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Child protection is arguably in a state of crises, with indications that current approaches to practice are failing to protect children and support families. A variety of competing approaches have been put forward to address the current inadequacies, such as evidence‐based social work and antioppressive approaches to social work. These approaches to practice promote rational and technical analyses of social work with little attention to what lies beneath the surface in the encounter between social worker and client. In this paper we consider the value of psychoanalytic concepts for child protection practice. Notions of ambivalence, transference, and counter‐transference might offer a much needed source of insight for child protection practice that might help to address some of what has been lost in the field over the last few decades.  相似文献   

仕宦文人,是中国封建政权的重要组成部分,封建政权的更替,自然就成了仕宦文人的化学试纸,或者一捧上天,或者踩入地底。后来的评判者,多从政治道德而推及个人人品,很少把仕宦文人的生命和文化传承联系起来进行考量。本文通过史实说明,仕宦文人忍辱惜命,对传扬文化更为重要。  相似文献   

In the United States about 17% of adolescents meet diagnostic criteria for mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. Six million young people receive treatment services annually for mental, emotional, or behavioral problems. These problems affect 1 in 5 families and cost $247 million annually (O'Connell, Boat, & Warner, 2009). Some strategies for preventing mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders in young people have been developed, tested, and found to be effective in preventing the onset, persistence, and severity of psychological disorders, drug abuse, and delinquency. Unfortunately, tested and effective prevention policies, programs, and practices are not widely used (O'Connell, Boat, & Warner, 2009). This paper highlights recent advances in prevention science and describes some opportunities and challenges in advancing the use of science-based prevention in communities. The chapter concludes by exploring the potential role of social work education in developing a workforce ready to increase community access to effective prevention strategies.  相似文献   

"共同体的承认"是知识生产的根本动力,在西方"期刊承认"乃"共同体承认"的有机组成部分,学术人努力生产、发表创新性的知识以赢得"共同体的承认".然而在我国,量化考评下的"期刊承认"并未得到大部分学术人的真正认同,已非"共同体承认"的一部分,学术人生产知识主要是为了取得形式化的"期刊承认"以满足各种实用性的目的,而非生产出创新性的知识以赢得实质性的"共同体承认","期刊承认"与"共同体承认"之间的冲突导致了我国学术知识生产动力机制的失灵.为了化解两者之间矛盾,我们一方面应使"同行评议"机制在各种学术评价活动中占据主导地位,另一方面要进一步完善学术期刊的"匿名评审"制度,以弥合"期刊承认"与"共同体承认"之间的断裂,从而真正激励学术知识的生产.  相似文献   


Appropriately disseminating results to children are important because it respects the role they played in the research process. Clearly conveying complex messages to children, however, can be challenging and take a substantial amount of time for researchers. This paper reports on the results dissemination processes and accompanying critical reflection, that occurred during Neighbourhoods for Active Kids study – a community-based health research project with 1102 children aged 8–13 years residing in Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand. The results dissemination items included: an individual physical activity and food-purchasing behaviour summary, school physical activity and food-purchasing behaviour summary, colouring-in poster, a video, comic, results booklet, school summary report and school data. The results from critical reflection have been developed into five tips for disseminating results to children. The tips are: consult with children and incorporate their feedback throughout; allow space for change and adaptation; meet children where they are at in the digital world and in the physical world; it’s OK to ask for help; and be careful of the words you use. Findings can be used to inform results dissemination activities across a range of social science disciplines.  相似文献   

<正>低碳生活先把入口关有这样一份资料,说一个人一生要消耗的食物,总重量与6头大象相仿。平均到年,一个成年人大概要吃掉88公斤肉,相当于排放3212千克二氧化碳;  相似文献   

Our Lost Legacy     
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

我们要有鲜明的、科学的21世纪的时代观。讲21世纪,不是讲一般未来十年、二十年或者三十年、五十年。这样地来想问题,任何时候都可以做,而现在我们要有新世纪感,要有“最充分地适应进入新世纪后我们的时代”这样的认识和实践。  相似文献   

TheintroductionofWesternliterarytheoriessincethebeginningofthenewera,whichhasbeenveryhelpfulforenlargingourhorizon,hasalsohadside-effectssuchastheoretical"indigestion"andanon-creativeimitationoftheWest.OnecanstillrecalltheembarrassmentwhenWesterntheories,stronglycriticized,orevenregardeda8outdatedintheWest,werestillbeinglaudedbyChinesescholars.Thiscreatedadilemmaforliterarystudiesinthenewperiod,andthefearthatatotalrejectionofnewWesterntrendswouldcauseconservatismandunderdevelopment,whileblin…  相似文献   

汶川!汶川! 2008年5月12日下午2点28分,四川省阿坝州汶川县发生里氏8.0级强烈地震。北京、江苏、贵州、宁夏、青海、甘肃、河南、山西、陕西、山东、云南、湖南、湖北、上海、重庆、西藏等省区市均有震感。截至5月28日12时,共造成68109人遇难,364552人受伤。失踪19851人。  相似文献   

我们的南海!中华人民共和国的南海!中华民族的南海!近年,南海风云诡谲,"祖国宝岛,我可爱的家乡"正被心怀非分之想的国家觊觎。2009年1月28日和2月3日,菲律宾参众两院以高票通过了所谓的"菲律宾群岛领海基线议案","宣示对南海部分岛屿享有主权";印度为了实现其地区霸权的战略目标,提出了"东进政策"。2000年以后,印度加强了同越南、  相似文献   

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