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庐山位于中国江西省的北部,面积302平方公里。北濒一泻千里的长江,南襟烟波浩渺的鄱阳湖,大江、大湖、大山浑然一体,险峻与秀丽刚柔相济,素以雄、奇、险、秀闻名于世。1996年12月,联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会批准庐山以世界文化景观,列入《世界遗产名录》。2004年2月,庐山又被列入全球首批世界地质公园。庐山旅游交通便捷,庐山机场、长江水道、京九铁路、高速公路已形成了立体交通网络。旅游服务设施齐全配套,已形成了吃、住、行、游、购、娱齐全,供水供电、交通、邮政、通讯配套的综合性多功能旅游服务体系。  相似文献   

非洲的民间舞蹈源于生活,又深深地渗透在生活中。每逢结婚、举丧、添丁、成年、迎宾、送客、战斗、劳作、礼神、祭祖、节庆、休闲、非洲人都通过舞蹈表达悲欢爱恨和各种情感欲望。可以说,没有舞蹈,就没有非洲人的生活。没有舞蹈,非洲文化就会黯然失色。 每个非洲部族都有自己独特的传统舞蹈。但它们又具有共同的特点,这就是:风格质朴粗犷,节奏明快强烈,感情炽热奔放。非洲舞蹈的动作多为腰、腹、臀部的扭动摇摆,速度快、幅度大的肢体动作,如屈伸、旋转,腾跃等,较少以眉眼、指腕、足尖表达细腻的感情。  相似文献   

王建华,毕业于中国医科大学,曾就职于北京清华大学医学院及中国医科大学附属医院。教授、主任医师、博士生导师、大外科主任。多年来,一直从事肿瘤的临床、教学、科研工作,对肿瘤的诊断、手术、放疗、化疗、生物免疫治疗、中医药治疗等积累了丰富的临床经验。在国内、外学术刊物上发表学术论文56篇,阐述了独到的学术观点及研究成果。出版专业著作二本:《胸部恶性肿瘤》、《心脏肿瘤》。曾获得省、部级科技成果奖。经常参加国际、国内的专业学术会议、讲学、会诊、手术。  相似文献   

我退休十几年了,一直沉醉在收藏的嗜好中。我一生不吸烟、不喝酒,省下的钱除了保健开支外,大部分用来搞收藏。其历史可以追溯到上世纪60年代。当初从集邮、集报开始,逐渐扩展到收集门票、钱币、火花、烟标、像章、粮票、扑克牌、创刊号杂志,可谓五花八门、洋洋大观。但近年来,我的兴趣重点转向了扑克牌。  相似文献   

说明:横行:1、成语,比喻既有情致,又有胆识。2、比喻做事力量不够,无从着手,感到无可奈何。3、秦末陈胜、吴广举行起义的地方。4、牛奶经过人工发酵而成,为西宁著名小吃。5、梁雁翎和黄凯芹合唱的一首老歌。6、诗句"林暗草惊风,将军夜引弓"的作者。7、诺贝尔文学奖得主,代表为《老人与海》。8、制定摄氏温标的瑞典天文学家。9、中国著名漫画电影。10、明朝万历帝朱翊钧的陵墓,其地宫是目前十三陵中唯一被开发的地下宫殿。  相似文献   

苏玉 《伴侣(A版)》2007,(3):26-29
自信的赵宝刚导演认为,到目前为止,经他锐眼“扫”过的新人,没有不红的。赵宝刚30岁进入文艺圈,当了6年杂工,直到36岁才参与执导了他人生的第一部电视剧《渴望》。此后,他一发不可收。葛优、王志文、袁立、李小冉、江珊、徐静蕾、陆毅、陈坤、孙红雷、印小天等等,便脱颖而出,成为影视圈熠熠生辉的明星。那么,他们当时是怎么被赵宝刚发现的呢?  相似文献   

邸志清 《老人世界》2011,(11):52-53
我们知道,天地万物都有“春生、夏长、秋收、冬藏”的运动和变化规律。人是大自然的产物,要想健康长寿、颐养天年,在养生上就应该“应天顺时”。祖国医学认为:“春日宜省酸增甘,以养脾气。”故春季饮食调养宜选辛、甘温之品,忌酸涩。所以在春天应常食葱、荽、豉、枣、芪,最好少食酸辣。春天还是大自然阳气升发的季节,人体之阳气亦会随之而升。为扶助阳气生发的特点,可多食荞麦、薏苡仁、豆浆、绿豆、苹果、芝麻。另外还要多吃具有祛痰健脾、补肾养肺的食物,如枇杷、梨、莲子、百合、大枣、核桃。  相似文献   

何玉婷 《职业》2011,(18):47-47
在大学英语教学中,文化差异被视为公认的难题。文化是一个群体(可以是国家,也可以是民族、企业、家庭)在一定时期内形成的思想、理念、行为、风俗、习惯,而语言则是其具体表现形式。语言和文化是密不可分、相辅相成的。没有无语言的文化,也没有脱离文化的语言。英语和汉语的差别,不仅仅在于其词汇、语法、结构等方面,更在于英汉文化的根本差异。因此,在语言教学中,要注意减少这些差异给学生带来的困扰。  相似文献   

刘国强 《中外书摘》2011,(12):40-45
埋在历史深处的故事“日本遗孤”这些说不清自己“来历”的人,从中国回到日本后始终得不到“国民待遇”,一些人生活非常困窘。为此,孤儿们起诉了上百起,抗争了几十年,要求战争索赔。在日本仙台、山形、东京、长野、名古屋、京都、大阪、冈山、福冈、鹿儿岛10个地方法院,以及札幌、东京、名古屋、大阪、广岛、高松6个高等法院受理了遗孤诉讼。但这些诉讼均以原告败诉告终。  相似文献   

羊肉性温热,常吃容易上火。中医讲究“热则寒之”的食疗方法。因此,吃羊肉时要搭配凉性和甘平性的蔬菜,能起到清凉、解毒、去火的作用。凉性蔬菜一般有冬瓜、丝瓜、油菜、菠菜、白菜、金针菇、蘑菇、莲藕、茭白、笋、菜心等;而红薯、土豆、香菇等是甘平性的蔬菜。吃羊肉时最好搭配豆腐,它不仅能补充多种微量元素,其中的石膏还能起到清热泻火、除烦、止渴的作用。而羊肉和萝卜做成一道菜,则能充分发挥萝卜性凉消积滞、化痰热的作用。  相似文献   

We often use negative transfer. This paper is mainly about the extent of negative transfer on Chinese-English translation. Negative transfer is a phenomenon of ambiguity. This article works through the analysis of all kinds of negative transfer in translation to Chinese, grammatical characteristics of negative transfer as well as the what can negative transfer expressed. According to the examples of negative transfer and the explanation,the rules of it would be clearly, and what's more,we can use it more correctly in our daily English, especially in oral English.It is a convenient and rapid way to understand the English article better.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the choice of the method that immigrants use for the transfer of savings to their home country. The paper examines the example of Albanian immigrants in Greece using a sample of permanent and seasonal immigrants. Three methods were proposed to the immigrants: the banking network, money transfer companies and hand carried transfer by their or a relative’s return in Albania. Cost and quickness of transfer were considered as a parameter for the choice. The paper finds that despite the growth of remittances through the official network and the growth of this network in Albania, immigrants prefer to send money through the parallel market by their return or a relative’s in Albania. Within the official market, permanent immigrants are more likely to use the banking network while seasonal immigrants prefer to use the money transfer companies’ network.  相似文献   

Transfer Pricing in Transition Economies: Evidence from Ukraine   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Faced with possibilities and challenges of doing business under different regulatory regimes, transnational corporations have developed a number of transfer mechanisms to take advantage of profit maximization opportunities. Transfer pricing is a transfer mechanism widely used by transnational corporations. Implications of transfer pricing for profitability and the need for transfer pricing regulation are well understood by national governments, which is reflected in the fact that more than 60 governments have introduced some form of transfer pricing controls. Transfer pricing is a challenging issue for transition economies as their transfer pricing regulatory systems are less mature than those of developed countries. The authors have initiated an empirical study on transfer pricing strategies in the Ukrainian market. In addition, the national regulatory regime for transfer pricing was evaluated compared to international best practices. This article is an attempt to draw attention of the research community and Ukrainian policy-makers to transfer pricing issues in Ukraine.   相似文献   

姚凤华 《职业时空》2013,(5):122-124
与备受关注的母语负迁移研究相比,对母语正迁移缺乏足够的关注。从减轻心理焦虑、增强学习兴趣的目的出发,分别从字词及写作层面对母语正迁移的积极作用进行了尝试性地探索。  相似文献   

Experimental results show that taxpayers who receive no public transfer generally perceive their exchange equity with the government to be less equitable than taxpayers who receive a public transfer. Furthermore, the effect of the public transfer on reported income depends on the extent to which the taxpayers use the perception of equity in their tax reporting decisions. Subjects who perceive equity to be important in their tax reporting decisions report more income when they receive a public transfer, but report less income when they receive no public transfer, as predicted by equity theory. In contrast, subjects who perceive equity to be less important in their tax reporting decisions act directionally consistent with the economic effect. That is, taxpayers who receive no public transfer tend to report more income than those who receive a public transfer.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of 2 transfer of stimulus control procedures to teach tacting to individuals with autism. Five participants with differing verbal skills were assessed by a subset of the ABLLS prior to intervention, then were taught 36 previously unknown tacts using the receptive-echoic-tact (r-e-t) and echoic-tact (e-t) transfer procedures. Each transfer method was used separately to establish different tacts, in a multiple baseline design across tacts for 3 sets of stimuli. The results showed that 4 out of 5 participants (who demonstrated mands, tacts, echoics, and sometimes intraverbals prior to the study) acquired all targeted tacts when either r-e-t or e-t training was presented. One participant (who emitted no verbal operants at the onset of the study) did not acquire any tacts. While some participants appeared to learn more quickly with one transfer method, neither method emerged as more efficient with learners with fewer or more extensive verbal skills. The results indicate that both transfer methods promoted the acquisition of tacts for learners with autism with at least minimal verbal skills.  相似文献   

Migrant remittances, particularly when transferred through the banking system, may contribute to financial development in migrants' home countries. We analyse the determinants of the choice of transfer channel (formal services versus informal operators or personal transfers) by Moldovan migrants in 2006. We estimate a multinomial logit model from household survey data. Our explanatory variables include socio‐economic characteristics of the migrant and other household members, the pattern of migration (destination country, legal status, duration), and financial information (average amount and frequency of payments). Key reasons not to use a formal transfer channel are a migrant's emphasis on low transfer cost (rather than speed, convenience or security), irregular legal status in the host country, and short migration spells. Our findings demonstrate that migrants' transnational capacities and activities in their entirety bear upon the choice of transfer channel; any policy interventions to promote the use of formal channels should reflect this.  相似文献   


Two individuals who sustained traumatic brain injuries from motorcycle accidents were taught several verbal responses by using tact, mand, and intraverbal training procedures. The rate of acquisition for each operant and the transfer to untrained verbal operants involving the same response topography were measured. The results showed that tacts and intraverbals were acquired quickest, and training on the tact produced the greatest amount of transfer to the untrained verbal operants. Intraverbal training also resulted in transfer for both subjects, but to varying degrees. Direct mand training proved to be the least efficient way to generate a mand repertoire, and when acquired showed least amount of transfer to the untrained operants. These results seem to be in contrast with the findings of similar research with developmentally disabled individuals, and may have implications for methods of language instruction for the brain injured population.


Despite recent successes, Brazilian income (cash) transfer policies remain controversial, and alternative approaches to income redistribution are being actively considered. This article contributes to this debate, analysing the effects of several alternative policies for income redistribution in the Brazilian economy using a computable general equilibrium model. Simulations were conducted consistent with the following policies: direct transfer of income, reduction of taxes, and incentives to agricultural exports. The results suggest that transfer of income is the most effective in promoting redistribution of income, with a positive impact on the level of welfare of the poorest households.  相似文献   

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