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Foucault's critics have often ignored or misunderstool Foucault's later work, The History of Sexuality and related texts. Only by careful reading of these texts is it possible to appreciate the maturity of Foucault's social critism, to distil an implicit social theory from his writings, and to gage the true significance of his contributions. In this paper, The History of Sexuality is first placed in the context of Foucault's earlier works, then used, along with other texts, to answer the most common and famous critiques of his work. In the process, the contours and virtues of Foucault's implicit social theory are indicated. Similarities with Nietzsche, Weber and Critical Theory are mentioned, but it is suggested that Foucault is in many ways a unique and uniquely significant thinker. Finally, it is argued that Foucault's works should not be dismissed, as is all too common, but that his provocative reformation of social theory can and should be received and criticized as such.  相似文献   

Beatrice Han has argued that the theories of subjection (determinism: structure) and subjectivation (freedom: agency) are the “the blind spot[s] of Foucault's work.” Furthermore, she continues, as historical and transcendental theories, respectively, Foucault left them in a state of irresolvable conflict. In the Scientific Temptation I have shown that, as a practicing researcher, Foucault encourages us to situate the theories of the subject in the context of his un‐thematized search for a metaphysics of realism, the purpose of which was to ground his complementary reach for a possibility of naturalism. In Returning to Kant I now argue that it is this fundamental feature of “Foucault's Foucault” that drives his returns to Kant, the purpose of which was to resolve the conflicting theories of the subject and thereby solve his Giddensian problem of structure and creativity. Locating the returns and their purpose in the context of my own arguments for the recovery of human agency, I argue that Foucault's attempts to solve his Giddensian problem led to two unfortunate solutions. In the first return, his resort to Baudelaire's aesthetic subject is a regression to a pre‐noumenal conception of the Kantian subject. With the second return, the reinstatement of the Kantian subject as causally empowered, minus the noumenalism, is nothing more than a reclamation of Kant's conception. I argue that only a reconstruction of Foucault's scientific realism permits us to understand that he could have moved beyond mere reclamation to the actual recovery of human agency.  相似文献   

朱雯琤 《社会》2019,39(3):154-182
福柯对伊朗革命持支持立场而被人称为他的“叙拉古问题”。他为伊朗革命中的“政治精神性”所着迷,然而遭到了知识界众多批评和指责。本文尝试理解“政治精神性”,并对福柯所持的赞许态度做出明证。通过分析福柯1978年以及之后的思想著作,文章试图阐明福柯支持“政治精神性”的两种层面,它体现出人的集体意志和超越世俗性的力量,在福柯眼中它们就是反抗西方理性政治的有力武器。加上福柯对多元文化的偏好,造就了他对伊朗革命的支持态度。“政治精神性”同时联系起了福柯思想中后期从政治到主体的两大元素,他从政治领域的“生命政治”到伦理领域的“自我技术”,都在探究个人如何转变其自身主体性,并沿着主体性实践开展他的现代性研究。福柯并非完全正确,但他借伊朗革命所体现的政治精神性,为公共政治领域讨论提供了一种主体性实践视角的新立场。  相似文献   

在1978-1979年法兰西学院的演讲中,福柯引入了"管治能力"的概念.这个概念来自于基督教的牧师形象.由此出发,与马克思主义的政治经济学批判不同,福柯对自由主义持一定的赞赏态度.福柯和马克思都参与了宏大叙事的一般构架的建立,但他们的政治和哲学前提是不同的.马克思根植于自然法的传统走向革命,福柯则继承了英国激进主义传统走向反抗.这两种传统是可以进行深入对话的.  相似文献   

理性的启蒙或批判的心态--康德与福柯   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过分析两篇经典启蒙文献,即康德的<回答这个问题:什么是启蒙>和福柯的<什么是启蒙>,指出以康德为代表的传统启蒙精神与福柯所代表的消解启蒙的主张之间的根本差异所在,并借此揭示出他们的视野所不及之处:这就是启荥以及启蒙的出路究竟是人本身的变化还是关于人的认识变化?而无论是人本身的变化还是关于人的认识的变化,人们必须关切的乃是在这些变化之中人本身究竟经历了什么样的变化.  相似文献   

Beatrice Han argues that the theories of subjection (determinism: structure) and subjectivation (freedom: agency) are the “the blind spot of Foucault's work:” to the very end of his life, in being transcendental and historical theories, respectively, they were in irresolvable conflict. In part I, I have argued that Foucault encourages us to situate the theories of the subject in an un‐thematized reach for a metaphysics of realism which, in effect, was to ground his uncertain complementary reach for a naturalist conduct of research. In part II I also argue that it is this fundamental feature of Foucault's Foucault that drives his returns to Kant, the purpose of which is to resolve the conflicting theories of the subject, and thus to solve his Giddensian problem of structure and creativity. Locating the returns and their purpose in my context of Science for Humanism and the recovery of human agency, I ultimately argue that Foucault's two special returns to Kant in order to solve his structure/agency problem led to two unfortunate solutions. The resort to Baudelair's aesthetic subject is a failed solution in so far as it regresses to being a pre‐noumenal conception of the subject. The subsequent mere reinstatement of Kant's subject as causally empowered, minus the noumenalism, is nothing more than a reclamation of Kant's conception. Only the reconstruction of Foucault's realism permits us to assert that he could have moved beyond the reclamation of human agency to its recovery.  相似文献   

The Internet is only 10 years old, but it has already had a great impact on the world. In its "early" days, it was both heralded as a liberating force for the spread of democracy and condemned as a grave threat to the social fabric. However, as the present articles indicate, our knowledge of the Internet across a variety of social science perspectives has now accumulated to where we have a good initial picture of how the Internet really is (or isn't) affecting social life. One theme stands out: These effects depend on how the unique qualities of Internet communication modes interact with the particular characteristics and goals of the individuals, groups, and communities using them.  相似文献   

走向开放的综合——新文化史学探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新文化史学是最近30年西方史学领域里引人注目的新探索。赞赏者认为它是继传统史学、新史学之后历史学的第三个发展阶段,甚至认为这种新探索和社会人文科学领域其他的新变化一道预示着一次新的文艺复兴的到来;反对者则认为它是“凝视肚脐的思想游戏”,使史学变得虚无不定。本文基于对新文化史学作品的分析,认为其中呈现的独特历史形象,不止是某几个学者的个人兴趣,而是针对史学内部的问题和外部后现代主义思潮的挑战而进行的创新。其实践体现了开放的学术精神和综合地再现历史的研究取向。因此,虽然断言新文化史学开拓了新的史学范型似乎还为时过早,但至少就目前来看,它代表了现代历史学研究值得注意的方向。  相似文献   


This study explores the relationship of self-forgiveness and adaptive coping, religious/spiritual practices, social support, decreased grief, and mental well-being. 133 caregivers were surveyed. Bivariate analysis and stepwise regression models revealed that decreased grief, adaptive coping, and social support were significant in explaining the variation in self-forgiveness. This is one of the first studies to address self-forgiveness as part of the grieving process of Alzheimer's caregivers. Future directions are explored supporting inclusion of self-forgiveness as an aspect of grief and adaptive coping; which is further enhanced by the level of social support experienced by the caregiver.  相似文献   

杨清媚 《社会》2013,33(2):53-84
本文通过民国时期人类学家陶云逵这一个案,来梳理德国“文化”概念经过中国学者的思考和运用进入中国社会科学的历程。作为第一位运用“文化”理论进行实地经验研究的中国学者,陶云逵在实证研究中思考如何保存“文化”自身的神圣性,肯定人的精神价值,对各文化之间如何相互沟通和理解问题展开过深入的讨论。这些讨论不仅在人类学内部有意义,而且构成了人类学、社会学与哲学和历史学对话的可能。本文跟随陶云逵的理论和实证研究脚步,呈现他在文化理论和方法论上的探索,并试图指出,陶云逵对“文化”如何制约“国家”的政治经济权力提出有力的现实和历史证据。  相似文献   

张廷银 《求是学刊》2007,34(5):104-110
民国及民国以前所修的族谱,在人物传记、行状、墓志、家规、诗文序及其他诗文作品中,都会或多或少地涉及中下层读书人阅读、批评、接受古代经典作家及作品的资料.这些资料虽无特别异常的内容,但对于了解普通读书人的文学认识、充实并完善古代文学批评与接受史研究,都具有很重要的作用.这也是进一步了解普通民众文化需求及文化活动过程的重要途径.  相似文献   

历史之音——口述史学的叙述性质片论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
叙述性不仅是口述史学的基本属性 ,同时也是历史研究的“内核”之一。口述史学的这一属性贯穿于该学科的始终 ,并对其他属性产生直接或间接的影响 ,换言之 ,其制约功能是显而易见的。长期以来 ,人们习惯于一成不变地遵循“读”历史和“写”历史的传统研究模式 ,对于大多数人来说 ,“听”历史不过是一种奢望。口述史学的问世及发展 ,使这一构想在世界大多数国家最终成为现实。  相似文献   


A challenge for research with sexual-minority youth is to capture their unique stories in a way that heightens understanding of lived experience and promotes the development of culturally relevant programs and policies tailored for this population. One data collection approach that may be particularly useful for research with sexual-minority youth is the life history calendar (LHC) method. The LHC provides a visual, calendar-based assessment of life events and behaviors anchored by contextual cues to enhance retrospective recall. The purpose of this article is to examine the utility of the LHC method with sexual-minority youth and its potential to address three methodological and conceptual challenges: developmental complexity, shifting and evolving identities, and timing. The LHC method is illustrated using three studies conducted by the author as case examples. Findings suggest that the LHC offers several potential benefits for research with sexual-minority youth including its adaptable and flexible structure, capacity to assess event timing and sequence, mixed-methods capability, and its ability to engage and empower youth to co-create the interview process. Strengths and limitations of the LHC method and implications for research and practice with sexual-minority youth in a range of social service settings are discussed.  相似文献   

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