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在从中世纪向近代社会转变的过程中,形成市民社会观念的同时,也宣告了社会治理的国家主义时代的来临.在反抗绝对国家的过程中,市民社会开始与国家相分离,市民社会的形象经历了从政治社会到需要的体系的演变,并最终沿着特殊性与普遍性的边界确立起了自己与国家的界线.19世纪晚期以后,市民社会与国家分离的趋势发生了变化,国家一步步地侵入社会,并最终形成了一种政府与社会相重叠的行政国家,它标志着国家主义发展到了顶峰.20世纪80年代开始,随着后工业社会的来临,社会结构出现了重组的趋势,正在形成一种新市民社会.这种新市民社会必将终结国家主义的历史,使社会治理迈入后国家主义时代.  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,我国社会发生了巨大而深刻的变化。社会转型加速,从传统社会向现代社会的转变步伐加快;打开国门融入世界,从一个封闭半封闭的社会转变为一个开放的社会;社会流动加剧,从一个壁垒森严的社会转变为一个流动的社会;"单位制"被打破,社会成员从"单位人"转变为"社会人";社会结构从简单的板块式结构转变为复杂的层化结构;解决社会矛盾的思路从"斗"字当头转变为构建和谐社会;民生问题受到广泛重视。中国社会之巨变,根本的动力在于改革开放。  相似文献   

有什么样的社会现实就有什么样的社会心理状态。社会转型期的社会心理相对于常态时期具有更复杂、更躁动、更迷茫、更活跃的特点。本文主要阐述了转型期社会心理困境表现,特别指出社会工作在缓解转型期社会心理困境方面的价值与功能。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the brunt of the transition-induced increase in Polish social protection expenditures during 1989-93 has been borne by social insurance arrangements, particularly pensions, rather than by social assistance schemes targeted to the poor or more temporary social safety net schemes. This is largely due to ease of access to social insurance and its more attractive benefit structure. Much of the recent efforts to reform social protection arrangements had an ad hoc nature and was driven by the need to alleviate looming financial distress. A major policy challenge is to avoid further burdening the social insurance system, particularly pensions, by problems that should be addressed by basic income support and emergency assistance policies or by general transfers (e.g. family allowances). Current reform needs are illustrated by using the pension system as an example.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the economy-wide effects of cross-border movements of Palestinian labor for employment in Israel. The integration of Palestinian and Israeli labor markets is unique, as it differs from international labor migration and associated remittances described in the literature. Especially, it departs from the cultural and social dimensions associated with international migration because there is no shift in residence. We find based on an economy-wide model calibrated to a newly developed database of the West Bank economy that increasing Palestinian labor demand in Israel negatively affects the West Bank economy by bidding up domestic wages, reallocating labor away from tradable activities and reducing competitiveness of the Palestinian export sector. However, increasing labor income from Israel has positive welfare effects for Palestinian households. Considering these results, the paper identifies policy options for the Palestinian National Authority.  相似文献   

Using a large panel dataset, this article investigates the degree of, and explanatory factors for, income mobility amongst the elderly in Sweden during the 1990s. It contributes to literature on welfare indicators for the older population as it supplements the welfare picture of the income adequacy with insights into income certainty during old age. Our methodological approach is to work with the administrative register data for Sweden, and this allows us to use a reliable record of incomes for a large sample of the elderly. Results for Sweden-born and foreign-born elderly persons are analysed separately and compared with corresponding groups of people of working age. Not surprisingly, nearly all of our results indicate that the income of the older population is more stable than that of the working age population, and upward income mobility is not as usual among the elderly as among other groups. The multivariate regression analyses identify several explanatory factors affecting those elderly who experienced income mobility. Most importantly, the death of a spouse increases the probability of downward income mobility, particularly amongst women. These and other findings of this research point to triggers of income poverty in old age that should be taken into account in policies concerned with the level and indexation of retirement income of future pensioners.  相似文献   

医疗过程的双重交易关系——医疗机构与患者的医疗服务交易关系和医疗机构与药品生产代理商的医疗产品内部交易关系——决定了医疗服务提供方在医疗过程中的核心地位。所以,我国的社会医疗保险重点是要从约束供方着手,加之政府的责任,以保证社会医疗保险的顺利开展。  相似文献   

The Industrial Revolution led to the formation of a clear regional specialization in terms of production in England. Northwestern England developed into a modern industrial area, where the secondary industry sector was the main sector. London and its periphery in southeastern England developed mainly domestic and foreign trade, the financial industry and high-level service industry, all of which belong to the tertiary industry sector. The vast intermediate area between the northwest and the southeast mainly developed the first industry sector, namely commercial corn-animal husbandry. This regional economic specialization had a profound impact on urban development, under which the development of the three major regions showed different characteristics in terms of urban functions, city size and regional urban system. Specially, in the intermediate zone, there left traces of rural towns in the pre-industrial period.  相似文献   

伴随着制度变迁进行的结构性调整与创新,带来了不同利益群体之间的矛盾与冲突,这种矛盾与冲突引发的许多问题可归结为"结构紧张"产生的张力所致,"失范"状态就是一种典型的结构性问题。以调查数据为依据,分析、检验结构紧张与失范之间的关系,发现社会地位结构、组织结构、角色结构、权力地位结构、收入水平与教育水平结构上的差异与分化确实导致了失范感受的产生。诸如个体的失范、不满意度、相对剥夺感、地位不一致等负面感受很大程度正是缘于客观的结构分化快于制度整合而引起的失衡与紧张。  相似文献   

伴随着制度变迁进行的结构性调整与创新,带来了不同利益群体之间的矛盾与冲 突,这种矛盾与冲突引发的许多问题可归结为“结构紧张”产生的张力所致,“失 范”状态就是一种典型的结构性问题。以调查数据为依据,分析、检验结构紧张与失 范之间的关系,发现社会地位结构、组织结构、角色结构、权力地位结构、收入水平 与教育水平结构上的差异与分化确实导致了失范感受的产生。诸如个体的失范、不满 意度、相对剥夺感、地位不一致等负面感受很大程度正是缘于客观的结构分化快于制 度整合而引起的失衡与紧张。

关键词: 制度变迁?结构紧张?失范

The structural readjustments and innovations accompanying institutional change have brought about contradictions and conflicts among different interest groups. The many problems thus touched off can be attributed to the tensions resulting from “structural strain,” with “anomie” a typical structural problem. We have used survey data as a basis for analyzing and examining the relationship between structural strain and anomie. We find that differences and differentiation in social status, organization, role and power structures and in income and educational level structures have indeed led to the birth of a sense of anomie. To a large extent, such negative feelings as individual anomie, dissatisfaction, a sense of relative deprivation, status inconsistency, etc., are nothing other than the result of the imbalances and tensions brought about by an objective structural differentiation that is proceeding faster than institutional integration.  相似文献   

In the last decade and particularly since the publication of the Millennium Development Goals, social pensions have captured the interest of those concerned with the well-being of older people across that large part of the world where formal, contributions-financed, old-age benefit systems cover only a minority of the population. International organizations have turned their attention to such schemes and some see them as having a valuable role to play. However, information about what they are and how they work, and about their efficacy in meeting the objectives set for them, is still limited. Learning has been taking place not only in the international organizations but also in the region where they are most prominent – southern Africa. Such learning should be encouraged and the International Social Security Association has a part to play in this learning process.  相似文献   

现代革命以资产阶级革命作为典范,并借助现代政治哲学的范畴塑造了革命的现代形象。这一形象失落了革命的原初意义。革命的原初本意作为对永恒与秩序的最高象征,表达了古人对"最好政制"与"最美人性"的追求,是一种纯粹理念性的存在。马克思无产阶级革命作为超越现代革命的可能性诉求,既立足于现代性的问题背景,具有坚实的现实基础与历史根据,又在更高的理论界面和更根本的问题域中回归到革命的原初本意,从而达到了对革命问题的现实与理念、批判与建构相统一的理解。  相似文献   

董海军 《社会》2006,26(4):188-194
自从1978年改革开放以来,随着社会主义市场经济的发展,在中国发生了一场遍及各个领域的消费革命。不少中外学者对这场消费革命作了精辟的论述(James L.Watson,1998;Merle Goldman,1999;Jun Jing,2000;David L.Shambaugh,2000;Perry,Elizabeth J.&Selden,Mark,2000;等),其中对当今中国经济消费领域作了全新的、系统的、纪实的研究,填补了该领域研究不足的,当数《中国城市的消费革命》(The Con-sumer Revolutionin Urban China)一书的出版(参见《Durable Inequality》一书的作者Charles Tilly对该书的评论,见英文版的封底)。由美国…  相似文献   

梁高峰 《社科纵横》2007,22(5):31-32
雇佣劳动是区别于小农性自我劳动的一种劳动生产方式,雇佣劳动实现了劳动和生产资料的充分结合,催生了商品经济的产生,逐步地实现了人类社会从农业到工业的巨大变化,实现了全社会的集约化生产。在现代科技革命和人类社会发展中具有基础性作用。然而对于雇佣劳动的认识,我们有一个发展的过程。劳动力产权与资本产权的平等性认识,有助于我们对雇佣劳动的正确理解,从而有利于社会劳动生产关系的协调。  相似文献   

崇明 《社会》2014,34(5):41-67
托克维尔在关于法国大革命与拿破仑的未完成著述中讨论了大革命中自由和平等的张力以及革命的政治动力。在作为大革命第一阶段的1787-1789年的自由革命中,由激进的民主自由观念推动的阶级斗争逐步压倒了贵族自由和精英自由观念。王权的削弱和相关的错误决策加剧了阶级斗争并强化了革命意识形态,民众暴力的介入推动了革命的激进化,导致革命在内部分裂和权力斗争中走向恐怖。大革命后期,法国人既厌倦革命和政治的动荡,又热爱革命带来的平等和利益,继承了革命平等而抛弃了自由的拿破仑得到了法国人的拥戴。同时,托克维尔揭示了革命和拿破仑的个人统治如何继承了旧制度的政治文化遗产,特别是国家主义。  相似文献   

The present paper examines the role of the State and the market in meeting social needs, with particular emphasis on retirement pensions. The argument proposed is based primarily on an analysis of recently observed ideological developments as well as of the results of various empirical studies conducted on the topic. A review of several theories and current debates on the issue constitutes the introductory part of the analysis. This is followed by a discussion of retirement pensions and the shortcomings of governments in this domain and by a review of the evidence obtained on the interaction between retirement pensions, investment and growth. Data and calculations relating to several developed and developing countries are presented as an illustration of the State's responsibility for social needs. The conclusion presents some reflections based on empirical evidence and a synthesis of insights obtained in this study.  相似文献   

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