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Cherlin's (1978) model of remarriage as an incomplete institution is used to show how lesbian families' experiences are similar to and different from those in heterosexual stepfamilies. We examine how heterosexism and homophobia enhance the marginalization of lesbian stepfamilies. Despite the importance of the partner's role in the family, much of the lesbian stepfamily research neglects her. Ways to involve the partner's perspective in practice and research and to broaden research perspectives on lesbian stepfamilies are suggested.  相似文献   


This paper explores debates about male presence and influence in lesbian families from a critical psychology standpoint. Critical psychology encompasses a variety of radical approaches to psychological research that reject traditional psychological assumptions, concepts and methods and that seek to challenge and resist normative values. To explore aspects of the discursive terrain of male influence and to demonstrate the merits of a critical psychology of lesbian families, excerpts from an interview with a lesbian couple who are members of a planned lesbian/gay family (two mummies and a daddy) are analysed. These excerpts show that debates about male influence create live dilemmas and tensions for the lesbian couple and have important consequences for how lesbian parents negotiate and do family.  相似文献   


This paper suggests the appropriateness of adopting an ally identity for therapists who work with gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) stepfamilies. Using results from in-depth interviews, we demonstrate how research can assist those who wish to acquire knowledge regarding this marginalized group. Such scholarship can be helpful when therapists are acting as allies within therapeutic encounters, in interactions with colleagues, and in public discourse.  相似文献   


The objectives of this comparative study were to examine adoptive family functioning with a sample of gay, lesbian, and heterosexual adoptive parents and their children. The results suggested that parent sexual orientation is not a significant predictor of adoptive family functioning, adopted child's behavior, and parent's perceptions of helpfulness from family support networks. Furthermore, a regression analysis suggested the following variables were associated with higher levels of family functioning: adoptive parents who were previously foster parents and children who had more previous placements prior to adoption. Lower family functioning was associated with children adopted through CPS; with children who had mental health diagnoses, learning disorders, or other handicapping conditions; and with children who were in a higher grade in school. The results of this comparative study of adoptive families support the need for more methodologically rigorous research that includes gay and lesbian adoptive parents along with heterosexual parents.  相似文献   


Feminist advocacy and activism over the last 40 years broke historic ground in shining a light on “domestic” or “family” violence, traditionally conceptualized as male violence against female intimate partners and their children. This has resulted in a large body of research, particularly in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and similar jurisdictions, around the gendered nature of family violence and violence within heterosexual relationships and heterosexual-parented families. As a consequence, the predominant narrative—in political, policy, and advocacy settings—is largely heteronormative. Less research has focused on family violence in non-heterosexual relationships. The data that do exist have employed different methodological approaches and there are limitations on the extent to which they can be compared to the data on violence within heterosexual relationships. However, the existing research does demonstrate that family violence within lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) communities is a significant issue. Even so, the current narrative does not acknowledge this, and predominantly reflects heterosexual norms of intimate relationships and family structures in society. LGBTI relationships are described as “invisible” in policy and practice responses to family violence, due to the failure to acknowledge violence in such communities. This article explores these claims in relation to lesbian relationships in the context of Australian legislative responses to family violence. It considers the extent to which family violence laws in two Australian jurisdictions recognize and frame lesbian identity in intimate relationships and lesbian-parented families. This is considered in light of the emerging conceptualization of family violence in lesbian relationships and lesbian-parented families, as evidenced by the wider scholarly literature on the nature and dynamics of such violence.  相似文献   


This article raises questions about the lack of scholarly focus on butch/femme couples and their absence in studies of lesbian couples and family-building. In an era of lesbian marriage and lesbian parenting, femme and butch coupling and family-building remain unspoken topics within family studies, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT)–specific research. Moving beyond a focus on eroticism within the femme/butch couple, questions about how gender expression impacts other relationships dynamics, including the maintenance of long-term relationships, power and intimacy, domestic chores and child-rearing, are raised. The femme role in “homemaking,” that is, building and maintaining families, especially needs further exploration.  相似文献   


Studies have consistently documented an incidence rate of between 25% and 50% for domestic violence in gay and lesbian relationships. These numbers suggest that the gay and lesbian community is dealing with a significant mental health issue, one that is not being adequately addressed. If mental health professionals can be taught ways to assess for domestic violence in their work with sexual minorities, those persons being abused can learn strategies for ensuring their physical safety.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to review the research literature concerning the development of children with gay and lesbian parents. It begins by discussing some of the social, theoretical, and legal implications of studying this population, and critiques a number of the assumptions guiding this research. The review then proceeds to include studies on children of divorced lesbian and gay parents, as well as studies conducted on children of gay and lesbian families that are planned. The body of literature generally concludes that children with lesbian and gay parents are developing psychologically, intellectually, behaviorally, and emotionally in positive directions, and that the sexual orientation of parents is not an effective or important predictor of successful child development. The paper also includes a discussion of the limitations of these studies, provides suggestions for future research, and discusses the challenge these families pose for the meaning and definition of family.  相似文献   


The authors discuss the importance of social advocacy and empowerment models in working with lesbian clients. They also explore the multiple contexts that impact lesbian clients and their families. A case illustration involving a lesbian client facing issues of internalized homophobia, heterosexism, sexism, and legal issues is presented. Suggestions for applying a feminist and social advocacy approach are offered.  相似文献   


Choices of last names for both adults and children are important family decisions that are often made upon marriage or upon the birth of a child. The gendered nature of such choices among heterosexual populations is well known, but they have not been widely studied among lesbian or gay populations. We studied selection of last names among 106 adoptive families—27 headed by lesbian couples, 29 headed by gay couples, and 50 headed by heterosexual couples—all of whom had adopted children at birth or in the first weeks of life. Whether in selection of last names for adults or for children, we found that heterosexual adoptive couples were more likely than lesbian and gay adoptive couples to follow patronymic conventions. Thus, heterosexual parents and their children were most likely to have identical last names. For lesbian and gay couples, in contrast, the most common scenario was for both adults to retain last names given to them at birth and hyphenate them to create last names for their children. Parents in lesbian and gay couples offered more detailed explanations of their choices than did those in heterosexual couples. Explanations offered by heterosexual parents were most likely to refer to tradition, but those given by same-sex parents were more likely to mention egalitarian or practical considerations. Overall, we found that same-sex and other-sex couples took very different approaches to the problem of naming themselves and their children.  相似文献   


One of the challenges faced by GLBT families is defining and representing family relationships in a way that is not constrained by heterosexist notions of family. This study explores the usefulness of asking lesbian couples to depict family relationships by adapting the genogram (family tree) techniques used in family therapy. Six lesbian couples were asked to construct their own family tree and to comment on the process. Genograms were found to be useful but needed to be redrawn, for example, with tiers and circles rather than traditional symbols. Drawing and redrawing genograms highlighted the importance of acceptance and affirmation versus homophobia and heterosexism in defining family relationships for the lesbian couples interviewed.  相似文献   


This conceptual/theoretical article uses the psychodynamic Self Psychology model for the development of a vital, harmonious, and cohesive self to describe and understand the psychological importance of family for lesbian women. How can a healthy lesbian self be developed, nurtured, and maintained in an oppressive sexist and homophobic world? Family relationships are shown to fulfill the three fundamental psychological functions that sustain the lesbian self. In the absence of genetic and/or legal criteria, the basis on which someone is considered “family” is explored.  相似文献   

《Adoption quarterly》2013,16(1):33-43

Legal, public policy, and social biases make the process of becoming a family difficult for lesbian and gay parents. Currently Massachusetts prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation against individuals who apply to become adoptive parents, and allows second parent adoptions enabling adults to adopt a partner's child. We surveyed lesbian adoptive parents, heterosexual adoptive parents, and lesbian parents who used assisted fertilization to determine if the adoption process is similar for lesbian and heterosexual couples, and if lesbian adoptive parents are similar to lesbian parents who use assisted fertilization. The adoption process was similar for both lesbian and heterosexual parents, but lesbian adoptive parents perceived more discrimination and were more inclined to omit information during the home study. Lesbian biological parents found conception, pregnancy and birth “easy.”  相似文献   


The article presents a cross-cultural comparison of stepfamilies. Israeli and American stepfamilies were compared. The samples were similar in socio-demographic characteristics. Using translations of the same instruments, Israeli and American samples were compared for past orientation, acceptance/rejection of difference from non-stepfamilies, focal sub-system, satisfaction and functioning. Similarities and differences between American and Israeli stepfamilies are presented and their association to characteristics of the two societies are discussed. Methodological aspects of conducting cross-cultural research are addressed and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   


It has been 47 years since Billingsley and Giovannoni penned a pointed analysis of child welfare’s failure of Black children the United States. This conceptual paper asserts that this failure will continue unless we take seriously the role that structural inequality plays in Black families’ lives. It updates Billingsley and Giovannoni’s paper by shifting the focus from children to families, grounding Black family well-being in a developmental model and constructing a racial equity approach to family resilience. The paper begins by establishing an empirical justification for focusing on Black families. This review of data on Black families further reveals early childhood to be a particular priority for intervention. The emerging model centers on Black families’ ability to navigate and negotiate for their needs. The model components are malleable factors that work together to form a “supportive state” and resilient pathway. Implications for the model’s compatibility with clinical family resilience models, two-generation approaches, and family-centered policymaking are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reviews areas of advancement over the past decade in our understanding of remarriage and stepfamilies and suggests promising new directions for future work. Profound shifts in the demographic context of family life motivate central themes in recent scholarship on remarriage and stepfamilies, including the diversity and complexity of stepfamily structures and processes, the consequences of multiple partnerships for adults and children, and potential selectivity in the characteristics of individuals entering remarried families and stepfamilies. Despite challenges to further progress, I argue that remarriage and stepfamilies offer strategic opportunities to investigate many core concerns of family scholars.  相似文献   


This article introduces the reader to an unusual family of choice: a 10-year-old Internet listserv for a “family” of lesbian nuns. The purpose of this listserv, and reasons for belonging to it, are described, including as context the unique psychosocial situation of lesbian nuns. The author includes such “family dynamics” as personality differences, the presence of a famous family member, inclusion/exclusion, stability/change, and dealing with differences. Issues of privacy, danger from outside the “family,” and being stigmatized are acknowledged. The author comments on the unique qualities of a “cyber-family” and compares the listserv with other kinds of families.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between self-esteem of adolescent females living in stepfamilies and perceived parenting practices. Female adolescents from stepfamilies completed the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Parent Behavior Form for each parent (mother, stepfather, and nonresidential father). Results consistent with hypotheses derived from the theory of reflected appraisal suggested that when perceived stepfathers' parenting behavior is compared to that of mothers, the former was more highly related to stepdaughters' self-esteem than is the latter. Moreover, perceived nonresidential fathers' parenting behavior was not related to self-esteem. In light of these findings, suggestions for parenting in stepfamilies were made.  相似文献   


As research has accumulated on gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) youth, more attention is being directed to their families. Research on the families of GLB youth is limited, although several studies have identified parental reactions to learning their offspring is GLB, and others have attempted to discover patterns of responses within families. Some problems with current research on the families of GLB youth are identified. A human development model is described which can help direct future research efforts.  相似文献   

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