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秩序社会强调的只是社会运行所具有的稳定、有条理的外在特征,它并不内在蕴含伦理的规范性要求。良好秩序社会则在强调有秩序的同时,也重视在社会生活中对个体发展所必须具备的"基本的善"的提供。良好秩序的选择不仅对于个体生存和发展具有保护性和发展性的双重伦理价值,而且它也是社会整体进步的基本条件和重要保证。  相似文献   

"诚信",作为中国古代的一项道德原则,产生于远古的祭祀活动,发展于春秋的会盟活动。它以等级政治道德要求为核心,包括人神之信、君臣之信和君民之信,而这些内容为等级结构和法律所制约。从性质上说,"诚信"是中国传统公法文化中的重要观念;而作为普遍道德意义上的诚信和基于商品契约的诚信,并没有成为中国古代社会独立的社会道德和法律原则。  相似文献   

Objective. Research in agenda setting has demonstrated that dramatic news events can drive particular issues to the top of the media and governmental agendas. The objective of this study is to analyze how different aspects of an event‐driven problem compete for attention in those arenas. Methods. The method is content analysis of media coverage and congressional legislative activity following the 1999 Columbine High School shootings. Results. The results show that while both agendas converged on the gun‐control aspect of the problem, they substantially diverged on other understandings of what kind of problem the Columbine shooting represented and how to address it. Conclusions. We conclude that the differing institutional structure and incentives of the news media and Congress can create or inhibit interinstitutional positive feedback in the problem‐defining process. Agenda divergences are amplified when prominent politicians cue the media to follow particular story lines that depart from actual legislative activity.  相似文献   

Reproductive technologies raise a host of social and legal issues that challenge basic values and create intense controversy. If researchers wish to inform public policies related to reproductive technologies, they must understand how the scientific enterprise is being manipulated and research findings are being misrepresented to justify a particular social agenda and restrict access to contraception and abortion. To counter these distortions, scientists must defend the science advisory process, be involved in dissemination of their research findings beyond simple publication in scientific journals, and actively work to ensure that the findings are not misrepresented to the public .  相似文献   

Carlo Ginzburg, The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth‐Century Miller, trans. by John and Anne Tedeschi (1980), xxvii+177 (Routledge &; Kegan Paul, £7.95).

Henry Kamen, Spain in the Later Seventeenth Century 1665–1700 (1980), xiii+418 (Longman, £17.50).

L. J. Jordanova and Roy S. Porter (eds), Images of the Earth: Essays in the History of the Environmental Sciences (1979), xx+282 (British Society for the History of Science, Chalfont St Giles, paperback, n.p.).

Heinz Reif, Westfälischer Adel 1770–1860. Vom Herrschaftsstand zur regionalen Elite [The Westfalian Nobility, 1770–1860: from Ruling Estate to Regional Elite] (1979), 711 (Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen, DM 98).

David Cannadine, Lords and Landlords: the aristocracy and the towns, 1774–1967 (1980), 494 (Leicester University Press, Leicester, £19.00).

Robert Fox and George Weisz (eds), The Organization of Science and Technology in France, 1808–1914 (1981), x+355 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £15.00).

Michelle Perrot (ed.), L'Impossible Prison: Recherches sur le système pénitentiaire au XJXe siècle (1980) 320 (Editions du Seuil, Paris, n.p.).

Robert Roth, Pratiques pénitentiaires et théorie sociale: l'exemple de la prison de Genève, 1825–1862 (1981) xiii+342 (Librairie Droz, Geneva, n.p.).

Gregory S. Kealey, Toronto Workers Respond to Industrial Capitalism 1867–1892 (1980), 433 (University of Toronto Press, n.p.)

Bryan D. Palmer, A Culture in Conflict: Skilled Workers and Industrial Capitalism in Hamilton, Ontario, 1860–1914 (1979), 331 (McGill‐Queen's University Press, n.p.).

Alain Dalotel, Alain Faure and Jean‐Claude Freiermuth, Aux origines de la Commune. Le mouvement des réunions publiques à Paris 1868–1870 [The Origins of the Commune. The Public Meeting Movement in Paris, 1868–1870] (1980) (François Maspero, Paris, n.p.)

David Blackbourn, Class, Religion and Local Politics in Wilhelmine Germany. The Center Party in Württemberg before 1914 (New Haven and London, 1980), xv+267 (Yale University Press, £12.00).

Geoff Eley, Reshaping the German Right. Radical Nationalism and Political Change after Bismarck (New Haven and London, 1980), xii + 387 (Yale University Press, £15.00).

Berthold Hinz, Art in the Third Reich (1980), x+270 (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, £15, paperback £5.50).  相似文献   

人类文明经历了从口说文化到文字文化再到当代媒介文化的变迁。当代媒介文化已经成为一种生活方式。因此 ,有必要把握媒介文化生活的特点、好处和风险 ,对媒介文化生活进行批判性研究  相似文献   

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