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Robert S. Gottfried, Epidemic Disease in Fifteenth‐Century England. The Medical Response and the Demographic Consequences (1978), xiii+262 (Leicester University Press, £10.00).

Phyllis Mack Crew, Calvinist Preaching and Iconoclasm in the Netherlands 1544–1569 (1978), 221 (Cambridge University Press, £9.50).

F. Furet and J. Ozouf, Lire et Ecrire: l'alphabétisation des français de Calvin à Jules Ferry, (1977), 2 vols. 370+379 (Editions de Minuit, Paris, 45 F and 55 F). [Reading and Writing. The development of literacy amongst the French from Calvin to Jules Ferry]

S. Åkerman, H. Chr. Johansen and D. Gaunt (eds) with J. Pedersen (co. ed.), Chance and Change: Social and Economic Studies in Historical Demography in the Baltic Area (1978), 296 (Odense University Press, D.kr. 100.00).

Angus McLaren, Birth Control in Nineteenth‐century England (1978), 263 (Croom Helm, £8.95).

Edward J. Bristow, Vice and Vigilance: Purity Movements in Britain Since 1700 (1977), xii+274 (Gill and Macmillan, Dublin, £12).

Timothy Tackett, Priest and Parish in Eighteenth‐century France: a social and political study of the curés in a diocese of the Dauphine, 1750–1791 (Princeton, 1977). xiii+350 (Princeton University Press, £14.60).

Jerome Blum, The End of the Old Order in Rural Europe (1978), xiii+505 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, £18.40).

David Spring (ed.), European Landed Elites in the Nineteenth Century (1977), vii+147 (The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, £8.75).

Peter R. Decker, Fortunes and Failures: White‐collar Mobility in Nineteenth‐century San Francisco (1978), xvi+336 (Harvard University Press, £14.00).

Geoffrey Crossick, An Artisan Elite in Victorian Society, Kentish London 1840–1880 (1978), 306 (Croom Helm, £9.95).

John Bodnar, Immigrants and Industrialization: Ethnicity in an American Mill Town, 1870–1940 (1977), xix+213 (University of Pittsburgh Press, $11.95).

John W. Briggs, An Italian Passage: Immigrants to Three American Cities, 1890–1930 (1978), xxii+348 (Yale University Press, New Haven and London, £14.40).

Pat Thane (ed.), The Origins of British Social Policy (1978), 209 (Croom Helm, £7.95).

J. R. Hay, The Development of the British Welfare State 1880–1975 (1978), 116 (Edward Arnold, £7.00, paperback £2.25).  相似文献   

中国社会科学院民族学与人类学研究所管彦波的新著《中国西南民族社会生活史》(黑龙江人民出版社2005年11月版)作为国内民族社会生活史的综合性专著,在探讨民族社会史的基本理论体系和区域民族社会生活史研究方面,给我们提供了一些新颖的视角和极富思辩性的启发。曾记得20多年前,我国传统史学界掀起了一场“史学危机”的大讨论,在激烈的争论中,有一种声音认为,史学危机不是史学本身的危机,而是史学思维的危机,是研究者视角和方法的危机,是史学脱离生活、脱离民众,变得只有“骨骼”而没有“血肉”的危机。或许是受这次讨论的影响,自20世纪80…  相似文献   

走向开放的综合——新文化史学探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新文化史学是最近30年西方史学领域里引人注目的新探索。赞赏者认为它是继传统史学、新史学之后历史学的第三个发展阶段,甚至认为这种新探索和社会人文科学领域其他的新变化一道预示着一次新的文艺复兴的到来;反对者则认为它是“凝视肚脐的思想游戏”,使史学变得虚无不定。本文基于对新文化史学作品的分析,认为其中呈现的独特历史形象,不止是某几个学者的个人兴趣,而是针对史学内部的问题和外部后现代主义思潮的挑战而进行的创新。其实践体现了开放的学术精神和综合地再现历史的研究取向。因此,虽然断言新文化史学开拓了新的史学范型似乎还为时过早,但至少就目前来看,它代表了现代历史学研究值得注意的方向。  相似文献   

Ⅰ.TheDevelopingTrendsandCharacteristicsofHistoryintheNewAgeHistorywasamongthemostseriouslydistorteddisciplinesduringthe"culturalrevolution."Chinesehistorians,whorealizedthedamagecausedby"leftism,"arenowreflectingonhistory'srightfulpositionandfunctionsintheconstructionofsocialismwithChinesecharacteristicsduringtheneweraofopening-uptotheoutsideworld.Numerousdiscussionshavebeenheldonawiderangeoftopics,includingtheguidingprinciplesandmethodologyofhistory,itssocialfunctions,itsrelationshipwiths…  相似文献   

A discussion of the social issue race contrasts the American Dilemma of the 1940s, typified by moral uneasiness over the struggle of right versus wrong, with what is described as a New American Dilemma, characterized by moral conflict between right versus right—race-neutral and race-conscious social policies. Critical Race Theory (CRT) explanations for evidence of continuing and sometimes widening racial disparities in social and economic status are reviewed. Psychological Critical Race Theory (PCRT) is proposed as a way of accounting for the role of social psychological processes in continuing racial disparities. The components of PCRT—(1) Spontaneous and persistent influence of race; (2) Fairness is derived from divergent racial experiences; (3) Asymmetrical consequences of racial policies; (4) Paradoxes of racial diversity; (5) Salience of racial identity—are discussed. Implications for understanding the social issue of race are discussed.  相似文献   

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