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Robert Brentano, Rome Before Avignon. A Social History of Thirteenth‐Century Rome (1974), xiv+340 (Longman, £5.95).

Margaret Spufford, Contrasting Communities. English Villagers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (1974), xxiii+374 (Cambridge University Press, £7.70).

Peter Burke, Venice and Amsterdam. A Study of Seventeenth‐Century Elites (1974), 154+8 illustrations (Temple Smith, £2.75).

Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum, Salem Possessed. The Social Origins of Witchcraft (1974), xxi+231 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, £5).

Duncan J. MacLeod, Slavery, Race and the American Revolution (1975), vi+249 (Cambridge University Press, £5.50, paperback £2.25).

David Brion Davis, The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution: 1770–1823 (1975), 576 (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, £9.60).

Edward Shorter and Charles Tilly, Strikes in France 1830–1968 (1974), xxiii+428 (Cambridge University Press, £9.50).

Tom G. Kessinger, Vilyatpur 1848–1968: Social and Economic Change in a North Indian Village (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 1974), xiii+227 (University of California Press, $12.00).

Leonore Davidoff, The Best Circles: Society, Etiquette and the Season (1973), 127+44 illustrations (Croom Helm, £3.50).

Joan Wallach Scott, The Glassworkers of Carmaux: French Craftsmen and Political Action in a Nineteenth‐Century City (1974), xiv+239 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, £5.00).

E. D. Steele, Irish Land and British Politics: Tenant Right and Nationality, 1865–1870 (1974), x+367 (Cambridge University Press, £6.40).

Stefano Merli, Proletariato di Fabbrica e Capitalismo Industriale. Il Caso Italiano: 1880–1900(1973). Vol. I, vi+858; Vol. II, xxxviii+870 (Florence: La Nuova Italia; Vol. I, lire 8000; Vol. II, lire 8000).

Roger Pethybridge, The Social Prelude to Stalinism (1974), 343 (Macmillan, £7.00).  相似文献   

R. H. Hilton, The English Peasantry in the Later Middle Ages (1975), 256 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £6.50).

Colin Platt, The English Medieval Town (1976), 219 (Seeker and Warburg, £6.00).

James Axtell, The School Upon A Hill. Education and Society In Colonial New England (1974), xxi+298 (Yale University Press, New Haven, £7.50).

Kenneth A. Lockridge, Literacy in Colonial New England. An Enquiry Into The Social Context of Literacy in the Early Modern West (1974), 164 (W. W. Norton and Co., New‐York, $6.95).

Jean‐Claude Perrot, Genèse d'une ville moderns. Caen au XVIII'siècle (1975), 2 vols, 1157 (Mouton: Paris, the Hague, 250 fr.).

Douglas Hay, Peter Linebaugh and E. P. Thompson (eds.), Albion's Fatal Tree (1975), 344+15 illustrations (Allen Lane, £7.50).

E. P. Thompson, Whigs and Hunters (1975), 300+17 illustrations (Allen Lane, £6.50).

Arthur E. Imhof (ed.), Historische Demographie als Sozialgeschichte. Giessen und Umgebung (1975), 2 vols, 626+495 (Historische Kommission für Hessen, Darmstadt und Marburg, DM 48).

Historical Demography as Social History. Giessen and Surrounding District.1

Alan Forrest, Society and Politics in Revolutionary Bordeaux (1975), xi+300 (Oxford University Press, £8.00).

Richard Hunter and Ida Macalpine, Psychiatry for the Poor (1974), 264 (Dawsons of Pall Mall, £4.50, paperback £1.50).

Vieda Skultans, Madness and Morals. Ideas on Insanity in the Nineteenth Century (197 5), xv+260 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, £5.50).

Thomas S. Szasz, The Age of Madness, The History of Involuntary Mental Hospitalization Presented in Selected Texts (1973), xxi+372 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, £5.95).

Harald Runblom and Hans Norman (eds.), From Sweden to America: a History of the Migration (1976), 391 (University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, and University of Uppsala).

Charlotte Erickson (ed.), Emigration from Europe 1815–1914: Select Documents (1976), 320 (A. and C. Black, £6.50).

T. J. Nossiter, Influence, Opinion and Political Idioms in Reformed England: Case Studies from the North‐East, 1832–1874 (1975), xii+255 (Harvester, £7.50).

Robert J. Bezucha, The Lyon Uprising of 1834: Social and Political Conflict in the Early July Monarchy (1974), xviii+271 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, £6.25).

Lawrence Schofer, The Formation of a Modern Labour Force. Upper Silesia, 1865–1914 (1975), xvi+213 (University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, £7.80).

Léon Poliakov, The History of Anti‐Semitism. Volume III. From Voltaire to Wagner (1975), x+582 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, no price given).

Reinhard Rürup, Emanzipation und Antisemitismus. Studien zur ‘Judenfrage’ der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft (1975), 208 (Vandenhoeck and Rupprecht, Göttingen, paperback DM 28).

Uriel Tal, Christians and Jews in Germany. Religion, Politics and Ideology in the Second Reich, 1870–1914 (1975), 359 (Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, £10.70).

Richard S. Levy, The Downfall of the Anti‐Semitic Political Parties in Imperial Germany (1975), 335 (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, no price given).

Andrew G. Whiteside, The Socialism of Fools. Georg Ritter von Schönerer and Austrian Pan‐Germanism (1975), x+404 (University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, £15.75).

Paul Thompson, The Edwardians: the remaking of British society (1975), xi+382 (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, £10.00).

Marc Fried, The World of the Urban Working Class (1975), x+410 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, £6.50).

Philip Gabriel Eidelberg, The Great Rumanian Peasant Revolt of 1907 (1974), xii+260 (E. J. Brill, Leiden, 64 guilders).

Peter H. Mcrkl, Political Violence under the Swastika: 581 Early Nazis (1975), xiv+735 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, $17.50, paper $6.30).  相似文献   


David P. Henige, The Chronology of Oral Tradition: Quest for a Chimera (1974), x+265 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, no price).

Georges Dupeux, French Society 1789‐1870 (1976), ix+294 (Methuen, £7.50, paperback £3.90).

Jürgen Schlumbohm, Freiheit ‐ Die Anfänge der bürgerlichen Emanzipationsbewegung in Deutschland im Spiegel ihres Leitwortes (ca. 1760‐ca. 1800) (1975), 299 (Schwann, Dusseldorf, 38 DM). (Freedom ‐ The beginnings of the movement for the emancipation of the bourgeoisie in Germany in the changing light of its watchword.)

Jens Engberg, Dansk Guldalder, eller opr?ret i tugt‐ rasp‐ og forbedringshuset (1973), 190 (Rhodos, Copenhagen, D.kr. 52). (Danish Golden Age: disturbances in the penitentiary and houses of correction.)

Richard D. Altick, Victorian People and Ideas (1974), xii+338 (Dent, £4.50).

P. N. Backstrom, Christian Socialism and Cooperation in Victorian England (1974), vii+238 (Croom Helm, £5.95).

W. Hamish Fraser, Trade Unions and Society: The Struggle for Acceptance, 1850–1880 (1974), 292 (George Allen &; Unwin, £5.95).

Nancy J. Weiss, The National Urban League, 1910–1940 (1974), xiv+402 (Oxford University Press, New York, £7.25).

Arthur Marwick, War and Social Change in the Twentieth Century (1974), x+258 (Macmillan, £5.00, paperback £2.50).  相似文献   


M. I. Finley, The Use and Abuse of History (1975), 254 (Chatto &; Windus, £4.50).

John H. Langbein, Prosecuting Crime in the Renaissance. England, Germany, France (1974), ix+321 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, £7.50).

Hans‐Ulrich Wehler (ed.), Der Deutsche Bauernkrieg, 1524–1526 (1975), 356 (Geschichte und Gesellschaft, Sonderheft 1, Vandenhoek und Ruprecht, Göttingen, DM 39).

Mervyn James, Family, Lineage and Civil Society. A Study of Society, Politics and Mentality in the Durham Region 1500–1640 (1974), x+233 (Oxford University Press, £5.00).

C. W. Chalklin and M. A. Havinden (eds.), Rural Change and Urban Growth 1500–1800. Essays in English Regional History in Honour of W. G. Hoskins (1974), xxvi+360 (Longman, £8.50).

Peggy K. Liss, Mexico under Spain, 1521–1556. Society and the Origins of Nationality (1975), xvi+229 (University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, £7.50).

J. I. Israel, Race, Class and Politics in Colonial Mexico, 1610–1670 (1975), xiii+305 (Oxford University Press, £8.00).

Olwen H. Hufton, The Poor of Eighteenth‐Century France, 1750–1789 (1974), xiii+414 (Oxford University Press, £9.00).

B. R. Mitchell, European Historical Statistics 1750–1970 (1975), xx+827 (Macmillan, £24).

Edward Royle, Victorian Infidels (1974), viii+357 (Manchester University Press, Manchester, £6.00).

Verena Martinez‐Alier, Marriage, Class and Colour in Nineteenth‐Century Cuba. A Study of Racial Attitudes and Sexual Values in a Slave Society (1974), x+202 (Cambridge University Press, £4.40).

John Burnett (ed.), Useful Toil. Autobiographies of Working People from the 1820s to the 1920s (1974), 364 (Allen Lane, £5, paperback £2.50).

A. Allan MacLaren, Religion and Social Class: The Disruption Years in Aberdeen (1974), xii+268 (Routledge, £4.95).

David Jones, Chartism and the Chartists (1975), 229 (Allen Lane, £6.00, paperback £3.00).

Robert Gellately, The Politics of Economic Despair: Shopkeepers and German Politics 1890–1914 (1974), xvi+317 (Sage Publications, £6.00).

Alan A. Jackson, Semi‐Detached London: Suburban Development, Life and Transport 1900–39 (1973), 381 (George Allen and Unwin, £6.50).  相似文献   

Euan Cameron, The Reformation of the Heretics: The Waldenses of the Alps, 1480–1580 (1984), xviii+291 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £22.50).

Ruth McClure, Coram's Children: The London Foundling Hospitalin the Eighteenth Century (1981), xiii+321 (Yale University Press, New Haven, £15.00).

Anthony S. Wohl, Endangered Lives: Public Health in Victorian Britain (1983), 440 (J. M. Dent &; Sons, £17.50).

Melanie Tebbutt, Making Ends Meet: Pawnbroking and Working‐Class Credit (1983), ix+235 (Leicester University Press, £14.00).

Lewis Pyenson, Neohumanism and the Persistence of Pure Mathematics in Wilhelmian Germany (1983), xi+136 (American Philosophical Society Memoirs 150, Philadelphia, n.p.).

Ken Plummer, Documents of Life (1983), xiv+175 (George Allen &; Unwin, £12.95, paperback £5#lb95).  相似文献   

Carlo Ginzburg, The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth‐Century Miller, trans. by John and Anne Tedeschi (1980), xxvii+177 (Routledge &; Kegan Paul, £7.95).

Henry Kamen, Spain in the Later Seventeenth Century 1665–1700 (1980), xiii+418 (Longman, £17.50).

L. J. Jordanova and Roy S. Porter (eds), Images of the Earth: Essays in the History of the Environmental Sciences (1979), xx+282 (British Society for the History of Science, Chalfont St Giles, paperback, n.p.).

Heinz Reif, Westfälischer Adel 1770–1860. Vom Herrschaftsstand zur regionalen Elite [The Westfalian Nobility, 1770–1860: from Ruling Estate to Regional Elite] (1979), 711 (Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen, DM 98).

David Cannadine, Lords and Landlords: the aristocracy and the towns, 1774–1967 (1980), 494 (Leicester University Press, Leicester, £19.00).

Robert Fox and George Weisz (eds), The Organization of Science and Technology in France, 1808–1914 (1981), x+355 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £15.00).

Michelle Perrot (ed.), L'Impossible Prison: Recherches sur le système pénitentiaire au XJXe siècle (1980) 320 (Editions du Seuil, Paris, n.p.).

Robert Roth, Pratiques pénitentiaires et théorie sociale: l'exemple de la prison de Genève, 1825–1862 (1981) xiii+342 (Librairie Droz, Geneva, n.p.).

Gregory S. Kealey, Toronto Workers Respond to Industrial Capitalism 1867–1892 (1980), 433 (University of Toronto Press, n.p.)

Bryan D. Palmer, A Culture in Conflict: Skilled Workers and Industrial Capitalism in Hamilton, Ontario, 1860–1914 (1979), 331 (McGill‐Queen's University Press, n.p.).

Alain Dalotel, Alain Faure and Jean‐Claude Freiermuth, Aux origines de la Commune. Le mouvement des réunions publiques à Paris 1868–1870 [The Origins of the Commune. The Public Meeting Movement in Paris, 1868–1870] (1980) (François Maspero, Paris, n.p.)

David Blackbourn, Class, Religion and Local Politics in Wilhelmine Germany. The Center Party in Württemberg before 1914 (New Haven and London, 1980), xv+267 (Yale University Press, £12.00).

Geoff Eley, Reshaping the German Right. Radical Nationalism and Political Change after Bismarck (New Haven and London, 1980), xii + 387 (Yale University Press, £15.00).

Berthold Hinz, Art in the Third Reich (1980), x+270 (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, £15, paperback £5.50).  相似文献   


Norman Cohn, Europe's Inner Demons (1975), xiv+302 (Chatto‐Heinemann for Sussex University Press, £4.50).

Eugene Kamenka and R. S. Neale (eds), Feudalism, Capitalism and Beyond (1975), viii+147 (Edward Arnold, £3.95, paperback £1.95).

David G. Hey, An English Rural Community: Myddle under the Tudors and Stuarts (1974), 260 (Leicester University Press, £5.80).

Enid Gauldie, Cruel Habitations: A History of Working‐Class Housing 1780–1918 (1974), 363 (Allen &; Unwin, £5.75, paperback £3.00).

Lee Holcombe, Victorian Ladies at Work; Middle‐Class Working Women in England and Wales, 1850 to 1914 (1974), x+253 (David and Charles, Newton Abbot, £4.95).

Bo Öhngren, Folk i rörelse. Samhällsutveckling, flyttningsmönster och folkrörelser i Eskilstuna 1870–1900 (1974), 414+26 pp. English summary (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Studia Historica Upsaliensia No. 55, Uppsala). (People on the Move. Social development, migration patterns and popular movements in Eskilstuna 1870–1900)

Michelle Perrot, Les Ouvriers en Grève: France 1871–1890 ( 1974), 2 volumes, 900 (Mouton: Paris and The Hague, Dfl 149). (Workers on Strike: France 1871–1890)

J. E. Knodel, The Decline of Fertility in Germany, 1871–1939 (1974), xix+306 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., £7.60).

Kenneth D. Brown (ed.), Essays in Anti‐Labour History: responses to the rise of Labour in Britain (1974), viii+409 (Macmillan, £10.00).

Bob Jessop, Traditionalism, Conservatism and British Political Culture (1974), 287 (George Allen and Unwin, £4.65).  相似文献   

Short Notices     
Allen G. Debus (ed.), Medicine in Seventeenth Century England. A Symposium Held at UCLA in Honor of C. D. O'Malley (1974), xiii+485 (University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, £8.50).

R. Quinault and J. Stevenson (eds.), Popular Protest and Public Order (1974), 242 (Allen and Unwin, £5.25).

Michael S. Cross (ed.), The Workingman in the Nineteenth Century (1975), xii+316 (Oxford University Press, Toronto, paperback £3.80).

Charles Rearick, Beyond the Enlightenment. Historians and Folklore in Nineteenth‐Century France (1974), xiv+206 (Indiana University Press, Bloomington, £3.65).

Malcolm I. Thomis, The Town Labourer and the Industrial Revolution (1974), vi + 247 (Batsford, £4.00, paperback £2.00).

John Woodward, To Do The Sick No Harm. A Study of the British Voluntary Hospital System to 1875 (1974), xii + 221 (Routledge & Kegan Paul, £5.50).

Alison Ravetz, Model Estate: Planned Housing at Quarry Hill, Leeds (1974), xvi + 251 (Croom Helm, £5.50).

Sergio Columbeanu, Granges exploitations domaniales en Valachie au XVIIIe siècle (Wallachian great estates in the eighteenth century) (1974), 199 (Editura Acadcmiei Republicii Socialiste Romania, Buearest, paperback Lei 8.75).  相似文献   

Harvey J. Graff, The Legacies of Literacy. Continuities and Contradictions in Western Culture and Society (1987), x + 493 (Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, $57.50).

Miri Rubin, Charity and Community in Medieval Cambridge (1987), xiv + 365 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £30.00).

Herbert P. Bix, Peasant Protest in Japan, 1590–1884 (1986), xxxviii + 296 (Yale University Press, £30.00).

Stephen Vlastos, Peasant Protests and Uprisings in Tokugawa Japan (1986), xii + 184 (University of California Press, £16.95).

Howard Newby, Country Life: A Social History of Rural England (1987), 250 (Weidenfeld &; Nicolson, £14.95).

Pat Hudson, The Genesis of Industrial Capital: A Study of the West Riding Wool Textile Industry c. 1750–1850 (1986), xiii + 345 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £25.00).

R. J. Morris (ed.), Class, Power and Social Structure in British Nineteenth‐century Towns (1986), xiii + 222 (Leicester University Press, Leicester, £27.50).

Barbara Caine, Destined to be Wives. The Sisters of Beatrice Webb (1986), xvi + 276 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £15.00).

Pat Jalland, Women, Marriage and Politics 1860–1914 (1986), xii + 366 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £19.50).

Frederick Cooper, On the African Waterfront. Urban Disorder and the Transformation of Work in Colonial Mombasa (1987), xvi + 290 (Yale University Press, New Haven, £25.00).

Donald Howard Bell, Sesto San Giovanni. Workers, Culture, and Politics in an Italian Town, 1880–1922 (1986), 295 (Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick and London, $38.00).

Alice A. Kelikian, Town and Country under Fascism. The Transformation of Brescia 1915–1926 (1986), 228 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £25.00).

David Gartman, Auto Slavery: The Labour Process in the American Automobile Industry, 1897–1950 (1986), xv + 348 (Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, $19.95).

Arthur J. Kuhn, GM Passes Ford, 1918–38: Designing the General Motors Performance‐Control System (1986), xii + 380 (Pennsylvania University Press, $29.75).

Steve Jefferys, Management and Managed: Fifty Years of Crisis at Chrysler (1986), xiv + 290 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £25.00).

Paul Buhle, Marxism in the USA: From 1870 to the Present (1987), 299 (Verso, paperback £8.95).

D.C. Coleman, History and the Economic Past: An Account of the Rise and Decline of Economic History in Britain (1987), 150 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £17.50).  相似文献   

Shulamith Shahar, Childhood in the Middle Ages (1990), xi + 342 (Routledge, London and New York, £35.00).

François Billacois, The Duel: Its Rise and Fall in Early Modern France, edited and translated by Trista Selous (1990), 252 (Yale University Press, £22.50).

Ann Kussmaul, A General View of the Rural Economy of England, 1538–1840 (1990), xiv + 216 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £30.00).

Donna T. Andrew, Philanthropy and Police. London Charity in the Eighteenth Century (1990). xi + 220 (Princeton University Press. Princeton, N.T., $32.50).

Dick Kooiman, Conversion and Social Equality in India. The London Missionary Society in South Travancore in the 19th Century (1989), vii + 236 (Free University Press, Amsterdam, n.p.).

Judith Rowbotham, Good Girls Make Good Wives: Guidance lor Girls in Victorian Fiction (1989), x + 301 (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, £30.00, paperback £9.95).  相似文献   

Anthony Fletcher, Reform in the Provinces. The Government of Stuart England (1986), 386 (Yale University Press, London, £22.00).

Joan R. Kent, The English Village Constable, 1580–1642. A Social and Administrative Study (1986), 325 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £27.50).

David W. Howell, Patriarchs and Parasites: The Gentry of South‐West Wales in the Eighteenth Century (1986), xii + 310 (University of Wales Press, Cardiff, £27.00).

Gary B. Nash, Race, Class, and Politics: Essays on American Colonial and Revolutionary Society, with a Foreword by Richard S. Dunn (1986), xxii + 370 (University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, $37.50, paperback $15.95).

Joan M. Jensen, Loosening the Bonds: Mid‐Atlantic Farm Women, 1750–1850 (1986), xv + 271 (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, £25.00).

Toby L. Ditz, Property and Kinship: Inheritance in Early Connecticut, 1750–1820 (1986), xvi + 213 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, £21.80).

Steven Laurence Kaplan and Cynthia J. Koepp (eds), Work in France. Representations, Meaning, Organization, and Practice (1986), 576 (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, $47.50).

Catharina Lis, Social Change and the Labouring Poor: Antwerp, 1770–1860, trans. by James Coonan (1986), 1 + 237 (Yale University Press, £16.50).

Roger Davidson, Whitehall and the Labour Problem in Late‐Victorian and Edwardian Britain (1985), ix + 293 (Groom Helm, £18.95).

Rodney Lowe, Adjusting to Democracy. The Role of the Ministry of Labour in British Politics 1916–1939 (1986), viii + 284 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £27.50).

Alan Knight, The Mexican Revolution (1986), vol. 1, xxiv + 619; vol. 2, xxiv + 679 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £37.50 per volume).

Emily Honig, Sisters and Strangers, Women in the Shanghai Cotton Mills, 1919–1949 (1986), ix + 299 (Stanford University Press, Stanford, $37.50).

John F. Sweets, Choices in Vichy France: the French under Nazi Occupation (1986), x + 240 (Oxford University Press, New York, £22.50).

Robert A. Slayton, Back of the Yards: The Making of a Local Democracy (1986), xiv + 278 (University of Chicago Press, £18.75).

Paul Kleppner, Chicago Divided: The Making of a Black Mayor (1985), xviii + 313 (Northern Illinois University Press, DeKalb, 111., $26.00, paperback $9.50).

Bernard Elbaum and William Lazonick (eds), The Decline of the British Economy (1986), vii + 310 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £25.00).

Tony Judt, Marxism and the French Left: Studies on Labour and Politics in France 1830–1981 (1986), ix + 338 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £25.00).  相似文献   

Short notices     

Howard M. Gitelman, Workingmen of Waltham: Mobility in American Urban Industrial Development, 1850–1890 (1975), xvi+192 (Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore and London, £5.50).

Michael J. Cullen, The Statistical Movement in Early Victorian Britain. The Foundations of Empirical Social Research (1975), xii+205 (Harvester Press, Hassocks, £7.50).

Raymond Wolters, The New negro on Campus: Black College Rebellions of the 1920s (1975), viii+370 (Princeton University Press, £7.90).

Marie B. Rowlands, Masters and Men in the West Midland Metalware Trades before the Industrial Revolution (1975) x+198 (Manchester University Press, Manchester, £8.00).

Dwight L. Smith (ed.), Afro‐American History: A Bibliography (1974), xvi+856 (ABC Clio Inc., Santa Barbara and Oxford, £22.50).

Hugh Cunningham, The Volunteer Force: a Social and Political History 1859–1908 (1975) 168 (Croom Helm, £6.50).

Leslie Clarkson, Death, Disease and Famine in Pre‐Industrial England (Dublin, 1975), iii+188 (Gill and Macmillan, £8.75).

Arnold J. Bauer, Chilean Rural Society front the Spanish Conquest to 1930 (1975), xviii+265 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £7.90).

R. Kieckhefer, European Witch Trials: Their Foundation in Popular and Learned Culture, 1300–1500 (1976), x+181 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, £5.25).

David Elliston Allen, The Naturalist in Britain: a Social History (1976), xii+292 (Allen Lane, £9.00).

Paul Smith (ed.), The Historian and Film (1976), viii+208 (Cambridge University Press, £4.95).

Katherine S. Naughton, The Geentry of Bedfordshire in the 13th and 14th ceaturies (1976), 90 (Leicester University Press, Leicester, Local History Occ. Papers. 3rd series, No. 2. £3.75).

Thomas J. Archdeacon, New York City, 1664–1710: Conquest and Change (1976), 197 (Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, £6.35).  相似文献   


R.J. Holton, The Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism (1985), xii+234 (Macmillan, Basingstoke, £20, paperback £6.95).

Antoni Maczak, Henryk Samsonowicz and Peter Burke, East‐Central Europe in Transition: from the fourteenth to the seventeenth century (1985), vii+207 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £22.50).

Paul Slack, The Impact of Plague in Tudor and Stuart England (1985), xvi+443 (Routledge &; Kegan Paul, London, £25.00).

A. L. Beier, Masterless Men: The Vagrancy Problem in England (1985), xv+233 (Methuen, London, £19.95).

John L. McMullan, The Canting Crew: London's Criminal Underworld, 1550–1700 (1984) ix+226 (Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, N.J., n.p.).

Maxine Berg, The Age of Manufactures 1700–1820 (1985), 378 (Fontana, London, paperback, £4.95).

Alan Greer, Peasant, Lord, and Merchant: Rural Society in Three Quebec Parishes 1740–1840 (1985), 304 (University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Buffalo and London, n.p.).

Barbara Jeanne Fields, Slavery and Freedom on the Middle Ground: Maryland during the Nineteenth Century (1985), xv+268 (Yale University Press, New Haven, £27.50).

A. J. Kidd and K. W. Roberts (eds), City, Class and Culture: Studies of Cultural Production and Social Policy in Victorian Manchester (1985), vii + 280 (Manchester University Press, Manchester, £25.00).

Gary S. Messinger, Manchester in the Victorian Age: The Half‐Known City xii+211 (Manchester University Press, Manchester £11.95, paperback £4.95).

Donald Reid, The Miners of Decazeville: A Genealogy of Deindustrialization (1985), ix+333 (Harvard University Press, Boston, $25.00).

Moshe Lewin, The Making of the Soviet System: Essays in the Social History of Interwar Russia (1985), viii+354 (Methuen, London, paperback £8.95).

Derek J. Oddy and Derek S. Miller (eds), Diet and Health in Modern Britain (1985), 326 (Croom Helm, London, £22.50).

Robert I. Rotberg and Theodore K. Rabb (eds), Hunger and History (1985), 336 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £25.00).  相似文献   

The British Journal of Sociology, XXVII, no. 3, September 1976 (special issue ‘Sociology and history'), 117 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, £2.50).

Michael W. Dols, The Black Death in the Middle East (1977), xviii+390 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, £15.80).

T. W. Moody, F. X. Martin and F. J. Byrne (eds), A Sew History of Ireland, Vol. III, Early Modern Ireland 1534–1691 (1976), lxiii+736 (Clarendon Press: Oxford University Press, £17).

Edward Shorter, The Making of the Modern Family (1976), xiv+369 (Collins, £4.50).

Dirk Blasius, Bürgerliche Gesellschaft und Kriminalität: zur Sozialgeschichte Preussens im Vormärz (1976), 203 (Vandenhoeck &; Ruprecht, Göttingen, DM 38).

Carsten Rüther, Räuber und Gauner in Deutschland: das Organisierte Bandenwesen im 18. und Frühen 19. Jahrhundert (1976), 197 (Vandenhoeck &; Ruprecht, Göttingen, no price given).

James S. Donnelly Jr, The Land and People of Nineteenth‐Century Cork: The Rural Economy and the Land Question (1975), xiv+440 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, £9.95).

Herbert G. Gutman, Work, Culture and Society in Industrializing America. Essays in American Working‐Class and Social History (1976), xiv+343 (Alfred Knopf, New York, $12.50, paperback $7).

James Obelkevich, Religion and Rural Society: South Lindsey 1825–1875 (1976), xiv+353 (Oxford University Press, £12.00).

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Stuart D. Brandes, American Welfare Capitalism 1880–1940 (1976), ix+210 (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, £10.55).

Charles van Onselen, ChibaroAfrican Mine Labour in Southern Rhodesia, 1900–1933 (1976) 326 (Pluto Press, £7.50).  相似文献   

Short notices     

H. J. Dyos (ed.), Urban History Yearbook 1974, 192; Urban History Yearbook 1975, 188 (Leicester University Press, Leicester, £3.00).

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Charles Carlton, The Court of Orphans (1974), 145 (Leicester University Press, Leicester, £3.50).

Hans Christian Johansen, Belolkningsudvikling og familiestruktur i det 18. árhuadrede (1975). 211 (Odense University Press, Odense, Denmark, D.kv. 60+VAT). (Population and family structure in eighteenth‐century Denmark)

Paul Butel, Les négotiants bordelais, l'Europe, et les Iles au dix‐huitième siècle (1974), 427 (Aubier‐Montaigne, Paris, 70 fr.). (Bordeaux merchants, Europe, and the French West Indies in the eighteenth century)

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Guido Ruggiero, The Boundaries of Eros. Sex Crime and Sexuality in Renaissance Venice (1985), viii+223 (Oxford University Press, New York and London, £25.00).

Mary Prior (ed.), Women in English Society 1500–1800 (1985), xvi + 294 (Methuen, £14.95, paperback £7#lb95).

Olivia Smith, The Politics of Language 1791–1819 (1984), xiii+269 (Clarendon Press, £25.00).

K. C. Phillips, Language and Class in Victorian England (1984), 190 (Basil Blackwell in association ‘with Andre Deutsch, £19.50).

Dorothy Thompson, The Chartists (1984), v+399 (Temple Smith, £19.50).

David J. V. Jones, The Last Rising. The Newport Insurrection of 1839 (1985), 273 (Clarendon Press, £12.50).

Ivor Wilks, South Wales and the Rising of 1839 (1984), 270 (Croom Helm, £18.95).

Rosalind O'Hanlon, Caste, Conflict and Ideology: Mahatma Jotirao Phule and low caste protest in nineteenth‐century western India (1985), xiv+326 (Cambridge University Press, £30.00).

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Marc Egnal 《Social history》2013,38(2):249-251

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Konrad H. Jarausch, Students, Society and Politics in Imperial Germany: The Rise of Academic Illiberalism (1982), viii+448 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, $40.00, paperback $16.50).

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Robert J. Waller, The Dukeries Transformed: The Social and Political Development of a Twentieth‐Century Coalfield (1983), ix+319 (Oxford University Press, £22.50).

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Theodore K. Rabb, The Struggle for Stability in Early Modern Europe (1976), xii+171+25 illustrations (Oxford University Press, £3.50, paperback £1.50).

Stephanie Grauman Wolf, Urban Village: Population, Community, and Family Structure in Germantown, Pennsylvania, 1683–1800 (1976), xi+361 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, £15.80).

Alan J. Lee, The Origins of the Popular Press 1855–1914 (1976), 310 (Croom Helm, £9.50).

David Kynaston, King Labour: The British Working Class 1850–1914 (1976), 184 (George Allen &; Unwin, £6.50, paperback £2.95).

Peter N. Stearns, Old Age in European Society: The Case of France (1976), 163 (Croom Helm, £6.95).

Rudolf Schenda, Die Lesestoffe der Kleinen Leute (1976), 208 (C. H. Beck, München, Paperback. DM 16.80). (The Reading Matter of the Common Man)  相似文献   

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