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This article uses Probation Department files to reconstruct the lives of five ordinary residents of Harlem. It highlights what that black metropolis offered those outside the political and cultural elite, who have dominated historical scholarship, showing how ordinary blacks negotiated the challenges of life in northern neighborhoods, and drew on institutions and organizations, to establish and sustain new lives. We offer the kind of individualized perspective on everyday life that other scholars have provided for high culture, but which does not exist for other realms of existence in Harlem, even in early twentieth century sociological studies of black life. Where scholars seeking to distinguish the neighborhood from a slum have pointed to the prevailing pride and self-confidence of its residents, this article directs attention to more immediate, concrete supports that sustained and enriched life in Harlem. Relationships with spouses, children, siblings and cousins sustained individuals faced with the social reality of living in overcrowded, deteriorating, disease infested housing, subject to the racism of white police, politicians and employers; so too did friendships made in nightclubs, speakeasies, dances and movie theatres, and membership of churches, fraternal organizations, social clubs, and sports clubs and teams.  相似文献   

As the twentieth century comes to a close, fundamentally new problems are emerging concerning the place of women in the modern world; these problems must be solved if mankind is to progress. At the same time, the present development of the women's movement in Russia cannot be examined in isolation, abstracted from the historical past. Over the course of many decades of the history of our state, the women's movement has acquired abundant experience; it has its own traditions as well as numerous unresolved problems. For our own critical situation in the field of education it is important to consider the historical experience of the work of state bodies and social organizations of Russia among women in the first half of the 1920s.  相似文献   

潘桂仙 《社科纵横》2009,24(6):93-95
近代中国农民生活贫困化是不争之实,究其原因有多方面。从劳动者素质看:生产技术的墨守成规无法保证农业生产活动的高效;文盲半文盲的普遍性成为农民摆脱贫困难以逾越的樊篱;思想观念的落后狭隘直接推动着农民贫困的积累。因此,从一定程度上讲,提高劳动者素质是改变农民生活贫困状况的重要途径。  相似文献   

While in America and elsewhere jazz made its debut in the middle and late 1910s, the Weimar Republic (1919–1933) remained relatively isolated from jazz until 1920. Touring groups opted for travel in economically and politically stable areas. Until the first live jazz concert in 1924, Germans learned of jazz through sheet music, recordings, and soldiers returning from World War I. Lasting records of jazz culture exist due to the advances in sound recording, photography, and publishing. Jazz images from the Weimar Republic offer a glimpse into the triangular relationship of ethnic African and African-American jazz artists with jazz culture and with German audiences. Many images de-emphasize the African-American jazz artists by using stereotypical tropes, masking the artist, and avoiding physical portrayals of the artist. These techniques reflect the adaptation of jazz culture for audiences within a nation recovering economic and political stability.  相似文献   

本文展现了20世纪20年代京津地区外文报纸从北洋军阀统治晚期到南京政府统一全国初期被层层挤压、无法立足的衰落过程,并对后期中国政府和中国人民打击外报的缘由、手段,以及效果进行深入分析。外报的衰落标志着中国民族报业逐步摆脱外国势力,进入一个新阶段。  相似文献   

The author analyzes the current political regime in Russia as a mild type of authoritarian neopatrimonial regime, based on inertia rather than tradition. He argues that changing conditions are undermining its stability and opening up an opportunity to create a democratic state based on law and capable of modernization.  相似文献   

政治文化塑造着政治人和政治体系的政治行为模式,从而会对一个国家政治发展的进程产生重大影响。随着中国社会的发展与进步,中国政治文化变迁的局面已经显现,这主要表现为:政治认知倾向于全面与深刻,政治态度倾向于理性与客观,政治情感倾向于独立与温和,政治信仰呈现一元主导与多元并存的局面。当代中国政治文化变迁会推动政治体系逐步迈向民主、开放和透明,促进公民权利保护的机制建设,推进中国法治国家建设,从而对中国政治发展起到推动作用。  相似文献   

随着全球化大潮将世界各国席卷入相互共生的全球化空间,教育场域也充斥着多元文化主义的渗透与拷问.然而,多元文化主义的倡导及其行为模式更多地止步于促进多元文化的共存,并未解决文化间平等对话的现实困难.就学前教育而言,对实践过程中文化迷惘现象的反思、对多元文化主义的在地化理解和适宜性文化的本土生成,是应对全球化挑战、推进中国学前教育合理发展的应有取向.  相似文献   

本文在分阶段地阐述了邓小平和江泽民的政治体制改革思想的基础上,对中国政治体制改革在指导思想上的得失和经验进行了认真地总结和深入地分析.在此基础上,提出了中国政治体制改革指导思想的总体特征和未来趋向.总体特征是围绕党的领导和执政这一核心问题展开的.未来趋向是人民民主的法制化,重点是党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国的有机结合.人民权利的有效落实和正当行使问题,党的先进性和人民的公民文化建设问题正逐渐凸显出来,尤其是政治文化更新问题,已成为中国政治体制改革向前推进和深化的基础.  相似文献   

通过对中国近代政治文化状况的分析,说明西学对中国传统文化的冲击,对中国近代政治文化的影响,揭示中国近代政治力量的更替和兴衰的历史必然性.指出适于民主的政治文化,只能随着社会经济文化的逐步发展,逐渐成为国民的政治和政治行为准则.  相似文献   

明初政治变动以前的体制基本是承袭前元,但基于唐宋以来君权不断强化的趋势以及对前元中枢政治变动的反动,明初政治因君相间对中枢决策权的争夺出现了突变,以至以废相这种极端的方式并以祖制的形式表现出来,这既规定了整个明代中枢政治发展的方向,也使得明代政治体制呈现出一定的稳定性和封闭性,但明初政治变动中的君权实现了集权,却平衡不了集权与效率的矛盾,这又不得不让后世的嗣君在解决集权与效率的平衡时,对明代中枢决策体制进行适当的调整。  相似文献   

冯立鳌 《探求》2011,(2):32-38
韩非构建了以君主为本位的法、术、势严密结合的政治哲学,然而这一学说在根本上内含着一些无法克服的深层矛盾:他崇尚法治,但他的法是凭势而立、依势推行的,由此形成法与势的终极冲突;他的术是护法保势的手段,但术的隐秘性和非道德性,既破坏了法治精神,又使权势丧失了应有的道德基石,由此造成术治实施中的“二律背反”;他以人性自利为学说的立论前提,但却坚守君性至公的立法理念,由此出现人性设定中的悖论。这些理论深层的矛盾,实质上是一种反人类的思维面临人类社会必然性所表现出的必有冲突。  相似文献   

泡沫经济与日本政治文化的演变   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
纪廷许 《日本学刊》2005,(2):111-126
20世纪80年代以后日本泡沫经济引发的种种社会现象,特别是政治文化方面的变化,促进了日本学界对当代日本社会的新一轮探究。从“日本孩童资本主义”的定性到“日本异质论”,从对“日本奇迹”的质疑到对“日本模式”的否定,日本国家的现实及其走向似乎又成了一个大大的问号。实际上,学界所说的日本政治保守化倾向是由其国家发展战略的外向性和大众意识的内向性特点所构成的。泡沫经济的崩溃,不但加速了日本社会的结构疲劳,更扩大了社会思潮的混沌  相似文献   

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