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This analysis reviewed five years of a state's substance abuse treatment admissions and discharges in order to identify specific patterns among persons who had a disability. Using a series of group comparisons, Chi-squares, and logistic regressions, specific patterns of violence and abuse to this population were identified. Results indicate that persons who had a disability and abused substances were more likely to be victimized by physical abuse and domestic violence when compared with their peers without a disability. A person with a disability had about one-half to one-third the odds of receiving long-term residential, short-term residential and intensive outpatient care when compared with persons without a disability.  相似文献   

Treatment of substance abuse among older adults will become increasingly important as the number of aged Americans increases. The abuse of psychoactive substances is a major contributor to excess morbidity, mortality, and homelessness among persons of all ages and socioeconomic strata regardless of race or ethnicity. Alcohol and tobacco account for the majority of substance abuse-related death and disability in the United States; the former through cerebrovascular and hepatic disease, accidents and violence, the latter through chronic pulmonary disease and malignancy. Patterns of substance abuse in late life are substantially different from those observed among younger adults. However, treatment may be less challenging. Effective diagnosis and treatment requires a nonpunitive, supportive, but persistent approach. This means the capacity to collect a substance intake history and the ability to formulate a treatment plan or referral strategy to an addiction specialist or residential treatment setting. It is also important for the practitioner to manage negative feelings toward patients who decline treatment or who are chronic abusers.  相似文献   


Despite increasing interest in “faith-based” substance abuse treatment and HIV risk reduction interventions, there is little systematic evidence of the efficacy of explicitly spiritual interventions. However, fundamental to effective interventions is an explicit conceptualization of mechanisms underlying behavior change. This paper discusses the definition of faith-based organizations, specifically as they relate to substance abuse treatment programs, briefly reviews relevant behavior change theories to identify key variables underlying change, presents an integrative conceptual framework articulating linkages between spiritual intervention components, behavior change processes and substance abuse outcomes, and discusses how the mechanisms identified in our model can be seen in commonly used substance abuse interventions. Overall, the paper suggests that what happens in “faith-based” programs may not be so different from processes taking place in good social work practice in the addictions field.  相似文献   


Poverty and substance abuse are two serious social problems that are often assumed to be interrelated. This article explores what is currently known about the relationship between these two problems. Four possible models for describing the interrelationship are identified: causal, risk factor, exacerbation, and spurious. The theoretical explanations from both the substance and poverty literature are discussed in light of their implications for these types of models. The public health perspective is selected from the substance abuse theoretical literature as the model that best subsumes and directs thinking about the relationship between poverty and substance abuse, because its focus on agent, host, and environment draws attention to the range of factors that can influence both problems, as well as the ways in which they come together. Findings from the research literature are then discussed within the framework of the public health model. The article concludes by outlining the gaps in knowledge and an agenda for future research.  相似文献   


The Latino population in the United States is a complex and multifaceted population. Latinos are a very dynamic and mobile cultural group. The 2000 United States Census registered Latinos in practically every state. Clinicians involved in assessing and treating Latinos must consider a complex set of environmental and systemic cultural factors that have a direct impact on their problem and potential healing. Treatment must begin by systematically assessing the cultural fit between clinicians and clients.  相似文献   


This paper presents a case study of a neighborhood based coalition formed by two major participants, a neighborhood association formed by white and older neighbors and a school based parents association formed by younger Latino neighbors. Differences in their communication and organizational sales emerged after an external agency brought them together to form a substance abuse prevention coalition. This paper explores emerging themes as two different communities attempt to organize around shared community concerns. Challenges and guidelines for developing multiethnic urban coalitions are also provided.  相似文献   

This paper describes a systemic, trauma and attachment model for a parenting program for fathers in residential substance abuse treatment. It emphasises the complex nature of delivering parenting programs in this context and the importance of going beyond simple linear principles of reward and punishment, upon which many other parenting programs are predicated.  相似文献   


This article seeks to further clarify the ambiguous nature of two of social work's most important values: self-determination and confidentiality. Previous research indicates that many ethical decisions in social work practice are difficult to make; and, many times decisions are made based on the worker's values and experiences rather than on written ethics, laws, and agency policy. To explore this concept further, an open-ended survey instrument was distributed to 82 social work students after completing the required practice classes. The participants were asked whether they would break confidentiality based on a specific vignette and describe what decision was made and why. Results indicated that degree level (MSW versus BSW) proved to be a significant factor related to whether and/or why the respondent would break confidentiality. In addition, students with more paid work experience were more likely to question the issue of confidentiality and were more likely to break it. Two issues reflected in the decision-making process involved ensuring client safety and self-determination. In conclusion, this article explores possible reasons for breaching confidentiality and pitfalls that can occur for all professionals in making these types of decisions. Furthermore, it explores the ambiguous nature of problem solving in this area, and suggests ways that social workers can improve their decision-making skills.  相似文献   


An automated screening system for substance abuse and mental health problems was developed and implemented in a rural primary care clinic. Eighty-nine patients were assessed with this system. The incidence of identified problems, 35% in total, was consistent with that found in previous studies of patients in general and medical settings. Additionally, over half of the patients assessed felt at least some need for mental health or substance abuse treatment. Nonetheless, because of the staff's concerns over patient privacy, impeding patient flow, and the physician's perceived ability to adequately identify these problems without assistance, the system was not adopted.  相似文献   


Confidentiality was the ethical dilemma most frequently encountered by Israeli social workers in a 1998 national survey (Linzer, Conboy and Ain, 2002). A reanalysis of survey responses found the social workers cared about preventing violations of client privacy, promoting client self-determination, and respecting client dignity, especially when challenged by: (1) public institutions' right to know, (2) limitations of protection of client communications and information, including duty to warn, (3) child and family dilemmas, (4) informed consent ambiguities, and (5) computers and technology utilization. Social workers looked to their own counsel, colleagues, and supervisor's advice and their professional code of ethics for guidance.  相似文献   


Findings from a review of social work's contribution to the adolescent substance abuse treatment outcome literature between 1990 and 2001 are presented. Social work involvement in adolescent substance abuse treatment was evaluated through a computerized bibliographic search of medical and social science databases and by a manual search of 13 core social work journals. Results indicate that social work has contributed little to knowledge development in adolescent chemical dependency treatment. Investigators affiliated with a department or school of social work accounted for three of 15 controlled treatment outcome studies. Only one report was published in a core social work journal. Efforts to develop clinical guidelines in this important practice domain will founder until a sufficiently directive body of practice-relevant research accumulates to guide evidence-based substance abuse treatment for adolescents.  相似文献   


In response to the urgent need for substance abuse treatment among pregnant and postpartum Asian/Pacific Islander (A/PI) women, heath care and social service providers in a rural community of Hawaii established a culturally based, women-centered residential treatment program. The program was designed to address barriers that often prevent A/PI women from engaging and completing treatment. Treatment included Hawaiian healing practices or deep cultural therapy, provision for newborns to live with their mothers, infant health-care services, parent education, and infant-mother bonding guided by kupu-na (elders) of the community.

Analysis of twenty-one in-depth interviews revealed factors that A/ PI women participants found vital to their treatment process: having their children with them in a non-punitive, mutually respectful treatment milieu; working with consistent, competent residential staff and culturally-sensitive interdisciplinary professionals; and involvement in a range of substance abuse interventions, including cultural healing practices.

Findings underscore the importance of learning about and affirming women's lived-experiences and cultural contexts in the development of culturally competent practice models, interventions, research procedures, and policies that focus on the complex needs of chemically dependent pregnant and parenting women (Brindis & Theidon, 1997).  相似文献   

Substance-abusing women experience burdens making attending high-risk prenatal care critical for a healthy pregnancy. Many face barriers that compromise their health by reducing access to care, delaying their first prenatal appointment. One hundred forty-one women attending a high-risk prenatal clinic were compared to a matched group from the hospital’s general obstetrics clinic. Analyses revealed that substance-abusing women with a mental illness attended prenatal care earlier than those without a mental illness. This is important because psychiatric illnesses might precipitate poor reproductive behaviors. Women with HIV also entered prenatal care earlier, which improves reproductive health. Clinicians’ roles are discussed.  相似文献   


This study explored the relationship between gender and co-occurring substance abuse and mental health conditions among a sample of 754 consumers of behavioral health services in the southwest U.S. Logistic regression was used to determine factors that would predict women's unique experience of dual diagnosis. Women were almost seven times more likely than men in this sample to have a diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder in conjunction with substance abuse. Women were also significantly more likely to experience anxiety and mood disorders and to have been married. Implications of these findings for social work practice are suggested.  相似文献   

The physical health of substance abuse clients significantly deteriorates because of the client’s prolonged abuse of alcohol and other drugs and accompanying behaviors. The purposes of this study are (a) to understand how substance abuse clinicians think about the health needs of their clients, (b) to identify the mechanisms through which clinicians seek to enhance health-conscious behaviors among their clients, and (c) to identify how substance abuse clinicians view their role in enhancing health-conscious behaviors among their clients. A qualitative study was conducted using in-depth, semistructured interviews with substance abuse clinicians (N = 16) from 4 substance abuse treatment centers. Using the theory of planned behavior as a framework for understanding the promotion of health-conscious behaviors in substance abuse treatment, the findings suggest that substance abuse clinicians are capable of enhancing health-conscious behaviors among clients in substance abuse programs.  相似文献   

Recipients of temporary assistance for needy families (TANF) encounter a variety of expectations and sanctions. Recipients face work requirements, limited resources, and barriers to employability, including the barrier of substance use. This article addresses the sanctions that are applied to clients who do not meet expectations of the policy, barriers to employability, disparities in resources, and factors influencing referrals for substance abuse treatment for TANF clients.  相似文献   

Recent research has made it clear that problematic gambling is often accompanied by problematic alcohol use. Unfortunately, little is known about the nature of this association, especially as it relates to gambling treatment outcome. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of current alcohol use level and previous substance abuse treatment on the symptoms of a large cohort of pathological gamblers as well as on their response to treatment for pathological gambling. The sample included 464 men and 301 women recruited at six gambling treatment programs in Minnesota. Gambling treatment patients were assessed on a number of gambling problem severity and related clinical variables using the Gambling Treatment Outcome Monitoring System (GAMTOMS). Patients with frequent alcohol use had greater gambling involvement at baseline than infrequent alcohol users. Patients with a previous history of substance abuse treatment had more severe psychosocial problems, ostensibly resulting from their gambling behavior, than patients without past substance abuse treatment. A MANOVA with repeated measures showed that neither pretreatment alcohol use, nor past substance abuse treatment exerted significant effects on gambling treatment outcome. While the level of pretreatment alcohol use and a history of substance abuse treatment are markers for greater gambling problem severity, treatment outcome for pathological gambling was not adversely impacted by these variables.  相似文献   


Research strongly supports an increased risk of substance use disorders among the adolescent children of addicted parents. However, little documentation exists of how these adolescents fare when they present for treatment. This article uses data taken from a two-state study on the effects of adolescent substance abuse treatment to examine the characteristics of adolescents with substance-abusing parents and their outcomes following an episode of outpatient treatment. Although such adolescents enter treatment with greater problem severity in a range of areas, outcomes appear similar to adolescents with no substance-abusing parents. The impact of family and individual counseling on outcomes was also examined, demonstrating mixed results for adolescents with substance-abusing parents.  相似文献   

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