主义文学至少在形式格调上有不少相似之处,成仿吾的意见并非仅是"挑刺"和"非难".日本的自然主义起源于法国自然主义,但并未继承左拉的真谛.<呐喊>看上去近似日本文学,但其深层的对民族文化的思考、对国人"人性"的怀疑和诘问,又画开了它与日本文学的天然不同.成仿吾没有读透这一点,并非是他的浅薄.时间、阅历、功夫是解读鲁迅的先决条件,这同样也适用于成仿吾.  相似文献   

The analysis of confessional conflict in early modern Austria has often focused on nobles and townspeople. To get the full picture, however, it is essential to integrate the rural core into the analysis. In the Habsburg domains, the dynasty’s resolve to uphold or subsequently re-establish the old faith antagonized large sectors of the populace. This occurred in the early phase of the Reformation, when a broad diversity of reformist thought influenced peasant activism. Yet it also returned at a later stage of Austrian confessionalization, when a reinvigorated church and dynasty had begun to roll back the advances of the new creed. During its final period in the midst of the Thirty Years’ War, Austrian peasants even sympathized with the Habsburgs’ international adversaries, personified above all by Sweden’s King Gustavus II Adolphus. These confrontations between monarchy and commoners form the centrepiece of this essay. By demonstrating both the potential and the limits of peasant agency, the article throws new light on the nature of Austrian society during the confessional era.  相似文献   

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