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In-depth interviews and focus groups with lesbian, gay, and transgender older adults addressed the question “What does it mean for long-term care providers to be responsive to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older adults?” Sixteen domains of long-term care provider responsiveness to LGBT older adults were identified, including awareness of centrality of partners, knowledge of importance of preferred gender expression, openness to welcoming LGBT older adults, and ability to create LGBT-safe environments. Future research should include LGBT elders who belong to ethnic minority groups, bisexual elders, and LGBT older adults who do not identify with LGBT labels.  相似文献   


This article presents three case studies of older adults who survived Hurricane Katrina. Their narratives are used to illustrate risk and resilience theory as well as principles of survivorship. Implications for social work practice are provided.  相似文献   


A survey research design was used to examine caregiving, care receiving, and the willingness to provide caregiving among lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) older adults recruited from community groups. More than one-third reported receiving care from people other than healthcare providers in the last five years; more than two thirds provided care to other LGB adults. Those who had given care were more likely than non-caregivers to give care in the future. The gender and sexual orientation of recipients of future help affected participants' willingness to provide care, as did their education level and style of coping. Participants willing to provide care to older LGB adults perceived such experiences to be less burdensome and more personally rewarding than those who were un-willing to provide care.  相似文献   

This article uses a qualitative, ethnographic approach to examine the experiences of older adults and their kin, as the older adult engages in relocation. Studies looking at caregiving by kin for older adults highlight burdens for the adult child. This study offers a life course perspective on kinship care, analyzing older adults’ decisions to move. It was found that many older adults are strongly influenced by the desire to not be solely cared for by their kin, as well as to select housing near their existing social network, which might exclude kin. In conclusion, policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Guided by Cantor’s social care model, this study identified individual, family, and social support factors that influence urban older adults’ need for home- and community-based services, including medical and rehabilitation, instrumental care and support, and psychosocial services. The data were extracted from the Sample Survey on Aged Population in Urban/Rural China conducted by the China Research Center on Aging in 2006. Results from multiple logistic regression show that older adults’ need for medical and rehabilitation services is significantly related to instrumental activities of daily living, depression, not having filial children, friend support networks, and having a confidant. Older adults’ need for instrumental care and support is related to their educational attainment, financial strain, instrumental activities of daily living, not living with children, and friend support networks. Finally, older adults’ need for psychosocial services is significantly related to educational attainment, depression, not being married, friend support networks, and having a confidant. Implications for social service development are discussed.  相似文献   

Diabetes is a serious global public health challenge. The cost for health services for diabetes care has increased 41% over the past 5 years. Despite escalating health expenditure, the United States continues to have higher rates of diabetes than many other developed countries. There is a need for health care reform in the United States not only in reducing health care costs but also in improving the quality of preventative care. This study presents the testing of a multilevel model investigating variables on the individual and state levels to develop a better understanding of the most important contextual pathways that can lead to providing older adults (50+) with type 2 diabetes with the recommended preventative quality care they require. The model was tested using a three-level repeated cross-sectional design with data from various existing data sources, using a national sample of 181,870 individuals aged 50 years and older. Results showed that differences in state health care systems contributed to inequitable access. Specifically, in a state where there was a higher percentage of adults 65 and older coupled with a shortage of health care professionals, the likelihood of receiving the recommended preventative quality care decreased. Also, older adults living in states with a higher percentage of people with diagnosed diabetes but with a lower-than-average annual per capita health care expenditure fared worse in receiving quality preventative care. Last, older adults in wealthy states with higher percentages of uninsured people had the lowest odds of receiving quality preventative care. Health care reform, similar to what is currently promoted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, is recommended to improve the performance of all health care systems in all states.  相似文献   


This study used an on-line, web-based survey to assess the significance of computer and Internet technology in the lives of adults over age 60. A convenience sample of 110 individuals from the United States, Canada and other countries responded to a 20-question survey regarding individual use, opportunities for learning, family and social connectivity and preferences for and barriers to effectual use. Particular focus was made on the self-described perceptions of personal control and life satisfaction within the responding population.  相似文献   

Approximately 5% of older adults have a dementia diagnosis, and language deterioration is commonly associated with this disorder (Kempler, 2005). Several instruments have been developed to diagnose dementia and assess language capabilities of elderly adults. However, none of these instruments take a functional approach to language assessment as described by Skinner (1957). The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a function-based assessment for language deficits of older adults. Thirty-one participants were categorized into a control group (n  =  15) and a dementia group (n  =  16) based on their score on the Dementia Rating Scale-2. Individuals with dementia performed significantly worse on the tact assessment than those without dementia. Participants from both groups performed better on measures of tacts than intraverbals or mands, even though topographically identical responses were required in these assessments. The data provide support for Skinner''s conceptualization of functionally independent verbal operants.  相似文献   

Using data from the Study of Aging and Health Dynamics of the Oldest Old (AHEAD), an empirical model was tested to examine and explain the presence of a will among older adults. This study investigated the influence of the following multiple factors on the presence of a written will: demographic characteristics, socioeconomic status, physical health problems, negative psychological functioning, sense of control, and financial assessments. Two-thirds of the sample (N = 521) indicated they had a written will. Logistic regression analysis of the empirical model revealed there were four significant predictors of an older adult having a will: race, education, net worth, and the respondent's assessment regarding the chances of leaving a financial bequest.  相似文献   

For a significant number of retired older adults (aged 65+), gambling has become a new form of recreation and entertainment. While prevalence studies have examined the incidence of problem gambling in other age groups, little research attention has been paid to the impact of gambling on older adults since the increase in availability and accessibility of legalized gambling within the last ten years. This study investigated the prevalence of problem gambling behaviors (SOGS-R), depression (GDS-15), levels of life satisfaction (SWLS), and motivations for gambling among older adults. A total of 315 older adults completed the study questionnaire and were grouped and analyzed according to those sampled from gambling venues and those from within the community. Results of the study found the most frequent accession and spending on several types of gambling occurred among older adults who were sampled at gambling venues. Older adults who were sampled at gambling venues were also found more likely to have higher levels of disordered gambling than older adults from the community, as measured by the SOGS-R. Relaxation, boredom, passing time, and getting away for the day were also the most likely reported motivations for the older adults who were gamblingpatrons. These findings provide an initial profile of older adults and their attitudes, motivations and gambling behaviors.  相似文献   


This study reports the development and empirical test of a measure of spiritual supports used by older adults in managing life challenge. The Spiritual Strategies Scale (SSS) consists of 18 items. Cronbach's coefficient alpha reliability for the measure was .86. The sample, gathered from interviews at four sites, consisted of 79 older adults who were predominantly Jewish European American and African American. Concurrent validity analyses suggest that this measure warrants further testing. This scale also has potential for clinical use in social work practice by counselors for older adults.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore neighborhood resources that influence the housing satisfaction of older adults. The study included 10,146 participants from the 2009 panel of the American Housing Survey who were 65 years and older. Hierarchical regression modeling was performed to examine older adults’ perceptions of neighborhood resources and consequently the role these resources play in predicting housing satisfaction among community dwelling and residents of assisted living, controlling for age, sex, ethnicity, education, and housing maintenance. In addition, three levels of physical functioning among residents of assisted living were examined. Results showed that there were differences in housing satisfaction by residences and levels of physical functioning. Subjective evaluations of neighborhoods and the near surrounds were significant predictors of housing satisfaction. Results of the study suggest that policy makers and housing professionals need to continue to consider the role of supportive neighborhoods and social environments in promoting successful aging particularly for frail older adults.  相似文献   

Exploring the factors that contribute to sustainable forms of an intergenerational relationship is becoming an important conceptual and practical challenge, not least because of the growing need for an aged care workforce that is both motivated and suitably trained. Generational intelligence is a means of examining interaction between younger and older people which has been applied to community care settings. Dimensions of generational intelligence include recognising and valuing generational differences, finding common ground, plus negotiating social and practical outcomes from the situation. A case study plus a series of qualitative interviews are used to examine the value of this approach both as a means of exploring the processes involved in generational exchange and in providing recommendations for work preparation and training. It is suggested that intergenerational relations have been a missing factor in the understanding of sustainable care and that in future, service delivery should not simply be analysed as comprising professional and lay perspectives but also as containing generationally distinctive perspectives that require negotiation.  相似文献   

A major effort is under way nationally to shift long-term care services from institutional to home- and community-based settings. This article employs quantitative and qualitative methods to identify unmet needs of consumers who transition from a statewide home- and community-based service program for older adults to long-term nursing home residence. Administrative data, care manager notes, and focus group discussions identified program service gaps that inadequately accommodated acute health problems, mental health issues, and stressed family caregivers; additional unmet needs highlighted an inadequate workforce, transportation barriers, and limited supportive housing options. National and state-level policy implications are considered.  相似文献   

Federal agencies responsible for funding protective services to older adults are increasingly concerned with the growing incidence of financial exploitation in rural areas. The Wall Street Journal recently has reported an increasing trend of unemployed adult children migrating from urban centers to smaller rural towns and countrysides to live with their parents since 2008. This current study explores the attitudes of family caregivers regarding management of financial matters for their elderly care recipients. The major findings of the study include that adult children often (1) overestimate their parents' ability to manage their finances; (2) prefer to manage their parents' finances informally, as opposed to using legal options like power of attorney; and (3) tend to think of their parents' assets as “almost theirs.” The study concludes with recommendations on the critical need for information to help families make important decisions about helping elderly parents with their finances. This information would not only promote the use of safeguards against abuse, but could potentially provide caregivers with greater confidence and protection.  相似文献   

This study assesses whether prior marital quality moderates the impact of divorce or widowhood on subsequent depression. Poor marital quality may buffer depression associated with divorce/widowhood; conversely, the effect of divorce/widowhood on depression could be exacerbated by previous marital quality. Three waves from the National Survey of Families and Households based on respondents, ages 50 and older, (N?=?2,570) included eight marital quality measures. We find limited evidence suggesting higher marital quality elevates, while lower marital quality decreases, depression after divorce. No moderating effects were found for widowhood. Additionally, health condition is more important than current marital status for elders’ well-being after divorce or widowhood. Heterogeneity in the context of the marriage before divorce should be considered when examining marital termination effects on elders’ depression.  相似文献   


There is considerable evidence that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older adults have experienced barriers to health care access and have profound fears about how they will be treated in the long-term care system, but the specific experiences of older lesbians have received less attention. Most older adults needing long-term services and supports (LTSS) prefer to remain at home, and this is true for lesbians as well. This article reports on a national, qualitative study of the experiences of 20 older lesbians (age 65 and older) with home care workers. The experiences of six informal partner caregivers with home care services are also included. Emergent themes regarding level of disclosure, experiences with homophobia, evaluation of care received, and thoughts about ideal LTSS are described. Most study participants did not disclose their sexual orientation to their home care workers. A significant minority experienced homophobia, but nearly all ultimately found workers who provided good care with which they were comfortable. Their visions of ideal LTSS included greater affordability and particular qualities that were important for home care workers to possess, such as competence, caring and acceptance. Practice and policy implications are outlined including careful recruitment, training and supervision of home care workers to foster lesbian-sensitive care, but also improved wages and work conditions in order to maintain a quality home care workforce.  相似文献   


In this paper we examine how the presence and visibility of outdoor and indoor physical activity resources (e.g., walking path/ trail, outdoor tennis courts, gardens, etc.) influences participation in physical activity among elderly residents in non-profit continuing care retirement communities and other senior housing communities. This paper reports findings from a survey of 800 such communities. A social ecological model was used to study the relationships between the environment and physical activity behavior. A fifty-two percent response rate (n = 398) was obtained. Campuses with more attractive outdoor and indoor physical activity facilities had more residents participating in different types of physical activity.  相似文献   

As more older adults seek ways to remain in their homes during their “golden years,” humor has proven to be a worthwhile intervention that reduces stress and provides a hopeful, playful, and optimistic environment. Development of creative and supportive housing situations for older adults combined with the use of modern technology (e.g., the Internet and computer devices used in the home), aid in bringing humor to the older adult. This article addresses some of the challenges that older adults face and the way that the use of humor can assist them to meet these challenges.  相似文献   

The nation’s older adult population is steadily increasing in numbers as the Baby Boomer generation ages over time. Mental health providers are encountering older adults who are presenting to therapy with problems related to depression and anxiety. The authors demonstrate how empirically-supported treatments such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Problem Solving Therapy, and Interpersonal Therapy are effective in treating older adults within the individual and group counseling setting. Humor as a therapeutic tool is introduced as an easily integrated instrument of positive change through several case studies as depicted by the authors.  相似文献   

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