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Susan Mosher Stuard (ed.), Women in Medieval History and Historiography (1987), xvi+203 (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, £25.60).

Judith M. Bennett, Women in the Medieval English Countryside: Gender and Household in Brigstock Before the Plague (1987), xv+322 (Oxford University Press, New York, £30.00).

Peter Burke, The Historical Anthropology of Early Modern Italy: Essays on Perception and Communication (1987), x+281 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £25.00).

Ann Hughes, Politics, Society and Civil War in Warwickshire 1620–1660 (1987), xvi+392 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £30.00).

Marcus Rediker, Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea: Merchant Seamen, Pirates, and the Anglo‐American Maritime World 1700–1750 (1987), xv+322 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £22.50).

Robert Colls, The Pitmen of the Northern Coalfield. Work, Culture and Protest, 1790–1850 (1987), xvii+386 (Manchester University Press, Manchester, £35.00).

Clive Anderson, Suicide in Victorian and Edwardian England (1987), xiv+475 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £40.00).

Christophe Charle, Les Elites de la République, 1880–1900 (1987), 556 (Editions Fayard, Paris, no price).

Linda Lewin, Politics and Parentela in Paraiba: A Case Study of Family‐based Oligarchy in Brazil (1987), xxiii+497 (Princeton University, Princeton, £32.90).?

Alexander Keyssar, Out of Work: The First Century of Unemployment in Massachusetts (1986), xviii+469 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge and New York, £45.00, paperback £13.50.

Ronald W. Edsforth, Class Conflict and Cultural Consensus: The Making of a Mass Consumer Society in Flint, Michigan (1987), xvi+294 (Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick $40.00, paperback $20.00).

Margaret Randolph Higonnet, Jane Jenson, Sonya Michel and Margaret Collins Weitz (eds), Behind the Lines. Gender and the Two World Wars (1987), viii+310 (Yale University Press, £19.95).

Patrick Joyce (ed.), The Historical Meanings of Work (1987), vi+320 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £27.50).  相似文献   


Susan Reynolds, Kingdoms and Communities in Western Europe 900–1300 (1984), viii + 387 (Clarendon Press, £28.00).

David Herlihy and Christiane Klapisch‐Zuber, Tuscans and their Families. A Study of the Florentine Catasto of 1427 (1985), xxiv+404 (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, £32.00).

Guido Ruggiero, The Boundaries of Eros. Sex Crime and Sexuality in Renaissance Venice (1985), viii+223 (Oxford University Press, New York and London, £25.00).

Mary Prior (ed.), Women in English Society 1500–1800 (1985), xvi + 294 (Methuen, £14.95, paperback £7#lb95).

Olivia Smith, The Politics of Language 1791–1819 (1984), xiii+269 (Clarendon Press, £25.00).

K. C. Phillips, Language and Class in Victorian England (1984), 190 (Basil Blackwell in association ‘with Andre Deutsch, £19.50).

Dorothy Thompson, The Chartists (1984), v+399 (Temple Smith, £19.50).

David J. V. Jones, The Last Rising. The Newport Insurrection of 1839 (1985), 273 (Clarendon Press, £12.50).

Ivor Wilks, South Wales and the Rising of 1839 (1984), 270 (Croom Helm, £18.95).

Rosalind O'Hanlon, Caste, Conflict and Ideology: Mahatma Jotirao Phule and low caste protest in nineteenth‐century western India (1985), xiv+326 (Cambridge University Press, £30.00).

Hal S. Barron, Those Who Stayed Behind: Rural Society in Nineteenth‐Century New England (1984), xiv+184 (Cambridge University Press, £20.00).

Clair Goldberg Moses, French Feminism in the Nineteenth Century (1984), xiii+311 (Albany, State University of New York Press, $39.50).

Jane Rendall, The Origins of Modern Feminism: Women in Britain, France and the United States, 1780–1860 (1985), x+382 (Macmillan, £20.00, paperback £7.95).

Roger Penn, Skilled Workers in the Class Structure (1984), x+259 (Cambridge University Press, £25).

Royden Harrison and Jonathan Zeitlin (eds.), Divisions of Labour. Skilled Workers and Technological Change in Nineteenth‐Century Britain (1985), ix+254 (The Harvester Press, Brighton, £22.50).

Jane Lewis, Women in England 1870–1950: Sexual Divisions and Social Change (1984), xv+240 (Wheatsheaf, £16.95, paperback £5#lb95). Elizabeth Roberts, A Woman's Place. An Oral History of Working‐Class Women 1890–1940 (1984), vii + 246 (Basil Blackwell, £14#lb95).

John Scott and Catherine Griff, Directors of Industry: The British Corporate Network 1904–1976 (1984), 226 (Polity Press, £19#lb50).

R. P. T. Davenport‐Hines, Dudley Docker: The Life and Times of a Trade Warrior (1984), xii+295 (Cambridge University Press, £25.00).  相似文献   


Lynn Lees, Solidarities of Strangers :The English Poor Laws and the People, 1700–1948 (1998), xii + 373 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £45.00/$64.95).

Tim Hitchcock, Peter King and Pamela Sharpe (eds), Chronicling Poverty: The Voices and Strategies of the English Poor, 1640–1840 (1997), xii + 248 (St Martin's Press, New York, $69.95).

Anne Cova, Maternité et droits des femmes en France (XlXe‐XXe siècles) (1997), vii + 435 (Anthropos Historiques, Paris, 250FF). [Motherhood and Women's Rights in France in the 19th and 20th Centuries.]

Kathie Friedman Kasaba, Memories of Migration: Gender, Ethnicity, and Work in the Lives of Jewish and Italian Women in New York, 1870–1924 (1996), xii + 242 (State University of New York, Albany, $59.50, paperback $19.95).

Mary Buckley (ed.), Post‐Soviet Women: From the Baltic to Central Asia (1997), xvii + 316 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £50.00/$59.95, paperback £16.95/$22.95).

Sudhir Hazareesingh, From Subject to Citizen: The Second Empire and the Emergence of Modern French Democracy (1998), xiii + 393 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, £40.00/$55.00, paperback £14.95/$19.95).

David E. Barclay and Eric Weitz (eds), Between Reform and Revolution: German Socialism and Communism from 1840 to 1990 (1998), xi + 580 (Berghahn Books, New York and Oxford, $79.00/£55.00).

Manuel Frey, Der reinliche Biirger. Entstehung und Verbreitung bürgerticher Tugenden in Deutschland, 1760–1860 (1997), 406 (Vandenhoeck &; Ruprecht, Göttingen, DM98). [The Clean Bourgeois. The Creation and Dissemination of Middle Class Virtues in Germany, 1760–1860.]

Alon Confino, The Nation as Local Metaphor. Wurttemberg, Imperial Germany, and National Memory, 1871–1918 (1997), xiii + 280 (University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, $19.95).

Wolfgang Behringer, Witchcraft Persecutions in Bavaria. Popular Magic, Religious Zealotry and Reason of State in Early Modern Europe, trans. J. C. Grayson and David Lederer (I997), xxi + 476 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £50.00/$75.00).

Olaf Blaschke, Katholizismus mid Antisemitismus im Deutschen Kaiserreich (1997), 443 (Vandenhoeck &; Ruprecht, Göttingen, DM78).

Faith Wigzell, Reading Russian Fortunes: Print Culture, Gender, and Divination in Russia from 1765 (1998), xi + 250 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £45.00/$64.95).

Sarah Davies, Popular Opinion in Stalin's Russia:Terror, Propaganda, and Dissent, 1934–1941 (1997), xix + 236 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £45.00/$59.95, paperback , £11.95/$19.95).

Judith Pallot (ed.), Transforming Peasants: Society, State and the Peasantry, 1861–1930 (1998), xix + 264 (St Martin's Press, New York, $69.95).

Sheldon Garon, Molding Japanese Minds: The State in Everyday Life (1997), xvii + 313 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, $39.50/£30.50, paperback $15.95/£13.95).

Theodore Huters, R. Bin Wong and Pauline Yu (eds), Culture and State in Chinese Society: Conventions, Accommodations and Critiques, Irvine Studies in the Humanities (1997), x + 500 (Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, $65.00, paperback $24.95).

Cheryl Anne Cox, Household Interests: Property, Marriage Strategies, and Family Dynamics in Ancient Athens (1998), xx + 253 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, $45.00/$33.95).  相似文献   

David Gaunt, Familjeliv i Norden (1983), 327 (Gidlunds, Malmo, n.p.). (Family Life in the Nordic Countries.)

Peter Clark, The English Alehouse: A Social History 1200–1830 (1983), xiv+353 (Longman, paperback, £9.95).

Mary Fulbrook, Piety and Politics: Religion and the Rise of Absolutism in England, Württemberg and Prussia (1983), viii+215 (Cambridge University Press, £20.00, paperback £7.95.)

Ira Berlin and Ronald Hoffman (eds), Slavery and Freedom in the Age of the American Revolution (1983), xxviii+314 (University Press of Virginia, Char‐lottesville, $15.95).

John Bohstedt, Riots and Community Politics in England and Wales 1790–1810 (1983), x+310 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., £25.50).

Karen Halttunen, Confidence Men and Painted Women: A Study of Middleclass Culture in America, 1830–1870 (1983), xviii + 262 (Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, £15.50).

David Englander, Landlord and Tenant in Urban Britain, 1838–1918 (1983), xviii+342 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £22.50).

Konrad H. Jarausch, Students, Society and Politics in Imperial Germany: The Rise of Academic Illiberalism (1982), viii+448 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, $40.00, paperback $16.50).

Joseph Buckman, Immigrants and the Class Struggle: The Jewish Immigrant in Leeds 1880–1914 (1983), xii + 183 (Manchester University Press, £17.50). Harold Pollins, Economic History of the Jews in England (1983), 339 (Associated University Presses, £20.00).

S. A. Smith, Red Petrograd : Revolution in the Factories, 1917—1918 (1983), (Cambridge University Press, £25.00).

Robert J. Waller, The Dukeries Transformed: The Social and Political Development of a Twentieth‐Century Coalfield (1983), ix+319 (Oxford University Press, £22.50).

Ian Kershaw, Popular Opinion and Political Dissent in the Third Reich, Bavaria 1933–1945 (1983), xv+425 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £22.50).

P. Abrams, Historical Sociology (1982), xviii+353 (Open Books, Shepton Mallet, £12.00, paperback £6.00).

D. Smith, Barrington Moore: Violence, Morality and Political Change (1983), viii+195 (Macmillan, £12.95, paperback £4.95).  相似文献   

Short notices     

Howard M. Gitelman, Workingmen of Waltham: Mobility in American Urban Industrial Development, 1850–1890 (1975), xvi+192 (Johns Hopkins University Press: Baltimore and London, £5.50).

Michael J. Cullen, The Statistical Movement in Early Victorian Britain. The Foundations of Empirical Social Research (1975), xii+205 (Harvester Press, Hassocks, £7.50).

Raymond Wolters, The New negro on Campus: Black College Rebellions of the 1920s (1975), viii+370 (Princeton University Press, £7.90).

Marie B. Rowlands, Masters and Men in the West Midland Metalware Trades before the Industrial Revolution (1975) x+198 (Manchester University Press, Manchester, £8.00).

Dwight L. Smith (ed.), Afro‐American History: A Bibliography (1974), xvi+856 (ABC Clio Inc., Santa Barbara and Oxford, £22.50).

Hugh Cunningham, The Volunteer Force: a Social and Political History 1859–1908 (1975) 168 (Croom Helm, £6.50).

Leslie Clarkson, Death, Disease and Famine in Pre‐Industrial England (Dublin, 1975), iii+188 (Gill and Macmillan, £8.75).

Arnold J. Bauer, Chilean Rural Society front the Spanish Conquest to 1930 (1975), xviii+265 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £7.90).

R. Kieckhefer, European Witch Trials: Their Foundation in Popular and Learned Culture, 1300–1500 (1976), x+181 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, £5.25).

David Elliston Allen, The Naturalist in Britain: a Social History (1976), xii+292 (Allen Lane, £9.00).

Paul Smith (ed.), The Historian and Film (1976), viii+208 (Cambridge University Press, £4.95).

Katherine S. Naughton, The Geentry of Bedfordshire in the 13th and 14th ceaturies (1976), 90 (Leicester University Press, Leicester, Local History Occ. Papers. 3rd series, No. 2. £3.75).

Thomas J. Archdeacon, New York City, 1664–1710: Conquest and Change (1976), 197 (Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, £6.35).  相似文献   


Richard Bauman, Let Your Words Be Few: Symbolism of Speaking and Silence among Seventeenth‐Century Quakers (1983), viii + 168 (Cambridge University Press, £19.50, paperback £6.50).

Richard B. Sheridan, Doctors and Slaves: A Medical and Demographic History of Slavery in the British West Indies, 1680–1834 (1985), xxii+420 (Cambridge University Press, £25.00).

Alice Goldstein, Determinants of Change and Response among Jews and Catholics in a Nineteenth‐Century German Village (1984), iv+48 (Jewish Social Studies Monograph Series 3, New York, distributed by Columbia University Press: New York and London, n.p.).

Rita Aldenhoff, Schulze‐Delitzsch. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Liberalismus zwischen Revolution und Reichsgrundung (1984), 245+notes and index (Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden‐Baden, n.p.).

Louis Perouas, Refus d'une religion, religion d'un refus en Limousin rural, 1880–1940 (1985), 245 (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris, paperback 120F). (Refusal of a Religion, Religion of Refusal in the Rural Limousin, 1880–1940.)

Gordon Phillips and Noel Whiteside, Casual Labour: The Unemployment Question in the Port Transport Industry 1880–1970 (1985), x+324 (Clarendon Press, £25.00).

American Family History: A Historical Bibliography (1984), xii+282 (ABC‐Clio Research Guide 12, Clio Press, Santa Barbara, Denver, Oxford, £30.50).  相似文献   


John J. McCusker, Essays in the Economic History of the Atlantic World, Routledge Studies in International Economic and Social History, I (1997), xxiii + 426 (Routledge, London and New York, £65.00/$65.00).

Francesca Bray, Technology and Gender: Fabrics of Power in Late Imperial China (1997), xvi + 419 (University of California Press, London and Berkeley, £40.00/$50.00, paperback £15–95/$19–95).

Helen Bradley Foster, ’New Raiments of Self’: African American Clothing in the Antebellum South (1997), ix + 359 (Berg Publishers, New York, £39.95/$46.00, paperback

Howard B. Rock, Paul A. Gilje and Robert Asher (eds), American Artisans: Crafting Social Identity, 1750–1850 (1995), xx + 251 (Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, £37.00/$45.00, paperback £14.00/$16.95).

David R. Green, From Artisans to Paupers: Economic Change and Poverty in London 1790–1870 (1995), xvii + 298 (Scolar Press, Aldershot £45.00/$76.95).

Gary B. Cohen, Education and Middle‐Class Society in Imperial Austria 1848‐igi8 (1996), xxi + 386 (Purdue University Press, £34.95/$40.95).

Pieter M. Judson, Exclusive Revolutionaries. Liberal Politics, Social Experience, and National Identity in the Austrian Empire, 1848–1914 (1996), xi + 304 (University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, £42.50/$49.50).

Geoff Eley (ed.), Society, Culture, and the State in Germany, 1870–1930 (1996), viii + 522 (University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, £47.50/$59.50, paperback $26.95).

Neil MacMaster, Colonial Migrants and Racism:Algerians in France, 1900–62 (1997), vii + 307 (St Martin's Press, New York, £45.00/$65.00).

Gerd‐Rainer Horn, European Socialists Respond to Fascism. Ideology, Activism and Contingency in the 1930s (1996), xii + 211 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £42.50/845.00).

Eric D. Weitz, Creating German Communism, 1890–1990: From Popular Protest to Socialist State (1997), xviii + 445 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, £52.50/$65.00, paperback £19–95/$24.95).

Ryan Bishop and Lillian S. Robinson, Night Market. Sexual Cultures and the Thai Economic Miracle (1998), x + 278 (Routledge, London and New York, £45.00/$65.00, paperback £12.99/$17.95).

Katharine H. S. Moon, Among Allies. Military Prostitution in U.S.‐Korea Relations (1997), xiii + 240 (Columbia University Press, New York, $47.50, paperback $16.95).  相似文献   

Michael Zell, Industry in the Countryside: Wealden Society in the Sixteenth Century (1994), xiv + 257 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £35.00).

Phyllis Mack, Visionary Women. Ecstatic Prophecy in Seventeenth‐Century England (1993), xv + 465 (University of California Press, Berkeley, $40.00).

Amy Louise Erickson, Women and Property in Early Modern England (1993), xiv + 306 (Routledge, £40.00).

Christopher L. Tomlins, Law, Labor, and Ideology in the Early American Republic (1993), xviii + 406 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £42.50, paperback £14.95).

F. Murray Greenwood, Legacies of Fear: Lawand Politics in Quebec in the Era of the French Revolution (1993), xvi + 359 (Osgoode Society/University of Toronto Press, Toronto, n.p.).

Roger Scola, Feeding the Victorian City. The Food Supply of Manchester, 1770–1870 (1992), xx+ 347 (Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York, £35.00).

J. Frankel and S. Zipperstein (eds), Assimilation and Community. The Jews in Nineteenth'Century Europe (1992), xii + 384 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £35.00).

Roger Magraw, A History of the French Working Class, vol. 1, The Age of the Artisan Republic 1815–71, vol. 2, Workers and the Bourgeois Republic 1871–1939 (1992), xi + 301 and vi + 330 (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, £40.00 each).

Rajnarayan Chandavarkar, The Origins of Industrial Capitalism in India: Business Strategies and the Working Classes in Bombay 1900–1940 (1994), xvii + 468 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £40.00).

Chris Wrigley (ed.), Challenges of Labour: Central and Western Europe igiy‐igzo (1993), x + 300 (Routledge, £40.00).  相似文献   

David L. Smith, Richard Strier and David Bevington (eds), The Theatrical City: Culture, Theatre and Politics in London, 1576–1649 (1995), xvi + 288 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £35.00/$49.95).

John Smail, The Origins of Middle Class Culture. Halifax, Yorkshire, 1660–1780 (1994), xvi + 241 (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y., $39.95).

Anna Clark, The Struggle for the Breeches. Gender and the Making of the British Working Class (1995), xv + 416 (University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, $35.00).

Deborah Valenze, The First Industrial Woman (1995), ix + 251 (Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford, hardback $39.95/£25.00).

Leonore Davidoff, Worlds Between: Historical Perspectives on Gender and Class (1995), x + 276 (Polity Press, Cambridge, £45.00, paperback £12.95).

Mary Poovey, Making a Social Body: British Cultural Formation 1830–1864 (1995), x + 255 (University of Chicago Press, Chicago, $34.00/£27.25, paperback $12.95/£10.25).

Christopher Parker (ed.), Gender Roles and Sexuality in Victorian Literature (1995), xiii + 194 (Scolar Press, Aldershot and Vermont, £39.95).

David Northrup, Indentured Labor in the Age of Imperialism, 1834–1922 (1995), xii + 186 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, $49.95/£30.00, paperback $14.95).

Hermann Beck, The Origins of the Authoritarian Welfare State in Prussia. Conservatives, Bureaucracy and the Social Question 1815–70 (1995), 285 (University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, $47.50).

Vivian Bickford‐Smith, Ethnic Pride and Racial Prejudice in Victorian Cape Town: Group Identity and Social Practice 1875–1902 (1995), xxiii + 281 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £40.00).

Joy Damousi and Marilyn Lake (eds), Gender and War: Australians at War in the Twentieth Century (1995), viii + 351 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York and Melbourne, $59.95).

Gilbert M. Joseph and Daniel Nugent (eds), Everyday Forms of State Formation: Revolution and the Negotiation of Rule in Modern Mexico (1994), xix + 377 (University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC, $18.95).  相似文献   

Steven Ozment, The Age of Reform 1250–1550. An Intellectual and Religious History of Late Medieval and Reformation Europe (1980), xii+458 (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, £15.75).

Ian Maclean, The Renaissance Notion of Woman. A Study in the Fortunes of Scholasticism and Medical Science in European Intellectual Life (1980), viii+119 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £7.50).

Edward Royle, Radicals, Secularists and Republicans: Popular Freethought in Britain, 1866–1915 (1980), xii+380 (Manchester University Press, Manchester, £19.50).

Gail Braybon, Women Workers in the First World War (1981), 244 (Croom Helm, £11.95).

Eric Cahm and Vladimir Claude Fisera (eds), Socialism and Nationalism, 3 vols (1978–1980), 116+132+132 (Spokesman, Nottingham, £2.50 each).

Harold Perkin, The Structured Crowd, Essays in English Social History (1981), xii+230 (Harvester, Brighton, £20.00).  相似文献   


R. H. Britnell, Growth and Decline in Colchester, 1300–1325 (1985), xvi+304 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £27.50).

Alison Hanham, The Celys and their World. An English Merchant Family of the Fifteenth Century (1985), xv+472 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £35.00).

Paul S. Seaver, Wallington's World: A Puritan Artisan in Seventeenth Century London (1985), ix+258 (Methuen, London, £28).

Kathryn Norberg, Rich and Poor in Grenoble, 1600–1814 (1985), xii+366 (University of California Press, £31.95).

Allen Horstman, Victorian Divorce (1985), 196 (Croom Helm, London, £17.95).

Jill Harsin, Policing Prostitution in Nineteenth‐Century Paris (1985), xxv+417 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, $42.50).

Peter Schüttler, Naissance des Bourses du travail: Un Appareil idéologique d'état à la fin du XIXe siècle (1985), 294 (Presses Universitaires de France, Paris, 165 FF), trans. Jean‐Pierre Lefebvre and the author.

Naomi R. Lamoreaux, The Great Merger Movement in American Business, 1895–1904 (1985), xii+208 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £20).

Raphael Samuel, Ewan MacColl and Stuart Cosgrave, Theatres of the Left, 1880–1935: Workers’ Theatre Movements in Britain and America (1985), xx+364 (Routledge &; Kegan Paul, London, paperback £8.95).

Julian Jackson, The Politics of Depression in France, 1932–1936 (1985), ix+303 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £39.50).  相似文献   

Edith Ennen, The Medieval Town (1979), 287 (North Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, Dfl. 85.00). Translation by Natalie Fryde of Die europäische Stadt des Mittelalters (Gottingen, 1972).

J. Michael Hittle, The Service City: State and Townsmen in Russia, 1600–1800 (1979), xii+297 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. and London, £10.50).

John T. Evans, Seventeenth‐Century Norwich. Politics, Religion and Government, 1620–1690 (1980), xii+346 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £12.50).

David Thomas Konig, Law and Society in Puritan Massachusetts, 1629–1692 (1979), xix+215 (University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, $21.00).

Jonathan C. Brown, A Socioeconomic History of Argentina, 1776–1860 (1979), xiv+302, Cambridge Latin American Studies, volume XXXV (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £15.00).

Evelyn Sakakida Rawski, Education and Popular Literacy in Ch'ing China (1979), 294 (Michigan Studies on China, Ann Arbor, £11.55).

Sandra Burman (ed.), Fit Work For Women (1979), 201 (Croom Helm, £8.50, paperback, £4.50).

David M. Katzman, Seven Days a Week: Women and Domestic Service in Industrializing America (1979), xi+374 (Oxford University Press, New York, £7.75).  相似文献   


Robert Brentano, Rome Before Avignon. A Social History of Thirteenth‐Century Rome (1974), xiv+340 (Longman, £5.95).

Margaret Spufford, Contrasting Communities. English Villagers in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (1974), xxiii+374 (Cambridge University Press, £7.70).

Peter Burke, Venice and Amsterdam. A Study of Seventeenth‐Century Elites (1974), 154+8 illustrations (Temple Smith, £2.75).

Paul Boyer and Stephen Nissenbaum, Salem Possessed. The Social Origins of Witchcraft (1974), xxi+231 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, £5).

Duncan J. MacLeod, Slavery, Race and the American Revolution (1975), vi+249 (Cambridge University Press, £5.50, paperback £2.25).

David Brion Davis, The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution: 1770–1823 (1975), 576 (Cornell University Press, Ithaca, £9.60).

Edward Shorter and Charles Tilly, Strikes in France 1830–1968 (1974), xxiii+428 (Cambridge University Press, £9.50).

Tom G. Kessinger, Vilyatpur 1848–1968: Social and Economic Change in a North Indian Village (Berkeley, Los Angeles and London, 1974), xiii+227 (University of California Press, $12.00).

Leonore Davidoff, The Best Circles: Society, Etiquette and the Season (1973), 127+44 illustrations (Croom Helm, £3.50).

Joan Wallach Scott, The Glassworkers of Carmaux: French Craftsmen and Political Action in a Nineteenth‐Century City (1974), xiv+239 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, £5.00).

E. D. Steele, Irish Land and British Politics: Tenant Right and Nationality, 1865–1870 (1974), x+367 (Cambridge University Press, £6.40).

Stefano Merli, Proletariato di Fabbrica e Capitalismo Industriale. Il Caso Italiano: 1880–1900(1973). Vol. I, vi+858; Vol. II, xxxviii+870 (Florence: La Nuova Italia; Vol. I, lire 8000; Vol. II, lire 8000).

Roger Pethybridge, The Social Prelude to Stalinism (1974), 343 (Macmillan, £7.00).  相似文献   

Jeremy Goldberg, Women, Work, and Life Cycle in a Medieval Economy. Women in Work and Yorkshire c. 1300–1520 (1992), xiii + 406 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £45.00).

David Shaw, The Creation of a Community. The City of Wells in the Middle Ages (1993), xiii + 334 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £40.00).

Joan Larsen Klein (ed.), Daughters, Wives and Widows. Writings by Men about Women and Marriage in England, 1500–1640 (1992), xviii + 329 (University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, $37.50, paperback $14.95).

Linda Pollock, With Faith and Physic. The Life of a Tudor Gentlewoman, Lady Grace Mildmay, 1552–1620 (1993), viii + 179 (Collins &; Brown, £25.00).

Lawrence Stone, Broken Lives: Separation and Divorce in England, 1660–1857 (1993), xviii + 355 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £16.95).

G. J. Barker‐Benfield, The Culture of Sensibility: Sex and Society in Eighteenth‐Century Britain (1992), xxxiv + 520 (University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, £39.95).

Lynn Hunt, The Family Romance of the French Revolution (1992), xvi + 213 (Routledge, £19.99).

Anne Hardy, The Epidemic Streets. Infectious Diseases and the Rise of Preventative Medicine, 1856–1900 (1993), xiii + 325 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £40.00).

Robert Fox and Anna Guagnini (eds), Education, Technology and Industrial Performance in Europe, 1850–1939 (1993), xi + 302 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £35.00).

Thomas Childers and Jane Caplan (eds), Re‐evaluating the Third Reich (1993), xvi + 270 (Holmes &; Meier, New York and London, £35.00, paperback £13.95).

J. Arch Getty and Roberta T. Manning (eds), Stalinist Terror: New Perspectives (1993), viii + 294 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £35.00, paperback  相似文献   

Harvey J. Graff, The Legacies of Literacy. Continuities and Contradictions in Western Culture and Society (1987), x + 493 (Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, $57.50).

Miri Rubin, Charity and Community in Medieval Cambridge (1987), xiv + 365 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £30.00).

Herbert P. Bix, Peasant Protest in Japan, 1590–1884 (1986), xxxviii + 296 (Yale University Press, £30.00).

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Donald Howard Bell, Sesto San Giovanni. Workers, Culture, and Politics in an Italian Town, 1880–1922 (1986), 295 (Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick and London, $38.00).

Alice A. Kelikian, Town and Country under Fascism. The Transformation of Brescia 1915–1926 (1986), 228 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £25.00).

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Gwyn Prins 《Social history》2013,38(3):495-508
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