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Since 1985 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have entered into a series of cooperative agreements with the states and territories of the United States to fund human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention activities. In 1994, the CDC mandate shifted from using a central entity to plan HIV prevention programs throughout its jurisdictions to fostering partnerships among a central state or territorial agency, health departments in local counties, and community-based organizations. This article discusses and applies a model developed by social workers to facilitate HIV prevention community planning at the local level. The model used to facilitate community planning emphasizes the use of the social principles of empowerment, self-determination, ownership, and inclusion to foster the development of community-relevant HIV prevention plans. This approach resulted in the completion of a successful HIV prevention plan, and application for continuing and supplemental funds ($6.6 million and $1.2 million respectively) from the CDC for HIV prevention efforts, the continued use of the model in HIV prevention planning, and the ability to use the principles of the model as a basis for providing future technical assistance in community planning.  相似文献   

Restorative justice is entering the social work literature as a strategy that can transform lives harmed by violence. However, the literature has yet to explore how restorative justice can transform communities. Despite the lack of published information, communities across the globe and the United States are experiencing important benefits from restorative justice-based interventions. This article explores 4 restorative justice strategies that seek to transform communities: restorative boards, community conferencing, community restorative support, and truth and reconciliation commissions. The examination of the strategies includes case studies that are used to support a larger discussion of application, practice, outcomes, evaluation literature, and critiques.  相似文献   

The acceptance of diversity in neighborhood contexts has far-reaching implications across the developed and developing world, and it bears directly on social justice. Additionally, practitioners not only frequently work in diverse communities, but aim to build community capacity in such settings. Using a multilevel framework, this project quantitatively examines diverse neighbor acceptance across and within 70 nations. Results show that individual-level human capital and democratic institutions at the national level are driving forces behind diverse neighbor acceptance. Working toward a roadmap for building community capacity, the article highlights the multilevel nature of diverse neighbor acceptance in a cross-national context.  相似文献   

As the proportion of the global population over 60 continues to grow, the issue of where and how elders are going to live becomes increasingly pressing. The idea or “aging in place” – in which elders remain in their own homes and communities – is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to age-segregated retirement communities. This article documents three new models of aging in place – naturally occurring retirement communities (NORC-SSPs), villages and campus-affiliated communities – and explores how they seek to provide both services and meaningful connections among members. Data from interviews and site visits reveal both promising practices as well as challenges such as how to ensure access for low and moderate-income elders, integrating elders from diverse cultural and linguistic back grounds, and building the leadership and participation of elders. By looking critically at these models, the author argues that many previously held theories and assumptions about the aging process and social capital formation must be reexamined in light of the agency of elders and the new organizational models. Ultimately the design of our communities – both physically and socially – and our approach to retirement must be restructured to support the needs of an aging population.  相似文献   

This paper examines the feminist and Alinsky approaches to community organizing, both of which have had great impact on the field of organizing. Viewing the two models as flexible and interflowing, the authors then propose a hybrid organizing model that draws from the strengths of both approaches. The model also calls for continual assessment of the changing organizing context and flexibility to change the blend of strategies according to the needs of the moment. Finally, the paper looks at how the dynamics of race and ethnicity affect organizing in communites of color, and discusses the usefulness of the proposed model in dealing with these dynamics.  相似文献   

Increased attention is being given to university–community partnerships. Among such partnerships is service learning, a pedagogical model that integrates experiential community service activities and academic learning. Traditional service learning models often diverge from social work methods that embrace strengths, empowerment, antioppressive principles, and citizen-driven approaches. This article presents the integration of a progressive service learning model into a graduate-level social work macro practice course. The model gives explicit attention to respecting the dignity and worth of the individual by sharing power and developing collaborative relationships between students and community residents where both are serving and learning together.  相似文献   

Although the campaign and election of Barack Obama as the nation's first President with a background in community organizing (CO) has boosted the visibility and popularity of the field, graduate social work programs have not taken full advantage of the opportunity. This article, therefore, presents a three-fold argument regarding the future of CO education. There is an increasing demand and need for trained organizers and community organizing education. This historical moment holds significant potential for CO education in social work. Graduate schools of social work with CO programs should broaden their outreach to attract potential students and activists to careers as social change agents.  相似文献   

Umberta Telfener is a highly respected figure known for her diverse contributions to various facets of family and systemic therapy. Her leadership style has earned her a reputation as somewhat of a ‘cultural anthropologist,’ reflecting her aptitude for creating connections, establishing relationships, and developing partnerships. Her unique ‘Umberta style’ is known for boundless energy, active leadership, and fierce commitment to challenging the status quo. Despite being in office for just a year at the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA), Umberta has conceived and developed numerous projects, establishing networks with practitioners, and systemic thinkers across the world. Rooted in classical philosophical training, her pursuit aligns with the systematic study of fundamental questions about existence, reason, knowledge, value, mind, and language. Umberta's role reminds one of a ‘Chasqui,’ a Quechua term for a ‘messenger,’ which aptly describes her agile networking skills. She actively communicates and shares vital messages, supporting the international community of systemic practitioners. This paper is based on an in-person conversation held in July 2023 at Umberta's country home in Tuscany. Our discussion delves into her extensive professional experience, from training at the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic, being mentored by Boscolo and Cecchin in Milan, to her leadership role as the current EFTA president. Umberta reflects on early pioneers who influenced her thinking and her impactful work with systems.  相似文献   

We examined the Mississippi Prostrate Cancer Project (MPCP) using a 12-point assessment tool organized within three conceptual elements: stakeholder participation, cultural and structural relationships, and partnership synergy. A case study design involving participant observation and content analysis is adopted, and interpretive methods including frame and categorical analysis are used in data analysis. Though MPCP did not meet all the criteria specified in our conceptual framework, beneficiary participation and empowerment was intense. The MCPCP a unique case of community participation where lack of beneficiary project initiation does not diminish quality of participation or empowerment. Horizontal participatory approaches demonstrated in this project, created space for the growth of community social capital necessary for sustainable community development in disadvantaged communities, by cultivating beneficiary project leadership in the planning hierarchy.  相似文献   

With the approach of the twenty-first century, community professionals will find minority communities an emerging phenomenon of increasing importance. Professionals need to relate to these communities in new and creative ways. This paper builds on the analysis of Rivera and Erlich (1984), describing a number of recent events and changing conditions significant to minority communities. The importance of ethnic competence is discussed in terms of community practice. Finally, a proposal for a national and local strategy to improve practice and professional education is described.  相似文献   

Exploring organisations is the prerequisite for any intentional attempt to strategic change. Yet, what is it that we observe when we observe organisations? The argument chooses a narrative approach to exploring organisations. With Niklas Luhmann we look at the operations of organising which makes the organisation an organisation. The paper suggests the organisational collage (I.) of stories as a starting point of the exploration. The specific focus is on meaning-creation and sense-making as the genuine act of organisational self-observation. The disciplinary matrix (II.) reflects on how stories and narratives crystallise and rule the organisation in a paradigmatic way. Along Thomas Kuhn's understanding of paradigms (III.) management is referenced as an activity of a community of practice based on a disciplinary matrix of models, methods and instruments. Giorgio Agamben's conceptualisation of paradigms as reference giving examples allows the opening up of the implicit side of organisational culture. Memetics (V.) approaching reference giving examples as memes and culture as a meme-complex enable the observation of dynamics and cultural evolution over time. Concluding we come to understand the organisational implications (V.) of the conservative nature of organisational development and the systemic sensitivity that allows for management, learning and change. And as always, advances in research come at the price of new questions.  相似文献   

To prepare workers for effective practice in community organizing and development in emerging communities, schools os social work need to give careful attention to desiging relevant practice teaching and field practicum experiences. This article proposes a new model for community organization teaching and practicing, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of social work interventions in neo-gemienschaft ethnic-minority communities.  相似文献   


This case study recounts and analyzes the journey that graduate students, enrolled in an experiential, interdisciplinary health promotions course, took with a diverse, urban, Black, Midwest community. Community members, faculty, and graduate students in social work and public health were fellow travelers on this voyage into uncharted territory. A major goal of the journey was to teach students how to recognize community strengths and to facilitate the community in using those strengths. The learner’s stance is used as the guiding principle for this reflective journey that generated serendipitous benefits and challenges. The article concludes with recommendations for interdisciplinary education and curriculum development.  相似文献   

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