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The Soviet Union     
The end of the "cold war" did not only, as is usually understood and conveyed, mark the collapse of the union of states headed by the USSR, where the Communist Party ruled, and the victory of the "Free World" over the "Evil Empire." At the same time, it meant—and this was no less important, at least for the United States—that the Soviet superpower had been erased from the world political map, clearing the way for an American monopoly in this area. In addition to this ideological (democratic) victory, another fundamental task of American foreign policy in the postwar decades was resolved: to rid itself of a rival that had posed a global challenge to the United States and opposed its endeavors to impose a Pax Americana. Under the new conditions, U.S. foreign policy has become the most important formative factor in international relations, with contradictory consequences for both the short and the long term.  相似文献   

… As I have said, I looked forward to the Soviet Writers' Congress like a girl to her first dance. Possibly not all my naive hopes were realized, but still I remember the Congress as an extraordinary occasion. The walls of the Hall of Columns were decorated with portraits of the great-Shakespeare, Tolstoi, Molihre, Gogol, Cervantes, Heine, Pushkin, Balzac and many others. Facing me was the picture of Heine, young, dreamy, and of course ironic; and I automatically repeated his verses. I remember the opening of the meeting and I can't help smiling: quite unexpectedly the orchestra began to play deafening flourishes as though toasts were to follow.  相似文献   

The socialist system has emancipated woman and liberated her from age-old slavery and oppression. Illiteracy and the occupational backwardness of women have been eliminated, as has discrimination against female labor and other consequences of the dominance of capitalism. Women participate in gainful socialist employment along with men. In the USSR, women comprise more than 50 percent of all professional and paraprofessional people with higher and secondary education. During the Soviet years, women's political and civic activity has risen beyond measure, and the intellectual life of women has been enriched.  相似文献   

苏联解体10年来,影响是多方面的。本文着重从苏联继承者——俄罗斯、独联体本身和世界战略形势的角度,分为俄罗斯内部状况的反复变化、俄罗斯外部环境的重大变化、独联体命运的辗转变化、世界格局的结构性变化、国际安全形势的急剧变化和世界社会主义的特殊变化等6个方面,概要地阐述苏联解体的严重后果与世界性影响。  相似文献   

This report was delivered before the first USSR Conference of Scientific Workers by the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences. It deals with the reorganization of the work of Soviet scientific establishments in the areas of planning and coordination and discusses the fundamental tasks of science in its major branches. The introduction to the report, omitted here, indicates that the USSR Academy of Sciences has become that country's largest scientific establishment, supplemented by a widely ramified network of industrial research institutes and laboratories and by Republic Academies which have become independent centers of research. Observing that scientific investigation repeatedly results in decisive economic and technical changes, the introduction cites the work of a number of leading Soviet scientists who have made outstanding contributions in their fields. "Soviet Science and Communist Construction," Pravda, June 13, 1961. Slightly abridged.  相似文献   

A simulation model that incorporates both production and consumption behavior of farm households in Taiwan is presented. The model is used to analyze the effects of policy instruments (price supports, minimum wages, taxes, subsidies, demographic policies, and land and capital redistribution) on the aggregate values of the endogenous variables of the system—the supplies of output and labor, the demands of factors and consumption, income and expenditure—and their distribution among households. The model differs from other simulation models in that it is based on microsimulation, in which the joint distribution of individual household characteristics such as farm-specific prices, initial endowments of land and capital, and numbers of workers and dependents, is explicitly taken into account. As a result, the model is capable of capturing the distributional as well as aggregate impacts of policy changes.  相似文献   

祈年 《浙江学刊》2007,1(5):12-17
20世纪二三十年代苏联建成了世界上第一个社会主义制度的国家,创造了震惊世界的经济奇迹,从五十年代起苏联哲学中也出现了强调人的主体性的强大思潮,但这并不等于说苏联已经实现了"文艺复兴",培育出了作为主体的个人。实际上,在苏联,人是以集体的形式出现的,缺少作为主体的个人是苏联文化和苏联哲学的重要不足,它深刻影响了苏联和今日俄罗斯的社会发展。中国的经验表明,作为主体的个人只有在市场经济中才能培育出来。  相似文献   

Looking back from the summit of six decades on the complex process of creation and development of the economic mechanism in the USSR, we can clearly see how much the methods, tools, and organizational structure of the system of planned economic management have changed during these years. Nonetheless the basic principle of the system — democratic centralism — has not only remained unshakable but has also grown continually stronger, since it has expressed and continues to express one of the most important conditions of the planned combination of public, collective, and personal interests. It is natural that the principle of democratic centralism is a part of the new Constitution of the USSR.  相似文献   

The motley gloss of book covers on street stands is offensive to the eye of a Russian intellectual, be he "liberal" or "patriot." Every true writer, critic, and literary scholar considers it his duty to vent his ire periodically on criminal reading matter. This turbid flow of whodunits and thrillers, it is claimed, is precisely what has eroded the foundations of great Russian literature, sweeping the ordinary reader away from the home continent into a boundless sea of vulgarity. That is, people who a dozen years or so ago feverishly devoured Bulgakov, Platonov, Rybakov, Aksenov, and others suddenly, after a taste of the semiliterate Dotsenko with his Madman [Beshennyi], are opting for bloody thrillers.  相似文献   

刘建 《南亚研究》2011,(1):137-151
泰戈尔曾对十月革命表示赞赏。1930年,他不顾年迈体衰,前往苏联访问。他对苏联在文化、农业和教育等领域的成就的充分肯定,源于他对一个理想社会的追求和对英国殖民统治的痛愤。他访苏的主要目的,在于以苏联的教育为借镜来从根本上改变印度社会。他在看到苏联的光明面的同时,也对它的致命弊病提出诚挚而坦率的批评。他的意见是明智的、深刻的和富于哲理的。从一定意义上说,诗人虽然对苏联始终怀有真情和善意,却理性地预见到苏联可能由于这些弊病而灭亡。苏联政府不曾听取他的意见,却始终将他当做朋友,从未对他提出任何反批评或予以负面评价。苏联之行对泰戈尔人生最后阶段的思想和创作产生了重大影响。他的《俄罗斯书简》以及他与苏联官方及友人的众多通信,是研究他与苏联(俄罗斯)关系的重要文献。本文为纪念泰戈尔诞辰150周年而作,系国内第一篇涉及泰戈尔与苏联关系的论文。  相似文献   

本文分析了苏联东欧演变的本质 ,及其政治和经济原因。  相似文献   

Much of the current conversation about social justice, economic responsibility and individual self-realization is informed by an explicit or implicit comparison between capitalist and socialist modernities. The Soviet Union’s variety of socialism understandably serves as a critical master referent in this conversation. In this regard, a dominant historical narrative that ties the history of Soviet socialism to the Bolshevik origins imposes serious limitation to available depictions of socialism and histories of the twentieth century. This article turns the Bolshevik fundamentals assigned to the Soviet project into a problem of historical analysis and argues that the Soviet experience has more than one normative vision of socialism to offer. The goal is to foreground the divergence of normative conceptions of the socialist society and individual by historicizing the two principal and presently closely identified ideological-educational undertakings: those of the New Man and the ‘New Soviet Person’. By tracing the histories of the two projects, the article shows how the collectivist ethos of the Bolshevism of the 1910–1920s that rejected the ontological differentiation between the individual and his or her social milieu failed to retain its ideological, institutional, and cultural currency even during the 1930s, not to mention throughout the Soviet period.  相似文献   

The draft of the new CPSU Program states that under present conditions, the all-around progress of Soviet society and its movement forward toward communism can and must be secured through the acceleration of socioeconomic development. Acceleration is the Party's strategic course that advances to the fore the problem of growth rates. At the same time, higher economic growth rates are needed to counteract adverse trends in the dynamics of the national economy and to compensate losses associated therewith. They are also needed to maintain the required balance of power between the two opposing socioeconomic systems and to speed the full victory of socialism in its economic competition with capitalism. The projected rates of development must make it possible to bring the national economy up to a fundamentally new scientific-technological and organizational-economic level in the next fifteen years and to double the nation's production potential and the volume of resources allocated for the satisfaction of the Soviet people's needs.  相似文献   

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